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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 10 KB, 400x400, bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13144039 No.13144039 [Reply] [Original]

Meme's aside, this actually looks like it could be a short term 20x..... Tell me why it's not? It already has a working product.

>> No.13144056

No, shit idea with a shit product for a shit token. Has literally not pumped despite all the Sanjay’s shilling this here.

>> No.13144082

total shicone

>> No.13144091


Literally everyone was saying the same shit about LTO and VIDT when they where being shilled. And they pumped like crazy. This seems to be better then both of them desu.

>> No.13144095

Have a small bag, don't care where it's going, keep *chirping* Anups

>> No.13144097

Those 3 lines in the logo are not actually plumes, did you know this anon?

>> No.13144105

Then buy you faggot. If it’s like LTO then go all-in and stop asking for advice on a Laotian Robe Making imageboard

>> No.13144110

I did buy. Not asking for advice. Just generally want to understand why /biz bros think it's a shit coin

>> No.13144128

Seriously, think about it for a second. Selling your SMS for advertising on the blockchain? Using spam messaging to advertise, is this 2009? Zoom out, take a hard look. This shit is going no where and in 2 months this shit will be radio silent and you’ll be left bagholding.

>> No.13144144

this guy speaks the truth, if you believe anything else you're gullible for shills

>> No.13144155

Honestly I could see this business model working in more developing countries, India, Venezuela etc.

>> No.13144156

2 factor SMS authentication is used milions of times daily.

>> No.13144165


Real talk:

It's not going to be the next ETH but it *is* seriously undervalued at 250k cap and WILL pull a 10-20x quite comfortably.

The product isn't bad at all, it's professional and decent. The parent company has for clients the likes of Western Union, google, facebook etc - they serve A2P sms stuff all around the world, they're not a scam team.

We have new exchanges coming, CMC listing, loads of updates, and now literally an army of biz shills with BIRD memes all over.

It's going to do well.

the reason for its dumps so far is actually simple and kind of a shame - the ICO closed a year ago and the team were super cautious about the token during last year's chaos so they didn't unlock it until December. This has pissed off quite a lot of early holders (it was quite a hyped ICO at the time) who are just wanted to gtfo now as soon as there are bids waiting.

Once that sell pressure is gone, we're going to 3mil cap first target.

>> No.13144167

Also, The market cap is tiny. There are way shittier coins on the market with much higher MC. This could pump based on the fact that they have a working product alone. A 5m mc would be a 10x if it had a 500k MC. I could see that happening desu

>> No.13144172

jesus i cant believe you retards fall for these obvious pump and dump scams

>> No.13144177
File: 53 KB, 1024x273, 5345356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong, stupid Rakesh, everyone saw VIDT potential since the first time.
*chirp*chirp* get fucked *chirp*

>> No.13144182

What am utter, utter shitcoon.

>> No.13144184

There was hardly a p and d. It capped out at like 40k volume and went to like 2800 gwei. Not really a p and d.

>> No.13144188

Bs, I was there and saw the first thread go up. That was the only positive thread. Rest where calling it a pajeet scam p and d.

>> No.13144191

And it costs almost nothing for companies to use SMS 2FA (which is one of the least secure 2FA solutions btw)

>> No.13144199

Explain what part is delusional. All see like good points to me.

>> No.13144215

Because you are blinded by your bags. You’re a textbook example of a 2018 faggot. Live and learn, I guess.

>> No.13144228

You retards act like it's my only bag. You honestly have to be stupid to not see some value in this. There are literal coins which are direct forks of other shitcoins with mc's of 10m plus. Your telling me a coin with a WORKING PRODUCT with a 250K MC isn't worth at least a 10m mc? Your the one thats delusional.

>> No.13144585

Reminder that if you bought when they started shilling a week ago you would have lost 50% of your investment. This coin only needed some bagholders to dump on and they got it.

>> No.13144680

Memes is the plural, not meme's ffs

>> No.13144699

just goes to show you who bought into this crap

>> No.13144704

SMS part seams shady because the phone companies will not stand idly by when this app sends tons of texts. The targeted advertising part looks more promising to me.

>> No.13144759
File: 1.80 MB, 3476x5208, birdpepeplush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm unironically getting LTO vibes

>> No.13144841

>the phone companies will not stand idly by when this app sends tons of texts

Why not? It's a long-standing practice, kek. The parent company already sells billions of sms' to huge multi-nationals.

>> No.13145419

how many to make it?

>> No.13145434

At this procenmight as well grab a couple Mil

>> No.13145833

Literally shilled by pajeets. They were exposed yesterday.

>> No.13146527

excuse me sir but I'm white

>> No.13146954

reposting from another anon:
Without getting too much into details, what they do is not limited to the shitty "get paid to watch ads" blurb you get when you land on their website.

Here is the abstract and I guess you can read more into details if this interests you:

The team of the Birdchain is not a start-up. It is part of a parent company, named Vertex. Vertex is a profitable company with a team of experienced professionals, whose professionalism and skills were tested in action. The founding team has successfully co-launched several businesses.

Birdchain is a decentralized application (Dapp) similar to instant messenger. The big difference is Birdchain will allow its users to make a monthly passive and active income. Simultaneously, Birdchain will provide companies with higher quality and better-priced services: A2P SMS distribution, content engagement, and others.

One of the key features of Birdchain is that the app will allow its users to "sell" their unused SMS for BIRD tokens. These texts will be used by companies like Google, WesternUnion, Facebook, and many others, to deliver transactional messages. Transactional messages are expected by the end receiver. As these messages will be send automatically in the background of the app, it will offer app users passive income.

continued below

>> No.13147041

The other key feature - P2P advertising. The idea is quite simple: users get rewarded in BIRD tokens for receiving rich media messages from businesses. The receiver can get additional, bigger reward when they share it with people who might be interested in it. This feature will allow Birdchain exploit possibilities of promotional (unexpected) messages to increase usability and demand for BIRD token. This service will require some user interaction, thus it will help creating active mean of earnings.

All features of the Birdchain create strong BIRD token. It stands out with low initial cost and token flexibility as a unique currency with favourable viability.

The official app presentation is planned at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona in 2019.

>> No.13147569

BIRD will be fine.

If you trusted me about STASH, trust me about BIRD, fren.

Trust... us...

>> No.13147579

You were the one to shill stash?

>> No.13147701

>You were the one to shill stash?

And Quite a few others ;)

Do you ever wonder how //we// know?

>> No.13147894

x2 THIS NIGHT , i bet my balls , all in

>> No.13148048

Idk man