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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13142633 No.13142633 [Reply] [Original]

What skills would you recommend me to learn?

>> No.13142646


>> No.13142671


>> No.13142698


>> No.13142792

you had better learn how to suck a mean cock

>> No.13142809


>> No.13142839

Yes, if you are naturally good at writing, start a website around a particular topic then create blogs that address specific questions people type into google (SEO). Once you start getting traffic you can either run ads (not optimal) or start selling products related to your niche

>> No.13142963

that requires some investment, what I asking Is some (easy) ways to generate that investment.

>> No.13142974

unironically here https://u.community/faq

it will take you until q3 2019 though. maybe q4

>> No.13142995
File: 183 KB, 1931x1855, 1hukga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what I asking Is some (easy) ways to generate that investment.
Mine bitcoin in 2009 with a GPU.

>> No.13143004

tl;dr please

>> No.13143039

wtf is this

>> No.13143114

just run money.exe

>> No.13143151

get money for shitposting. it's a very short tldr, the thing is a lot bigger tho.
mainnet most probably H2 2019. Could be sooner, but I don't think so.
You'll get mainnet coins for shitposting on the testnet too.

this is literally making money from zero like mining btc in 2009

>> No.13143171

Buy Tai Lopez's videos.

>> No.13143178
File: 1 KB, 125x59, 1550848546452s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get paid to shill shitcoins, if indians can do it so can you.

>> No.13143513

thanks I will try

>> No.13143551

SEO in 2019 without a huge budget is rather pointless desu.

>> No.13143557

Everex news on approval for onboarding in the United States (so far in New Jersey) is a huge step for crypto. They haven't received their full license yet, but when it happens this coin is going to moon even further. As stated in their 2019 goals, each approval in the states of Tennessee, California, New York , Washington, Florida, and Pennsylvania will continue to moon this coin.

Here's the deal, as I see it, there is a total supply of 25,000,000 EVX . That's close to a third of the total supply of Litecoin and closer to the total supply of Bitcoin Cash . Just look a the price of those coins at the moment. Can you see the potential? We're talking ground floor levels here. This is a coin that I'm HODLing long. Just wait for future announcements and the bull market to take this even higher!

>> No.13143749

how much money did you make with it?

>> No.13143755

I don't think you can bump your own thread lol
i mean you can, but it doesn't do anything

>> No.13143761

Run a **** node in 2019

>> No.13143812

spread your butt on mfc

>> No.13144060


>> No.13144186


>> No.13144202

This thread is fucking miserable.

>> No.13144407

yeah, well you didn't make it any better

>> No.13144563


>> No.13144757

anon, to make a GOOD money online you need a skill or an investment, better yet both - of which you have none

you are basically unskilled laborer on the internet, there are countless people like you

the easiest way would be getting some valuable skills but that will take months at minimum to just get you to junior programmer level, end even then companies would prefer someone with commercial experience or great portfolio... that is if we are talking about freelancing, it's possible to make some money using programming sills while not being hired as programmer, like using it to automate web scraping etc... but again you would need to invest some time to understand the market

there are entry level gigs like fiver but competition is high there, there are things like https://experts.shopify.com/ where people pay you for migrating their old shop data form other platform to shopify, there is test army and similar where you learn testing from zero and later get paid for testing customers websites, there are many other opportunities but if the barrier to entry is low they will be found out and overrun be people like you...

there are finally lucky encounters like someone noticing some saas app has shitty marketing a great partnership program when they pay for new users and you just know where to post about it to get lost of signups with your referral code...

maybe give us some more clues? what skills you have? what interest you? how much time can you invest?

>> No.13144948

>maybe give us some more clues?
what skills you have?
none valuable
>what interest you?
i don't know, I have a project in mind that I want to invest money in, but I need to make those money and I'd like if anons gave me all the variants how to obtain them, programming, marketing, making games, i don't care as long as it pays and i am not ripping people off
>how much time can you invest?
like 5-6 hours a day, maybe more

>> No.13144979

Good thread, I'm lurking.

>> No.13145116


>> No.13145322

OK, so I'm biased having zero artistic skills and some programming experience,

- I know there are some people getting paid decent money for commissions (search deviantart.com for example) when they draw what other people request, there was even some anon couple days ago here talking about making hundreds dollars selling custom made playing mates/boards for RPG games... but it requires skills,

- on the other hand with so much free music online I'm positive there is no hope for you in making music,

- I would also give up on being pro-gamer/streamer unless can entertain people and/or are top ranker,

- there may be some money in making youtube compilation videos or shit like "lava vs hydraulic press" but who knows?

- I've heard learning about online marketing+SEO can give money easier than programming but not sure about the details,

- online translation, copy writing and similar suffer from low entry barrier,

- there is some money in selling reports and other researched info - like "top adwords keywords list",

- selling 3d models, textures and other creative assets can be an option if you can make them, look at envato market and unity3d market and judge yourself

- being virtual assistant, ???

- I've seen some ads about being trainer for some multiplayer game, when you teach people how to play, but are you any good?

- for games and mobile apps you need to be programmer, see you in 3 months

- if you already are programmer maybe consider doing software-as-a-service

- affiliate marketing?

I know it's not much but when if ever people with no skills and investment could make good money? It gonna take time...

>> No.13145382

maybe pick a target number like $5000/month and then use it to compare the options,

how much views would it take to get that much money in adwords?
how many wordpress theme sales?
how many game downloads?

and then you can look up ihow hard is to achieve those results

>> No.13145618

I am guessing you making some really decent money yourself?

>> No.13145622

oh, if you have some business development in mind. you could just start a thematic blog around that industry, publish what you learn and slowly build up a mail database of people who signed up for the newsletter, then you include paid ads in the newsletter...

>> No.13145645

Learn leverage trading

>> No.13145667

- I would also give up on being pro-gamer/streamer unless can entertain people and/or are top ranker

Not so fast! I am an avid twitch watcher, and someone with no skills(even with a penis, and being unattractive) can make money on there. I'm not gonna go over all the little nuances but. The fastest way to do it is stream on IRL, and talk to the audience. (Hard mode, do what the audience wants, but without getting banned.)

>> No.13145677

shit meant my reply to >>13145322

>> No.13145680

nah, this is just my research, actually I'm in similar situation as you, just couple steps ahead, I've already learned some programming, not enough to get hired, but will do for my first project - a type of "calculator" website where hopefully people will click on my referrals, after that maybe a micro-niche saas or larger user generated content website with ads, but these are based on my preferences, there may be better options out there that I haven't found yet, so I've invested some of my info into this thread hoping to get some clues

>> No.13145723

absolutely, but being entertaining is also a skill which OP probably lacks, there are some clever tactics too, like getting early on and building youtube position for games in development,

(bonus pro tip: nice voice makes a huge difference for me for streamers)

>> No.13145728

I'm interested in making a game. I have some art skills. Currently learning how to program. As much as I would love to make an RPG, I know that isn't going to fly.

I do have some ideas I could apply some /biz/ stuff too. It would have to be simple games, and then throw a few ads/affiliate links in. However it works. I'm not saying I'm going to be make phone cancer games riddled with horrible ads, but some people seem to be doing just that.

>> No.13145891


>> No.13145958
File: 140 KB, 700x1050, TheFastlaneCENTSBusinessStructure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I meant to add. I love art, I have a semi background in illustration, I only made a few album covers in the past for a couple shekels. But the art world has been pissing me off the past 5-6 years. I am completely repulsed to build a new portfolio. Don't get me wrong, I'm still drawing and trying out new things. I just do not like what's going on in the art world.

In particular, the freelance model, it is completely retarded. One thing that agitates me is hundreds if not, thousands of artists, vying for only a fraction of jobs where the pay is awful because it's "for expossuuuuuure." One article I read a while back about illustrations for Magic The Gathering. Basically, there are 12-20 cards a year? And hundreds, if not thousands of artists, interested in creating artwork for MTG. And that's the freelance world in a nutshell. There's also the politics of it, the art director just sits on twitter all day while everybody kisses their ass. Fuck you.

Also, for the most part, digital art is intangible(and fungible.) It does NOT pass the C.E.N.T.S test. Unless you are make a book/game/toy. And who's really going to buy your artbook unless you're a top tier phenom or porn artist. There's the comic book route, but that requires the storytelling aspect, imagine grinding for years and having a garbage story. I don't have that kind of time anymore.

I believe I can make a game instead. For now, I'll make some chump games while learning. Pong/Asteroids, I happen to love those games too. There's so many ways you can repurpose these simple games and even apply new technologies to them. I have a lot of ideas about what could make a game fun/addictive. Much more interested in that than the dead end that is the current art world.

>> No.13146022

from literally zero? its gonna be a loooong ride, as i learned from having like 10 different side hustles from 14-21 that I pursued with literally 0 capital, all of which I atleast currently have abandoned because Id rather just save some capital and by proxy save time.

but some ideas for you are
use word press and make an article a day, and make them good. learn SEO so people find said article. Learn SEO no matter what advice you take as it is the single largest factor in any online business period
>learning a code language
look up programming jobs in your area and learn what language they are asking for. more of a trade / employment skill than business unless you develop something and sell it yourself.
>make music
fl studio, read about music theory, prepare to spend thousands of hours making music before its even something youd want to post online, and then get ready for thousands more hours building a name for yourself from scratch. this was my main thing. hasnt panned out bc i cannot make music and get nothing in return anymore. i need capital to get back into it.
>stream on YT or Twitch
you can do just about anything on either these days. games, irl, chatting w viewers, cooking, woodworking etc. etc. its just sharing your hobby and personality. consistency and patience is the key to streaming - and obviously free time.

you coulda googled this shit like I did a million times. only replying because other anons gave me good advice last night and im returning the favor.

>> No.13146060

idk why but this blank post made me laugh

>> No.13146834

see, I told you OP music was a dead end, also good advice in this post, when picking programming language not only look at local companies, look at local companies that hire juniors and interns! currently the trendy language is javascript, but at least in my area everybody wants experienced developers in react.js and node, no love for noobs like myself. it's a bit better with python, but still not easy, .net and java? not gonna happen without a degree, but since OP wants make money online it's OK