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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1314201 No.1314201 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /biz/ness people.

Can anyone suggest an extensive forum directory?

I am particularly looking for businesses offering small-to medium sized services.

>> No.1315457

Jesus christ that infographic.

>> No.1315565

That infograph is a disinfograph.
It's not even half way correct on any of that.

>> No.1316191

>commodities are produced because they can be sold, not because they're needed

Holy fuck delete that pic.

And no /b/iz/ cannot suggest an extensive forum directory. This board is for shitcoins/memestocks/and shitposting about various careers.

>> No.1316241
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x1163, muh property rights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>capitalists getting THIS buttblasted

No my friends, continue worshiping Rothbard and the free market, it'll all work out, *oink*, just keep the faith.

>> No.1316256


Why fight it? Let the ignorant commies believe whatever they want... we continue to profit off of them in the global economy.

>> No.1316269
File: 131 KB, 487x750, muh free markets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How could you possibly disagree that production and distribution under the capitalist framework is objectively irrational, poorly thought out, and detrimental to the vast majority of human beings? We see evidence of it all around us.

>> No.1316280

>How could you possibly disagree

I'm Chinese.

The communism you describe is a delusional ideal that is nothing like the communism we have in practice.

Look at any communist country.

Communism is an ideology the elite teaches to the masses so that the powerful can stay in power.

>> No.1316294
File: 295 KB, 2400x1536, muh meritocracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


China has been capitalistic since at least the mid 70's (quite possibly earlier; at the very least, they never made any real attempt to institute any sort of worker democracy or bottom-up collectivization).

But, even the worst of these so-called "socialist states" tend to have far superior healthcare systems, schools, housing, pay equity, etc.

Which means that the very IDEA of a socialist society, even when it isn't implemented properly, is enough to dramatically raise the standard of living for a given population. Contrast with the US, where socialism remains a dirty word, and, as a result, we have one of the most unequal societies in the industrialized world.

>> No.1316318

>under communism government is no longer needed

Kek, gets me every time!

Don't worry he'll just tell you they didn't do it right.

>> No.1316324

>company buys computers
>employees can now perform tasks greater efficiency
>employees jobs are actually easier, faster, and more accurate
>hurr durr where's my raise?

>> No.1316343
File: 149 KB, 417x405, 1462928322900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even the worst of these so-called "socialist states" tend to have far superior healthcare systems, schools, housing, pay equity, etc.

>> No.1316726

Come on anon, just look at Cuba!

>> No.1316754

Socialism in the european states only work in a homogeneous and small society, where the people have a sense of duty towards their countryman and most feel guilty of not working, the refugees are already destroying sweden

Cuba is a shithole that makes their doctors working abroad in brasil live on minimun wage while banking 90% of their salary