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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1314177 No.1314177 [Reply] [Original]

WTF I bought ethereum at $20 today after months of your bullshit. Literally two hours later it's hacked and worthless

>> No.1314180

bro, right now is the perfect time to buy even more.

>> No.1314190
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I was about to but 4K worth of it thank god I didn't go to the bank today

>> No.1314191

Why are you complaining? This is literally the perfect time to buy. I just bought $1000 more.

>> No.1314194

whats going on? i changed some eth in DAO, whats going to happen?

>> No.1314195

I literallly just dumped 2k into it. I believe in vit.

>> No.1314204

ETH will never survive

DAO is crashing with no survivors

>> No.1314256
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>> No.1314279

> taking investing advice from /biz/
Do you want to be poor?

>> No.1314281


>> No.1314299

Vitalik will fix it, no worrys
700$ by 2017

>> No.1314323

listen to >>1314180, he knows, just look at his analysis.

>> No.1314399 [DELETED] 
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>not mining bitcoin instead

>> No.1314701
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Fucking hell you didn't even read what they say they're doing. They're "mining altcoins" and selling them for bitcoins to pay out. except it's a ponzi, quite a good one at that.

>> No.1314743
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>Tried to buy ETH last night
>For some reason my wallet is a bitch about it, keeps denying
>fuck it, go to bed and decide to try again in the morning
>mfw waking up and going on /biz/

>> No.1314751

>buying crypto-currency instead of swing trading.
This board lol

>> No.1314752

Dude I just lost 2.2k of my 4.5k because of this bullshit! FUCK

>> No.1314788
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“This is an issue that affects the DAO specifically; Ethereum itself is perfectly safe,” Buterin said

>> No.1314892

You were suppose to buy it way back in January, maybe September 2015 and try to find a way to physically hold it or extra-protect it.

>> No.1315775

how much did you buy op? also lmaoing at your life

>> No.1315805

>he bought at the peak

>> No.1315914
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don't trip ETH will go 50 before the year's end.
just hold.

>> No.1316218


He's just stating the obvious. theres no need to prove anything here. anyone mentally capable of speculation and sentiment gauging who has traded crypto longer than a month knows to buy. They will make money whether OP listens or not.

>> No.1316571

localbitcoin or what?

>> No.1316632

If this post has doubles, ETH will not survive.

>> No.1318223
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You should have waited for Wavesplatform.

>> No.1318230

ETH $9.14

>> No.1318234

Currency of the future, they said...

>> No.1318236

Every time the price dips because of panic sellers it always returns, the waves get bigger every time. I'm ready. It went from $5 to $1 to $10, then $10 to $5 to $15 to $20, now it's going from $20 to $10.

>> No.1318239

the waves were caused by mild panic dumps tho.. this is just a way worse

>> No.1318247

We'll have to see how it goes, maybe this will equalize us to where we would be price wise before the influence of the DAO hype. I understand people are confused and panicing because a lot of people are conflating the dao with all of ethereum but reasonably there's no reason for such a price change just because a product on top of eth had a mistake. Only DAO owners should be panicking and they shouldn't hold any influence right now.

>> No.1318383

Why would DAO holders panic? They're returning the remaining Eth anyway

>> No.1318387

If that's the case why is anyone panicking. Bunch of goofs influencing the market with bad headlines, why always this.

>> No.1318399

Look. There's a lot of ethereum stuck in the DAO right now. They are trying to ; A) get it back, B) burn it, C) just let the attacker have it.

When this happens people would try to sell and get out if they are refunded, or, the hacker would try to sell if he gets the money.If the ether gets burned, people who invested and still has eth will sell. Either way the price is gonna crash hard.

Sell now, or lose.

After all this is sorted. Maybe, just maybe, there's room to rebuild everything, but things are gonna be really slow.

>> No.1318401

>sold before hack
>bought just now
>have 2x as much ether now
It's only 20 eth but still..

>> No.1318404

lmao bought back in while the ship is still sinking

should have wait until it hit the sea bed first

>> No.1318408

Maybe.. We'll see.

>> No.1318413

It dropped $0.50 USD since your post.

>> No.1318420

Dropped another $0.16 since yours

>> No.1318434


Where my shorts at? Hate that 80% of my BTC is in lending but at least I won't get destroyed if eth bounces back.

>> No.1318436

I started shorting at 4x leverage when it hit $18