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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13139741 No.13139741 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that there is no housing bubble.
Daily reminder that it's still possible to buy a functional, modest house for less than the price of a new car.

>> No.13139904

>Johnston PA
Old people's town
No jobs
Old person's house they died in
Expensive as fuck to heat and cool, inefficient
No social scene

>> No.13140102

Is this where Jim Jones is from?

>> No.13140132

>be Johnstown
>get completely destroyed by a great flood in the 19th century
>have a self-sufficient town dedicated to preventing it from ever happening again even though its at the bottom of a damned bowl
>rally the government and build up incredible barriers that have kept Johnstown from flooding since and in fact made it more flood-proof than most other cities in PA at higher elevations
>local economy tanks
>community dies
I've never been there but I know a few people from there and I've never heard good things
But yeah, very cheap.

>> No.13140185

How did that tank the economy?

>> No.13140198

the economy tanked for unrelated reasons following WW2
my mistake. i see the way that's worded now..

>> No.13140273

Sounds like heaven to be honest. If niggers and spics don't need a job why would I need one?

>> No.13140374

>Old person's house they died in
You optimists INFURIATE me. No one is going to give you a house for cheap just because someone died in it. The price will stay up.

>> No.13140495

it will take hundreds of thousands of dollars to modernize this house and make it livable

then you will have yourself an ugly house in a terrible place

>> No.13140512

>”modernize” this house

>> No.13140596 [DELETED] 

Literally where?

>> No.13140611

There is a bubble in cars and housing. Only boomers could not understand that prices can’t rise faster than wages for long periods of time

>> No.13140623
File: 47 KB, 1024x618, housing-prices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Housing prices are at an all-time high, even adjusted for inflation.
Clearly there is a bubble.
And most of these houses are shitshacks made of wood or OSB and clad in tyvek cardboard.
You wouldn't be able to sell that house to a German for $3k, let alone $30k.

>> No.13140624

lmao you can definitely get a deal if someone recently died or was murdered in a house and if you don't use that as a way to get a deal, well... have fun over paying for a house you were gonna over pay for anyway

>> No.13140650

Retard shit
Think of it simply from a negotiating outlook;
The only reason it would get you a deal is if it's really a factor in the majority of the market's buying choice
It's not some magic string of words that compels the seller to knock a little off the pricetag
They're gonna sell to the highest bidder regardless

>> No.13140675

Not only that, the quality of American housing is actually deteriorating:
>The department recently learned that most new homes are being built out of oriented strand board (OSB), which is made of wood pieces that are compressed together and then glued. These boards are being used as support beams.
>An Underwriters Laboratories (UL) test revealed that OSB beams burn 800 percent faster than solid beams, which were used to build older homes, News4Jax reports.
People buying these tinderbox OSB shitshacks thinking they're a great investment are delusional.

>> No.13140735

maybe in hot coastal markets around job centers, but not in the majority of the country. can tell you are clueless. when I was house hunting the agent was forced by law to inform you of a death/suicide inside the home and those homes were always cheaper than comparable homes in the neighborhood.

>> No.13140933

>an asset with finite supply
>that everyone needs
>the population grows
>prices can't rise faster than wages


>> No.13141027

it is a factor, retard shit.

nobody wants to live in a house someone was murdered in

>> No.13141253

> by law to inform you of a death/suicide inside the home and those homes were always cheaper than comparable homes in the neighborhood


>> No.13141736

>Murdered = died
Even besides that, in Europe they don't give a fuck because their houses are not made of plywood and are hundreds of years old

>> No.13141742


>> No.13141747

Nah jim Jones is from Harlem like all the other members of dipset

>> No.13141815

Lol wtf this must be a woodframe shack you wouldnt be able to find a block home this cheap

>> No.13142001
File: 31 KB, 640x391, 59535AB6-03C0-4BB8-AB6D-1F657B6B1FB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is perfectly normal. No problems here.

>> No.13142134

As a niger
I would be shot within a month of moving in the house.

>> No.13142450


>> No.13142532

Sorry that you're too stupid to make a living anywhere outside of a nigger center

>> No.13142540

>2nd floor has 3 BR's

Why would I buy a house full of Brazilian chimps HUEHUEing all day?

>> No.13142547


They went from legit timber to plywood to a fucking glue with woodchips.
I would fell like monster if I even built a dogshed from osb.
Rot in 5 years, literally sniffing glue, formaldehyde and godknows what else.

>> No.13143103
File: 40 KB, 552x423, 5e08a331c69176b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to live in a dilapidated crackhouse with structural issues!

>> No.13143155

>They went from legit timber to plywood to a fucking glue with woodchips.
>I would fell like monster if I even built a dogshed from osb.
The companies that sell OSB and the builders who use it know it burns 800% faster and that people will burn to death because it, but they evidently don't care.
Shekels speak louder than lives.