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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13139457 No.13139457 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything worse than working somewhere where your employer believes they're doing you a favour by allowing you to work there?

>> No.13139470

Dying of Ebola.

>> No.13139499 [DELETED] 

Ewww you can the nigger is touching her, disgusting.

>> No.13139549
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>if they are also your relative or uncle
Pls make this ride end...

>> No.13139593


>> No.13139661

I was hired at a start up just by saying "your product is cool". I was doing stuff outside of my expertise (none to speak of, as I am a millenial) and I gotta say, I really sucked and I don't even know if I did anything of value during my short stay (had to go back to school).
At one point I was compared to the office puppy.

>> No.13139810

Not really, but it also sucks to work at a place with hundreds of employees, where they make propaganda calling themselves a """"""""family"""""""" despite low level managers getting pissy when you try to enjoy some social interaction even when there is no more work to do because it makes you/them look less productive. So glad I got a real job and out of the retail hellhole.

>> No.13139834

I mean, aren't they?

>> No.13139860


>> No.13139870

Op is a faggot and will die in a fire, tonight

>> No.13139894

fuck u

>> No.13139963

businesses can't operate without employees. They are certainly gaining more from you than what it costs to employ you.

>> No.13139996


fuck you

>> No.13140036

>They are certainly gaining more from you than what it costs to employ you

Well, this is not my point. But even then, are they? But well, to clarify my point:

If you are the Peter Lynch of your company then definitely, you are doing them a favor by working for them. But if you are not the Peter Lynch of your company then you are replaceable. They may be extracting more profits from you than they pay you (in general), but aren't there like 1000 guys with the exact same degree and experience as you that they could have chosen?

This is my point. If you are not special, they are sort of doing you a favor. And trust me, I'm sure no one in this board is the Peter Lynch of any company.

>> No.13140059

So much bull

>> No.13140098

link 1keoy

>> No.13140183


I’m familiar with Lynch but explain what you mean by the analogy.

If you mean making your self indespensible and using leverage like currency then I agree. Be good or be good at it.

>> No.13140249

Okay, what I mean is that most people are in a symbiotic relationship where the company is the one providing the means to profit. You may have talents and education, but without the company to give you a plan to go from your skills to money, your value would be 0. Seriously, imagine a Secretary. A secretary without a boss is just a useless person.

But if you are the guy who just makes money by existing (and doesn't need to be in the markets), then it is the company benefitting from you doing your work in their name.

If you are an Mc Donald's cashier, without the owners and executives that willed that building into existence you are a useless person. If you are a software engineer, without the company signing contracts and giving you projects to work on, you are a useless person. If you are a nuclear scientist, without the infrastructure paid for by your bosses you would be a useless person.

>> No.13140293

this is literally my life and its so fucking wack. I even quit my job w/o giving notice because my boss seemed so desperate for help. only reason im still there is because I work with friends, make my own schedule and spend like 4 hours a day doing nothing, sometimes laying in a bed. but what makes it especially bad is that im a maitenance man, landscaper, cook, waiter, bus boy, and a cleaner all at once. I literally am what every single co worker and my boss throws at every problem that arises. Anything breaks, anything related to cooking / the kitchen, any minor convenience that isn't directly a part of the nurses i work with's job, and its my problem. and they arent paying me NEARLY enough.

How do I go about insisting I need SEVERAL dollars more an hr or im going elsewhere without pissing off my boss / actually making it work? Ive never asked for a raise before ive always just been given them for performance.

>> No.13140318

Working somewhere where you believe you are doing your employer a favor by working there.

>> No.13140355


So what’s your solution? Sounds like you’re leaning towards owning a business.

>> No.13140361

My job is web development out in the middle of nowhere. Everyone they try to hire bails out because there are no other web development jobs in over an hour drive.

They treat me like they are doing me a favor by underpaying me. They actually started getting on to me for taking too long developing a gigantic project and I've only been on it 3 months.

I develop and launch online businesses regularly, really complicated stuff. No idea why they are acting like they are.

>> No.13140378

sounds like you and i >>13140293 both need to get another job lined up and approved and come to our bosses with our demands or bounce

>> No.13140385

Why do you need a solution? I don't think this is a problem. This is just the reality. You don't need to be a Peter Lynch to live a happy life. You don't need to own a business to live a happy life. You do need to accept reality to live a happy life, so here I am happily fixing the wrong perceptions of people like OP. They are doing you a favor by allowing you to work for them, most of the time.

If any of that is true just saying you are planning to leave would be enough to do 2x on your salary on the spot. The one who is underpaying you is yourself, not the company. Everything is worth what it trades on the market.

>> No.13140387

I kick myself over not taking a job that paid 35k more than they pay, but I stayed because it was really really relaxed. Not so much anymore. I actually fear they are considering firing me which is why I'm on my second interview with a company that will pay 85k more than they do (but have to move to San Francisco so not really a lot more at all)

>> No.13140402
File: 32 KB, 522x522, dunsparce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That image

>> No.13140426


>> No.13140438

That's the plan right now. I've given them two years and turned down a lot of money because it was so relaxed and I like having the energy to work on my own stuff when I get home. Now that I'm being micromanaged and bordering burnout every day at half the salary I should be paid I can't wait to slap down my next offer.

I tried asking in the last review. I couldn't even ask for an additional 40 dollars to round out my salary. Couldn't get any extra vacation days either.

I'm going to finish this next interview and bail.

>> No.13140451
File: 43 KB, 615x439, jobcreators.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking hate them

>> No.13140466

fuck boomers

>> No.13140467


Was in the process of switching jobs, and new employer matched my salary. I wanted to take it to get out of old job, but as I started asking basic questions about 401k and insurance they start acting like they are doing my a favor and I should be grateful for the offer. Like WTF, I'm not even haggling just asking you what I'm getting.

>> No.13140530

working at kfc

>> No.13140608

There are also 1000 other companies with work to be done who also need 10000 workers. If you are good at what you do (in a field that is useful) and have good general life skills then you can surely get employment somewhere else. You don't need that one specific company any more than they need you specifically. It takes mutual benefit for employment to work.

>> No.13140642

>I spend 4 hours a day doing nothing
>I'm not getting paid nearly enough.
try making yourself useful before you ask for a raise

>> No.13140668


What kind of facility do you work at?

If you want to buy your self a non-confrontational approach with risk, tell them you got a better offer but you like it here and you don’t wanna leave. If you’re as vital to the operation as you say your boss will be forced to recognize it when money is the subject. He may just call you on your bluff or say no in which case be ready to 180 and walk the fuck out.

>> No.13140680


fuck you

>> No.13140822


Who is this milky thot?

>> No.13140900

its not my fault they dont have consistent tasks for me for 8 hours straight. I still do more work than my coworkers and the work I do is significantly harder / involves knowledge of a trade nobody else in that building has and would be very expensive to have done by a contractor.

thats basically the exact plan I had in my head but fuck man I really dont wanna leave, its the easiest job Ive ever had. But I am worth more to them than Im making without a doubt. Im about to add landscaping the massive property to my responsibilities now that the season for it is coming around and I am NOT gonna add working in the heat like a nig to my list of shit for what they are paying me.

>> No.13140906
