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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 71 KB, 1354x1134, iExec-RLC-Coin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13136393 No.13136393 [Reply] [Original]

Shill me on rlc.

>> No.13136460

my bags aren't heavy at all, so I wont shill you.

>> No.13136526

idk man i only have 1,000 RLC. can't afford much more. but it looks like a cool token and they have robots on the blockchain. seems like investing in the future for sure. wish i could afford more. i've seen anons think iexec will get to $5

>> No.13136658

one of the best

>> No.13136674

5$ is fud. Will be +500$ in 3 or 4 years

>> No.13136699
File: 121 KB, 500x500, 1549120813484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy and hold for 2+ years if you want to make it. Easily the best erc-20 on the market

>> No.13137294
File: 90 KB, 617x499, 783E54B6-CD66-4339-AB12-4FD5659A060B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double Dubs checked and based

>> No.13137696

It's a literal godcoin I'm amazed it's not top 5 by now

>> No.13137723
File: 5 KB, 226x223, images (7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no tokenomics

Why the fuck would you buy this token? Its only purpose is to hope that someone else will buy it from you at a higher price

>> No.13137731

Notice how every RLC thread has zero actual information OP? Wonder why that is...

>> No.13137745

there was some very big informatic info texts about RLC on /biz/ a few months ago. you missed them. they were very in detail and broad.

people got better things to do than do your research for you.

>> No.13137799

Sick of spoonfeeding you retards

>> No.13137824


>Very big texts sir
>not spoonfeeding you sir

Typical shill replies

>> No.13137881

Stay poor then retard. Comfy with my 35k bag

>> No.13137959

here you stupid fucking retard. I happen to have sent this to a friend and found this in chat history

Tek: I'm going to give you everything I know about iExec. Do with it what you will.

>iEx.ec stands for “I Execute”. Headquartered in Lyon, France, the project was created in October 2016.
>It is a spin-off company from INRIA, the French National Institute for Research in Computer Science.
>The iEx.ec market network will be designed for various participants of the distributed computing ecosystem. It will enable them to do business with each other to better monetize their products and services.
>Each new version of the network will be updated to host new types of participants.
>The market network is to provide its users with a wide range of customers and, consequently, new markets.
>iEx.ec also plans to partner with telecom companies, attracting the latter, among other, with the possibility to halve their infrastructure costs, distributing small data centers along their network point-of-presence
>Full traceability and trust
>Allows to sell trusted computing power to anyone in the world.
>Does computing offchain so it's extremely efficient (not like ETH that gets fucked by a simple cat collecting game).
>Uses PoCo algorithm as consensus, validates the work of other workers so they don't cheat. It's basically like mining but doing useful computations instead of throwing away energy.
>Team composed of brainiacs. CEO has been in cloud computing research for 15 years at least. Other members are pioneers in their fields. Just look them up on their site.
>Partnered with IBM, Intel, TFCloud (multibillion chinese cloud computing conpany), Ubisoft and other multibillion companies.
>Close relations with Huawei, Orange, Alibaba
>Possibly at the ATL ever. Can't go much lower even if BTC falls, the valuation is ridiculously low.
>Already able to buy jobs from robots as a proof of concept(iExec SLAM robots)

>> No.13137963

>At ICO price ($0.25)
>If iExec manages to take at least 1% of the cloud computing marketcap it will 312.5x from $0.20.
>Multiple awesome dapps already working(https://dapps.iex.ec/).). Preparing themselves for a future where AI will rule the world.
>Creating a dApp directly with Intel.
>IBM already running a worker
>Enterprise edition(v3) coming soon, allowing enterprises to begin using iExec.
>80M circulating coins, nicely spread out. Team has 15M tokens for various promotions and events.
>Most coins exist on exchanges and personal wallets.
>Possible that iExec will be used in the backend of major cloud competitors.(Amazon/Google using iExec while still charging front end customers regular prices)
>Will allow sell mining power on V4 without the need to create mining farms on your own.(Mining dApps being built already, Monero specifically)
>In short, iExec allows to sell computing power as a commodity, creating a power war between cloud providers. Some liken it to digital oil.
[2:24 AM] Tek: >About v5, iExec's final form, in 2021

>The goal of this edition is to allow new usage of iExec beyond the Distributed Cloud. This will be a clear step further in Blockchain computing, as DApps will be fully autonomous applications, able to provision resources, data, and applications directly from the blockchain in a fully decentralized way.

>To this end, it’s necessary to integrate several software and protocols that are emerging now, or that may be developed during the course of the project, like devp2p, swarm, uport etc. Combined with a full development of the Proof-of-Contribution, this will open new areas in the field of serverless services, directly hosted on the blockchain. It will also be necessary to design new consensus protocols able to handle the iExec workload. We plan to lead those researches in partnership with recognised research labs in Europe and in China.

>> No.13137976


>This will open the Market Network to new applications specifically deployed on iExec to take advantage of the distributed Cloud: IoT, Fog/ Edge computing, Smart City. For instance, a recent study shows that telecom companies (AT&T, Verizon, Huawei, Orange ...) can halve their infrastructure costs by distributing small data-centers along their network point-of-presence. iExec will be the building block for such approaches.

>As the platform increases in complexity, iExec will provide advanced method for deploying iExec ready DApps, making it the “Heroku/ Docker for blockchain computing”. Thus, new revenue stream will be gained by offering a hassle free deployment and development platform on top of the Market Network.

there you go absolute fucking mongoloid, this was posted on /biz/ when the coin was at ICO price.

>> No.13137997

RLCbro here, this is my copypasta. Sucks to see we still need to educate retards here.

>> No.13138017

do you have the rest of the pasta? I didn't copy all of it, there was a complete thread with ten replies full of more data.

>> No.13138090

>they think if the iexec network succeeds the token will too
>they don't know it was all a scam to fund the network then use a stablecoin later
good luck bros.

>> No.13138227


IF thats the best FUD you got its pathetic lol. RLC truly is a blue chip crypto. We gonna make it lads

>> No.13138331

this is really the only fud there is

>> No.13138370


Its not even good FUD though. Gilles Fedak said a while back that they were gonna work on the tokenomics going forward which was the only thing that people could talk shit about.

Best team in crypto by a mile with a real use case and massively undervalued. I would rather bet on the upside of RLC then chase shitcoins for small pumps like the rest of /biz.

Whoever first started shilling this coin here god bless you it truly is a gem.

>> No.13138375

I am nor a fudder, but I would say that

>Allows to sell trusted computing power to anyone in the world.

why would anyone need this? From a customer perspective nothing changes if he takes the computer resources from a centralized or from a decentralized sistem

>> No.13138446

>this was posted on /biz/ when the coin was at ICO price.

not buying your bags sir.

>> No.13138510

this actualy makes sense, computing power is expensive, AWS is expensive for large computation requirements for short periods. RLC would match available cloud computing and personal computing to demand. This is good for both consumers and the sellers and the environment.

However, my original point stands, RLC token is easily replaced.

No shit, the guy who scammed you says the token is important.
It doesn't NEED to be valuable for the network to work, the fiat cost won't change on the token value, and the token is meant to be spent. This means it just adds a layer of difficulty and friction for both sellers and buyers of computing power.

It's. Not. Needed.

>> No.13138513


All about cost bro. If you could tap into a decentralized market place of public worker pools at will thats a fuckton of cpus that are idle and can do jobs for fraction of cost of centralized servers.

>> No.13138537

but you need to stake RLC, you will sayt o me that you can stake eth, ok.. but have you considered the fomo?

Bitcoin can't scale and can't be used like currency and went to 20k

don't forget iExec is a phisical company, retarded boomers will see the token as a stock of the company

Other than that: staking you get revenue

zoomers are retarded

normies buy everything youtuber shill to them

in the bull this is 50$ per token bruda..

if no bull... 1-2$

>> No.13138543


Again the team is super legit and I trust that they will figure out the RLC value metrics at some point.

Why does ETH itself even have value? All it does is serve as rewards for paying miners for gas yet its worth a fuckton.

You could make that argument for any utility token. I choose to believe in these guys. When you use the term scam I tune you out becuase every thing posted on /biz is 100% scam with few exceptions.

>> No.13138599

ETH is a piece of shit that reached its ATH because of the ICO scams. Majority of utility coins are scams, I agree.

I like iexec but I'm very worried the token won't live up to the hype. I'm sure it'll last and pump in the next speculative bubble in a couple of years though, beyond that, not so sure...

bitcoin derives value as a store of value, it doesn't ned utility. Layer two solutions will allow faster payments if it ever becomes a regularly used medium of exchange. Lightning network has grown hugely in the past 9 months.

>> No.13138621


So what other coins do you see have upside and are not garbage? Please dont say Link the #1 shitcoin of choice for /biz.

>> No.13138629

>bitcoin derives value as a store of value

you have to consider that it grew up to 20k when Ligtening network was not a reality, they bought simply for fomo

Also think about the fact that Amazon could buy a large portion of the coin and set regural prices to the normies which use AWS, so they will profit

the moment amazon, IBM and big companies buy the token the price will raise, and that is the moment to enjoy to pump to 20$-50$ and then sell everything, and maybe never looking back cause you're right the coin itself has no value it relays only on ipotetical fomo and 2017-like bubble which we don't know if it will happen again or not

>> No.13138650

>the moment amazon, IBM and big companies buy the token the price will raise, and that is the moment to enjoy to pump to 20$-50$ and then sell everything, and maybe never looking back cause you're right the coin itself has no value it relays only on ipotetical fomo and 2017-like bubble which we don't know if it will happen again or not

You make a lot of sense but I think the best bet you can make for a tuture pump is a coin like this since we know its not a shitcoin.

>> No.13138667

If you actually realise that between the memes and shitposting, it's still the greatest hope for crypto in any way besides money.
IF smart contracts succeed, whatever platform wins, they'll need a decentralised oracle to onboard data. Big money won't settle for centralised oracles that could be tampered with because smart contract executions are automated and immutable - imagine losing millions because the oracle data was wrong.

Smart contracts gain use - LINK is huge.
The token NEEDS to be separate from the platform it's linking data to, and it NEEDS to be highly valuable to encourage staking for nodes and to allow collateral for smart contracts that rely on those nodes (if your contract is worth 500k, you'll want several times that in LINK staked across nodes you use in order to work as as a sort of escrow for bad data).

>> No.13138680

bitcoin still derives no value from lightning network, it's a payment channel in its infancy. SoV doesn't need cheap transactions which are quick, it needs a scarce irreplaceable highly secure good, which bitcoin is.

>> No.13138693


please consider reading this on bitcoin lads, i need to go to sleep now, but please, do it


>> No.13138712

we can say this coin is useless?

it's not a scam, but it could not apprecciate without a speculative bubble

Anyway life is not linear like that, Ethereum is infinitive supply shitcoin and went to 1000

you gotta have some iExec suicide insurance

>> No.13138723

It makes up 0.65% of my portfolio, I’ll bring it up to 2-3% at some point

>> No.13138724


Good read its just that BTC doesnt have as much upside as other altcoins during bull runs. It def the safest investment though.

>> No.13138994

So you see value in LINK but you don't on RLC which is the fucking same concept but for fucking computing power. And you're also a BTC maximalist that thinks proof of work will succeed while wasting massive ammounts of computing power on useless computations. This man is just another linktard idiot that believes muh LINK can do anything, when it's just another ERC20 token with NO PRODUCT, NO MAINNET, and NO ROADMAP TIMELINES. BTFO pajeet. Decentralizing computing power and VALIDATION consensus of RLC token is what gives value to the token. Pajeets lack the vision of DECENTRALIZING COMPUTING POWER, just asking for a task and not caring who executes it, getting the input data source near the computing source (Fog computing, smartc cities, IoT, ...). Plus they got Intel, Alibaba, IBM and Ubi on their backs, and you're a retard if you don't believe they are in talks with AMD, Google, Amazon and Microsoft. RLC is not some futuristic shit like LINK and other crypto. RLC is the fucking present. Needed for cheap AI, cheap research, cheap rendering, smartcities, etc

>> No.13139564

Nah I just have like the first 5, someone else must've added more to it.

Disclaimer: I am 100% all in RLC. I bought at multiple levels but bought the most at 0.20.

You are a god damn retard if you don't have at least 5-10k RLC. Don't listen to these baseless assholes fudding with trash fud, the token is going to be very valuable when people actually start using iexec.