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13130972 No.13130972 [Reply] [Original]

is 'luo dong chi energy' massage therapy the only good wagie job?


>> No.13130982

i cant even find his youtube anymore without typing his name. Fucking gaytube

>> No.13130985

lmao at him smelling her hair at the end

>> No.13131000

Or you could be a chiropractor

>> No.13131046

guy literally found a legal way to touch women all over and smell their hair and make money from it

>> No.13131060

and share it with others

>> No.13131095

>Luo Dong Official Golden Spiritual Healing

This one was pretty kino.

>> No.13131187


>tfw you'll never get to do this with an 18 year old cheerleader

>> No.13131218

Why do they keep their shoes on.

>> No.13131226

That’s not the only thing I’d be smelling

>> No.13131574

Based scam artist.

>> No.13131689


chiropractic is such quakery

>> No.13131691

imagine how hard this criminal is beating off in his studios bathroom

>> No.13131725


Reminds me of a case file book I read about a doctor working in a small Utah town. Family doctor, not a gynecologist, who would recommend frequent pelvic exams to his young female patients. The story is bizarre. Evidently he would have the girls legs in the stirrups, raise, with a drape over their knees so they couldn't see what he was doing. No nurse or parent in the room, mind you. It came out during trial that the 'instrument' he was inserting in to his patients was, in fact, his dick.

Absolutely true story as unbelievable as it is. This case was one of the main instigators for broad rule changes about how pelvic exams are allowed to be conducted, nurse in room at all times, etc.

>> No.13131734

That's such a dream job though. Getting paid to massage relatively fit woman (I doubt cows would go to these things since they don't care about their health) and pretend to be curing them. Then setting them up for regular appointments with scare tactics.

>> No.13131746

a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-anon... i-i-i-i-i...
its 200iq for sure

>> No.13131747

There is no reason to have male gynecologists. Fite me.

>> No.13131750

You are correct

>> No.13131751

Otoh I have a policy of only going to female dick doctors

>> No.13131764

I've had a dick exam from a young female doc. It was pretty erotic. Tbh I'd prefer to just get some old dude and be comfortable.

>> No.13131775

Prime USDA approved Breeding Material

>> No.13131778

how do you get a dick exam

>> No.13131784

Go to an asian medical parlor

>> No.13131795


>> No.13131802

This. I had to get my dick examined after having been hospitalized for a few months (long story). I was praying that it wouldn’t be a female doctor and I would get a boner. Luckily it ended up being a 70 yo guy and he was pretty chill about it.

>> No.13131815

>long story
storytime pls fren

>> No.13131835 [DELETED] 
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Kek, don’t have time for story time right now, sorry. Long story short, I was studying abroad in Tokyo and got an autoimmune disease. I lost most of my sense of touch in most of my body and almost couldn’t walk. It was pretty scary. At one point the doctors even thought I would go blind. Luckily everything turned out fine :)

>> No.13131840

holy shit fren glad you got through it ok

>> No.13131870
File: 31 KB, 481x406, C94C84C6-D63F-45E6-8634-FA657D03F268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry fren, I don’t have time for a proper story time right now. Long story short, I was studying abroad in Tokyo and got sick with an autoimmune disease. I lost ~90% of my sense of touch in most of my body and became extremely hypersensitive in a few areas. At one point the doctors thought I would go blind. Luckily everything turned out fine. Remember to enjoy life while you’re young and healthy frens.

>> No.13131883

>I lost ~90% of my sense of touch in most of my body and became extremely hypersensitive in a few areas
Holy shit. No amount of dick exams is worth that

>> No.13132232
File: 2.87 MB, 800x450, nierfudestruct.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when I had keiser, was this 40's good looking female doctor with big tits. I was 19 and she told me to drop my pants and cough. I remember having a huge boner when I pulled them down and i said sorry, she smiled and said, "its ok honey now cough for me". She was really nice. I lost keiser because it was too expensive and I thought I had an std because it hurt to pee about a year later. I went to planned parenthood and the doctor they had wanted to examine my dick. I had a fucking full bone and she was moving it around looking at it. I almost busted and she was smiling looking around at my dick then what felt like playing with my balls. I said sorry again and she said, "its ok you're feisty I can tell" I ended up having clamydia and just had to take some pills for a couple days to get rid of it.

>> No.13132328

>with an 18 year old cheerleader
Nice save

>> No.13132336

Are you born in Europe or something? Or were you absent during penis inspection days at school?

>> No.13132338

Based Dong is not a wagie. He's an entrepreneur.

>> No.13132376

How has no one posted "imagine the smell" yet?

>> No.13132409


Not true. I happen to know one who's mother died of cervical cancer and who's aunt who raised him later died of ovarian cancer while he was in medical school.

I know him through my father, a breast surgeon who's mother and grandmother had breast cancer. The other side of it is not many women choose surgical disciplines, period, so there is an overrepresentation of male surgeons. I believe I could do either of those jobs in good faith, you just need empathy and sensitivity. I couldn't deal with all the death and pain and suffering, but I wouldn't be a perv. Then again I know a family doctor who refuses to examine young female patients (unless he's the emergency on call) because he feels vulnerable and uncomfortable.

>> No.13132888
File: 2.89 MB, 600x336, 1552807215043.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute mad lad

>> No.13132895
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>> No.13132914

Why does this give me an erection?

>> No.13132936
File: 2.98 MB, 640x360, 1545017310721.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You haven't attained 33 sky knowledge. For Master Dong, it is purely medicinal.

>> No.13132945

how do i get girl to agree to this?

>> No.13133033
File: 29 KB, 296x280, snib.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fart factory..

>> No.13133061
File: 2.97 MB, 640x360, 1543323633614.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the virgin consensual masseuse vs the chad chi healer

>> No.13133069

holy kek

>> No.13133289

Holy fuck, i Learned about master Dong and 33 sky gods on biz after the first btc rally to 2600, why is he always posted on biz? Does every bizlet know him? Hes such a based biz owned meme like bobo.

I love master Dong, he just calms me, he fix all his stuff, works at dominos and is turbo autistic.

> this one time luo was at pajeets festival and got free food and kept shouting "DA FOOD ISA FORH FREEE" for 15 min

>> No.13133574

What exactly would be embarrassing about getting a boner in front of a hot female? I don't get it

>> No.13133637

Only get a male gyno if you want a good one

>> No.13133913

probs cause he is an entrepreneur that gets paid by rubbing puss.

>> No.13133926

at least he didn’t have to go to the underwater weighing test for that.
t. didn’t even shower

>> No.13133938

Is he /ourguy/?

>> No.13133956

Are you by any chance autistic? It would be pretty awkward/ inappropriate.

>> No.13133978

Fuck me this dude gets paid to rub girls' ass and legs while I get to work with autistic nerds. Why the fuck did I fall for the CS meme.....

>> No.13134403

>you will never get paid to autistically grope and smell women.

>> No.13135046


>> No.13135205
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>> No.13135539

where's the full vid?

>> No.13135558

Sniffing a woman is euphoric