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1312912 No.1312912 [Reply] [Original]

Just graduated college, starting salary is 80k. I'm in the military so taxes are less than a normal and at the end of 5 years I'll be making 130k (nuke officer). Wife is only 21 and makes 70k as a retail manager.

The best move is to marry a hot, smart, successful woman and combine your incomes. Neets, learn how it's done.

>> No.1312919

hahaaah enjoy being cucked with 33% of your funds going bye bye!

>> No.1312920


Excellent arrangement. Chad and Try'Shawn can dig her out while you're hotracking off the coast of Yemen.

>> No.1312921

>wife is 21
>joining the military

Just ask /k/ about military wives. You gonna be gone most of the year and she'll hop on that dick and leave you.

You in NUPOC? Mad jelly. I couldn't go through with it (I wanted to be in the navy and an officer since forever) since I'll be away from my family.

>> No.1312924

>just graduated college


You fucked up, buddy.

>> No.1312925

Nah I'm academy. Didn't want nuke I got forced into it but I love physics so I'm ok with it.

>> No.1312933

Yeah, I understand the concern. But if you've met Most of the enlisted guys you'd understand. We're both from
Wealthy families and not general trash like you find in most dependapotumeses. If we divorced, I'd end up with more money, she comes from oil wealth.

>> No.1312942

Either you're a jaded piece of trash who was too autistic to see he was being used by a wife who cleaned you out, or you've never even had a serious gf and you're an un-sophisticated piece of trailer trash who has never talked to a girl without spaghetti. I don't care what you have to say.

>> No.1312983

Yeah you fucked up with the wife part. Not too late to change things though. The longer you wait the longer things cross into 1/2 your military pension and 1/3 of all future earned income (alimony) category.

>> No.1312990

Hey OP read this true story of a military veteran, and tead it well:


I wish you the best of luck.

>> No.1313025

What is your actual personal experience in this category?

>> No.1313028

Incorrect on all accounts.

Enjoy your divorce.

>> No.1313077

That's not how it works. You're not entitled to her dad's money. But she is entitled to yours.

>> No.1313095

Aside from the fact this is a brag post is that it makes no sense. There is no retail manager on this planet that makes 70k. Retail managers are shit tier pleb hourly wage slaves. And military compensation is shitty cuck tier, you are making potatoes but feel the need to pump it up online. If you're gonna bait at least use believable numbers.

>> No.1313098

cmon man, let him have this one

>> No.1313103

Looks like you'll actually become a cuck

>> No.1313106

Listen man, if you're really happy about this then don't seek validation from it. There are many men in your position who have gotten seriously screwed over. That's not an insult, that's a fact. Think of it what you will.

>> No.1313229

Look up nuke pay faggot, it's easily accessible. Go on glass door and look up what a Nordstrom dept manager makes, you ignorant queef

>> No.1313237

I'll bet you 1000.00 that your "wife" cheats on you within 2 years and probably already has.

>> No.1313244

Describe yogur life situación, Pls

>> No.1313252

Bet you knew her less than a year before marrying. Rookie mistake, to think with your penis like that. Also if your income caps out in the 100k's and she comes from oil wealth, she'll leave you for someone richer and more successful. But hey I'm just some guy on 4chan. You won't head my advice and you'll get complacent and comfortable with your income and lifestyle and however many years from now, when your wife leaves you, you'll think to yourself "where did it all go wrong?" then you can think back to me. Think back to this post. If women are fickle then rich women are the most capricious beings on the planet.

>> No.1313255

I know the the truth, but again, have you met the the uneducated queefs that fall into this category? All I'm saying is that women are not complete failures, only complete failure women are complete failures. If you are not a complete failure, you'll find a women who isn't a complete failure. That's all there is to it.

>> No.1313263

1st: my income will cap at greater than 200k,
2nd: stop being jealous.
3rd: she came from 9 figure wealth and 2008 sent her family to barely 7 figure wealth. She knows what loss is and knows what work effort is, unlike her lazy ass family.

Believe me or not, she's the perfect woman.

>> No.1313273

My 5-year income will cap at 200k

Lol sorry I've been drunk all day

>> No.1313275

If she's so perfect then why do you seek validation from an anonymous imageboard? I'm not jealous, I'm just certain I know women and relationships and the role money plays in the two a lot better than some guy that got married at 21. Life's a rollercoater. Don't get too comfy when you feel you're at your peak, because it's only downhill from there.

>> No.1313284

Idk she passed out drunk an hour ago and I'm bored. I offered the same status of bait yesterday on pol

>> No.1313295

Op here, I've been married for three years and we've enjoyed dual income for while. Most details shared were real. marriage for me has been beneficial, and I've been married the whole time, and she's had a job. I'm just finishing my deployment and about to start working a shore deployment and she's still managing a store in Bangor WA. About to move again.

If you're a navy officer don't hesitate to marry a smart college grad.

>> No.1313308


The officer corps continues to crumble.

>> No.1313326

Yep. Should've used your big brain to go to college.

>> No.1313332

OP here my life is so great. I'm just going to sit here and tell you how great I think my life is. So great great great. Greeeeeeeeeeeeat. Aren't I great everyone? Everyone? Hey everyone listen. GUYS. Listen. Aren't I great?

>> No.1313333


Accountant here. Why max out at O5 in the Supply Corps when I can do PP?

>> No.1313371

too bad you didnt buy BTC or ETH OP, you could have retired by now.. Enjoy making Goldberg rich for the rest of your life!

>> No.1313399

Have fun knowing your wife is fucking her retail coworkers while youre at sea, cap'n.

Also calling bullshit on any O-3 breaking 6 figures.

>> No.1313446
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>getting married in 2016


>> No.1313456
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Your wife being 21 isn't a good thing, retard.

>> No.1313459

Look up the pays scales for a sub officer.

>> No.1313472

There is no real advice on this board anymore. I was 100% bragging. But only the bring out the truly valuable members of biz to get some real advice. I didn't get any attention on my other threads. So I'm trying to get attention b4 I ask the questions that I really want answers to.

The described facts are true, btw.

>> No.1313514

>Bet you knew her less than a year before marrying. Rookie mistake
Oh God there are so many guys like this. They literally all end bad. I don't get why so many morons think that after a few months of knowing someone that marriage is a good idea. It takes much longer, years to seriously get to know the other person on a marriage-worthy level.

tl;dr letting the initial high of a new relationship influence you into lifetime commitment is an awful idea

>> No.1313705

We have been together for >4 years. Go back to highschool fag

>> No.1313710

Yeh how terrible for OP to have a young beautiful wife

>> No.1313725

Nukes are mostly austistic so assuming you aren't, you'll have no friends. You work in 110 degree rooms and have to go down 7 flights of stairs every day for work, and up them again to eat. You work the longest hours on the ship, have liberty secured more than any other department. You will NEVER (seriously I mean this) see the sun while you're at sea.
Your job will be so easy a monkey could do it and you'll wonder why you had to go through Nuke school to learn how to check gauges and monitor a mostly-automated reactor.
Honestly, I never met a nuke who was happy.
Plus, Jodie will be fucking your wife while you're at sea for 6-12 months at a time.
Good luck though, dude!

>> No.1313740

I am a boomer. and I get paid a shit load at 3 mo at a time. You know nothing.

>> No.1313744
File: 1.02 MB, 5472x3648, Family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True happiness.

Pic related.

>> No.1313759


>> No.1313774

I am way too drunk to give you a reasonable response. But my bae has given me a good response the last few years and I love her sweet face.

>> No.1313790

I wish i could have had a decent job :(

>> No.1313792

I aint looking up shit, nigger. You post some hard numbers or else I'll continue to assume youre a lying faggot.

>> No.1313794

Say hi to jody for me

>> No.1313799

Really? Lol wew lad

>> No.1313813

>marrying your high school crush
Terrible idea. You literally have no idea wjat adult relationships are like. Thats like saying ramen noodles are your favorite food becaise youve never had a tbone

>> No.1313821

I'm screen shorting this, FYI

>> No.1313828

You said in op your 5 year would be 130. Which lie is it

>> No.1313829

Navy Nuke? I was trying to take the physical screening test to be a seal and trained for two years. Couldnt get cleared for any SWC and they said i could be a nuke since i scored high on my practice asvab and that id just need to study a little bit. I thought about it but decided just to go back to school since even though im good at math i didnt do so well in physics in HS didnt even dare taking physics in college its not as easy to grasp for me as math is. How long are you going to be training for the nuke program?

>> No.1313865

Man I'm too drunk to read all this. Suffice it to say I've gotten through the nuke program and its not hard, if you're smart you'll be fine. That's all.

>> No.1313941

Dude your crazy. Married at 21? Dafuq.

Gonna lol when your wife leaves you, divorcerapes your ass, and fucks you army buddys when your deployed, read that shit too many times now brah.

I done some major fuckups in my life, but getting married is def WORSE. Enjoy your honeymoon till the vapid crazy chick comes, they always come (trust).

>> No.1315268


>> No.1315295

OP, as someone who was actually in the military let me tell you this: If you are going to be gone for a long time expect a 75% chance of being divorced and a 82% chance of at least being cheated on.

>> No.1316806
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Being this retarded

>> No.1317141

Sorry biz. I was blackout all day yesterday. I'm a single fag. Never met a girl to love me. But I am a newly coined sub officer. Excited to see what the military industrial complex has to offer me. Sorry for all the shitposting I was bored

>> No.1317147

Also, Im a loser who desperately wants to be married. But you guys have insisted its a bad idea so I'll do more research

>> No.1317645

>nuke officer
microwaves pizza for everyone?

>> No.1317807
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>tfw no wife or gf
>made 5k last year

>> No.1318649

Find a Filipino wife.

>> No.1318670

Hope you've bought your wife a solid chastity belt.

Just remember to wipe her mouth before you kiss her when you get back ;)

>> No.1319394

Military wives/girlfriends are like fish in a barrel.

I love it