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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 284x177, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13127926 No.13127926 [Reply] [Original]

I see it here, on reddit, on blogs and whatever. People always talk about big houses as some metric of success.

I do not say everyone need to live in a 30 m2 cuckbox, but this doesn't mean only because you are a 40 year old well paid boomer, that you should have a 300 m2 house with a massive garden and garage

What do people do in those big houses , walk around between the rooms for fun?

>> No.13127949

its a status thing for normies anon

>> No.13127972

We have the best resources and man power in the world

From foundation to move in ready in one year for your pic

>> No.13127983

Cause poor people have such little space.

I'm paying 2500 a month for a 700 sq ft studio here in Los Angeles. I dream about having two rooms.

>> No.13127984

>300m^2 is big
That only like 3000 sq ft. That's not small, but the house in your pic is like 3x that.

>> No.13127989

so? Do you hire a small crew of gardeners and cleaners to take care of that or do you do it yourself? Sounds soo fun...

>> No.13127999

For a single 1-3 rooms is totally OK, for a couple 2-4 then a 2 story house max with kids and one room for each sure

I'm talking about those boomer big houses so many seem to aspire to buy, the cost of upkeep and to just furnish it must be extreme

>> No.13128004

Houses are no different than anything else in America - mass produced pieces of shit (80% of them) that are expected to be worn out by <date>, and replaced or at least go through a major overhaul. A decent house should last at least four generations of a a family, 150 years with minor maintenance + new/refurbished appliances, houses like these are in single digits here.

>> No.13128033

>Theater room
>Home gym
>Music room
>Library/reading room
>Spare bedroom for guests
>Gun room
>Security room
>Storage room
>Sex dungeon
>Indoor Pool

>> No.13128077

You can have all that in modern apartment...
It seems that compared to us Eurofags and Asiafags they just prefer to live outside city in huge houses and having to deal with commute everyday
Meanwhile we prefer to live in the city centers where everything is located.

>> No.13128186

feels good to be a europoor living in a new solid brick 100m2 house with no mortgage
have fun 'retiring' at 70 amerifats!

>> No.13128266

yeah nothing like wasting your time in traffic with other idiots, only to get home to your big boomer house and

cut crass
clean 3 bathrooms
300 m2 floors
think of repairs, like roof, garage doors, stones, fence etc
higher probability of furniture or stuff breaking down since you have more of it

>> No.13128278

Go to the gym, they also have solarium
Go to a sauna with pool
rent a dungeon the one time per year you will get laid
save money and offer your guests a hotel

>> No.13128338
File: 172 KB, 964x583, article-2003859-0C9325E500000578-911_964x583[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to the gym
Public gyms are disgusting and are for the lowest members of society
>Public Pool
Jesus Christ
>they also have solarium
referring to sun room.

>> No.13128376

>public gym
>public pool
>sending guests to hotel (bad etiquette)

Yeah, that's gonna be a yikes from me

>> No.13128416

>Public gyms are disgusting and are for the lowest members of society
Here if you buy nice high end apartment you only share the gym with few successful and wealthy people who live there,
most of the time they are empty same goes with pools or saunas.

>> No.13128422


>> No.13128442

whatever keep your LARP dream

>> No.13128451
File: 259 KB, 1920x1081, budynek-fitness-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13128453
File: 276 KB, 1101x896, 1553194781035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry we were manspreading make me a sandwich, Pajeet

>> No.13128469
File: 3.57 MB, 3264x1836, Zlota44_View-on-the-swimming-pool-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[sarcasm] yeah looks so fucking terrible [/sarcasm]

>> No.13128486

>swimming in piss and fecal matter.

no thanks anon.

>> No.13128511

that is fucking hideous. it's like something you'd see in a porn producer's house. Or Ron Burgundy's house. Zero class.

>> No.13128515

because it's a display of wealth. and it's hard to steal from you unless the bank wants it back.

>> No.13128526

Imagine the smell
Imagine the germs

>> No.13128528

>thinking you own a house that you have mortgaged

>> No.13128535

If you want to see something truly disgusting just look up the "McMansions" all over the country. No forethought in design and style, just build them to be big and nothing else.

>> No.13128540

Say it with me.
It's like a bitcoin you can live in.

>> No.13128543

It’s so you can always find an unoccupied room to hide from your wife and kids, idiot.

>> No.13128548

That shitty McMansion is 90 percent plywood and 10 percent Mexican sweat.

>> No.13128553
File: 96 KB, 850x562, Opulent-Mansion-In-Lyndhurst-Road-London-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does look awful. Truly successful and wealthy people own houses with a private pool.

>> No.13128557

7 loos so you can shit in a new loo everyday and have the maid flush

>> No.13128565

American's are the most toxic, addicted consumers on the face of the earth. We buy exactly what we're told to buy. We stopped thinking for ourselves several decades ago. The jews are our masters now.

>> No.13128567

No one wants to buy your plywood shit shack boomer

>> No.13128578

that's nice but really tacky with a neoclassic, sterilized look. very try hard.

>> No.13128586
File: 97 KB, 800x601, cap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, who's gonna go all in on this with me in anticipation of a big old green dildo? It's due. Come on, who's with me?

>> No.13128589

yes thank you for pointing out the obvious. you take out the biggest mortgage possible to impress your neighbors who are also playing the same game. and the bank always wins.

>> No.13128610
File: 188 KB, 1110x790, 2019-03-27 00_12_37-A Growing Problem in Real Estate_ Too Many Too Big Houses - WSJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baby boomers can't even sell their mc mansions

>> No.13128621

If it is in a decent city, someone at least wants the land that it is sitting on.

>> No.13128623

We? Pretty sure you don’t buy much of anything, poorfag.

>> No.13128630

i like small house because it's easier to clean

>> No.13128656
File: 130 KB, 850x562, Opulent-Mansion-In-Lyndhurst-Road-London-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, yeah. The image name says opulent mansion because it's truly opulent with some over the top decoration but it adds some character to it. Pic related is the home office, one of my goals will be to recreate something similar

>> No.13128657
File: 114 KB, 501x585, chinesemerchant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13128706

How sad for them!!!

>> No.13128723

Not so much anymore. Me and my wife had nearly $2million in assets at one point. It didn't make us happy and we realized that. Then we lost almost everything in the great recession. Now we're happy living simple and just giving thanks for a roof over our heads and food on the table. God is good.

>> No.13128731

Based and wholesome

>> No.13128747

so not only is the architect a total fraud but the interior decorator is a fucking fruitcake. I'm sure the homeowner is the biggest nouveau riche faggot of all.

>> No.13128803

>baby boomers can't even sell their mc mansions

Sure they can, just lower the price.

>> No.13129173

Those are boomer/flyover fantasies. Condos in urban areas are the patrician choice


>> No.13129271

are you a thot?
why do you need so much fucking furniture, faggot?

Jesus fuck you can barely walk in.
Why is the TV so tiny

In minimalism out of style with zoomie cunts
Empty that shithole out
Why is there no room for doggos

>> No.13129303

LARP room for when imaginary friends come to visit

>> No.13129349

a few things not mentioned here, because y'all are fucking scrub children who will never own property.
paying to cover the interest on a mortgage is tax deductible.
that and other tax laws incentivize buying a house bigger than you need.
many americans see their house as a nest egg, so people buy it aspirationally, thinking it will reward them more in the future.
and of course status.

t. architectural designer who's worked on this shit and had to deal with real estate agents, developers, and boomers.

>> No.13129369

oh, and the inherent fact that these developers figured out they can slowly yet surely restrict supply in their region with bigger parcels and fewer domiciles, eventually increasing the value of any shit they pop out.

>> No.13129376

good on ya mate, much respect

>> No.13129392

You seem to be the bigger faggot nit-picking everything. That office is oldschool, elegant and sophisticated with nice furniture and great wood work. It's far from new money because plenty of old money have similar offices.
Fuck off with your minimalist bullshit, frugal faggot

>> No.13129410

You don't want to live in any major US cities. Believe me

>> No.13129436


>Some of the extra money I pay to own something I can't really afford is tax deductible.

Wow what a deal. The absolute state of Americans.

>> No.13129452
File: 1.22 MB, 1000x1693, real estate foreign.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of land and cheap money due to being the world's reserve currency. Its housing market is almost entirely held up by low IR.

>> No.13129459

>paying to cover the interest on a mortgage is tax deductible.
Didn't they get rid of this?

>> No.13129484

I'd buy it for the right price if the fucking HOA and cc&rs were dissolved. I don't need an additional set of cops that are only concerned with petty shit.
>B..but property values!
HOAs lower a property's value for me

>> No.13129865

>walk around between the rooms for fun?
Unironically yes

>> No.13129927

I have a 600 sqft apartment and don't even use the living room. When I buy a house in the countryside for retirement, I'll probably demolish it and build something smaller. It will save on heating bills and property tax in the long run.

>> No.13129935
File: 105 KB, 409x409, 87876895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because faggot Leftypol tears

>> No.13129947

After renting for so long you want the space.

And then you grow to hate maintaining it all.

T went from one bedroom apartment with two kids to a four bed, three bath, three living room house but I also have four kids now so the space is comfy.

>> No.13129948

Soon you won't be able to use the internet eurocuck. You will only be using designated diversity approved websites.

>> No.13130005

its a public area in an apartment you retard

>> No.13130007

> Anon wants a gym
> Other anon posts picture of 1 smith machine and a bench, with no rack so can't even bench
Why aren't you /fit?

>> No.13130025

> Use a pool that looks like a scam investors waiting room, when they're open, and there isn't tons of people in it
> Is as good as owning large private pool
Keep going please.

>> No.13130058

are you retarded just buy land and build your own house