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13125785 No.13125785 [Reply] [Original]

Hector the Waiter: Misters, what can I bring for you on this glorious afternoon?

Mark Hanna:Well, Hector here’s the game plan. You’re gonna bring us two 10 ounce Sunshine Mint Bars, you know how I like ’em, straight up. And then precisely seven and one half minutes after that you’re gonna bring us two more. And then two more after that every five minutes.

Hector the Waiter:Excellent strategy, sir.

Jordan Belfort:Oh, I’m…I’m good with fiat for now though. Thank you.

Mark Hanna:It’s his first day on Wall Street, give him time. Thank you.

Hector the Waiter:Mm-hmm.

Jordan Belfort:Thank you. Mr. Hanna, you’re able to…to buy silver during the day and still function, still do your job?

>> No.13125807
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Mark Hanna:Well, how the fuck else would you do this job? Silver and gold, my friend.

Jordan Belfort:Right. I gotta say, I’m incredibly excited to be a part of your firm. I mean…the clients you have are absolutely…

Mark Hanna:Fuck the clients. Your only responsibility is to put meat on the table. You got a girlfriend?

Jordan Belfort:I’m…I’m married. I have a wife; her name is Teresa. She cuts hair.

Mark Hanna:Congratulations.

Jordan Belfort:Thank you.

Mark Hanna:Think about Teresa. Name of the game, move the fiat money from your clients’ pocket into your pocket via tangible wealth.

Jordan Belfort:Right. But if you can make the clients’ fiat money at the same time, it’s advantageous to everyone, correct?

Mark Hanna:Fuck no. Number one rule of Wall Street. Nobody, I don’t care if you’re Warren Buffet or if you’re Jimmy Buffet, nobody knows if a financial collapse is gonna happen today, tomorrow, a week from now or in a fucking year, least of all stock brokers, right?

Jordan Belfort:Mm-hmm.

Mark Hanna:Fiat, it’s all a fugazi. Do you know what fugazi is?

Jordan Belfort:Fugazi, it’s a fake…

Mark Hanna:Yeah, fugazi, fogazi. It’s a wazi, it’s a woozi. It’s…fairy dust. It doesn’t exist, it’s never landed, it is no matter, it’s not on the elemental chart. It’s not fucking real. Right?

Jordan Belfort:Right.

Mark Hanna:Alright? Now that’s what we call fiat.

Jordan Belfort:Right.

Mark Hanna:Stay with me. The FED doesn’t create shit; they don’t build anything.

Jordan Belfort:No.

Mark Hanna:So if you got a client who brought stock at eight, and it now sits at sixteen, and he’s all fucking happy, he wants to cash it and liquidate and take his fucking money and run home buy by some tangible wealth himself. You don’t let him do that.

>> No.13125834

Jordan Belfort:Okay.

Mark Hanna:Cause that would make it real.

Jordan Belfort:Right.

Mark Hanna:No, what do you do? You get another brilliant idea, a special idea. Another situation, another stock to reinvest his fiat in and then some. And he will, every single time. Cause he’s fucking addicted. And then you just keep doing this, again, and again, and again. Meanwhile, he thinks he’s getting shit rich, which he is, on digital fiat. But you and me, the brokers?

Jordan Belfort:Right.

Mark Hanna:We’re taking home cold hard silver and gold via commission, motherfucker.

Jordan Belfort:Right! That’s incredible, sir. I’m…I can’t tell you how excited I am.

Mark Hanna:You should be. There’s two keys to success in the broker business. First of all, you have to buy silver.

Jordan Belfort:Yeah.

Mark Hanna:You buy silver?

Jordan Belfort:Do I…do I buy silver? Yeah. Yeah, I buy silver, yeah.

Mark Hanna:How many times a week?

Jordan Belfort:Like, uh…three…three, three, four…three or four times, maybe five.

Mark Hanna:You gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers in this racket. I, myself, I buy silver at least twice a day.

Jordan Belfort:Wow.

Mark Hanna:Once in the morning, right after I work out, and then once right after lunch.

Jordan Belfort:Really?

Mark Hanna:Mm-hmm. Why? I want to. That’s not why I do it. I do it because I fucking need to. Think about it, you’re dealing with numbers all day long. Decimal points, high frequencies, bang, bang, bang. Eh-eh-eh-eh. Fucking digits kick, kick, kick, all very acidic above the shoulders mustard shit.

Jordan Belfort:Mm-hmm.

Mark Hanna:Right?

Jordan Belfort:Mm-hmm.

Mark Hanna:The con can wig some people out.

Jordan Belfort:Mm-hmm.

Mark Hanna:Right? So you gotta feed the geese to keep the blood flowing. And keep the rhythm below the belt.

Jordan Belfort:Done.

>> No.13125850
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Mark Hanna:This is not a tip, this is a fucking prescription. Trust me. If you don’t, you will fall out of balance. Glitch your differential and then tip the fuck over. Or worse yet, I’ve seen this happen, implode.

Jordan Belfort:No, I don’t wanna implode, sir.

Mark Hanna:No. No, you don’t.

Jordan Belfort:I’m in it for the long run, you know?

Mark Hanna:Yeah we all are, implosions are ugly.

Jordan Belfort:Yeah.

Mark Hanna:Pop off to the coin dealer, stack some more anytime you can. And when you get really good at it, you’ll be fucking buying it and you’ll be having nightmares about fiat.

Mark Hanna:Second key to success. In this racket is this little baby right here, it’s called gold.

Jordan Belfort:Right.

Mark Hanna:It will keep you sharp between the ears. It’ll also help your fingers dial faster. And guess what? That’s good for me. Yes, sir. Revolutions, you follow?

Jordan Belfort:Revolutions.

Mark Hanna:Keep the client on the Fiat Ferris Wheel, and it goes, the park is open twenty-four-seven, three-six-five. Every decade, every Goddamn century. That’s it. Name of the game. Halkidiki? Mmm.

Jordan Belfort:Thank you sir!

>> No.13125913

kek’d! BASED!

>> No.13125978

i dont want to implode, where the fuck do i buy some?!?

>> No.13126056
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>But Mr. Hanna, you buy bars of silver and not, I don't know, Eagles or other coinage? What makes these bars superior?

>> No.13126308

>Well son, thats a simple one, bars are better bang for your buck, government mints charge you a higher premium for their coins

>> No.13126615

No thanks. I'll just keep buying "gold" from China and selling it to dumb boomers

>> No.13126670

based and hannapilled

>> No.13127108
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