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13120521 No.13120521 [Reply] [Original]

Post coins that you can admit you got REKT on. No judgment zone here all of us have taken losses at some point.

I thought this would be the one until they admitted ‘yeah we actually can’t do what we said we would do’ as far as tokenizing assets and basically made it a gas token. Dudes raised millions in ETH to fund their project they successfully shilled to banks and then left the token holders with the bags after the shitcoin went from $.50 to $.03. The Telegram is a mess of dejected bagholders and admins pretending the token has a future.

>> No.13120621

JNT for me too. lost a lot of money on this shit. I bought around .30 average. sold for a lot less than that

>> No.13120650

Got destroyed on this myself. Believed in the tokenomics and the business connections. I think they legit tried but they suck.

>> No.13120787

NANO and DENT (over a year ago)

>> No.13120813

JNT is also my biggest just (besides being stupid on bitmex). It had so much potential, real shame

>> No.13120851

I too was scameled.
Also received a minor UBFing from icx

>> No.13120856
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same here, I chose this coin to go all in on. Looks like I chose wrong.....

>> No.13120857

Probably this too
Thing is they are really building stuff
I stored mine in a wallet and forgotten about it
Hopefully it pops few years from now

>> No.13120865


>> No.13120867

Rekt on 30k jnt
30k amb
2k icx

>> No.13120868

another JNT bagholder here

sometimes you have to get a little classy when it comes to these situations ;)

>> No.13120874

Pfr, btcp, bsv, make it stop reeeeeee

>> No.13120924

I'm listening...

>> No.13120994

Well.. glad we all have the same taste in captial losses. Watch it blow the fuck up out of nowhere

>> No.13121181
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eh ill let my portfolio do the talking
holding since 2017 ama

>> No.13121191

Jnt aswell, still fucking holding these heavy bags

>> No.13121212

JNT, Vechain @$4, ICX @$8, AMB, PRL, FUN, REQ

Pretty much anything shilled on /biz/ last year

>> No.13121227

oh no no no!

>> No.13121259

its crazy how many lifes icon has ruined.

12$ to .18$


>> No.13121263

I can't say much right now. Let's just say you guys have some people on your side looking out for you. Whatever you do don't capitulate over the next several months

>> No.13121267


Eh, I've seen worse on this board

>> No.13121290

I had 200k of this junk. Panic sold all it 30c. Only regret not getting out earlier.

>> No.13121314
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Pic related. I really believed in 1cpu = 1 vote but I just don't see how this will reach a large market cap. Got burned on last year's PnD. I feel like the early miners dumped their big ass bags.

>> No.13121316
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yea icon rekt my shit, idk why it got dumped the most.
their progress and legitimacy has been stronger than most other projects but they still just went down further than btc

yea me too
blockfolio graph sucks and my ath was actually 720k, currently at 33k

i'm just going to hold for another 2 decades, hopefully have enough to make it by then /cope

>> No.13121389

how do you even sleep? that's life changing money you could have been pulling 70K a year out of that if you'd dumped it into an index fund

>> No.13121435

JNT fucked alot of us up, including myself. It was such a fucking sure shot too. None of us thought that they'd just say "nevermind we're dropping the token".

>> No.13121441

Fuck me

I just sold 200k jnt for ~$3,000.

Spent it on LINK for $0.56 each.


>> No.13121448

after taxes and everything i would have needed 1.5 million to stop wagecucking, so i would never sell before then either way. even if i somehow sold the top, i'd still have to wagecuck for 5-8 years.
it keeps me sane to think i'd be in the same place i am now whether i sold the top or not.
i guess, if i still haven't made it in 5-8 years, then that's probably when it's going to hit me and i'm going to be depressed

>> No.13121455
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>> No.13121456

Man, i had high hopes for pfr

>> No.13121463

Anyone who says they need more than a million to stop wagecucking is wrong. You can pull 100k+ a year from dividends alone on less than a mill if you know what you're doing.

>> No.13121467

Well, what should we do?

>> No.13121472

Yeah i guess that makes it more palatable.
At this point I'm just trying to stack as much link as possible and holding for 3-5 years, if link fails I'm basically giving up on crypto and moving on with life.

>> No.13121478

How the fuck could you do that without risking losing a lot of money

>> No.13121488


Would rather be pulling that from bonds than equities. Need to protect yourself when you make it

>> No.13121495

>pretty much anything shilled on biz last year

Hello, we’ve been telling you about redacted for years now, when will you people learn?

>> No.13121514
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I lost a lot of money on JNT

>> No.13121519

Real inflation is too high for bonds to match at these rates.

>> No.13121520

checking in

>> No.13121529
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>> No.13121542

i cant be the only one who invested in BNB and chainlink in 2017.

got into chainlink at .23 cents

and BNB at $1

those are literally the only coins i ever bought in my life.

now im glad.

>> No.13121686

90k JNT here, got most at ICO. Why am I such a greedy whore, I was in the green for so long and didnt sell a single token. Worst part, I still buy $300 worth on JNT every month

>> No.13121750

Anon they are genuinely fucked in a major way. SEED wasn’t ever going to tokenize 250M they completely fabricated the entire thing and no one wants anything to do with the actual token.

JNT has no use case at all have you been paying attention the past 5 months? Yazan literally announced in the telegram that no one wanted JNT and everyone went crazy and now Yazan has gone radio silent. I would seriously stop buying.

>> No.13121779

Forehead coin, CON metro lost 3.5k to that trash and of course it was shipped on biz

>> No.13121955

Went all in on JNT. It was almost a guaranteed win! Never doing that again.

>> No.13121963

They are completely fucked now. No utility and the only thing they have is meh wallets and a stablecoin no one uses. So fucked.

>> No.13122000

Thanks anon, you are most likely right. They cucked us hard. I just wonder if they somehow could fix the token, give it purpose

>> No.13122012
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Bought in around $1.05 due to hype

Help me LINK bros

>> No.13122067

seems like JNT AMB and ICX are the great cuckers of our time

>> No.13122080


>> No.13122081

youre only half down. shut up and hold

>> No.13122103
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The level of justing I got out of this one. Still hurts. But I sold it all and put the money in REDACTED back when that was at 30 cents.

>> No.13122116

The same thing is gonna happen to CHX holders. Just watch.

>> No.13122117

Not one mention of AION? This thing seemed like the most legitimate and transparent project in crypto with everything going for it and an army of shills thinking it was a guaranteed $100 coin and it went -99% and pretty much everyone has either left or just endlessly FUDs and trolls their telegram

People talk about ICX being a buttfuck but it can't hold a candle to its retarded brother AION

>> No.13122182

bullshit. this is the same type of vague BS that got everyone to buy in the first time. muh secret partnerships muh NDA. its all just babble and hype until we hear or see something legitimate.

>> No.13122196

I also had 200k. Wish I fucking panic sold at 0.3. I held all the way down to 4 cents, watching my portfolio go from 180k to like 8k.

>> No.13122201

I have a gut feeling that you will sell at 1.20 and then kys post singularity... just hodl you fucking faggot and forget about it until 2021 then look again and be fucking set for life.

>> No.13122209

Is there any chance this shitcoin will recover? I lost the fucking value of a house on this sandnigger coin.

>> No.13122259

Same for me but guess what. I am still holding and I have 230k. Fucking cucked by our 2 models.

>> No.13123158

yo send a nigga some jnt

>> No.13123246

As much as jibrel losses hurt, unless you held btc, bnb or link, you would have got wrecked no matter what you were in.

>> No.13123291


Up in sats value tho, which is better than real money

>> No.13123296

All coins because i tried to be a trader

>> No.13123390

Fucking BCN bytecoin
I make 5k with that and before I sold everything, it crashed

>> No.13123398

right there with ya buddy

>> No.13123814

Then sell now and kys later when they're refunding at ico price. I don't give a shit.

>> No.13123851

Why would they ever refund. They gave zero shit about investors in the first place.

>> No.13123989

because they're likely fucked if they don't.

>> No.13124021

Says who? The unregulated market? The non existing authority of IRS? Or more likely random internet cholos?
There is no obligation to do anything for them. Just keep on the chilled pace and in a few years abort the project because no demand. Afterwards still a few millions left for the co founders. Sounds good doesn't it?

>> No.13124036


interesting. what was your thought process on these two that made you buy and hold them through thick and thin?

also OP, I lost it all on ICON. was up over 300K and dropped down to 8K. Absolutely unequivocally gooked.

>> No.13124085

do some precursory research before spouting off nonsense like an idiot

>> No.13124180

Bought 20k CAPP at 52cents. Sold at 19. Well now it's like 2.5cents so could have been worse

>> No.13124775

Some dude on telegram shilled me Tomo and JNT. Got rekt on JNT and aborted but Tomo more than made up for it, so he's cool in my books.

>> No.13125104

this is the dumbest shit ever. your hinting at a class action lawsuit? kek. so fags who bought the ICO and are still holding may (big maybe...many years from now) get reimbursed. wow.....
at what opportunity cost? I took a big loss on JNT, but have been able to make up my losses riding IDEX pump coins since. a lawsuit isn't going to go anywhere anyway. just fucking sell already

>> No.13125133

oh shit, sorry dude. that could have been me actually.

>> No.13125300

The logic is that they registered the ICO with FINMA and since they weren't able to give the token any utility, it's tecnically a security and FINMA will forced them to refund @ICO price.

I'm not saying it's going to happen, but from what I read there's at least some merit to it. I certainly wouldn't be holding my breath, though/.

>> No.13125352

I still hold coni bags at 97% loss

>> No.13125686

$50k lost on JNT. Talal damn you Talal....

>> No.13125715
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The jungle gooks own my anus

>> No.13125767
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$41,26 from $3,158

>> No.13125812

>Let's just say you guys have some people on your side looking out for you.
Disgusting person. Biz really is a toilet.

>> No.13125939


Learned to just ride pumps instead of "oh dude believe in the project xd"

>> No.13126019

Riding pumps doesn't scale. If you want to make it you have to pick a winner. Also got rekt by REQ and JNT, but I will keep holding the latter until the end. Everything other than BTC is a shitcoin anyway. I'd rather hold a shitcoin that has a solid company behind it than a chinkcoin waiting to exit scam.

>> No.13126399

it has utility as a gas token though right? It's not at all the utility we wanted, but it's enough to get them off the hook I think.

>> No.13126416

be me:
>buy lto at 500
>sell at 800
>fomo back at 1500 for 2k
>now at 7 something


>> No.13126451

A lawsuit will get nowhere since it is still an unregulated market and the definition of utility can vary widely

>> No.13127414

Are there any good projects at all?

>> No.13127699

dude, you need to realise your losses and consolidate into shit that isn't total crap. Go back into BTC mainly and diversify when the bullrun starts for a few alt pumps.
Most alts from 2017 will be dead by then.

>> No.13127725

lots of pumps I didn't sell, but if we're talking from initial buy to realised losses...

>> No.13127738

Was this from the watchbro group?

>> No.13127747

traders ultimately fuck up
just fucking bitcoin in the bear market, diversify 10-20% into some alts when the bear is full swing for pumps. That's literally it.

>> No.13128015

>It was such a fucking sure shot too. None of us thought that they'd just say "nevermind we're dropping the token".
lmao, speak for yourself, everyone with a brain told you fuckers that this was a vaporware ponzi-like scam that doesn't make any sense and whenever you got asked how was this shit supposed to even work all we heard in exchange was
>hurr you just want to buy my bags for cheap you filthy fudder!
enjoy those bags retards

>> No.13128296

man that one fag was in every single thread talking shit about the tokenomics and saying that there is no way on earth any financial institution would use JNT
looks like that smug piece of shit was right all along