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13120389 No.13120389 [Reply] [Original]

Biz, please tell me I am making the right decision here.

>be me
>young 20something living in major city
>working at tech start up, just promoted from sales manager to GM
>live with GF and some other roommates
>GF works in finance
>GF comes from trad family, has conservative values, white, wants babies
>GF takes up a lot of my time
>I have equity at work and want to focus on growing the business
>I want to devote 100% of my time to work
>Use new income from promotion to find new apartment

I'm planning on telling my gf and roommates this weekend I will be breaking up with my gf and leaving the condo. I'm going to pay 3 months rent while not living at my current place as to not fuck them up and leave them rushed to figure their shit out.

Am I making a mistake? Should I settle for a upper middle class life, with a wife and some kids or am I doing the right thing by doubling down on making it big in my career and early retirement.

>PS, GF and I have been together 3 years its my first LTR and I am not excited to crush her and break her heart this weekend.

>> No.13120405

Do what will make you happy.

>> No.13120411

If you do that you will regret it the rest of your life.

>> No.13120425

What kind of start up

>> No.13120434

Ease up on work or you will get bitter and go crazy. There's always more work. GF sounds like a catch, hard to come by at your age in major city in current year

>> No.13120451


it's a SaaS company, about a year old and we are finally exiting the valley of death. The whole thing was boot strapped, I own 12.5% of the company and all I am investing heavily into scaling it through automating all the labour intensive processes.

I have never felt so fulfilled as I do growing this business. I want to see how hard I can push myself and in turn the business. I want to join the 5am club, give everything I have to this business, and maybe fuck a roastie or 2 on Saturdays.

>> No.13120457

Once you make it you will regret not keeping your gf.
Why? because once you make it you will mostly attire gold diggers.
They are a pain and will lose you lot of time and money.
Ofc doesn't mean you should sacrifice your goals for your gf.

>> No.13120476


I am extremely redpilled. I've watched my dad go through divorce-rape, and part of the reason I am leaving my gf is because I will never ever want to get married and I know she wants to. A huge different in core values.

I will never get played by a gold digging whore, I'm going to set up a recording device in my bedroom so I can pull footage incase a roastie ever tries to #metoo me.

>> No.13120483

Why not explain the situation calmly and let your GF know that you would like some time to focus on work and your career. Ultimately it'll still be a break up but may be able to keep in touch and potentially get back together eventually

>> No.13120485


>> No.13120491

lol. If you plan to cheat, may as well tell her whats up. You sound like a piece of shit, she doesn't need you

>> No.13120493

I've let her know and we've had this talk.

This issue is that I don't want some time, I want all of my time.

>> No.13120509

I have no intention of cheating

>> No.13120520

Hahaha yall bunch of cucks, it's obvious OP would be able to find another women so that's why he is focusing on making money, meanwhile you all are neets who think it's his only chance through projection, you would give all to just have a chance to procreate lmfao

OP already made it the day he was born, good luck OP

>> No.13120561

Why do you need to end the relationship to work harder? It sounds like you want out and you're using work as an excuse. If not, man up and tell her what your priority is. Your faggy startup will probably fail btw

>> No.13120564

Don’t do it op, not worth it. Work is just work my fren, you shouldn’t have to give up the enjoyments in life just for that shit. Take this advice op, you are young. Don’t be like me, also 30, been with my partner for almost 10years, we were going to start having kids a few years back but life and work got in the way, in hinge sight I shouldn’t have let it. I am never have a family now

>> No.13120605

I've voluntarily eliminated the possibility of having a relationship with a few eligible women at this point because I'm accumulating crypto. Sex really is better when you're in a relationship but you have to be careful to avoid cucking yourself. Love really is a drug, you are fully capable of and willing to ruin your life in order to pound that sweet fucking body but if you live your life purely by mgtow logic you might feel yourself wondering what could have been and suffering for it. Either way you suffer some or take some risks, just find the best balance that works for you. Life is suffering, enjoy your stay.

>> No.13120717

this, you must lay first claim to her uterus or the last three years will have been wasted. if you focus on the business you'll only attract gold diggers

>> No.13121720


wise post.

OP, if you two want ultimately different things, it sounds like the relationship is irreconcilable. That said, if you think banging sluts will make you happier than growing close with someone, you're either a dedicated sensualist or simply ignorant. If you know you'll be happier in solitude, that's fine and perfectly valid; but be absolutely sure that's what you want.

>> No.13121725

Do it, she deserves better than you.

>> No.13121823

Relationships are incompatible with success. There's an old saying: married people are not smart and smart people are not married. Your dilemma is a taste of first-hand confirmation.


You fail with stacy and riches will never blame you.

You fail at riches and stacy will never stop blaming you.


EVEN if you sacrifice it for her and EVEN when the sole person responsible for crippling you to keep you tied down is HER.

And then it's too late... you'll have to be astronomically penalized beyond belief in the judicial system or you'll have to spend the rest of your days like an old dog being trampled by stacy screaming at you insulting you and calling you a loser telling you you're always wrong and that you can't pay for all the greedy shit she covets just to make the other snakes around her envious.

>> No.13121835

did you take her virginity? if so you are already married in gods eyes

>> No.13122233

I woildnt dump wife material that has been with you through the "tough" years where you havent made your real money yet, you just cant replace a woman like that, maybe just let her know you need to devote more time to work but you still love her yadda yadda

>> No.13122238

wtf am i reading, what are u a faggot?

>> No.13122254

Ok anon listen up, it does not matter what other people think of you in the end. Do what you think is right and live with the consequences. Because if you do what other people think is right you also have to live with the consequences only that it wasn't your decision and you are a slave to those people and their opinion which will only cause suffering down the line.

>> No.13122256

OP, it is very difficult nowadays to find a trad white girl. Do you love her?

>> No.13122322

Scrooge did it

>> No.13122357
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You sound gay as fuck bro, don’t prioritze work over your (potential) family.

>> No.13122371


Fuck this guy. If you don't do it you might regret it the rest of your life as well.

Don't take advice from anonymous fucktards over the internet. Make tough decisions when you have to, or don't.

t. Going through something similar.

>> No.13122382

Your startup will fail.

>> No.13122383

You sound like a shitty person honestly by reading your responces.

Leave your girlfriend not because its the right thing to do. I hope she will find someone better than you.

Personally I would never want be with someone that values money over me.

Your not even doing it cause you love to work you are doing it for the greed.

Enjoy the gold diggers and one night stands. m

>> No.13122406

You will have doubt either way, but if you don't go with your gut, you will have worse and more persistent doubt. Whichever decision you make, don't waiver. Good luck anon.

>> No.13122411

imagine being so deluded by the system that you think slaving your hours away at your job is great and you even want to dump your pretty nice girl friend that wants to have a family and marry you , for a fucking job titile and a sum of money.


>> No.13122413
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>>I want to devote 100% of my time to work
Absolutely based.

>> No.13123182

The absolute state of capitalism

>> No.13123651

You already made your decision. Winners don't make the right decision. They make their decision right.

>> No.13123689


This lol. I'll never understand people like OP but hey we're all different I guess. It's funny though that OP is exactly the type of guy that most women are looking for.


But also this. It sounds like OP has made his decision already, he just wants approval to make sure it was the right move.

>> No.13123703
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This. OP is just a manchild who will never be willing to raise a child and care for a family because of his mental incapacity.

>> No.13123719

>It's funny though that OP is exactly the type of guy that most women are looking for.
and then they wonder why thye got dumped, kek xD

>> No.13123726

I think you are some kind of jewish psy-op at this point
>hurr im redpilled
>hurr my daddy got hurt the same way
>Welp gotta stay alone and bitter for the rest of my life for mr.shekelbergs shekel

What kind of fucked up bugmen are you? Kys
Your family name will be irrelevant in the next generation with an attitude like that.

>> No.13123729

I did the opposite, delayed retirement by at least 5-10 years(gave up 500k, now left with 600k) because of a relationship. Don't even regret it.

You are a fucking idiot. Do you think money will make you happy? Especially since that money is coming from being a fucking corporate wagecuck.

>Choosing to be a slave for another man instead of being a man for your future wife

Just fucking think about it

>> No.13123768

Ok fine you have equity but it is still not worth it

>> No.13123785

This really just comes down to whether or not you love her. It sounds like you fukkend don't because you are actively planning to break up with her, so I suggest you do.

If somehow you actually love her and this is just your rational logic talking on how to build a perfect future, then stay with her and realize that spending 70% of your time working and 30% of your time with your family is a lot better than 100% of your time working. As a succesfull man, you need other spheres of life and influence. You will otherwise overwork yourself and miss things at work because that's all you know. Coming home to a home maintained by a woman is also great.

However, if you don't really love her and feel like "meh" about the whole thing, break up with her ASAP. You are not doing anyone favors by prolonging this relationship. You will only get used to her more and more until you don't know how to live otherwise even if start hating her. That's when hell begins.

>> No.13123800

She is not your gf if she is blacked while your at work

You are delusional to think she wouldn't trade you for Dinu Nuffin

>> No.13123929


Exactly lol. Well, they get what they deserve I guess.

>> No.13123979

No woman is worth your time or dime. Focus on yourself and the rest will follow.

>> No.13123988 [DELETED] 

my GF left me when I lost my crypto gains last year, if that counts?

>> No.13123992


>> No.13124009

Ooh sales to GM la dee dah. Nobody ever complains they wish they worked more when they are on their death bed. Just explain to everybody that you're shifting your life focus. If it's meant to be, then they'll make it work. A dumbass goes all in, a smart man hedges his bets.

>> No.13124084

you will be miserable by 30 after your degenerate lifestyle and by then you'll want to settle and have children and think of her and see her with someone else and you'll kill yourself with the realization

>> No.13124197

This desu

>> No.13124243
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A scrooge stooge is born. This is laughable. Just kys faggot.

>> No.13124257

This. Make lots of white babies if she’s so trad.

>> No.13124444

Everything you do in life is for your future family. If you dump a girl that is waifu material for money, you're going to regret it. She's always going to be the one that got away. Don't do it anon. Propose to her instead.

>> No.13124455
File: 1.77 MB, 2631x2477, 3F3EE743-DF3A-4EC3-833D-B4E3A0B2B3A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don’t love her deep down and are rationalizing it by saying you need to focus on work when in reality you prefer isolation away from your annoying friends / gf.

>> No.13124507

Right decision. You can always get her back later when you’re rich.

>> No.13124558

this is a bad move imo. Good women are VERY hard to find. You will regret it the second you do it. At the very least, explain to her you want to spend more time on your work and see how it goes.

As much as incels like to tell you otherwise, the end goal in life is to have a 'perfect' family. You will not be happy without one, even if this business is wildly successful.

>> No.13124576

Well I read through this joke of a thread and not found anything unexpected. So from someone in your shoes:
>early 20s
>have a job in a growing tech startup
>have a long time girlfriend
>keep a roof over my head with no aid from parents or roommates

It sounds like you've reflected a bit before coming here and your decision is calculated. Having your space and time is invaluable but most of the people here won't understand that because they've prolly never had more than 2 or 3 things off my list at the same time.
There's plenty of time to settle well in your mid 30s. Marriage material is not scarce as the incels would have you believe, you just don't meet them on tinder or in the pub or club.
Bite the bullet and brake it off, you'd neglect her regardless, you've made your choice and can't reason out of it with feelings.

>> No.13124762

Bro what the fuck do you mean she "takes up a lot of your time" what kind of basedboy hot garbage is this? Also just lol at you assuming your going to "make it rich" from "growing the business" as if that is a certainty. Tell her you need to spend a a handful more hours a week on work. Sounds like you just want an excuse to dump her to me

>> No.13124871


Dude you sound like you have mad trust issues. I highly recommend confronting those in an honest and vulnerable way. At the end of the day money will have made you comfortable but it will not feel as meaningful as having given yourself to grow and support other people you love. I promise that. Even if you dont get married, you can have that with another person and children.

>> No.13124883

>As much as incels like to tell you otherwise, the end goal in life is to have a 'perfect' family. You will not be happy without one,

this is your end goal in life, and mine as well
but dont be a faggot plenty of people have other goals, everybody is different.

>> No.13125037

hope pretty gf is fucking your housemates, your a cunt pal and i would suggest leaving her because your most likely a shit boyfriend

>voluntarily leaving your nice gf to suck bosses dick

kys papi

>> No.13125050
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I have a similar problem. My gf of 3.5 years (she is my first and only) wants to move in with me. I love her but i would like to have more experiences . Also i would like to focus on career and that means relocating frequently. Generally i feel that it is too soon for me (25) to settle. On the other hand i doubt i will find a girl like her again.

Fuck me the high impact decisions i need to take are increasing constantly and i still feel like an 18 yo.

>> No.13125072

One word: Bezos

>> No.13125096


You are not "extremely" redpilled my dude...

First of all, understand money. Understand what money really is. Understand it. Then do decisions based on that.

Poeple are money.
Population growth = inflation gain
notebank prints money as well as birth certificates

The more people you control, the more money you control. That's why shareholders are so filthy rich. They own a % of a company, so they control a % of the work force.

II. Men rule the world. Women are like animals. If you want a dog. You might want a woman. If you dont have time for a woman, she will run away on your own.

III. Never see things as "decisions". There are no decisions to be made. One way will always be the better way. You cant reverse decisions, so in backslash there is only a timeline.

and lastly:

you dont control space and time, you ARE space and time.
humanity is a hive.
If you get attacked, you are just attacking yourself. You punish yourself for past things.
You aren't together with a woman, you are together with yourself.

>> No.13125106


>> No.13125132


>> No.13125145

I dumped my gf of nine years after she gave me a marriage ultimatum when I was 24. She said if I don't marry her then she would go out with other people. I said no and she went on vacation with a co-worker.
I ghosted her and she continued to text me for two years. We spent the night together after I caved one time and she was begging for me to take her back.
It still hurts but I made the right decision. Just letting you know you're not alone.

>> No.13125148


>> No.13125155

Money isn't worth a fuck if you don't have a family. It is litterally the only reason to get money above survival level

>> No.13125161

Best post ITT

You should be able to do both. Man up

>> No.13125170

you care too much about others fulfilling you. let me help you out real quick. once you get a woman, say the woman of your dreams, your 10/10, the shine will wear off. at some point she will do something that annoys you, and then, then you will be left with yourself. as you always were. and you will finally realize you are not unhappy because you don't have a woman, you are unhappy because you don't like yourself

>> No.13125205

same boat anon, though not quite the first, she's in the first 5
here's the way I'm thinking about it: will I regret or resent this in 10 years? what about 20? for me the answer is absolutely YES

so no way I'm committing this young

>> No.13125214

>Bite the bullet and brake it off, you'd neglect her regardless, you've made your choice and can't reason out of it with feelings.

>> No.13125232


>> No.13125250

>he wants to break up with a gold conservative girlfriend like a dumbass. instead of talking to her and coming up to an agreement that works for both of them
Why is biz full of retards? Is this really the place where millionaires were made? Must have been a life lotto I missed out on.

>> No.13125261

Exactly, but only if you love her

>> No.13125269

Actually, based on OP's post history, he has met the self fulfilling prophecy of every thread:
>OP is and always will be an absolute faggot

>> No.13125314

t. never had to live through his parents divorcing. Your reliance on the comforts of a family will cost you dearly one day.

>> No.13125339

and it is never about the expense. It is about the return.
Never about how much you can make, just about how much you can lose.

>> No.13125490
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What the fuck dude, NO.

Girls like that are beyond hard to find especially if they are hot
You literally are weighing the choice of cutting ties with both your friends and your seeming great catch of a woman to work make more money for your Jew boss, and the government.
As a gm almost anywhere you make enough money to be happy, it sounds like you don't really need the money and just can't see the value of human bonds right now because you haven't gone without them in a real way.

Upper middleclass is a lot of money if you're in America, there isn't much more room to grow by hard work without sacrificing the things that actually matter in life.
Jesus dude, you're making a mistake

>> No.13125527

Only millionaires like Trout who thought they were all cool and smart until they invested in PASCAL

>> No.13125677


>> No.13126085 [DELETED] 

the white night

>> No.13126107
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>If you marry, you will regret it; if you do not marry, you will also regret it; if you marry or if you do not marry, you will regret both; whether you marry or you do not marry, you will regret both. Laugh at the world’s follies, you will regret it; weep over them, you will also regret it; if you laugh at the world’s follies or if you weep over them, you will regret both; whether you laugh at the world’s follies or you weep over them, you will regret both. Believe a girl, you will regret it; if you do not believe her, you will also regret it; if you believe a girl or you do not believe her, you will regret both; whether you believe a girl or you do not believe her, you will regret both. If you hang yourself, you will regret it; if you do not hang yourself, you will regret it; if you hang yourself or you do not hang yourself, you will regret both; whether you hang yourself or you do not hang yourself, you will regret both. This, gentlemen, is the sum of all practical wisdom.

>> No.13126177

100% you are the man, you build the company and even if she leaves you then you get what you wanted initially, but you have the chance to test her commitment. Sounds like you're a bit scared of her leaving first. It will never be a negative to pursue your goals and women on the inverse will feed off of that. Either your smart and know the way and she needs to bite the bullet with you, or you don't and she is running your life

>> No.13126215


>> No.13126534

You sound like a sociopath so you can just go on and break up with her. It won't matter to you.

>> No.13126545

Chase a check, never chase a chick

>> No.13126553

Are you on any drugs or have mental disorders?
No offense but sounds like you got a manic episode/ you're in a manic state OP.

>> No.13126562


Drop the pot you dumb fuck, he would just regret it like for a year at most

OP is extremely based and redpilled, he is chad, he WILL drop that bitch that is in the top, selling high, and buy low a bitch with so much potential without any effort whatsoever because he is as manly as you can get

meanwhile the rest of this thread is about muh feelings, muh regret, muh life, fuck off, the only thing that warrants love and deserves it is Jesus Christ, the rest is just money and power politics

>thinking people can be genuine other than jesus himself

>> No.13126581

I like the way you think, would be willing to provide any reading material for me?

>> No.13126583

Oh and like 50% chance she's already been fucking other dudes.

Highly unlikely that she is the unicorn you think she is. She will get bored and leave you anyways if you did stick around, and you will be behind career wise because you put your life on hold for a woman.

Don't hesistate. Make the break even if it hurts now. Let her go fuck up some other man's life before you get trapped in the normie cycle.

>> No.13126626

Thank you anon :)

>> No.13126879


Lol, he wasn't asking you skanks for your self-servibg bullshit. Gi get raped and die in a ditch.

>> No.13126916


More roasties

>> No.13126921

This. There’s no other valid answer
I will give 50% of my time in this gay earth just to be in your position Op

>> No.13126928
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do it faggot

>> No.13126999

Either way you could have sincere regrets in the future. You WILL have massive regrets in the future. There comes a point in life where every man must make a choice. And live with the consequences for the rest of his days.

As I have.

>> No.13127097

Op. Close your eyes. Imagine yourself in 3 yrs time. Nice stash, good car, house. You go get your coffee and see your now ex gf happily holding hands with another dude or even worse, happily playing with a gorgeous 1y/o aryan specimen.

How do you feel ?

>> No.13127165

What fucking family? In the future u are dead , and when u die ur not gonna care about any family

>> No.13127220

that fantasy will never exist. it is mind's illusion. the real thing will look nothing like what you imagine. instead of telling him to think about which fantasy he'd prefer, it'd be better to tell him he will regret either but be content with the choice he makes because it became real. all the other paths remain perfect fantasies forever. you don't regret what would have actually happened, you regret not getting to live your perfect fantasy version of the other "choice." regret is comparing something that actually happened with the perfect version of something that never happened. never came out of the mind and into imperfect reality. had he chosen family, his fantasy version of leaving her to focus on his business would seem like heaven. of course any perfect mental fantasy is going to be better than something that was actually allowed to happen in a flawed world. why do you think people have such a hard time making a choice over anything, much less big things? because once it's real, it's never as good as the fantasy and that paralyzes people unless they can see the trick for what it is.

regret is dumb. you're comparing a perfect fantasy to an imperfect reality when you regret. get out of your mind and accept what is without regret, not what will never be

>> No.13127360

>1 y.o. gorgeous aryan specimen
I think you mean a 1 y.o el goblino because his former gf took the BBC pill

>> No.13127392


Now close your eyes, imagine posting that, now imagine deleting your post and then kys

>> No.13127396

You’ll be miserable and regret it if you do break up.

>> No.13127419

He will be miserable and regret it if he doesn't.

>> No.13127420

You’re as much of a retard as op

>> No.13127431

Having a good life with a hot wife and child in upper middle class vs having a lot of money and gold diggers. If you pick the later you are an absolute goy

>> No.13127440


you will always regret everything because nothing can fullfil you unless it becomes trascendent, unironically the only people that find fullfilling to have a family are people that still find it meaningful and haven't lived through the middle age existential crisis

The only things you won't ever regret are the things you believe in, the things you find meaningful because of your beliefs, but it would be delusion unless it's religion or theology

>> No.13127462
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>all these anons breaking up with willing trad wifey-material girls in order for Jewish materialistic pursuits
good goyim good.

>> No.13127478


Not me, the reason I went further with my girlfriend is because our relationship grew along with her family business.

Its quite good. Before I knew her I was a wagecuck become NEET, then she was actually the one that influenced me to pursue something that would make me less miserable and pathetic.

>> No.13128239

LOL this is so me.
Go with your gut bud. And you have already planned to leave so that tells me you have partially checked out. Also don't work yourself into the ground and remember to take care of number one.

>> No.13128303


Relationships can be more valuable. I like to think of each relationship as a node in my network.

>> No.13128337

Dont listen to any of these virgin faggots. Focus 100 percent on making it. After you make it, literal 8-9-10’s will be throwing pussy at you left and right. You are far too young to get locked down with some gf that will probably end up bitter and trying to take half your shit in the end.

>> No.13128368

Does she check all the boxes?

> pretty
> good sex
> good personality
> smart

If the answer is yes, you're making a mistake. Money comes and it goes. Good women are rare.

If she's just a "meh" chick and you would be unhappy with her long term then I see nothing wrong with ending it.

Also a bit of warning, the quality of available women can really drop after 25. Because the good ones got claimed.

>> No.13128411

What in the ever loving land of pure faggotry is this dogshit? Do you cry when you jerk off? oP I didnt realize this board was filled with manlet pussies that will end up chopping their dicks off in 5 years and changing their names to Samantha. Listen... you are in your twenties, focus on the money now, you have plenty of time to upgrade your girl after making it.