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13116999 No.13116999 [Reply] [Original]

thoughts on this?

>> No.13117017

nobody gives a fuck anymore, crypto is dead.

Yes, all of it. Nobody is using it for anything meaningful besides variations of Ponzi schemes.

Even after all these years of endless hyping and shilling partnerships no real world usage for any crypto out there, not even by a long shot. The most optimistic scenario is a decade away.

And to top it all off, now that even the normies are onto the fake volume BS that exchanges have been pushing since forever, nobody is willing to get back in.

Also Tether is about to implode, it is no longer tethered to the US. Not that it ever was, but now even the devs admit it.

To sum it all up, it's all a worthless scam, soon to go the way of the dodo bird.

Funniest bit is to watch how various coins and their support groups argue and bicker endlessly about which coin is better, whereas in the actual fact they are all just different shades of the same shit.

I'm gonna enjoy watching it all crash and burn. For real this time..

>> No.13117034

TLDR? I skimmed it but its basically betting 20% of your stack every time?

>> No.13117148

It worked for me on dice sites but then ditched it because I was greedy and aimed for big payouts. Never tried it in trading tho, thanks for reminding me about it

>> No.13117179

>basically betting 20% of your stack every time?
no that's not at all what it says to do lmao

>> No.13117201

I don’t have time to explain it, but yes, it’s worth studying and has a lot of applications in trading.

>> No.13117207

it only works when you can reliably estimate the net gain of an investment or gamble

>> No.13117215

can you explain how you are supposed to calculate the probability of a trade being succesful? how do you plug in those numbers?

I saw a podcast with Ben Thorp who said it's best to just be very conservative but still... it seems super subjective.

>> No.13117217

Sorry m8, the only pastas are allowed in /biz/ are LINK pastas, try again.

>> No.13117312

I mean ed thorp not ben thorp. Freudian slip . that's my bros name lul

>> No.13117821


>> No.13117847

>muh DCA


>> No.13117869

Your bets are dynamic, and calculated using a specific formula or some shit. TL;DR not worth the effort and even less when talking about crypto, this is a shitshow.

>> No.13118209

after quite a bit of digging i found this;

"Here is a brand new (to the public) Kelly formula. It was designed for traders, not for gamblers. Trading is not a casino game. It doesn't have fixed probabilities and fixed payouts. Kelly formulae designed for casino games do not travel well when imported into trading. All that said, this new formula is presented "as is". There will be no history, no derivation, no explanation, no hints now or later.


Nk = ( s1*s2*s2 - s1*s1*s3 )/( s2*s2*s2 + s1*s1*s4 - 2*s1*s2*s3 ) ,
Nk is the estimation of the true Kelly fraction produced by the new formula ;
S1 == sum[ Ri ]_i=1toN ;
S2 == sum[ Ri*Ri ]_i=1toN ;
S3 == sum[ Ri*Ri*Ri ]_i=1toN ;
S4 == sum[ Ri*Ri*Ri*Ri ]_i=1toN.

can some math fag break this down? is it better? I don;t understand it

>> No.13118302

>pure probability theory combined with wealth management
>applicable to unregulated speculation
there are no fixed odds in crypto
even binary options aren't 'fixed'
this doesn't take into account risk
this doesn't take into account time

>> No.13119187

seems to me it depends on the specific odds

>> No.13119220

this, this, this, this and this

>> No.13119233

wtf is wrong with you? are you guys retarded?

>> No.13119242

I actually been applying the Kelly criterion on horse races. I managed to win 6 out of 6 races a couple of weeks ago totalling $500 for the day. It's easy money