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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13115182 No.13115182 [Reply] [Original]

...next golden bull run?
is your bags heavy enough?

>> No.13115191

>genelet detected

>> No.13115217

Because I can't afford food, anon

>> No.13115292

kek at the third world shitholes

>> No.13115772

Enjoy your herniated disks, bro.

>> No.13115881

then learn intermittent fasting. body fat melts. growth hormones skyrocket. muscle builds easily. brain fog disappears. your body enters autophagy and uses junk cells for fuel. you feel better. it's cheaper than free. win/win/win, anon. you have no excuse.

>> No.13116001


>> No.13116029

but i am, currently in cocoon mode. when i get rich i will be fully emerged as a gigachad

>> No.13116050

>not one man on earth got more pussy because he got fit
>its all about the face and the height

>> No.13116063

>height in second
Lanklet detected. How's your blood pressure doing?

>> No.13116090
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i've been going to the gym for a month straight with only 3 days of rest

>> No.13116101

It’s objectively

Face/fit/frame/height at the same goddamn time, no order. Without thos, a girl won’t even dare glance your way.

>b-b-but but my friend is short, fat, slightly ugly and out of shape and he has a girlfriend

Ok but does it ever last, how high quality of a woman is this, and how rich is your friend? Women will only date down is the pros out weigh the cons and even then you are only getting sex maaaaybe once a month at best.

>> No.13116416

Cocoon mode = "I'm going to work on every aspect of myself except social skills"

>> No.13116470

Because my bags aren't heavy enough yet and i literally spend all my money on crypto so i can't afford to eat more than minimum calories/day just to stay alive

>> No.13116612

>facelet detected

>> No.13116618
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too tired from wageslaving

>> No.13116776

>height is least important
fucking cope. i always cringe if i see a manlet with huge muscles - it just screams insecurity and even the girls laught about it. don't fall for it manlets are still manlets even if they are /fit/
t. 6'3 gigachad