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File: 666 KB, 640x640, Chad.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13113193 No.13113193 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13113200

Luckily I'm obese so there's no way he could lift me

>> No.13113202

Pissing on his leg

>> No.13113209

if i was standing at the bar drinking and not ordering anything then id deserve it. fucking HATE cunts who just stand at the bar and look at you funny when you want to order something. fucking move ya fags holy shit

>> No.13113216

Backwards headbutt. Don't care what happens next.

>> No.13113218

Grab his ball through his legs and squeeze like a cunt, then stamp on his head when he's down

>> No.13113219

>he goes to the bar
Fucking degenerates

>> No.13113244

Are they friends or something? Why doesn't he ram his elbow in his completely unprotected nose? Seems weird, doing shit like that could just get you knifed in many places no matter how "chad" you are.

>> No.13113250

tell him your crypto power level

>> No.13113266
File: 56 KB, 663x925, dsfgdfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm 6ft3
>best friend is 6ft8 so i'm always the manlet

>> No.13113327

I would walk away humiliated and fuming, but I wouldn't take on a guy who could pick me up like that, in fact I wouldn't really take on anyone - it's absolutely pointless putting your body at risk for a sense of 'dignity' in that context. I would trust that this guy will eventually be humbled himself in some way, and he'll be left with the stinging shame of having thought he was cool for pushing others around.

>> No.13113334
File: 22 KB, 115x112, 1539028290876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13113361
File: 85 KB, 750x488, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13113364

The way the fag smiles and laughs when he gets picked up makes me think they are friends.

I would probably start elbowing and kicking the motherfucker as soon as he grabbed me from behind. But its unlikely someone would do this to me considering I'm 6'2 and 290lbs

>> No.13113371
File: 125 KB, 476x640, Georg_Wilhelm_Friedrich_Hegel00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's absolutely pointless putting your body at risk for a sense of 'dignity'

This is where "master" and "slave" first begins - when one man is willing to accept subordination to another man rather than face death.

>> No.13113389

I live in (((America))), so, go to my car, get my .45 and shoot him in the back a few times and let the chips fall wherever they may.

>> No.13113391

I'm the kind of guy who would throw an elbow without checking who picked me up. Of course, Chad would beat the shit out of me afterwards.

>> No.13113402

>This is where "master" and "slave" first begins - when one man is willing to accept subordination to another man rather than face death.
yeah because getting killed for menial shit makes total sense. you are a mongoloid.

>> No.13113411

Lose weight fatty

>> No.13113412

anything with extreme prejudice

>> No.13113419


Assuming the video really depicts some douche picking up someone he barely knows, said douche looks vastly stronger than the other person, and even if he wasn't - in a physical fight all it takes is ONE punch for someone to die, or end up in a coma, or brain-damaged for life, or with serious health issues for the rest of their life. A single punch could mean months of dental surgery, for example. Even someone vastly weaker than you can badly damage your body. Getting into fights isn't worth shit.

I can empathise with feeling humiliated in this situation, but who is the one who should really be ashamed? The douche in question has no shame - and my life experience so far has shown that these types often end up getting fucked up themselves in some way or other. All it takes is messing with the wrong person and he might get shot (over a mattress, say). Even if you assume he goes about essentially consequence free after doing this - why should you care? Anyone who finds the douche funny or likes him after doing this is obviously pathetic, and he's pathetic for thinking he's amazing because he can pick another person up.


It's simple common sense and self-preservation. Most men are utter willing slaves. Do you see men resisting biased domestic violence and family court laws? No, they shut their bitch asses up, even when they have the opportunity to get together and fight a system like that, they generally submit in all ways.

>> No.13113424

Just some Hegelian food for thought.

>> No.13113457

da rude man is da bad man
da bad man finna get a gang on he ass
dis how we roll in da ghetto

>> No.13113657
File: 466 KB, 618x766, EF271302-74DA-4425-B0F8-49C1E0846D3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and pieces of his teeth stuck in the back of your head-pilled

>> No.13113668

Pull down his pants and start sucking.

>> No.13113675


>> No.13113686

I mean to be fair if someone fucking grabs you behind and you throw a fucking elbow in self defense that happens to kill them you might be forgiven. Someone grabbing you like that from behind could be assault especially if it's some stranger and you have no idea what's happening

>> No.13113696

Good vehicle gun. I carry a 9mm.

>> No.13113718

kick to the balls then run. what other option is there?

>> No.13113720


I wasn't really concerned with the douche. If he acts like that and gets killed, I wouldn't have much sympathy. I'm saying if I was the "victim", being picked up like that, I wouldn't want to put myself in danger by throwing a punch that could provoke him further.

>> No.13113721

b a s e d

>> No.13113735
File: 99 KB, 500x650, 2FD66FE7-C1A0-4360-9C02-5BC09114FAFC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hand in my man card

>> No.13113745

I would lift that “chad” out of the way, funilly he looks like a smaller version of me

>> No.13113754

With that mentality, you're fucked because you will never get a job. I mean, you could technically start a business, but very few people are lucky enough to even know that's an option at an early age.

>> No.13113755
File: 88 KB, 800x589, XYBAJHLM6RG57AVT2DLKJIMD6Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a manlet this really bothers me. not much you can do besides internalize the embarrassment, and try to turn it into productive anger. I'd keep that memory in my back pocket for a few months while I work to achieve financial success. Any time I start procrastinating I'd re-live the shame to regain focus. I have many memories like this and they're unironically what keep me motivated.

>> No.13113770
File: 48 KB, 409x409, 1546102241309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're fucked because you will never get a job

Yes, and?

>> No.13113798

Come up behind him and beat him over the head with a bar stool until he expires.

>> No.13113812

they're actors. 99% of ppl IRL aren't douchey like you autists imagine them to be

>> No.13113818

What I love about 4chinz is that everyone is above 6 feet and has a 7+ inch cock

>> No.13113820

I'd kneel and suck his dick right there and then to assert dominance

>> No.13113832

It's cool if you can find a way not to starve.

>> No.13113835

That's easy, just eat food lol

>> No.13113842
File: 20 KB, 360x345, 1552862832894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right - it is cool.

>> No.13113875

I'm right. If you can find a way not to starve.

>> No.13113946

not larping as a tough guy but that is fight/confrontation worthy. you shouldn't even have to think about it, it should be an automatic reaction caused by adrenaline. if you dont at least confront chad and be willing to get smacked around a bit you are not a man. i dont care how big you are, the shame of letting that go is worse than any injury. even if you lose the fight, you are getting in a few good punches in at least to make sure he doesn't get away with this consequence free. reading some of these replies explains why so many men have never been in a fight in their lives.

>> No.13113959
File: 330 KB, 1440x787, lotr Ungoliant vs Morgoth2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

breaking this social contract can not go unpunished. i would wait for him in the parking lot with my gun.

the video is probably fake btw, filmed for youtube monies. no gorilla is this dumb, no matter how much time you waste in a gym you still bleed as easily as everybody else in modern times.

>> No.13113983

If you notice, the guy is on his phone and not ordering shit since the bartender is doing fuck all. i would be pissed too if i was the chad

>> No.13114011

most people here havent been to a bar so they wouldnt know that feeling, thats why so many are hating on the chad

>> No.13114012

he was the 1%

>> No.13114291

>implying that an elbow from that soi manlet would do a goddamn thing to that guy

>> No.13114333

>he thinks being obese makes him less susceptible to getting punched the fuck out
lmao, thats rich. once your fatass falls on the ground, youre done
t. 6ft 220

>> No.13114335

>"Yo 2 beers, bro"
Fuck I can hear him say it.

Manlet here, I probably would not do anything. Why bother? Too much wasting of energy.

>> No.13114339

If you are smaller in stature, be good at free wrestling and shoot the legs. It really works.

>> No.13114345

>180cm to feet
>5ft 10.8 inches
lmao eurofags arent going to make it

>> No.13114504

look at the size of his head

>> No.13114509

Actually not bad coping.

>> No.13114514

>tallest one in the group
>new guy joins
>he's taller
>politic and power play to make everyone hate him, until he inevitably leaves

ive been doing it for years lads, its my evil scheme to reign supreme

>> No.13114565

I'll pull out my .45 and shoot his ass dead

Heh nothing personal

>> No.13114585

Why are so many tall guys so insecure? I get why short guys are insecure but it's always weird when tall guys feel like they have to dominate or assert power over people. Being an average height guy at 6' I really enjoy my height and feel very secure at all times, even talking to and fucking women taller than me (though a lot of taller women are insecure and only want to date men taller than them).

I've found because I'm good looking and charismatic and carry myself well that tall men are often extremely intimidated by me and try to assert dominance which I always find laughable and just shrug them off, but I still haven't figured out WHY so many tall guys have this insecurity. Like - you're tall, it's good genetics, be happy,

Don't get me wrong, I have met tall men who don't show this syndrome but the vast majority (even those who are otherwise pretty nice) exhibit it at one point or another.

>> No.13114702

Charles, when Cardano going to overthrow Ethereum?

>> No.13114936

that's Brad not Chad