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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13111517 No.13111517 [Reply] [Original]

addicted to meme lines.

>be poor and desperate
>be smart enough to find people burning their money on crypto exchanges
>spent months running multiple strategies
>find a couple of things that work consistantly
>hundreds of trades and months later they still find good spots
time to relax?
>still poor
>carry on spending hours every night pouring over data looking for more

why cant i just fucking stop studying charts and prices, ive already found what i was looking for. when does my real life start

>> No.13111592

When was the last time you did something for yourself?

>> No.13111597

I lost half my life savings man

>> No.13111606


>> No.13111607

The ride never ends bro

If your that well off now, set up diversified passive income streams so u dont gotta worry about shit.

Start going for walks, go to church, hikes.... meme shit desu

>> No.13111620

It's like going into a high level video game area with low level gear.

Even if your technique is world class, you're still going to be grinding away and seriously outclassed.

Live cheaply, wagecuck efficienctly, save six or seven figures. Leave active investing for the end game when you've got more capital accumulated.

>> No.13111682

besides wagecucking in a hotel cleaning with spics and sitting infront of these screens, i havent socialised since christmas eve or spoken to anyone (besides my mother on the phone a couple of times) since.
i just want to make it and i need what little money i have working round the clock in the markets to do it

>> No.13111690

>save six or seven figures. Leave active investing for the end game when you've got more capital accumulated.
I know this is the right answer, I've never trained in anything thats worth much money to anyone else, itll take years. I can code and I was always v.good with numbers but I took the weed path from 18-23 and found myself coming out the other end here.

>> No.13111701
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>The ride never ends bro

>> No.13111714


I get you dog.

Crypto is one of the big reasons I switched careers to finance. I'm almost ashamed to admit it.

I invested in this space when I was desperate and unemployed. Made a shitload, lost a shitload. Then I accidentally landed an entry level finance position and got licensed as a stockbroker.

This board and theses shitcoins literally changed my life. And now I need to make it or die trying. I'm constantly analyzing this market but I focus more on sentiment than an active trading strategy. Now I'm in some shitcoins that have very large upside potential but I can't fucking walk away. I keep analyzing, reading, looking for the next big thing. It's crack for my brain.

>> No.13111731

>I've never trained in anything thats worth much money to anyone else, itll take years.
>I can code

Coding is worth money. Depends on the language, your skill, and how willing you are to move, but it's worth money.

You sound like a complete autist so I also recommend finding a recruiter. Good ones can polish up your resume, handle soft skill shit, and have at least some incentive on getting your ass into an enticing enough job.

>> No.13111795

>Coding is worth money. Depends on the language, your skill, and how willing you are to move, but it's worth money.
yeah i need to prove it to other people, plus my code isnt very clean in the sense that when ive shared python scripts with people i can talk them through every line and it works, though a mess.
im not there yet, i could be though, should probably spend all my time getting some kind of certification/education instead of pouring my life into endless sheets of memecoin data

>> No.13111816

Depending on the job market, scripts alone may be enough. Got anything crypto related? Clean it up (with comments and shit, imagine you're presenting it to a room full of Pajeets), open source it on Github, include github link on your resume/LinkedIn messages to recruiters.

>> No.13111904

>Got anything crypto related?
its all crypto related.
the most complicated thing ive written was a script that monitored new threads on biz all day, analysed the OP image to look for green pepes or pink wojaks, extracted any linked shitcoin symbols (btc, eth, xmr etc), fed the data as buy/sell orders directly into binance and set short term stops either way.
i just wanted to test the old trope 'buy the wojaks sell the pepes' lol. it didnt make me any money but it was good fun at the time.