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File: 283 KB, 800x2000, lava_infograhpic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13109314 No.13109314 [Reply] [Original]

> What is fucking Lava and why should I buy it?

>> No.13109335

stop shilling this shit, no one is buying your bag

>> No.13109361

>it only dumps
The system works

>> No.13109504

buying a cup of coffee with Bitcoin:
>have to type in a clunky public address which is impossible to memorize
>pay the $25 transaction fee as a customer
>wait up to an hour while sweating like a rapist on a hot summer's day for the tx to confirm
>get beat up in the parking lot

buying a cup of coffee with LAVA:
>just send the transaction to "starbucks", easy to memorize, normie-friendly
>receiver pays the $0.02 tx fee(in LAVA)
>confirmed in a matter of seconds
>beat up some trenchcoated weirdo who held the line up for 40 minutes in the parking lot

>> No.13109576

I know the 0xbitcoin creator personally (no larp), he's a smart guy, pretty much works on Eth stuff nonstop. Might be worth a bag

>> No.13109634

Im so fucking sick of the banter back and forth. Shilling and the fudding. I will have my 10000 bag in less than one hour then I can fucking close my internet for 3 years. Thank God.

>> No.13110060

still confused with lava. isn't lava the "gas" for 0xbtc? it's like the currency is gas, and you are using some of the gas to pay for the transaction (like a transaction using fiat, and using fiat to pay additional taxes on the purchase)?

if this is "bitcoin on ethereum" wouldn't it be easier to compare how bitcoin does transactions and compare it to how lava works? genuinely asking. ty in advance

>> No.13110131

Based and orangepilled.

>> No.13110145

Let's clear one potentially confusing factor up right away - 0xBTC is the same as LAVA, value-wise. It's a separate smart contract because new features had to be added that the 0xBTC smart contract didn't have in order for the relay feature to work. The only way to get LAVA is to lock up 0xBTC, so it's pegged 1:1 with atomic (i.e. trustless) swaps.

When you create a tx using the LAVA network, you just pay a relayer a fee in LAVA tokens in exchange for confirming the tx. The relayer then pays the gas fee, which still has to be in ETH because that's the only thing miners want, for you, so the tx could go through. There is usually a small premium on this (a few cents at most), but it can also be configured such that the receiver pays the tx fee for you (if you were to buy something from a store, for example). This is useful, because now end-users don't have to keep two separate balances on their wallets, as they do now - one for the token they actually want to transfer and the other for ETH to pay for gas.

For the user, this is basically the same as with Bitcoin, in the sense that you have a balance of a single currency (BTC or LAVA), which you can transfer while using that same currency to pay for the tx fee. The main difference is that the option of the receiver paying for the fee does not exist with BTC. There's a bit more happening under the hood with LAVA than with BTC, since in the end all fees on Ethereum have to be in ETH, but the end-user doesn't see any of that if he's using LAVA.

I don't get your point about fiat though. If you send a bank transfer, then you also have to pay a fee in fiat, so pretty much the same applies (except that bank fees tend to be much higher than Ethereum fees).

>> No.13110168

Nope the branding is too outrageous to ever be adopted. Lava? You think people are going to use a cash alternative called lava?

>> No.13110198

There's a fucking credit card called "Discover".

>> No.13110216

>setting the bar for fud this low
it's highly likely that you're using an os developed by a company unironically named "microsoft" this very moment

>> No.13110269

what about the capitol one quicksilver, I mean that name is retarded. What about american express blue cash. Holy shit Lava is sounding sexy and hot all of a sudden.

>> No.13110279

Infernal toast is the man. The whole community is as organic as bitcoin was when satoshi was around.

>> No.13110281

>american express blue cash
Kek I actually have that one. It's got a decent cash back system.

>> No.13110291

Lightning network? Metallica endorsing it or what?

>> No.13110327

and no one is ever gonna use this shit

>> No.13110360

>What is a qr code?
>What is LN

>> No.13110372
File: 343 KB, 894x896, IMG_20190325_022649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13110376

I can feel biz growing on 0xBTC

>> No.13110461

>what is a qr code
A bunch of dots that, unlike a brand name, have no recognition or appeal whatsoever.
>what is LN
A centralized shitshow that'll be ready in 6 Months™. Meanwhile, the Lava Network is decentralized and online right now.

>> No.13110481

Lava network gets a mobile app w qr codes its on.

>> No.13110502

Making bitcoin a standard. Bitcoins fundamentals are the way they are for a reason. 4 year halvening. 10 minute blocks. 21,000,000 supply.

>> No.13110525

Lava is the surface level fluidic precursor to many types of igneous rock.

>> No.13110528

epic fail

>> No.13110606
File: 12 KB, 224x225, 7777777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>both of these anons are probably invested in link and fail to see the irony

>> No.13110616
File: 53 KB, 607x391, B4572022-60AC-4BCF-B0A2-72AB8086A109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look another shitcoin shill. We mined this early and then dumped on fools who thought this had a chance. Buy 0xbtc only if you hate money and love meme projects.

>> No.13110645

unironically this.
like a jackass i bought $4k worth of 0xBTC when it was at $2.50 / $3
i hate all of the 0xBTC shills so fucking much

all 0xBTC is is a miners scam
the early miners spammed biz with shill threads during the pump
anons fomo'd in
they made a killing off us

remember to sage all 0xBTC threads
this shit is absolutely useless

>> No.13110665

Youre a dumb ath buyer. Every single coin gets hyped then dies. Bitcoin the king of it.

>> No.13110702

the lesson is don't buy ANYTHING that's shilled her that's on IDEX and suddenly becomes very popular

I bought like $10 worth of 0xbtc
learned my lesson on that one

>> No.13110734

0xbtc isnt like any token. It makes many tokens obsolete. It could make bitcoin obsolete with more volume and liquidity. Lava is the eth counter for lightning. What makes it a scam is having bitcoin in the name.

>> No.13110827

You bought at ath like a retard and you are just mad a new wave of buyers are buying in from 12 cents to 30 right now. Idk what happened in the beginning of 0xbtc because I didnt own any. I bought in at 12 cents and I have had an 89% ROI from my DCA investing into 0xbtc since feb 1st

>> No.13110890

wow I dont know what to say anon 4k today would put you in the top 10000 for life

>> No.13110908

Also followed 0xbtc since the beginning never bought any because when it hit a dollar I thought it was to high for what it was at the moment but just the last 2 months seen it hit .20 so I had to buy 10000 coins for suicide insurance because this is either gonna be really big or its gonna be nothing at all. Place you bets rightfully. Considering you bought when everything was 100% concept you fomo'd now that lava is out and things are happening you probably dont want to buy any.

>> No.13111324


He's a really funny guy IRL, he can talk ethereum for hours and is really interested in this stuff.