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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13105004 No.13105004 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13105013
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>> No.13105030


>> No.13105034

lol idiots feeding this greedy machine

>> No.13105037

amerifag detected

>> No.13105039

Let me guess it's gonna hit $20 by the weekend, right?

You've been saying that for 3 weeks already... $20 was supposed to happen 2weeks ago.

1 retracement, 1 ico and 3 weeks later we are lower than when we began.

Your stupidity already cost me 20% of all my money, and other anons are equaly rekd.

So fuck you. You just keep making excuses one after another.

going in on bitmax instead, could be the next bnb.

>> No.13105043

it just broke ath

>> No.13105045

this doesn't make any difference in the token's value. don't buy this pump, there's nothing that warrants such a sharp increase. wait until they actually launch a working dex or something.

>> No.13105055

lmfao they are going full sunny lu vechink marketing tactics to pump up this scam.

gains are to be made for sure but this will rekt so many people in the end it will be glorious

>> No.13105059
File: 49 KB, 1262x462, 9a88f8b7-16f6-47fd-8d44-f5b60deb1327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you retarded? the more bnb you hold, the more lottery tickets you get to participate in IEO.

>> No.13105063

and who the fuck cares about some irrelevant IEO you dumb nigger? implying its 2017

>> No.13105065

>it just broke ath

I'm gonna pull up the thread from 3 weeks ago if I can find it.

>> No.13105069

lmao ranjeet. BTT did x10, FET did x5 on Binance IEO.
CELR tomorrow will do x15.

>> No.13105071

15x?. Isn't it gonna dump because the early investors bought higher? Explain please

>> No.13105072

Rekt at 16.5+? Lmao what kind of retard are you?

>> No.13105081

in order to keep this IEO thing going, Binance is going to artificially pump CELR. Imagine if CELR flops tomorrow, who's gonna buy BNB to participate in the next IEO? No one. That's why CZ bots will make CELR skyrocket tomorrow and launch a whole new level of Binance IEO FOMO

>> No.13105086

Holy fuck I can't even imagine being this stupid. Do you not like free money?

>> No.13105094

Yeah makes sense, thx. What's your strategy for buying? Wait a little and then buy right? Marketprice rekt alot of Fetters.

>> No.13105102

>what kind of retard are you?
The kind that trusted you.

>> No.13105107

Went all in at 0.0042 sats

Already JUSTed, shoot me

>> No.13105117


you ladies are ridiculous

>> No.13105172
File: 24 KB, 579x427, 958FB601-DB2B-4B28-9AF5-FEA0E6A2B2C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1000ONT + 150GAS for 100BNB anon here. Just a daily reminder that The BNB Pump will be akchually and unironically tremendous

>> No.13105235
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> tfw sold celr dump @$15
Binance still gonna fuck everyone up. I should withdraw all my money from it asap

>> No.13105264

So ... you're saying you bought at a price lower than the current high and would be in the green right now if you had held instead of being a weak handed bitch.

>> No.13105275


its like they dont understand how a clock works

>> No.13105310

where can you buy it without having to learn to read moon runes first?

>> No.13105320

I am finally realising just how dumb the people trading crypto are, it took me a while but Im getting there.
Fucking tactics as old as history itself empoyed by chinknance; if they came out with hold 50 at minimum people would complain, rightfully so. So they come out with 100, act like they are listening to you dumb motherfuckers and lower it to "just" 50 bnb. omegakek, imagine having to hold 1k worth of centralized shitcoin for 20 days to GET A CHANCE TO WIN AN...opportunity to buy a shitcoin ico.


ONONONO these morons dont know icos happened for years without problems before launchpad came along


>> No.13105341
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as stoopid as crypto traders are... none crypto traders are even stoopider

>> No.13105397

serious question: who are all these salty posters? did they miss the pump and are now salty or what? I know a lot of people who keep shitting on BNB since $6, image the number of pumps they have missed. I don't understand what motivates these people.

>> No.13105430

Yes it's a chinkscam but it doesn't matter. Take advantage while it works and don't get too greedy.

>> No.13105447

Maybe shills for an other exchange. Also aren’t amer banned from using it?

>> No.13105455

There is no salt. It just took me a while to realise that this is actually how dumb the majority is.
Bnb is a 100% centralized coin as such, as a crypto, it is 100% a shitcoin as a ledger could do the same but better.

Launchpad is a piece of shit they use to sell the majority of icos launching on it to insiders/their own bots to pump n dump the price of these new shitty projects and sucker in new people. Instead of even pretending to fix their "issues" they come up with a lottery system that forces retards to hold at least 1k (50 bnb, theyll update it) for 20 days so they can still allocate most to themselves/insiders (conveniences of running a lottery). Icos happened for years before launchpad without these issues but suddenly they need to come up with a new method even though the old one(send funds, first come first serve) worked flawlessly.

Now can you profit from bnb pumping? Yes, just remember it is inherently a shitcoin and dont fomo into chinese bot-pump fiestas

>> No.13105460

I went all in at $17.20 am I doing this right anon?

>> No.13105493

>Icos happened for years before launchpad without these issues
>t. Never participated in an ICO
NIGGER did you try do buy LINK on ICO? Or BAT? Shit was sold out in three blocks flat
If they're using provably random numbers for the draw, explain to me how can they rig it?

>> No.13105520

If you run a loterry you can rig it. If they wanted to be transparent they would use a public smart contract for it.

And yes 3 blocks is fairer than xx% allocated to insiders. Use a bot, code a bot, buy a bot, pool with bitches. All of this is a fairer way than this shit tier launchpad scamfiesta. Even better would be keeping it open for an hour or two, setting a max cap of lets say 5k/person, taking all the funds and then splitting it by %(obviously returning the excess funds). Would guarantee near maximum distribution(so 5k gets max%, pajeet with 50$ gets 1/100th of the guy with 5k)

>> No.13105537

It was $20 after one week you fuckin gooks, not $17 after 3 weeks. Stop looking for ways to excuse yoursef. You fucked us all.

>> No.13105625


>> No.13105877
File: 123 KB, 960x538, elizabeth-holmes-theranos-CONTENT-2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This right here is a retarded pajeet

This one is a full blown brainlet

Be careful /biz/ you don't wanna be neither of these

>> No.13106136

Binance has 60% of the entire crypto spaces' volume

Just recognize the power of chinknance and buy bnb

>> No.13106138


>> No.13106148

you may be holding a bit while bitcoin gays up the space

>> No.13106250

Imagine not being a BNB maximalist

I'm up 200% from the Summer thanks to BNB :)

>> No.13106280

Coinbase / Kraken valued at $8bn / $4bn. Binance is a better exchange than both. BNB will be top 3 by end of year. ETH falls off top 5.

>> No.13106309
File: 148 KB, 500x455, C74DCDAE-28C0-4337-B890-AE7775F2182F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get rekt petulant child

>> No.13106665

It is worrisome that one exchange is getting this large. Reminds me of MtGox.
Imagine if Binance has a major hack it would tumble the whole crypto sphere.
I would like to have the whole volume speaded out on more exchanges, but most of them just suck so hard (Qash/Liquid, Coinmetro, Coss).

>> No.13106799

>He didn't do the opposite of what biz said

>> No.13107238

MtGox and Binance are at two completely different levels. Fundsu are safu

>> No.13107824

>Reminds me of MtGox.
i hate you dumb faggots who parrot this shit, you weren't even in crypto for gox

>> No.13107874

exactly. night and day. Binance has 90% of their shit in cold storage, multisig wallets that everyone knows and tracks.