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13099069 No.13099069 [Reply] [Original]

>He thinks he can make it in the U.S.A

>> No.13099240

This country is headed for the shitter long term. There will be two classes, those who have money and those who don't. Middle class is a goner.

>> No.13099251

Chris hedges is insufferable.

>> No.13099283

he is, but Linh Dinh is fucking real

>> No.13099295

the end is nigh!!!

>> No.13099344

Name one country thats better. Ill wait.

>> No.13099363


>> No.13099541

Even China

>> No.13099552
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Hong Kong MAYBE. I've vacationed there, it's nice but I wouldn't want to live there.

>> No.13099554


>> No.13099568

Actually Based

>> No.13099626

The U.S.A is literally the easiest country to make it in, most of the people you see posting in reply are shitheads that live in it that can't make it and need an excuse. The reality is if you fail in the U.S. you're going to be a failure anywhere else you go because you're literally in the easiest place to make it.

>> No.13099650

10 seconds in
>we are really the poorest country in the world
does anyone take this shit seriously? honestly?

>> No.13099727

Every European country. Subhuman retard.

>> No.13099736

>What are niggers?

>> No.13099737

It is that myth that unironically makes it hard to make it

>hey everybody, you guys can make it in the U.S
Talented and untalented labor floods into the U.S
mediocre and poor people are fucked, later in the interview they talk about wealthy immigrants coming in and jacking up real estate prices fucking over those born without real estate

not to mention the loss of liberty and good governance. everything is in place for a dystopia.

>> No.13099811

the price to pay for capitalism and cheap goods is a loss of sovereignty, i thought burgers realized that by now?

>> No.13099823

>It is super easy to make it in America
Define "make it." If you mean become truly wealthy (10 MM+ net worth), lol kid. If you mean a cushy mass affluent/well off lifestyle, I would say yes if you're reasonably intelligent and come from a middle class background.

>> No.13099855

making it in USA is taking your dollars elsewhere. When i see those home prices i cringe everytime

>> No.13099874

>Take your money elsewhere
Middle class boomers already do that. They take a 50k a year pension and buy a beachfront condo in Costa Rica.

>> No.13099906

>watching Russian propaganda

I thought people stopped falling for this 30 years ago?

>> No.13100279

they fucking know whats up, you could save like 10 years and live like a king in SA for the rest of your life

>> No.13100330
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The truth, backed by a lot of evidence. Even companies now openly acknowledge it:

>> No.13100878

>Germany, Sweden, Fance, Spain>USA
Holy shit stay salty europoor

>> No.13100896

look at all these jealous europoors and communists

>> No.13101000
File: 327 KB, 1600x948, 1-worlds-wealth-map-9242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wealth disparity is the greatest in shithole countries.

>> No.13101126

What does that mean

>> No.13101143

the guy doesn't bullshit he moved to Vietnam to escape this BS

>> No.13101152

>Chile, Taiwan, South Korea, random ass islands nobody ever cared about
Imagine actually believing this map.

>> No.13101197



All of western europe. Uk, Australia. Japan.

>> No.13101200

>South Korea
Are you retarded, anon?

>> No.13101214

>higher suicide rates than US

>> No.13101226

HK becomes part of mainland China in 2047 as part of the handover agreement signed in 1997.

The city is an investment blackhole because nobody knows what the PRC’s integration plan entails. Most businesses are already moving China operations to Shanghai.

>> No.13101235

Oh, i'm sorry. I meant to say Worst Korea.

>> No.13101257
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The US is a great country to live in if you’re a rich person but horrible otherwise. We are unironically the first poor “rich country”. All our tax money goes to bank bailouts and Israeli wars and we don’t get shit in return. Europeans pay higher taxes but st least get healthcare and Uni as well as decent public transport. Trump literally said our wages are too high and retards still voted for him

>> No.13101302
File: 93 KB, 344x360, IMG_20190218_190331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America was great until you let the Jews take over your country. Now you're just their brainwashed slave labor. You need to take back your country from the hook-nosed tribe.

>> No.13101307

HK is a dying city, Singapore and Taipei are much better

>> No.13101335

Jews are what made America great.
>investment banking
>venture capital enabling tech boom
>easy loans to promote risk taking
>trying to get us to nuke Russia is what took us to space

>> No.13101354
File: 59 KB, 960x705, E9456562-B993-4811-A7E0-3316915E8FF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hello Chaim

Death to Israel

>> No.13101387

You wouldn't happen to have any actual evidence for your anti-Semitic claims would you? I see people on this website talk about how awful Jews are all the time but they're always fuzzy on the details.

>> No.13101408

> what took us to space
Russian engines are taking you to space till these days you mong. They replaced former engines you stole from Von Braun

>> No.13101421

Didn't you hear? Jews are using porn to kill white people

>> No.13101499

Any country is great to live in if you're a rich person.

>> No.13101517


Kalergi Plan and Barbara Spectre. Frankfurt School. Jews in prominent positions throughout history pushing communism, open borders, sexual revolution, porn, abortion, feminism.

>> No.13101981


>making it in USA is taking your dollars elsewhere.

This is the key boys, and don't you forget it. Globalism has its downsides, but being able to piss off with your capital and live like a king in a developing country is the wise man's move. You don't need to be a millionaire to retire.

>> No.13102085

Based USA! Fuck poor people! The 21st century poorfags are the most entitled poorfags in all history. What makes them think they should have better lifes? The poorfags for the past thousands of centuries managed to endure and survive very well.

>> No.13102242

I know you are probably being sarcastic but I want to springboard off your comment
The horrid realization that makes our poverty unbearable is that it doesn't have to be this way.

We have enough technological knowledge and advancements to eliminate poverty in a couple of generations and we could have started on that path long ago. Previous poverty was a fact of life but now it is a choice a dysfunctional society has made to continue to dysfunction. Poverty in the our current time feels like an insult.

I'm paraphrasing Christopher Lasch
>In the late capitalism where success is thought to be a choice, or a reflection on one's worthiness to live, and getting constantly inundated with images of success, the unlucky unsuccessful can't help but feel like massive turbo-losers.

The old model of poverty and wealth recognized there was a random chance aspect to it and that the world was simply too undeveloped to not have a massive poverty problem. Now, our world is overdeveloped and to be poor is thought to be a character defect and a choice. That is what makes our modern poverty worse.

>> No.13102755

why would rich people want to eliminate poverty?

>> No.13102785

which countries do you recommend? eastern europe seems to have the hottest bitches

>> No.13102826

ideally, the rich would want to eliminate poverty because seeing their fellow man in a debased and pathetic state is an insult to their own dignity. Hatred of dysfunction is another reason. But those are sentiments of the noble and their aren't any noble among the rich, and not many in the world in general, even among the poor.

>> No.13102833

The biggest threat to rich are other rich people. It makes no sense that they would want, on any level, to have other people join their ranks.

>> No.13102919

>ask a question
>receive an answer
>now here is here is a preloaded talking point I wanted to post
should have just posted your talking point instead of wasting my time by posting questions you ask only to post your talking point

>> No.13103005

Why are you butthurt on 4chan?

>> No.13103059

China is a 2nd world country. Sweden is like top 5 greatest countries to live in in the world. Your problem is that you observe from the mindset of an autistic politically brainwashed tool instead of pragmatically. Sweden is historical, beautiful, clean and rich. China is a dumpster full of starving workslaves. I am from neither country I am just tired of retards shitting up 4chan with your anti-logic. Yeah, Sweden is having an immigration crisis, but America is having one too, except its severely worse - mexicans, arabs, chinks, etc.

>> No.13103163

every second and first world country