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File: 1.04 MB, 1439x1802, Screenshot_20190323-155336_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13098542 No.13098542[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tell us. Pic related the daughter of the richest Rothschild. @ooooolllliii

>> No.13098563

Nowadays, even the scions of the most devious plutocrat dynasties look like sloppy fucking Millennials.

>> No.13098588 [DELETED] 

Seems like a bad PR stunt at times. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRuBndJwIiw

Reminder, climate change is a hoax. It's you who's to blame of course not hypocrites like the Rothschild family. You're a bad person for pumping carbon into the air. Rothschild family only want whats best for ''our children''

>> No.13098602

Seems like a bad PR stunt at times
Reminder; You're a bad person for pumping carbon into the air. Rotschild only want whats best for ''our children''

>> No.13098606
File: 40 KB, 434x393, 1551127567893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never burn every rothkike alive

>> No.13098610

>Tell us. Pic related the daughter of the richest Rothschild. @ooooolllliii

What's her insta?

>> No.13098628

They lost it. Family's name publicly known - indicator of loosing the patrician status.

>> No.13098781

those people don't work. they just play 24/7. their wealth is managed by their private bank. they don't have to do anything except have degenerate orgies and travel the world. i bet they are into some really sick shit too. having access to everything would make the world a boring place eventually.

>> No.13099133

Its in OP post

>> No.13099198

you guys always say these people live authentic lives, eat authentic food, stay away from the poisons we are exposed to, but i doubt it.

all those kids have the same phones we do, are eating and drinking the same shit we are, and chase the same shit we do.

>> No.13099218

Oh my god i love her, i want to marry her

>> No.13099220

it's why they don't live to 130

>> No.13099228

Damn, I live right near there.

>> No.13099233

We can all have a chuckle watching the entire line devolve into social media Kardashians, as victims of their own demoralizing propaganda machinations. Should be a good time!

>> No.13099234

welcome to the world of abundance. they might eat nicer than some of us at times but you can bet your sweet ass they still drive thru taco bell and mcdonalds at odd hours of the night

>> No.13099238

How phenomenally wealthy are you to be living on the Geneva lake?

>> No.13099298

What could these weird symbols mean?

>> No.13099321

Richest and most powerful family in the world - “they don’t have to work” sure dude.

>> No.13099332


If you realize this, then you begin to realize what a great life you can live with very little money.

Money can become your ticket to freedom rather than more stuff.

>> No.13099347

Well, for them working is more like playing Age of Empires.

>> No.13099352

i thinks it more that they just kept everyone dumb and they always lied. Now that we have the net they are exposed for being retarded like everyone else

>> No.13099358
File: 1.22 MB, 1439x1761, Screenshot_20190323-180445_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to give you a sample of their wealth

"A lavish Caribbean estate with a private beach and coconut grove has sold after listing for $67 million.
Originally built by banker and businessman Benjamin de Rothschild, the so-called "Girasol" is set on more than seven acres of land on the Caribbean island of Saint Barthélemy, or St. Barts."


>> No.13099367

I don't live that close lol, just a middle class Swiss.

There are some really poor neighbourhoods right by lake Geneva actually.

>> No.13099405

its funny, you seem to see it that way but this guy >>13099358 sees it as a means to just more stuff

>> No.13099449

I agree with
him though

>> No.13099454

How do you know that is the daughter of the richest Rothschild?

Found nothing pointing to that.

>> No.13099467

have the roths done enough to secure their wealth and bloodline? by the way things are going it looks like in the next 100 years, the rothchilds will be living in favelas and not getting blacked but black themselves

>> No.13099492

How much for sniff

>> No.13099538

This image is illuminati as fuck.

>> No.13099542

its not about the money brainlets..

>> No.13099565

We were on the way to interview Baron Benjamin de Rothschild, the last scion of the dynasty's French branch, who is considered the world's richest Rothschild today.


The house in OP pic is his house and The girl is one of his 4 daughters

Need more proof...?

Rothschild never were and never will be on Forbes list...

>> No.13099587
File: 142 KB, 900x602, Château_de_Pregny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This house also in OP pic is Illuminati asf


I Saw it in real Life but via fence only ...

>> No.13099614
File: 899 KB, 1870x5404, The_Enchiridion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always like it when Frens get it. money has very little intrinsic value. money = time basically, the more stuff you need the more money you need. very simple. happiness does not require money tho

>> No.13099616
File: 1.20 MB, 1536x2048, 1534749909188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, it's stuff like this that keeps me smiling through it all

>> No.13099618

Interesting. I had no idea I had rothchilds living in my city.

How can I profit?

>> No.13099628


Or maybe there isn't really a big worldwide jewish conspiracy and /pol/ is wrong?

>> No.13099656

Look at pic related the Rothschild property + land is bigger than United Nations land in Genewa.

Idk try to hook up with Olivia This is her snapchat, she adds all People... -> Olivia.der

>> No.13099670

Or it just worked so well they fell for their own shit. Who knows, who cares. I'm just trying to get rich off muh cones, the jew shit is sideshow entertainment at best and I only ever even think about it when a thread like this pops up. My humble opinion is that if the people who were concerned about a conspiracy would spend some of that energy bettering themselves, even if there were said conspiracy it wouldn't even matter.

>> No.13099681

i hope you asked them serious questions and had a serious conversation unlike that autist from that video harassing lord roth and calling him a lizard on his face lmao

>> No.13099688
File: 1.03 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20190323-184209_Maps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Rothschild land in Gemeva is bigger than United Nations There. See pic related.

Hook up with Olivia. This is her snapchat Olivia.Der its girl from pic

>> No.13099703

Try to get to know Oli please too

>> No.13099708

we know this shit today and take it for granted due to the efforts of autists mass researching and exposing the conspiracy decades ago. If it wasnt for such people (mainly writers) nobody would even know who the fuck rothschilds are

>> No.13099733
File: 1.39 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20190323-185110_Snapchat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proof The snapchat is real

>> No.13099739

True that. It's complicated. I just do the best I can with the hand I was dealt. Lucky enough to be born white in a western country with enough sense to take advantage of at least some of the opportunities. To those fighting the good fight, I wish them the best and certainly won't stand in their way.

>> No.13099742

Yes I agree. But still, it is an interesting theory to look at..

It all does fit in together well and would make sense, especially when you look at the history of the world.

On the other hand it is a bit far fetched conspiracy and the only people I've ever met in real life that talked or had knowledge about the "jew conspiracy" were complete weirdos.

Ah, we will probably never know the truth. But it makes me damn curious.

>> No.13099751

How do you know her?

>> No.13099756

i would pay that dumb bitch not to fuck with anything

>> No.13099765

does hitler look like a weirdo to you? thats only one major figure out of hundreds that talked about jews and a conspiracy. People talk like this is a recent internet phenomenom or something..

>> No.13099775

I would rather kill her daddy than fuck her

>> No.13099796
File: 477 KB, 900x1100, kisspng-the-rothschilds-rothschild-family-coat-of-arms-sta-usa-gerb-5ab714cdcc3ba9.5350257115219478538365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm of the Rothschild bloodline but due to my ancestor being a man whore who fucked the upstairs maid and got her pregnant, he was kicked out of the family and dis-inherited.

I was unironically fucked out of a fortune AMA

>> No.13099807

I dont. I just Researched social media of all kids of This richest Rothschild to see how they live - out of sheer curiosity

>> No.13099810

I'm talking about people of my generation. Everybody that I've met in real life that has talked to me about the jew conspiracy has been a complete loser.

Not saying that necessarily doesn't make it true.

Just wondering why I've never met a well functioning, successful guy that also saw their ways?

>> No.13099814

I work for them

24k/yr plus no tip

>> No.13099822

Can u share any insider info about them?

>> No.13099825

Any other of their social media accounts to post?

Did you see or learn anything interested or weird about the way they live?

>> No.13099835


>> No.13099847

Here, please


>> No.13099849

Is the jew conspiracy real?

>> No.13099860


>> No.13099867

Israel will burn you kike.

>> No.13099876

Sorry see this

Not This


>> No.13099877


>> No.13099895

>Hidden power levels.

>> No.13099897


>> No.13099904

There is always some element of truth to every good conspiracy.

>> No.13099914


>> No.13099916

have you ever fucked a boy under the age of 16?

>> No.13099919

cause well adjusted individuals dont have time to delve deep into such issues, therefore those who do know about it come out as weird (not well adjusted). Are they not well adjusted because they wasted time reading about conspiracy, or did they get interested because they were not well adjusted? who the fuck knows. In any case, generally 'normal' people dont know/talk about this shit, its either the weirdos you speak of, or important figures way above the average

>> No.13099921

she's sexy

>> No.13099929

How far do you think the truth goes ? This shit is like inception once you start to understand it.

>> No.13099936

Why don't (((WE))) do something about it now? Why not now?

>> No.13099965

shit goes very deep, veeeery deep my fren
nothing can be done now. Except maybe one thing, but it would make satoshi look like a baby, clearly out of we mortals league

>> No.13099967

I believe truth to simply be perception and understanding of one's own reality. There is no black or white just different shades of grey.

What is truth to one can be incomprehensible to another.

>> No.13099968

Boring i guess

>> No.13099980

Sounds like schizophrenia

>> No.13099989

truth is objective, aquinas defined it best: the correspondence between reality and thought.
Think about it

>> No.13099992
File: 796 KB, 2400x2400, 2FDB92EB-A8BB-4E10-8D61-F0807AA2E54C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have insider knowledge to anything seemingly fucked up or unbelievable that you are willing to share with us here?

>> No.13100008


The schizophrenics that take the whole jew conspiracy thing way too far are the ones that make me doubt and discredit it, despite the fact there is probably some good part truth in it.

Who knows maybe they are the ones that are right in the end.

I'm pissed I'll never be able to know the truth.

>> No.13100016

Except 1 thing? (((WE))) listen Anon

>> No.13100061

way out of your scope, ((anon))

>> No.13100065

Not really other than the fact that the so called "truth" is often times stranger than fiction

>> No.13100075

truth is just information, it changes nothing if you dont act on it. Action is needed, the time for talk is over

>> No.13100090


fuck off bickle LOL

>> No.13100092

Not that (((WE))) pretend being able of anything. Curious to hear how tho!

>> No.13100102

My God, next level brainlet.

>> No.13100121

Any examples?

>> No.13100128

i disagree, i say logic = truth. if something is not logical it is not true. therefor we can not fully understand truth at any given time because it is impossible (so far) to know everything single input.we just have "our" truth and sometimes many people agree that does not make it true tho in the end. truth is for the gods. or maybe some super ai but, for all we know today, even it couldnt even know every single thing see -uncertainty principle - for example. we mortals should strive for inner peace and leave truth to them. but it is always important to ask questions, ask many and often, always be open to other opinions, dont ever think you know it all because it is literately impossible, if the facts point in a different direction it is obligatory to change your views on that matter, until new or better facts arrive.

tl.dr. in the end there is a truth we just cant ever grasp it completely.

t. anon

>> No.13100134


>> No.13100398

What can you tell me about the truth of the whole bloodline and alien DNA thing?

>> No.13100405

any pics of the maid?

>> No.13100454

not gonna lie, I lurked through her instagram and she looks really weird, and all of her male-friends too. they look like elves

>> No.13100498

lol none of you guys hang out with any rothschilds nor would any of you get within 5 feet of any of them or their estates before being violently tackled by large men in suits.

>> No.13100509

5x (5x3)

4x (4x3)

3x (3x3)


>> No.13100553

Any cosplay tiktok vids? I could rub one out if I had to.

>> No.13100559

Yeah, like they weren't kicked out of over 100 countries for a good reason. And we're to believe they are better now?? Yeah, right...

>> No.13100591

The thing is that everyone that indulges and wholeheartly engages in the "Jew Conspiracy" Theory dont act out their beliefs in some kind of way. Its always a circlejerk in some kind of echochamber. Its basically a huge hive mind. Ideologies that exist in heads of thousands of ostracized men online. But What do you have to show for it? Mindlessly reposting/spewing /pol/ jpegs made in paint in 10 minutes throwing "evidence" picture together and writing your comment to it? I am not the guy to judge weter this way of thinking has truth to it or is completly false with no evidence, or wether its a good thing that you believe in it or not.

I dont endorse the NZ shooter in any way or form whatsover, but he is the one of the only guys out of these thousands that literally spent each years and if not centuries discussing this online, that actually acted out his beliefs.

Tells you a lot about it tough that the only way to act out on it, is, participating in terror and killing dozens of civilian people

>> No.13100625
File: 385 KB, 1080x698, Screenshot_20190323-144942_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like a literal bogdanoff

>> No.13100635

>Any other of their social media accounts to post?

>> No.13100638

ima take everything they own and care about cause all their assets are blood money. made off the backs of suffering.

>> No.13100641

>dont act out their beliefs in some kind of way.
nobody does, or do you see commies out there murdering bosses? we are comfy enough still that it is left as debate in online platforms. When shit goes down though, people get radicalized FAST and you will see action
>The only way to act out on it is violence
no shit, go read a history book. Literally no important political change came without violence. You cant talk your way into these sort of changes in a country, when there are opposing sides with very different ways of seeing things, each wanting power.

>> No.13100850

Its a britbong thing.
My cousins family is 8 figures net worth, but they dress like ops pic

>> No.13100988

They're in the 13or 14 figures, and I don't think they're British. They're like their own international nationality. At this point, I don't think they even consider themselves Jews, and if they do, they consider ordinary Jews to not be Jews.

>> No.13101023

this is correct. In America we don't comfortably discuss differences in test scores between blacks and whites. In Israel the same applies to Jews and Ashkenazi Jews.

The same is true, even at a higher order. It probably has more to do with them not having the same apparent birth defects.

Is there a way to test my bloodline? Do they scout outsiders? Male/female dynamics seem very different among them

>> No.13101026

>I don't think they even consider themselves Jews
they are mixed with european and they know it. They answer to the jew priest class, believe it or not

>> No.13101100

Not a single revolutionary act was not intentionally done by an elite class. You just have faction after faction using dumb goyim as fodder. Nothing will be different this time either.

>> No.13101114


She does still look very hot. What are the chances that she is a sociopath? I'd still want to fuck that rich cunt of hers. How would I get to fuck a person so high in the social ladder? I'm like an earth worm compared to her, but her pussy must smell like sex.

>> No.13101147

Lol classic schizo delusion

>> No.13101166


>> No.13101167

The most Indian post itt.

>> No.13101188
File: 50 KB, 158x169, 234567890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up the fuck

>> No.13101427


>> No.13101455

Quality bread on biz for once

>> No.13101501

>rothschilds arent british
Theyre british jews

>> No.13101537

British royalty has roots in Saxony
Roths are Saxon/semitic hybrids.
They selectively bred their kike part out.

>> No.13101562

wtf is this?

>> No.13101563


"Your" truth is make believe. Which is why "her truth" needs to leave the vernacular

>> No.13101582

That house is well known to be owned by the Rothchilds

>> No.13102228

I didnt know the roths did incest to keep the plebs out