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13096227 No.13096227 [Reply] [Original]

A few days ago there was an anon that post and URBIT thread and i was the anon that replied that i was waiting for my 100th planet bid to close. he they laughed at me and stated that i was buying them at a premium . Those planets are priced at 0.25 on Urbit.live. I bought the bulk of mine from OpenSea for 0.05. Now the cheapest planet on OpenSea is priced at 0.0887 but most are listed at 0.1 . You better get them while they're still cheap. But then again paying $7 for a planet is a lot of money for broke ass anon in here. Thank you Twitter for shilling Urbit /Biz/ is too poor to pay $7 for a single planet they rather buy LINK and other shit coins.....i'll post again in 2 weeks

>> No.13096321

pls explain why owning a planet is desirable i don't really get urbit with galaxies, planets, stars, etc

>> No.13096403


>> No.13096456

How far do you think stars will go above 5 grand?

>> No.13096939

>pls explain why owning a planet is desirable i don't really get urbit with galaxies, planets, stars, etc

>> No.13097458


>> No.13097852

Urbit is a visionary project that won't be useful for a decade. You fell into the bitcoin early adopter meme. There is also the possibility they will never deliver.
5k for a star and for a project which is unsecure is too much.
Planets are nothing, you need stars to make money IF they change internet like they want to do

>> No.13097913

>pls explain why owning a planet is desirable i >don't really get urbit with galaxies, planets, >stars, etc
planets are nothing you need stars to make it

>> No.13098008
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Long term value of a star will be in the hundreds of thousands. But yeah will be a few years till this starts getting BIG. Can't wait for the android and iOS apps to get released.

>> No.13098155

Too complicated and ambitious projects, there is no need to change the OS/stack sistem
Stars will never be that high, why should they?

>> No.13098318

For reference, a star cost $500 in 2017 while planets were assigned for free (and the distribution system was easy to abuse). It's hard to price in a project like this, and there's an orchestrated effort on part of some galaxy/multiple star holders to create a speculationary bubble with ahistorical claims like "a galaxy cost 1M back then, so a star can't really be worth less than 3500/4000/5000" and rampant in-trading.

>> No.13098336


Exactly, I love this project and I've known about it for a long time but anyone buying planets is a sucker. I don't know why Curtis doesn't just dump some himself, maybe he has, but it's gonna be a very long time until people will want to play along and be the suckers buying planets for 50 bucks.

>> No.13098378

Just the same, I too believe that it's one of the few legit good projects out there and I find it detrimental to its long term potential that some folks abuse the trust and the enthusiasm of people who are just getting familiar with it just to make a quick 5-10x...

>> No.13098448

>Okay guys, so get this guy, are you listening? We make a P2P network--you following?--so we pretty much just have to write software and, get this part, the users pay all of the operating costs by buying computers and running. So how, "How?" you ask, do we make money? "Do we sell the software?" you ask? Well no, we artificially, arbitrarily limit the number of account IDs so there aren't enough for everyone, and get this, we SELL the account IDs!
This is pretty much designed to be a speculation bubble and nothing else. Anyone who wants to actually use a system like this will pick one without the cynical cash grab and designed-in bubble, which guarantee that it will be unsuitable for practical purposes.

>> No.13098572

4 billion planets is enough for everyone. Half the planet has an IQ under 85 and/or is a poo or nog or child. They can use moons if need be. No-star faggots can cry all they want they didn't get one in the star sales for 512 bucks years ago.

Wechat without govt snooping is going to be lit.

>> No.13098587

Hey OP you're still a retard. If you want planets buy a star.

>> No.13098677

>4 billion planets is enough for everyone.
On a P2P network, why would people limit themselves to one account ID? People would want one for each business, for each club, for each project, for each product. There are already more than 4 billion internet users in the world.

Besides that, if they're treated as property, people are obviously going to hoard them. That's the whole point here: to encourage hoarding as much as possible, so there's a ridiculous bubble and the founders can quietly sell off their share and get rich.

>but they can use moons!
Moons aren't designed to be an identity, they're meant for routing data to devices under a shared identity. They're explicitly for "internet of things" applications. (and let's just take a moment to appreciate the total buzzword-compliant idiocy of someone who thinks you want the controls to your lights and fridge to be run through a P2P network)

>> No.13099015

Is there much demand for planets already? I bought a star for a couple hundred bucks a few years ago, glad to hear it’s now worth 5k. Hopefully this will make me 500k in a few years.

>> No.13099039

kek...bag holders cope. go and put your couple hunders stat to auction...you get less than cent max...pajeets fuck off

>> No.13099124

what if he was right ? Bitcoin tulip mania 2.0?

>> No.13099153

I see your point, but now imagine no-galaxy faggots who didn't get one in a private sale for roughly the same price in 2012-2013 (they were gifted to important individual contributors, some of whom sold them right off for xbt).
Identities are supposed to function as individual (and later hereditary, muh digital land, muh neo-feudalism) reputations in what resembles a decentralised social credit system, with extensive white- and blacklists compiled by digital communities. You won't want to have a planet for every business, club and project because no one will want to do anything with you unless you have a well-established, positive reputation. The only reasons why you may want "burner" planets in the early days is trolling and scamming, and you'll probably regret mishandling them later. You'll probably be able to make money off planets if you build a positive reputation for them early on, only to sell them off later (presumably to scammers, sad as it is). A cool name or a pretty sigil will also boost prices if we ever enter mania-phase.
a star is worth like $3000-3500 and it will be bought by a consortium of big holders, so that they can feed the bubble. gossip says they're planning to do an inside trade for that $1M+ galaxy bundle, sell a bunch of stars for normans (including anons) at around $4500-5000, then crash the whole market (some want to buy back for buttons, some purists want to fork off of the eth blockchain, some ideologists lost their faith in the project after Yarvin's departure and are looking to cash out comfortably).

>> No.13099216

>You won't want to have a planet for every business, club and project because no one will want to do anything with you unless you have a well-established, positive reputation.
You're just giving more reasons why it's shitty and people won't use it.

>You'll probably be able to make money off planets if you build a positive reputation for them early on, only to sell them off later (presumably to scammers, sad as it is).
See how easy it is to see how it won't work?

>> No.13099316

Where are you getting this “gossip” from. Who are these people?

>> No.13099349

Hey frens, I am the autist who spams this board with Urbit shit.
Sorry bruv but you are not going about this the right way. You're not buying planets at a premium vs. Urbit.live, you're buying them at a premium vs. how much it would cost if you just spawned them from your own star. I already explained this in the other thread. If you buy a star at current prices you're buying planets in bulk at $.05 apiece and also buying an infrastructure node on top of that.
>See how easy it is to see how it won't work?
There is plenty of legitimate criticism regarding Urbit, this argument is not one of them. There are only like 5000 planets spawned right now and it will take quite a while to build up positive reputation on them. Also if your planet with changes Ethereum addresses the reputation pretty much goes right back to zero.

>> No.13099371

>>13099349 was meant for you

Tlon is already working on removing dependence on Ethereum, trust me on that. If the purists who are trying to fork off Ethereum are those Solri people that project looks dead as fuck.

>> No.13099379

>See how easy it is to see how it won't work?
It might well work in a good couple of years because people are vapid and greedy idiots. They want to own something (and mind you, most of them will never own a flat or a house in their whole lives) and having a starship and a planet and moons or whatever is the perfect zoomer masturbatory fantasy, they want to be hip, they want to be better than others, they want their muh sekrit clubs and echo chambers, they need to be divided socially and ideologically, they need to judge others and to be judged by others, they need hierarchy of the strictly imagined kind: they need the simulacrum, because life lived was never meant for them. Urbit can provide all of this with the added bonus of never needing to look into the eye of another human being and liberation marketing (muh censorship, muh evil tech companies) will work wonders. Facebook is a pretty fucking stupid idea sustained only by normie peer pressure and bot farms. It's also a $500B company. As I've just said, people are pretty fucking stupid themselves. At least in urbit they are clearly subjugated to the needs and interests of those superior to them in intellect and wealth, and I'd call that an improvement.

>> No.13099408

I think the hip factor is going to be very popular among Zoomers. It's going to start spreading within the crypto-sphere and eventually start infecting college and high school campuses (just like Faceberg).

>> No.13099488

>There are only like 5000 planets spawned right now
A good argument that only bubble speculators are interested and it will never catch on.

>it will take quite a while to build up positive reputation on them
Together with:
>>>no one will want to do anything with you unless you have a well-established, positive reputation.
...another good argument that it will never catch on.

>if your planet with changes Ethereum addresses the reputation pretty much goes right back to zero.
Then obviously you sell the Ethereum address.

>Facebook is a pretty fucking stupid idea sustained only by normie peer pressure and bot farms.
Facebook is a highly convenient way for people to find and communicate with each other. It only turned to shit when its owners decided that manipulating the masses was more profitable than providing an honest service to them.

>> No.13099512
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Kek I remember you from that thread because you were the most retarded poster. Next time actually do some research or just listen to Urbitanon >>13099349

>> No.13099545

I wonder who the big investors in Urbit even are, given that Curtis Yarvin was once thrown off of the Google campus just for meeting a friend over lunch there.

>> No.13099570

I should emphasize that no one here should be buying a star at these prices though unless they have researched this project for 6 months minimum. Stars were going for $1k each before the OpenSea market started. I would have bought even more for a quick flip if I knew that people were going to pump the prices so high. My friend did buy one at current prices, but he knows enough about this project to make his own decision about it.

>> No.13099610

Peter Thiel, Tim Draper, A16z

>> No.13099611

Tlon has received funding from Peter Thiel

>> No.13099658

I have only researched a couple of months but I get the feeling we are looking at a year or two of development still. I'd believe the gossip anon posted above. The fact that a Tlon cofounder was selling his galaxy tells me insiders know its going to be a while and they want to secure some returns in the meantime.

>> No.13099661

>muh digital real estate!
>scam running since 2004
>crypto slapped onto it for hype

Holy shit if you buy this now you are absolutely retarded.

>> No.13099679

This looks awesome as fuck, how on gods green earth do i go about finding a marketplace for stars, planets, galaxies etc and where are the best resources to learn about this project in depth ? C’mon anons give me something.

>> No.13099686

>old project
>convoluted code
>initializer is an obstruse right wing extremist

This project has about as much chance to bear fruits than Patchwork

>> No.13099687

Myopic frens of mine, and frens of frens. Won't tolerate their fuckups, will respect their privacy.
I wasn't talking about Tlon only, as it mostly serves as a distraction (see >>13099611). Think along the lines of a fork to btc's chain that doesn't allow cohabitation. If you happen to remember the bit in the "Urbit and the Blockchain Wars" essay that said:
>Some of our best friends are Bitcoin maximalists
well, guess what, they're not your friends anymore...
consider that pretty much everything provides a highly efficient way for communications as long as there's an technical/intellectual/monetary barrier (being an ivy league university in fb's case) that keeps the masses from getting involved with it.

>> No.13099699

Why does it sound awesome to you? Sounds like an obvious scam to me.

>> No.13099715

I hope you're right for your sake so you don't kill yourself if and when this takes off. If I'm wrong I'm just out a few grand, if you're wrong you missed out on one of the last moonshots in crypto.

>> No.13099747

>Some of our best friends are Bitcoin maximalists
>well, guess what, they're not your friends anymore...
Kek I remember DeSantis tweeted something about wanting to dump his Urbit bags because they aren't using Bitcoin, only to delete it soon after.

>> No.13099748

I need to spend more time with it and learn about it more, but compared to the vast majority of crypto projects the level of complexity, originality and creativity in this project is just simply astounding. I’m inclined to believe the anon above talking about rumours, if what he says actually happens i would totally pick up a star.

>> No.13099761

>pretty much everything provides a highly efficient way for communications as long as there's an technical/intellectual/monetary barrier (being an ivy league university in fb's case) that keeps the masses from getting involved with it.
I can't even pick a coherent thought out of this mess.

>> No.13099786

Resources: Joshua Reagans Mars Talks, old HN forums, every essay and update on the Urbit website.
Marketplace: https://opensea.io/assets/azimuthpoints

Don't buy assets until you know what you're doing. You might accidentally do something retarded like OP did and pay too much for a bulk stack of planets.

>> No.13099820

thanks, totally appreciate this.

>> No.13100046

What would be a rational valuation for this? Is it a real galaxy? How many stars in it?


>> No.13100109

That is a real galaxy that appears to be owned by John Burnham, who is a Thiel fellowship recipient and cofoubdead Tlon when he was like 20 years old. He is no longer involved with Urbit.

OpenSea says that it has spawned all its stars but John has insisted all stars are timelocked and come with the galaxy. OpenSea's explorer is kind of buggy, the only way to verify this yourself would be looking at the Azimuth contract either directly or through bridge.


>> No.13100127


>> No.13100144

Oh thanks man, an actual informative answer. It should go in the hundreds of thousands if true?

>> No.13100162

Not sure if there is actual demand for all 256 Stars right now, he seems willing to sell the galaxy address by itself which I might unironically take him up for if I have the funds next year and it's still up for grabs.

>> No.13100189

There's no good valuation for this shit right now, it's all autists speculating. Urbit address space will have much lower volume than other cryptographic assets.

>> No.13100218

I see.. What does the galaxy address do by itself? I was thinking of it more as a container for thhe stars.

>> No.13100223

If this was a crypto coin what would it resemble and what would its enture supply be and current price and

>> No.13100232

Galaxies and stars are infrastructure/service providers

>> No.13100241

Stop trying to compare it to a regular crypto. It doesn't work

>> No.13100270

Ok, that makes sense. Their model sort of reminds me of Holochain in the crypto space.

>> No.13100352

If I had to compare it to something it's probably closest to ETHnifty, both of which are the only NFTs that aren't memes. There are 2^8 galaxies, 2^16 stars and 2^32 planets ever. Not all stars or planets have spawned yet so the actual supply is quite lower.
A functioning galaxy hosts a full Ethereum node to deliver changes to the state of the Azimuth contract down to their child stars (and each star's planets by proxy). I think only Tlon's galaxies are doing this right now but the idea is that others will as well in the future. They will also assist in packet routing, peer discovery, delivering software updates and have governance rights.

>> No.13100384

Phoneposting, I meant ENSnifty*.

>> No.13100449

>At least in urbit they are clearly subjugated to >the needs and interests of those superior to >them in intellect and wealth, and I'd call that >an improvement.

why that would be an improvement?

>> No.13100457

Holo and Urbit are my biggest bags, I think collectively they make up a little over 70% of my portfolio at current prices. They are pretty different in underlying philosophy and architecture though. https://www.reddit.com/r/holochain/comments/98eort/what_is_the_difference_between_holochain_and_urbit/

Moritz from the Holo team has also posted in the Urbit fora which is currently down. I took a quick look in their mirror on github but can't find it right now.

>> No.13100550

>obviously you sell the Ethereum address
You think some chink scammer is going to trust that you won't keep the keys, transfer the planet after they paid and fuck them over? They aren't stupid.

>> No.13100599
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>mfw too brainlet to understand how to invest in this
why brain always no help

>> No.13100616

I posted the exchange it's trading at above. If you can't figure out how to use Metamask then you sure as fuck shouldn't be trying to buy this. Baby steps, Anon. Read more about this before you think about investing.

>> No.13100720

No I meant the video explaining that each planet is a computer or something you know the video that explains urbit. I didn't understand that. And is this erc20?

>> No.13100768

It's an ERC721 nonfungible token. If you have a planet then you sign a txn with your Ethereum address to login. You run it on a cloud platform and deploy moons to all of your devices to keep them all connected. It's not ready for that yet though.

>> No.13100806

Also don't listen to OP and start stacking up planets. You only ever need to buy one planet and it's for you to use. We are talking about buying stars, which are the actual Urbit assets that most Anons here can afford.

>> No.13100844

So what can I do with a planet? Honestly i know this is a really cool and promising project not as a get rich quick but as an actual cool thing to use. I just wish I had knowledge about coding and computer stuff

>> No.13100852

It's never to late man. Start reading whatever it is you can understand. After all, all of us smart and not-so-smart, will end up in the same space. Why not increase our knowledge one tiny bit while we are alive?

>> No.13100874

Right now there's not much you can do with it unless you really know hoon. You can use Urbit to talk to other people on Urbit and make friends in the community. It's not easy to use right now but it should be easier in the next few years.

>> No.13101158

>Honestly i know this is a really cool and >promising project not as a get rich quick but as >an actual cool thing to use

why? lol... it's a fucking holochain-like
substratum coin like le meme

it's shit and with planets you won't be rich neither with stars. You need galaxies too get
300k IF the projects goes alles gut