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13094607 No.13094607 [Reply] [Original]

>tesla autopilot source code stolen by chink and given to chinese car company xpeng

You'd think companies would wise up and be more careful entrusting sensitive information to chinks.

soon they'll be able to mass produce electric cars with help from the government cheaper than tesla. tesla will probably be put in a position where they have to sell gigafactory 3

Its only down for telsa starting today.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.13094633

>tesla autopilot source code stolen
>mass produce electric cars
You're retarded.

>> No.13094634

Nope I live in a Midwest City and Tesla cars are fucking everywhere

>> No.13094723

china wants to be technologically dominant so yes.

>> No.13094725
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nobody in the US buys chink cars, and autopilot is useless when there are no rules on the road

>> No.13094730

you're retarded.

>> No.13094740


>> No.13094761

Chink cope

>> No.13094781

it isn't the autopilot itself that matters but the source code which took years to build and was feed a shit ton of real time data which they can use as a framework. The Chinese government has more resources than tesla, resources which they can give xpeng. China wants to change it's image. It wants to be an exporter of high quality products.

Just like what happened to baidu the code will be used as a framework.

>> No.13094798

This guy is right

>> No.13094800

capitalism in its truest form
we (the consumers) benefit from this
let them keep innovating to keep their consumers

>> No.13094826

Tesla gives away their technology for free you moron

>> No.13094833

You're new to China aren't you?
They will make electric cars that will break down in 6 months.
Like they currently make electric cars that break down in 6 months.
Nothing is preventing the Chinese right now from making good electric cars except for the Chinese

>> No.13094855
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China has had electric cars. They can't pass the safety tests for international sales. Why would that change?

>> No.13094886

They've never open sourced their autopilot source code you fucking idiot. They've been asked many times to do it too.

>> No.13095007

How'd they steal it?

>> No.13095106

chink employee

>> No.13095234
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No one wants gook mobiles for this very reason, prepare for mass car crashes when chinks poorly implement shit they don't understand, this is basically the problem with the entire chinese society

>> No.13095261


>Chinese car company steals the shittiest self-driving technology on the market

Wake me up when they've stolen source code from Chevy. Or Waymo. Or Apple, BMW, Mercedes, Hyundai or literally anybody else who makes cars and is researching self-driving technology.

>> No.13095278

>. It wants to be an exporter of high quality products.

it already is? apple and all that other high quality shit is paid to china then china builds goods and exports it.

>> No.13095319

There's a difference between a Chinese company exporting high quality products made by college educated Chinese people and a western company having their products assembled for cheap by poorly educated Chinese citizens.