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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13093164 No.13093164 [Reply] [Original]

When 12.6x the amount of people die from heart disease than all drug overdoses combined? Why is it acceptable to be a fat pig and kill yourself with fried food and no exercise but there is an "opioid crisis" when a small portion of the country overdoses.

And most importantly, how do we profit off of this?

>> No.13093171

being fat in america is normal

>> No.13093214

because being fat is the same as gay or trans or whatever. the liberals are all fat so they protect the fatties from criticism.

>> No.13093254

Fuck off we're full

>> No.13093356


Well start to sell opioids ofcourse

>> No.13093415 [DELETED] 

Big pharma told doctors that it was very rare for a person to get addicted to opioids, so doctors prescribed opiates for everything. This was 15 or so years ago. They also did not have a way to really track what was going on. People got hooked on Oxys ect. Than the gov cracked down and they got hard to get/expensive around the same time we were in Afghanistan for “war”. Magically lots of heroin started coming in from Afghanistan. It’s much cheaper than oxys.

Now come the chinks, these niggas realized they could make synthetic opioids and it was 100% legal in China. They flooded the USA with dirt cheap fentenoyl. China would ban that, and they would move around a ring of the compound and make another analog.

Basically, big pharma fucked America, and now big pharma has magic drugs to beat addiction. Get you hooked, make you pay to get unhooked. It’s a great plan.

>> No.13093429

Because big pharma makes money from fat unhealthy fucks.

>> No.13093643

We've had an obesity epidemic for years, it's be a public issue since at least the 90s

>> No.13093647

this. it is cool to not care about your health, because that's like, someone else's problem, they just don't accept you and junk. you're being marginalized by rich white men telling you what the ideal body type of a woman is. protest by spending your money on their junk food, then do it again later when you're sad/bored/whatevs.

>> No.13093667

It’s normal to die of a heart attack at old age.

>> No.13093724

America is so safe and prosperous that its citizens literally die from eating too much delicious food.

>> No.13093737

And europoors and niggers think that is a bad thing.

>> No.13094335

Anon they aren't epidemics they're industries and clearly, from the state of burgerville it's an over saturated market

>> No.13094409
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>> No.13094899
File: 13 KB, 273x237, 1550346291194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13094914

It is not about overdose but about addiction

>> No.13094929

These ugly thots think they look good with big fat disgustingly lips lmao they just look retarded like the bogs

>> No.13095055
File: 475 KB, 736x3140, guncakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and yet far more people die from drug overdoses than from gun violence but we still have a gun violence problem and need to ban all guns RIGHT NOW
....it's almost like the (((media))) only focuses on things to push an agenda, rather than focusing on what's pressing or important

>> No.13095136

Based and redpilled image

>> No.13095157

Big biz American can't make money off heroin users.

Now pharma, and corn, and onions, and fast food, they need everyone to stay fat.

>> No.13095239

I don't see why I should be on the hook to pay for either 2bh.

>> No.13095307



I understand all but that one. Redpill me on onions.

>> No.13095317

Isn't heart disease something that affects healthy people, too? It's just postponed.

>> No.13095421

i met an American chick in Europe when I was at a summer camp in Spain and you could tell she thought she was looking fine and not overweight at all (going to SBUX daily). But by European standards she was almost obese - it's really hilarious. It's sad how being obese is normal in the US. Really.

>> No.13095441

4chan changes to s.o.y to onions to troll /fit. Raw Onyons boost testosterone and soya boosts estrogen.

>> No.13095637

Am I doing it right?

>> No.13095737

>Why do burgers say they have an opiate epidemic When 12.6x the amount of people die from heart disease than all drug overdoses combined?

>do drugs
>get heart disease

and it's not just overdoses, it's a lot of zombies walking around on pills they paid for with money they stole from their fucking aunt

well, that was 10 years ago, now it's heroin