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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13085707 No.13085707 [Reply] [Original]

or buy one rather.
the boomer that owns the place ive been working this past 7 years is selling up, ive been here for long enough to take over most of what goes on and have hired all the staff besides myself, so im pretty confident i could do it.
i made them an offer last year that when they decide to sell up, ill buy a % of the business and they could continue to live easy-mode from any profits plus have a one-off lump sum of money to see them off (lump sums of money up front is like cocaine for boomers).
thing is, the cunts only 57, i wasnt expecting it for a few years, im not ready at all.

all my family are poor as hell, ive only got about 14k in crypto and only recently bought a house thats eaten 20k in cash in 2018.

am i going to be fucked when some other boomer decides to step in and make their 19yo grandaughter the boss?

>> No.13085713

Full yikes weirdo hope you get banned for that jailbait

>> No.13085722

Get a loan. Banks dig that shit.

>> No.13085822

shes almost 30

I asked them, they want my house, I might have to go for it

>> No.13085852

If the business is profitable and the numbers make sense it’s not a terrible idea to use your house as collateral.

>> No.13085886


>> No.13086025
