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File: 19 KB, 1200x1074, Toronto-Dominion_Bank_logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13083217 No.13083217 [Reply] [Original]


Currently, TD bank is the second most shorted stock on the TSX. TD relies heavily on mortgage loans for its bottom line, more so than other Canadian banks.


For the first time since 2009, Canadian housing prices dropped in all but 3 areas: Ottawa, Vancouver and Montreal. Given the rapid development going on in Ontario and artificially inflated demand, I fear that a major housing correction is soon to come that will hit Canadian banks especially hard given their exposure to real estate market.

Under the bail-in law, in times of financial turmoil, a bank can withhold its customers assets in exchange for stock in the institution - stock that would be depreciating rapidly. This is absolutely despicable and does not bode well for the future of the Canadian economy.

As someone who has quite a bit of wealth in a Canadian account - what should I do? Move it overseas? Are any other Canadians worried? Thoughts?

>> No.13083248

Bail ins are the types of things that should start revolutions. If people have their hard earned money taken away and they do nothing, the government will know its citizens area bunch of cucks.

I used to have a large portion of my money in CDs but now I have them in intermediate term US treasury bonds. Dividend returns are almost the same and much safer. If the US government defaults, we're all going to be dead anyway so who cares

>> No.13083301

If you're a citizen there's not much we can do. If you're worried though, just keep your money in physical cash.

>> No.13083369

Replace physical cash with gold and you might be on to something. The Canadian dollar will shit the bed soon.

>> No.13083563

I have a UK bank account, but I don't have optimism for the UK either.

>> No.13083677

No one said bitcoin? No one said tether? Id just send the bank what you’d need for a month once a month if they’re threatening to fuck me.

>> No.13083708
File: 84 KB, 600x600, 1450901555001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I fear that a major housing correction is soon to come that will hit Canadian banks especially hard given their exposure to real estate market.

Nah, the wagecucks still have their jobs and incomes, so they will get into their cages every day and do the wage shuffle and pay off their loans.

It's when there are large scale layoffs is when you will see GTA real estate imperiled.

t. Torontofag

>> No.13083721

what real estate crash? the rich Chinese ppl are buying up all property no matter the price. my uncle sold his condo 80k over asking price

>> No.13083748

Got to keep the housing bubble going.

>> No.13083773

>Under the bail-in law, in times of financial turmoil, a bank can withhold its customers assets in exchange for stock in the institution - stock that would be depreciating rapidly. This is absolutely despicable and does not bode well for the future of the Canadian economy.
from the article:
>Deposits under $100,000 appear to be covered by CDIC insurance but anything above, personal or business, will be fair game for the bail-in.
That's not really new, if it's not CDIC insured then you shouldn't be keeping it in a bank, if bank goes under that money could have always been gone.
Anyone keeping 100k cash in a single type of account with a bank is a moron for not being aware of those risks.
>Currently, TD bank is the second most shorted stock on the TSX.
I have to wonder if that's because there's so many real estate industry fags that are shorting it as a hedge. Somehow everyone convinced each other housing was a productive asset worth relying a huge part of our economy on.
> For the first time since 2009, Canadian housing prices dropped in all but 3 areas: Ottawa, Vancouver and Montreal
Average price in my city went from 350k to 500k from 2015-2017, then drops to 490k in 2018. I'm not convinced we're going to crash yet, as much as I'd like to see prices come down to sane levels.
>As someone who has quite a bit of wealth in a Canadian account - what should I do? Move it overseas? Are any other Canadians worried? Thoughts?
Spread it around a few different banks with 100k in each different types of accounts - chequing, savings, etc.
Or just don't keep it in shit tier cash, buy stocks, metal, crypto, anything else.

>> No.13083810

Thanks anon. 75% of my life savings are with TD. The assets are insured. I am skeptical as to whether this has merit or not but you have peaked my curiosity.
TD has many branches, waterhouse, td investment services, etc. Am i in any serious danger?

>> No.13083893

Every account is insured for $100k just open up different types of accounts and at types of institutions if you're worried which you shouldn't be you dunce

>> No.13083947

>he thinks the government actually has enough set aside to cover the 100k per account insurance
Oh sweetie

>> No.13084114

I don't think I'm the only one. Why so much short positions on real estate?

Hedging makes sense from RE developers pov.

>> No.13084117

Does this apply to smaller credit unions to, or just the major banks?

>> No.13084169

>Believes the bank insurance meme
Sorry NPCs your not going to make it

>> No.13084989

kek seeing the words "bank" and "insurance" triggered your automated conspiracy/scam npc response.

let me edumacate you, cdic insurance is backed by the federal government, if that gets fucked everyone is fucked
if you're worried about that happening you wouldn't hold CAD at all and instead be stocking up on guns and food

>> No.13085011
File: 116 KB, 466x700, C5432102-B29C-419D-973C-86C91158EE1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dramatically raises your taxes to pay for the “insurance”
Nothing personal kid

>> No.13086036

they charged me over 100$ in fees over 4 months for maintenance once I turned 24, fuck them this makes me smile

>> No.13086737

Let me educate you, you absolute retard! You can check out Canada, BUT here in the UK the fund only has enough for 42,000 accounts @ the max pay out of $85k!
The only other way is to print 'money' which will just devalue the currency!
Stop being so fucking arrogant!
You have no idea how bad it is!

>> No.13086785

Housing prices dropped in Vancouver also. There are data feeds that show thousands of properties taken down and reposted for lower asking prices. When a home is reposted, the original price is not taken into consideration for "housing prices have dropped". They only check most recent ask VS sale price. Properties are going under assessed.

Move your money to an insured exchange like Interactive Brokers. Or several exchanges if you are worried. Make sure these exchanges allow you to purchase foreign currency and withdraw across borders. If Canada goes to shit, you can try Norbert's Gambit to move your cash to the US or Europe and pay a lawyer to move it to tax havens or something.

Hedge a small amount in crypto and gold.

Never keep more than 100K in a Canadian bank.

>> No.13086812

They would use quantitative easing to produce the money. They would destroy the dollar before they let every pleb lose all confidence in it.

>> No.13086834

This is bizarre /biz/ where people have money. Poor leaf here. I just keep buying land. I don't really use the bank. I grow food, have solar power, and trade with people. Fuck the Jews

>> No.13086835

>Physical cash
In a full economic crisis you want precious metals, crypto, food, bullets, land, beanie babies; Anything but paper cash that will depreciate in value infinitely.

>> No.13086895

A new regulation was introduced in Canada on january 1st that might just move all the risk of a housing crash onto the homeowners and reduce the risk for the banks.

This article is worth discussing

Tldr: the official bill
“The LTV ratio should be re-calculated upon any refinancing, and whenever deemed prudent, given changes to a borrower’s risk profile or delinquency status, using an appropriate valuation/appraisal methodology.“

How fucking vague is that? “Whenever deemed prudent”?? Basically if the value of your house drops too much, the bank might force you to pay “a second downpayment” in order for your loan-to-value ratio to stay acceptable. Otherwise they take your home and you lose what you’ve put in it so far.


>> No.13087486

I'd be concerned but I've paid off my mortgage. Something definitely worth sharing with parents.

>> No.13087528

Let's hope Vancouver has a housing crash so the chinks lose the most money and we can buy back our land

>> No.13087680

Can you imagine placing the blame on everyone else but yourself for the problems you're facing. Look in the mirror hurrr durrr "it's the chinks fault" because they were smart enough to invest and now they're reaping the rewards from their ingenuity.
And this is coming from a person who doesn't particularly care for the Chinese

>> No.13087700

>smart enough to invest
Fuck that they inflated the market just because they're cash parkers, tryna park cash outside China because China is fucked
Fuck foreign interests inflating our market, it's OUR market, just give us your manufactured goods and fuck off

>> No.13087968


I bet you Canadians will be hurting a lot more than the Chinese if this happens.

>> No.13087999

i'd say chinese criminal have more dirty money invested in the BC housing market than Canadians, heavily skewed to high priced condos

i'd be pretty happy to see justice

>> No.13088314


>> No.13088359

> Are any other Canadians worried?

Yes. They just will not let people make it these days.
I know I can't afford a house in the city I live and work in (Toronto) so a lot of my paycheck goes into savings so I can GTFO some day.

They will spin it as "only 1% wealthy people have decent savings, everyone else is paycheck to paycheck", meanwhile they will take my below medium income savings to shore up some overpaid government worker's 2 million dollar 900 sq ft house on Yonge.

>> No.13088390

From CDIC website:

>CDIC targets a minimum fund size of 1% of insured deposits

>The ex ante fund stands at over $4 billion and current forecasts indicate that it will reach the minimum target of 1% of insured deposits in 2025

>Current CDIC insurance fund is about ~0.4% of all deposits

>CDIC has two primary funding mechanisms...the second is the ability to borrow from the Government of Canada.

So basically CDIC can only pay for a credit union default, if a big 5 bank gets in trouble they would need to borrow A LOT from the Fed Gov, and Gov will tell them to fuck off and force the banks bail-in depositors.
They know somethings coming which is why they made this law.

>> No.13088416

This is standard practice everywhere in the world you knob. Go look up the FDIC; their fund contains like $25 billion yet they somehow insure $7 trillion. Shit is fucked

>> No.13088419 [DELETED] 


Opening up this March



>> No.13088429

Buy crypto anon..

>> No.13088902

Well fuck, maybe hodling silver might pay off. But I guess having gold now is more of a staple than ever before.

>> No.13088905

Do you know how many empty apartments there are in big cities because the Chinese bought them for the sole purpose of investing? This limits the already limited housing supply and inflates prices for citizens even more.
Housing should not be seen as an investment, and foreigners should be banned from being able to buying housing, especially if they never plan to live here. In the event of a crash, foreigners housing should be seized and distributed to rightful citizens. Fuck the Chinese, interesting how Americans aren't allowed to buy property in their country yet our boomer politicians cuck us by allowing them.

>> No.13088940


The problem with your argument is that you aren't allowed to be retroactively offended by the situation. The inventory was there and someone else bought it. Now you are pissed because you don't have access to said inventory anymore. It's no different from the Seattle, NYC, Boston, or SF/LA locals bitching about property values and inventory. They are mad/jealous that they were either late to the game or didn't get in on it when they had an opportunity.

>> No.13088997

exactly, fuck all non whites.

>> No.13089160

To everyone recommending crypto as a hedge against an upcoming Canadian housing crash, what hedging benefits does bitcoin offer than fleeing to say, the USD or other stable currencies doesn't?

>> No.13089291

your safest bet is LINK

>> No.13089303

Crypto is not a good hedge against a Canadian housing crash. It's still an extremely speculative asset. It would be a good hedge for a global recession or an economic contraction by the USA

>> No.13089626

>t. Thoc Quen Ng

>> No.13090043

>the USD is a stable currency
for now!