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13079767 No.13079767 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw check last night's game score and recap so I have something to chime in about with coworkers

Why can't NPCs talk about intellectually stimulating things like macroeconomic trends or geopolitical unfoldings?

>> No.13079813

please dont tell me you actually do this

>> No.13079837

>tfw always been the center of colleague attention bc charismatic and whenever sports come up I say “I don’t really follow them though I don’t mind watching a game every now and then” and everyone just quickly changes the topic of conversation to something else which I can participate in.

>> No.13079838

>not working in software dev where you can talk about whatever quirky sperg shit you want

>> No.13079841

Theyre little more than parrots anon, is the reality. If you find a handful of people in your life you can converse with at even 75% powerlevel you’re truly blessed.

I can have 90/95% power conversations with my wife, I’m truly blessed by God without a doubt.

Doesn’t hurt to try and blend in with normies, but after a while it becomes tiresome. Find people on your level and disregard the rest.

>> No.13079850

not OP but I do that as well
normies are literally not human

>> No.13079877

Why would I be lying?

>> No.13079887

It's like leading a double life. I have social skills, everybody thinks I'm exactly as normalfag as they are, they think I know my shit when it comes to football or any other meaningless shit they adore ("omg did you see The Voice last night??").

But, it's exhausting and I shouldn't have to do it. Pretty sure I'm the only person at my job who fucks horses regularly.

>> No.13079891

I bet your dad was disappointed that his son sucked at sportsball

>> No.13079895

Because they are knee-deep in REAL problems. They don't need to invent-shitfights to add excitements to their lives.

>> No.13079904


white people problems

unironically why I'm a race traitor. I can talk to spanish/asian girls about economics, spirituality, technology, emotions without being judged, and get straight to the point about what I want and expect from her. White girls want to sing the new rap song and expect you to "game" her instead of being a real person

>> No.13079927


Yeah REAL problems like to get the mocha mcbrappe or the caramel frapicinco with their cricket leg soiburger, and which celebrity singing show to watch, the old one, or the new one in the fursuits.

Really makes you wonder (((who))) could be behind this post.

>> No.13079936

>asian girls about economics, spirituality, technology, emotions

"wow zho cool!"

>> No.13079945


Actual girls in/from Spain or Mexicans?

Female Mexicans at work are insufferable, very low IQ and only talk about food (and never work, they don't even pretend to care about work, just food)

I can talk spiritual and economic stuff with Asians at work, feels pretty good

>> No.13079956


>> No.13079980

Only if you work at a startup. I work at a large enterprise and everyone either only cares about real estate jewing or cricket

I did find a handful of weebs to hang out with, but even then they're all supressing their power levels

>> No.13080009

kek, fucking pajeets

>> No.13080053

I've lived in 14 countries. I don't mean american born/raised, but yeah I imagine mexo-americans aren't too great. I only date top 10% in education or wealth from non-western countries.

haha XD. so lame

>> No.13080080

>White girls want to sing the new rap song and expect you to "game" her instead of being a real person
white burger girls are used to white chads and tyrone putting up with their bullshit in exchange for pussy, so there's no reason for trying since they're already the most in-demand based on appearance alone

girls from other races have to compete with white girls for the top 20% of males that they'd actually want to fuck, so they have to come up with more creative ways to stand out

>> No.13080104

I'm envious of your worldly travels and taste for intelligent pussy

I'm not being sarcastic; high-five