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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 568 KB, 1048x1961, Screenshot_20190320-002013_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13071392 No.13071392 [Reply] [Original]

This fuckheads seem like the peak of what young 20 something normies aspire to. And its fucking makes me puke..not jealous. They just seem like degenerate souless tinder dating empty people.

Am I the only one who feels this way?


>> No.13071410

how did you find this video.

>> No.13071412

Maybe stop trawling YouTube for videos to get at? Personally, I wouldn't have come across something like this by accident.

>> No.13071419

get mad at*

>> No.13071421


Its youtube. U click on shit.. this isnt the NZ shooter related chill FBI.

>> No.13071427

If you're impacted by their behavior, then you have some deep seeded shit you need to sort out, brother. There have been dregs and worthless fuckheads in every generation. The ones who succeed are the ones who ignore or profit from them.

>> No.13071435

I was search skin conditons probably cause i have a rash on my leg. I think the guy did a clip on it...u miss the point anyway...

>> No.13071444

Jesus can't u have an opinion that doesn't involve protecting your own ego?

>> No.13071446

You're the only one who feels that way faggot now go write about a poem about your feelings cuck.

>> No.13071459

Normie detected

>> No.13071488

>have rash on leg
>better look it up on YouTube instead of a medical reference

You're drawn into the orbit of dumb normies even while you disdain them.

>> No.13071490

>if you're impacted by their behavior you have some deep seeded shit you need to sort out
shut up Stephen Colbert tier psychologist. it's a disgust reflex and it's totally normal and healthy.
normal fags worship the ego as god.

>> No.13071491

fairy detected

>> No.13071504

That guy is a piece of shit. I hope he rots.

>> No.13071507


Nope, 99% of this board is the same way too. They're just as bad as the neo-liberals in their own special little way. But they can't see that because they're blinded by arrogance and hubris.

It just funny that these kids claim to be woke and worship hitler and donny all while claiming that they aren't brainwashed. They fight for the elite just like the posturing SJW's do for their gods. And both are fucking sad and lost and won't ever find happiness in life. That's why they numb the pain with opiates and alcohol or go on a killing spree to give their life some meaning because they wasted half their life playing first person shooter games just like they want you to.

>> No.13071534
File: 109 KB, 428x682, 1552450287943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fucking degenerates. And they play Blink of all artists. Fuck off....

Get yourselves woke:




>> No.13071538

A disgust reflex should serve a purpose. I'm repulsed by actual shit.

What does being dickmad at a moron serve to achieve?

>> No.13071545

what are you even talking about you rambling horseshoe theory retard?

>> No.13071547

I don't get it? Wouldn't ego be fed by constantly reinforcing how much better you are than others and hating them for it? You don't make sense.

>> No.13071550

My question would be who watches this 0 content video?
1 min in and it makes my head turn around from those jump cuts and still what's the content?
WTH is this supposed to be for? wtf

>> No.13071572
File: 77 KB, 500x539, 1519675211070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vlogging/friend simulator for normies. MDE was a friend simulator for autists

>> No.13071576


Did I accidentally call you out anon? You're part of the problem too. You'll understand when you hit 28 though. Fucking zoomers...

>> No.13071593


I swear OP And this other fuckin kid live in the same echo chamber that they berate others for living in-- theirs is just a different color. LOLLOLOLStay asspained over youtube bloggers who are crushing it.

>> No.13071601

And to keep this business related to preven the thread from being shoad, the guy is making $80 a day. how the hell is he supposed to support his family? is this common amongst millenials?

>> No.13071604

I guess they think they are living an interesting life and it is worth youtubing. I assume they just want to make money but the vibe makes me feel like himans are dengerate when i assume they feel like they look cool.

Is this what all young people want?

>> No.13071606

your entire response contained nothing of intellectual value while simultaneously not relating to anything OP posted you illiterate immigrant

>> No.13071615

shots mother fucking fired. Immigrant is now a generic insult you can just toss out to anyone? You know it's better to use words that actually fucking mean something, son.

>> No.13071616

Travel the world then tell us we should be mixed

>> No.13071659

>he thinks it's real

>> No.13071677

Nearly everyone missed my point. I was just curious if this is a lifestyle ideal people here aspire to or not. It feel empty and degenerate but i welcome a different view as long as u arent a prick about it.

>> No.13071687

Yes, some people would love that lifestyle. Some other people would prefer a different one. How are you hardstuck on such a simple concept? You're allowed to watch something and shut the fuck up about it. Not everything you don't understand requires immediate disgust and opposition.

See it. Don't like it. Don't see it again if you can help it.

>> No.13071704


Nothing in our shitty world society is real. That's the point I'm trying to make. We need to severely restrict globalism and imperialism as a start. But that won't happen so whatever. Imma be aight either way.

>> No.13071735

Seems u cant take your advice even for my post. Kek

Is a forum. People chat about stuff and ideas faggot.

>> No.13071761
File: 227 KB, 1100x1016, 1550939049653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're 100% correct to feel that way, OP. I once aspired to be a turbo-normie as well. I experienced decent success, but I eventually realized how disgusting and empty it all was

Don't let anyone tell you you're "mentally ill" for recognizing these things. You're just seeing the decay for what it really is

>> No.13071768


If you think calling out the fiat fiasco and the fed is being brainwashed then i don't know what to say

>> No.13071842


Agreed fren.

>> No.13071857

wrong, normies have no ego at all, hence that's why they have no concept of a self.

>> No.13071908
File: 196 KB, 750x779, 1552533920275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP your definitely right. I work with a lot of zoomers and boomers and their life all seems so shallow. They can literally only consume (media, food, buying stuff).

They have hundreds of "friends" but no one shows up when it's their birthday.

They all invest in these consumers experiences muh special brew beer and Asia holidays etc. Yet are financially a mess.

Can't replace a tire without checking YouTube. Can't focus. Need aderall to get basic shit done.

An absolute mess

>> No.13071955

Normies only identify with the ego

>> No.13072352


Its goes far beyond fiat. These are systemic problems in our society. Yes it contributes to it but its not the root cause.

>> No.13072360


I bet you've never had to work for anything in your life. That's why you're opinion doesn't matter.

> muh white struggle

>> No.13072386

This guy is a brainlet manlet with 1 ft long arms. I can see why he was so upset. Literally accomplished nothing but making 8/4chan look worse than it is. So much for “YOUR” guy, right. This fucking cunt should be tortured and than an axe put through his skull just enough so he can still be alive but bleed out and then die.

>> No.13072567

I live in an elephant carcus and use ham radio to post from a beat up 2009 smartphone I found on the street
All of you are normies to me

>> No.13072632

>white people don't have to work
>everything is just handed to them

Man, if you really believe this shit then there's no helping you.

>> No.13072649

u fucking disrespected the whole sub, why post this in /biz/ go to pol u fuck enjoy ban

>> No.13072698

what's the bet this teenage philosopher's cliche world view is shaped by pop culture, "academics" and secular centrists who's main platform is twitter?

>> No.13072729

I stopped giving a shit about pleasing normies at 20 or 21 and began focusing on what I wanted and how to get it.
Spending time thinking or discussing about people you hate or despise is juste pure waste of time and energy.

>> No.13072750


Do you think he cleans his room a lot?

>> No.13072753

It's called civilizational death.

>> No.13072771
File: 31 KB, 470x470, 1547987731972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I could say the same for you.

>> No.13072799

Now here's some good new old MDE content for you niggers.