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13063279 No.13063279 [Reply] [Original]

My boss keeps increasing my job duties and responsibilities without increasing my pay. I am completely piled up with work and spread thin. What do I do?

>> No.13063307
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Tell him to
>lighten your work load
>pay your more money

And if you don't, tell him you're going to quit!

>> No.13063312

burn down the office.

>> No.13063321

hearing about this happen all the fucking time is starting to make me really hate capitalism. is it time to take the marx pill, lads?

>> No.13063337

Well you can blame the chinks for this. The guy who created "lean manufacturing". And that has spread throughout all divisions.

>> No.13063347

tell him you are already swamped in work and ask him what you should do first, do not work overtime
if he puts pressure on you look for another job, when you get it you can negotiate about getting more money freely since you have an exit plan

>> No.13063349

>lean manufacturing

is this similar to that sigma 6 shit i keep hearing about?

>> No.13063381

My dad is offering to have me work at his office doing his accounting/finances. So thats my exit plan

I just fucking hate how everyone's job is so compartmentalized, they literally only do one thing. But since Im the young college grad I have to work cross-departments under multiple managers. Its fucking gay. I was originally hired as an accountant FFS. Now im doing endless menial excel reports

Should I just ask for a raise, or just put in my two week notice and that way they can offer me something as I leave?

>> No.13063448
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bump for wage rage

>> No.13063476

Japs are not chinks

>> No.13063536

Maybe schedule a meeting with your direct boss and have a non-threatening talk about your wishes and worries :)
If at the end of the talk you don't feel like working there anymore you can quit according to your contract.

>> No.13063548
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Stop being a beta cuck faggot maybe? I'm so fucking cozy by the way, I might think about getting out of bed tomorrow.

>> No.13063598

what if my boss is a whiny cunt

>> No.13063606

man up and quit.

>> No.13063623

Politely ask your boss for a raise without sounding like a pussy. If he/she still doesn't give it just quit and find a better job

>> No.13063706

Don't do it. Just do what is your normal responsibility, and every time he asks about the extra work tell him you haven't had time to get around to it. Eventually he will get the picture and stop asking

>> No.13063815

You should have sex with his wife.

>> No.13063838
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>> No.13063915

They'll pile a shit ton of work on you, get as much as possible done and replace you with some other young person. Just quit dude. My last wagie job massively declined and I ended up doing 3 people jobs and quit. A large savings can be a great buffer and stress reliever when jobs get worse like this. I've been on off neet thanks to good saving habits. Good luck

>> No.13064213

the thing is no one has any idea how to do my job or what I do. So if I leave theyre completely fucked. Plus I handle literally ALL the customers phone calls, and no one in the office knows or wants to deal with that

>> No.13064223

With the marxpill, everything that is happening to OP still happens, but you don't get paid for your work.

>> No.13064232

So demand a raise you fucking idiot.

>> No.13064254

alright ill do it this afternoon. will report results, stay tuned

>> No.13064357

>caring about a company and how no one else can do the job
Don't worry if you leave they'll find another schmuck just like you.
They clearly don't give a shit about you, why do you care about them? Demand a raise and/or threaten to leave and inform them how no one wants to do the job that you do for low wages, you Mexican

>> No.13064560

>they'll find another schmuck just like you.

Yeah well they can hire someone but they wont be trained right, since again no one knows what i do or how I do it since ive taken up so much more jobs

>> No.13064593

based and miltonpilled

>> No.13064599

This is supposedly pretty common with accountants since they're seen as the flexible know it alls of corporate. Just ask for more money or less work

>> No.13064621


It really is this simple.

OP if you don't have kids you should be a lot more bold. You have nothing to worry about.

I have kids and I still might quit my job. You want to talk about pressure. Man. Little people depend on my income.

If I was you I wouldn't give a fuck.

>> No.13064638
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Learn to push back or you'll be doing the work of three people in no time.

Passive ways to push back - for all the extras, email him back with proposals on exactly how to do it, where his input is needed. Make it a feedback cycle where the more he gives you the more he has to do himself.

Active methods - sort by priority and only do highest priority work. Ignore the low priority work, when asked about it, present what you've done and ask whether priorities have changed. Only do what a normal human being can do in 8h to stay sane. Good luck

>> No.13064640
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Ask for a raise and if they don't oblige just find something else.

I let this happen to myself over 4+ years thinking that I would be able to work my way up, but you never will. Next thing I knew I was the last of the department remaining, without a dime extra, doing the job of 6 past employees. Tried to ask for a raise multiple times unsuccessfully, only to end up with ~5% promised over the course of a year and spaced quarterly. Boomers.

Immediately found a new gig, quit, left them with nobody, and now I'm making 20% more than before and with much less work.

>> No.13064641

Find an other job, you will get a bigger salary and you can start to work very relaxed.
I’ve literally done the same, they were giving me a shitty salary and people with half of the experience and way younger than me was earning more then me. I also had to train them and this was pissing me off a lot.
Found a job paying double of the salary and I’ve started working very relaxed.
First day of work I smoked a fat joint to lower my IQ and the expectation the company had on me, and I’m literally keeping myself retarded with controlled dose of weed to stay relaxed at work. At the end of the month I still get paid because also high on drugs I’m pretty skilled...

>> No.13064815

Best advice so far, but you have to be careful doing this. If you take it too far, you will come off as incompetent and unable to perform your job, which will put you at risk of being terminated. The key is learning to push back just enough that you are no longer seen as the "office pushover", but not so much that you seem like you can't do your job. You want to do it just enough that your boss choose an easier target to dump their extra work on instead of you.

>> No.13064823

Fuck this, this is some passive aggressive micromanagement shit




>> No.13064828

>ou want to do it just enough that your boss choose an easier target to dump their extra work on instead of you.

Theres no one else. Im the youngest one, paid the least, fresh out of college. Everyone else is an old boomer whos been here 10+ years r some shit

>> No.13064860

Well, you didn't like the post telling you how to play office politics to your advantage, but you did like all of the ones telling you to quit and find something else. It sounds like you already know what you want to do. Why are you here?

>> No.13064910

To hear about the stories of others

>> No.13065060

Apply for other jobs, with the little experience you have, you'll be ahead of any college grads.

Secure an offer, then tell your boss you want a raise or you're fucking out of there.

>> No.13065110

the most based response
applying for jobs whilst having one puts you in a position with far more leverage
you will be up against many grads who are desperate to land something, but you have the fall back of your old job
makes you look better than your competition, as you have obviously landed a job before

good luck OP. remember, they will fire you in an instant if they think it would benefit them, have 0 loyalty

>> No.13065149

Dont stress. Pace yourself. Just do what you can and save the rest for the next day. They will always try to maximize your output, it is good business to do so. However, you are in full control of the output. So stop acting so desperate it gives him leverage. Or just man up and aak for a raise.

>> No.13065854

You can't just tell your boss off like that you idiots.
You will get a bad review from the workplace and that shit will hurt your career.

>> No.13065959

lmao, kid working for 2 months thinks he can't be replaced and wants a raise. you millenials are retarded

>> No.13066953

hahaha wagefags

>> No.13066995

Same difference

>> No.13067096

and his boss is a card carrying member of the Communist Party

>> No.13067142

>Tell him he's looking good, then walk away