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13060875 No.13060875 [Reply] [Original]

I made 300,000 after I pulled out before the 20k crash. I’m getting kicked out by my parents and have no job. So I’m going all in on Bitcoin. This will be the investment that makes or breaks me

>> No.13061004

If you opened a short with 10x leverage you’d make it. Instead you’re gonna lose about 75% of your principal before you make it and therefore prob sell

>> No.13061016

No it’s all or nothing at this point I’m desperate

>> No.13061034

desperate to lose money? okay.

>> No.13061043

No the bull is coming

>> No.13061044
File: 54 KB, 685x497, F214B16A-8388-4652-9FDD-8E67CFA56D5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m all in on lottery tickets

>> No.13061050

You have $300k?
Don’t need be a moron. With that kinda money, you can start 4 or 5 small businesses. You should try to create something of value, instead of squandering your wealth

>> No.13061072

Yeah but I’m stupid anon why do you think I’m basically gambling my financial future in the first place

>> No.13061098

No, diversify your portfolio you idiot, not only crypto. You're better off gambling at a dice site if that's how your brain is wired

>> No.13061120

Seriously? 4k just got rejected AGAIN and 4.2k is a much harder resistance to break.

>> No.13061125

Okay should I put more money into stock portfolio then?

>> No.13061190

Stocks, bonds, ETFs, but you have to know what you're doing, never do it blindly or follow CNBC commentators etc. Learn it well before making any move.

>> No.13061215

Would it be a good idea to go somewhere like Eastern Europe and live cheaply so I don’t deplete my savings?

>> No.13061248

Armenia and Georgia are nice. I think Georgia offer a one year visa on arrival.

>> No.13061267

He said Europe, not entities which constantly get gangraped by their neighbours

>> No.13061289

Why not just buy a nice appartment, car and get a part-time job? Are you serious?

>> No.13061305

They're located between East Europe and West Asia and they've been always considered Eastern European. Also have you ever been there?

>> No.13061339

How much of that 300k do you have left?

>> No.13061426

301 k, I held a job for a couple months last year and held some savings from that since my parents mostly paid for everything. They are kicking me out because my dads a boomer even though I’m only 21. He was in the Yugoslav army so he thinks I’m weak and is doing this to “toughen me up”

>> No.13061567

By a condo and rent it out . You'd make more money and than this racket.

>> No.13061619

Have you offered to pay rent?

>> No.13061849

>they've been always considered Eastern European
as a european this makes me kek...

>> No.13061867

Take 30k and have some fun, do you like to travel? You can easily travel comfy on 30k per year. Or why don't you start slumlording?

>> No.13061986

Have you seriously not learned a single thing about investing during your entire time in cryptos? Never invest what you *can't* afford to lose. If you're being kicked out, then that means that money will become even more important to you because presumably you have no other financial recourse. You need to use that money to invest in *yourself*, so you'll be able to stand on your own without your parents' support. Do not go into buttcoin, what an incredibly terrible idea. Do anything but that. I'd buy a tent and a bike and live in the woods before I'd do that.

>> No.13062043

Put about 35k in Helius once they release. Easy 2mm+ in 20 years.

>> No.13062681

put 200k in obligaytions or a nice dividend paying ETF/index fund.

But serious tho, go travel the world man, you have 300k to blow

>> No.13062711

Markets that will grow and i have some small fortune vested in are
-IOT/data heavy
-digital security
-water (seriously this shit will make a fortune in years to come)

If you want crypto again: go for 3.0 cryptos like iota or nano, not these inbred brainlet shitcoins like LTO FTO and Link

>> No.13062765

Yeah but they told me I need to grow up anyways so I should leave

>> No.13062771

Yeah you were right I was kinda panicking earlier

>> No.13062781


>> No.13062787

>have 300000
>still live with parents
[X] Doubt

>> No.13063004

You already spent 300k?
Ahaha, easy come easy go.

Get ready to be wrecked.

>> No.13063032

he meant ₹300,000

>> No.13063033

BSV about to moon

>> No.13064075

go away boomer nobody wants your bags. I listened to you in 2010 boomer that btc was a scam and I could be a billionare right now

>> No.13064093
File: 416 KB, 844x499, Obama's Legacy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m getting kicked out by my parents and have no job. So I’m going all in on Bitcoin

lol @ you american useless, lazy welfare niggers. you'll literally do anything but work.

Get ready for a century of Chinese dominance.

>> No.13064980
File: 135 KB, 1440x784, 1550684972925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



At least bet on a sure thing, like REQ.

>> No.13065676



>even in a gay account, that will be 50 in 2029.

>Do not faggot away money on bullshit

> Don't be a fucking typical decadent western loser kid

>> No.13065757
File: 161 KB, 530x526, Bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, your first instinct is correct. $300,000 put into Bitcoin now will yield approximately $7.5 million in 2-3 years.

You will regret it forever if you don't get in. That said, you needn't gamble it all. $100k is more than enough to make it. With the rest, split between gold and cash to ensure you can weather the incoming economic crisis. Don't buy real estate or stocks at the top of the market.

And yes, go travel in some cheap countries. You only get one life, and one youth. Enjoy yourself my dude.

(But MAKE SURE you buy Bitcoin while we're near the bottom, before we reach the halving in May of 2020.)

>> No.13066602


Jesus. I could live for twenty years on that. If that's anything less than a fortune to you you need to move out of the Bay area.

>a nice apartment

You could buy a mansion in the Midwest with that sort of money.

>> No.13066819

you're looking for Ukraine or Slovenia, maybe Croatia but it might not be as cheap anymore since they actually joined the EU (lol)

I'd recommend my homecountry Montenegro as well, but these days it's full of Ivans and Chinks so fuck off we're full

>> No.13066885

can you elaborate anon?

>> No.13066922

You have 300 grand. Invest 200k and use the rest for your immediate living expenses and hire a Jew to help manage your portfolio or something.

>> No.13066929

>starts filling my bathtub
$10 a swig niggers

>> No.13067858


Satoshi has 800k and two hackings (mtgox and another one) 900k.

No other group has more.

The number is so low that if you take into account that satoshi has 800k and 970k have been stolen in two hackings(and can´t be sold easily).
That means that a shit ton of bitcoins liquidity dissappeared from the market and will not be sold until a second crypto appears and allows for the motherfuckers that hacked the exchanges to move them anonimously.

And that won´t happen until the 4th halving at least.
Add to that the fact that Satoshi coins never moved and you have that there is a total of 16m bitcoins in circulation.

But of that 4m bitcoins are estimated to be lost of the time when people gifted them to the people that called them fags just for trolling.

That left you with 12m bitcoins in circulation with 3,4 million more to be mined.

Yet after the halving you are speaking of 900 coins mined per day , take into account that there are 300k per day transactions.

If you buy bitcoin now you will literally make it forever.

The stolen will never be sold fast enough to move the market , satoshi has never moved his ones.

Instead of 21m coins we will end up having 15m at most.

The next halving is going to surpass every expectation.

Even better segwit increased the transaction limit from 420k tx per day to about 800k tx per day without bottlenecking,

Now add to that the fact that the halving will come in the middle of the us elections and mcaffee may not eat his dick when you have leftist offering ubi gibs and justing the usd for fun.

When you take all of that into account the ammount of btc in the market is so low that the next bullrun will surpass every expectation.

Do it anon but just put 150k just in case.

>> No.13067862

Bulgaria , you can buy a few mansions with that.

>> No.13067884

its hard to tell just quite yet if 4k is rejected because its sitting right there. and the past uptick rises the last few months are not immediate things they take 1-4 days to really become reality.

>> No.13067891

300k and you are worried about living with parents. Dude this is an opportunity to be living the dream and relax finding a nice job with plenty of security for a rainy day.

>> No.13067901

Your dad is right. If 300k doesn't boost your test up enough to nut up and get your own place, nothing else will. He doesn't want his son to be a basedyboy

>> No.13067913

go have a look at Mar 20th 2019 00:37 UTC and tell me that 4k wasn't rejected. You're blind or delusional if you think otherwise

>> No.13067936

if u wanna get technical bitcoin surpassed 4k by like 17usd. i will give u that the spike is pretty ugly but i havent lost hope yet