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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13060698 No.13060698 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw 27
>no gf
>still live with parents

The money’s not worth it anymore.

>> No.13060713

I trade my gf for money

>> No.13060716

I'd be interested in just renting, what are her specs?

>> No.13060727

>tfw 29 in two months time
>have gf
>still live with parents

No money either

>> No.13060729
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45kg @ 1.60m
Swallows cum
Feels like fucking a 14yo

>> No.13060736

>Feels like fucking a 14yo
kek nvm then

>> No.13060746

Ok how much will you pay me to fuck her

>> No.13060791 [DELETED] 
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I don't just want her fucked, I want her beeing someones sexslave

>> No.13060927

>parents are loud retards that fight with eachother over the stupidest shit imaginable
>endure it anyway because I love them and shit-it's not like they treat me like they do eachother lol
>move out for the first time a month before my 30th birthday
>my roomates/friends are alcoholics and get drunk as shit like 4 times a week and literally stay up until 4-6 am on work days howling and singing like lunatics
>embarassing notes on my door (which is the only one attached to the hallway) from other tenants who doubtless think I'm the retarded one-can't make eye contact with anybody else in the building
>Parents got a high maintenance husky dog and their health is fading (mid 50s)
>moving back in in a few months right before my 33rd birthday

They're still my friends but fuck having roommates. If you can't afford to live on your own it isn't worth it. At least mine don't steal, but you might not get so lucky-as a guy that works in a used video game store so I see that kind of shit every day

>> No.13060962

How much do you save a month by living at home?

>> No.13061035

>refusing prime teen pussy
not gonna make it

>> No.13061077


3k altogether between retirement, regular investments etc

>> No.13061104


3k a month? Fair fucking play! Stay at home until your 40 and you'll be able to save a bomb to set your future up and even take a year out and go travelling and live like a king during that time

GF is overrrated. I broke up with mine on Friday, what a fucking relief to be single

>> No.13061106

ahh i see she seems to have some banged up knees. Skins nice rough a little rough around the face but seems like a good ride? how much to rent?

>> No.13061109

Gfs are a meme anyway. You sacrifice so much to be part of a partnership where you're the minority stakeholder and you get occasional poontang in return. Great.

>> No.13061115

Why did you break up with her

>> No.13061274

i would trade everything in the world to be single and living with my parents. the real world hurts more than you could possibly ever imagine. its soul crushing. it will reduce you to a fucking worm, then step on you

>> No.13061290

>not yf
seriously hope y'all goyim don't do this

>> No.13061299

this thread is the perfect example of grass is always greener. he wants out and you want back in. so who's right?

>> No.13061325


>> No.13061326


I started really hating being around her, always negative about everything and just generally being horrible.

Everything I said seemed to make her angry I just got fed up of treading on eggshells about everything I could say that would set her off.

Fuck that

>> No.13061347

being single and living with parents. save money to actually buy something like a house instead of renting. or spend more money on shitcoins. sex is cool when youre a teenager but its lame after that imo

>> No.13061371

but don't you feel like you missed something if you live with your parents until you're 40? or is it just a fact that you can't have both an "exciting" youth and also be set up financially later in life?

>> No.13061402

I wish I could stand living with my mum but it's bad for my mental health. She's neurotic and messy as fuck. I probably owe it to her to help get her house in order though.

>> No.13061454

Was she upset you were leaving her or did she also welcome it.

>> No.13061485

You forgot
>uglier than a horse’s twat

>> No.13061492

>grass is always greener
Everyone knows what it's like to be single, not everyone knows what it's like to be in a relationship. Having experienced both, the former is easier, but the latter has the potential to be more rewarding through sex, shared experiences, offspring, and someone to encourage you if you're down.

>> No.13061506

My ID confirms the truth

>> No.13061532
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>> No.13061555

She was definitely cheating on you

>> No.13061557

Lame shit? yep

>> No.13061678

>The money’s not worth it anymore.

so move out? its not that hard. If you're lucky you can still get your parents to do your laundry.

>> No.13061886

Have you considered that you have no GF, because you still live with your parents? That's even worse than not having a car.

>> No.13061932

>t. Boomer amerimutt

>> No.13061958

How much for 1 hour?

>> No.13062041

The only attractive reason to still live with your parents is if you are providing for them

>> No.13062058



Staying at home is the best way to get ahead above the other wage cucks.

>> No.13062086

1970 called, boomer. No girl cares anymore if you live in some shitbox apartment. They live with their parents too. Anyone with half a brain realizes that renting when you’re single is a huge waste of money.

>> No.13062151

>Staying at home is the best way to get ahead
Depends what getting ahead means. OP posted two opposing facts and it depends if he's more ashamed of not having a girlfriend or more ashamed of still living with his parents. If it's the former, then he must make himself more appealing to a female by demonstrating he has the means and desire to live independently from his parents.

>> No.13062192
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This. I work minimum wage, chose to just work rather than go into debt, kept working and kept saving. Mid twenties with $90k dry powder for the next bull run, and I'm fairly confident which coin will lead the way. Boomer customers may look down on me, but chances are I will retire before they do

>> No.13062228

I've been considering suicide pretty seriously because of that, only asked like 5 girls out in my life but every no hurt like a motherfucker, I don't know what normies mean when they say "it's better to just know than to guess", I don't give a fuck about crypto anymore, I will never be worthy of love and affection no matter how much money I have, one of the girls I asked out won't even stand within 10 feet of me after that and everything was fucking fine before that, asking girls out is a meme, this whole thing is a fucking meme, no matter what I do I get the same results, fuck this gay earth

>> No.13062235

Most appealing to least:
>Lives independently and is wealthy enough to provide for parents too
>Lives independently
>Shares house, but has separate entrance and kitchen
>Shares rent with similarly aged male housemates
>Lives with parents

>> No.13062241

That is a beautiful horsepussy; /mlp/ is more ahead of the curve than I thought

>> No.13062251


Not bad.

>> No.13062253

Keep rationalizing throwing 10k+ down a year to pay off someone’s mortgage

>> No.13062310

The point is making himself more attractive and from there maybe he will find a girlfriend to split the cost

>> No.13062320

You have to be trolling. 6/10 made me reply

>> No.13062335

start here and find a good self-improvement general thread...don't give up on life, anon

>> No.13062354

Send me money OP, I’ll be your gf. I’m 10/10.

>> No.13062367
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>> No.13062368

how does a horses vagina look less beat up than a human's one, holy fuck roasties are getting the rope

>> No.13062387

Is the one on the left human? Did I pass

>> No.13062394

Glad you know how to turn WiFi off on your phone, boomer

>> No.13062428

Only a 6/10, how about this...the only reason to give up seeking companionship with a woman is to focus wholly on a relationship with God without distraction

>> No.13062902

based cashier

>> No.13063037


Consider living on your own.

>> No.13063164

gf's as a concept are pretty much obsolete anyways. If you're not in the top 1% of guys, don't even bother with a relationship because you'll just get cheated on in the end because that's what the culture is like now. If you really want sex, go to a hooker; you'll have much better sex than what a regular girl can provide, and she'll probably care about you more because they want you to have a good time so that you'll come back

also, please don't an hero. There is so much more wonderful stuff in the world besides chasing pussy and it'd be such a waste to miss out on it because you spent so much time banging your head against the gf meme

>> No.13063764

>have a good job
>still cant afford anything that will add value to my life
>everybody else is chasing skanks and blowing money on stupis shit

despite all positive outlooks, i am still depressed. Oh well, time to distract myself with something

>> No.13063785
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>> No.13063808

>all that at 32 years old
I thought you were 19 or 20 before I read the last sentence. You have a lot of work to do

>> No.13063841


Not real stupid newfags
Any time you have an image with a name like "20150802_181111.jpg" you should do a reverse image lookup for the lulz

Sauce and nudes: https://www.voyeurweb.com/contributions/view/3309568-my-gf-can-t-get-enough-comments

>> No.13063903

literally me

>> No.13064115

Based. Old fucks will still be working to pay off their mortgage and we’ll be traveling

>> No.13064164

getting assblasted drunk 4 times a week at 30 means you're probably retarded

>> No.13064195

you do realize that when your home goes up in equity (which it almost always does) you dont need to "pay off your mortgage" as you can just sell the place and take the profit and downsize and buy a place straight cash homie,

I have 75K in equity built up in 2 years and in the market i'm in, its likely never going to fall close to anything less than 50K equity and will likely be 150K equity in another two years.

Gonna sell it in 10, downsize, pay for place in cash and live off my dividends