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File: 81 KB, 1000x562, slideslive_sergey-nazarov_decentralized-oracles-reliably-triggering-smart-contracts-using-decentralized-computation-and-trusted-execution-environments.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13059520 No.13059520 [Reply] [Original]

If decentralized oracles are so valuable then what makes you think chainlink will survive against competitors flooding the market once there's a bubble? Unlike blockchains, middleware is easily replaceable.

>> No.13059540

Because the advantages of a decentralized system is seen best under a network affect.
You tell me which oracle network is building its network as large as chainlink.

>> No.13059561
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BSV will have a native decentralized oracle built in runing free of charge. Patented.
Also stiff.

>> No.13059567

Free of charge?
Who would be responsible for providing the information?

>> No.13059571

and therein is the problem.

chainlink has zero network effects, because all of these oracle middlemen are going to be pulling data form the exact same apis and services. it will be a race to the bottom for both fees and friction, likely leading to solutions not requiring a completely separate centralized funding token, but the native token of the platform where the smart contracts are actually being run.

>> No.13059590

Lol, yes there is no value in what Link brings to the process and they are no different than any other decentralized Oracle platform, except for the work they have put into smartcontract development and TEE. You retard, stop with the lame fud.

>> No.13059593

>banned from Twitter

>> No.13059597
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He unironically thought that a middlewear shitcoin, thats been 40 cents for two years, that has no use-case, whose team presents in rank rape-dungeons, who mainnet continuously delays, whose inventor is an obese russian philosophy major, whose only use after two years is a fucking alarm clock, a json parser, a band-aid solution, a scam coin, could be no more than a cup of coffee (as said in whitepaper), would unironically make him rich

oh no no no look at these dudes

>> No.13059612

if you would stop thinking with your feminine emotional brain you would realize that nothing i've said is fud, but simply how these networks work.

chainlink isn't like bitcoin, or ethereum, there's nothing on the chain itself that has any value, its entirely about the data, and the data is there for everybody to use and verify. their only chance at getting any kind of a network is exclusive data on their platform, which consequently is unverifiable and therefore can only come from one source, and also doesn't require the link token because of it.

>> No.13059615

G-go back to discord f-fudder

>> No.13059620
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Which discord? The one where they are talking about how sirgay doesnt know what he's doing with the 650mil linkies?

>> No.13059641

I think you are full of shit and Link is key to the future adoption and execution of Smartcontracts. TEE is the key, stay poor Fudder.

>> No.13059672

HA HA HA, you just made me google "Denver" - and it turns out that it is actually a real place, a city in America.
I always thought it was something akin to Narnia, just with a city build where all the inhabitants are rednecks. Like a Redneck-Metropolitan.. HA HA HA.

>> No.13059683

creg will from his mobile phone

>> No.13059694
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what is this, explain yourself!

>> No.13059744

>BSV will have a native decentralized oracle
"if X then Y" is not an oracle.

Also, are BSV nodes going to do both on-chain and off-chain consensus at the same time?
Fucking why?
That's like having cops be taxi drivers too.

>> No.13059747

Whoa, discord user "Sergey's Shirt" said THAT?

>> No.13059777

Sergey is an absolute beast and ready to literally crush competitors, with a lead pipe if necessary. Combat ability is underrated.

>> No.13059794
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>> No.13059853

think what you want, but you can't argue that the network-effects of chainlink are nothing like that of self-sufficient cryptocurrencies. it relies on other parties and other networks for both ends of the pipe. and is therefore especially vulnerable to competitors in a way that self-sufficient platforms like ethereum can't be.

>stay poor
thanks for your concern but i've already "made it", in late adopter parlance.

>> No.13059869

Dude Starbucks are just gonna build their own oracle! They’ll just go straight to the source!

>> No.13059877

historically he has got 0 adoption and released no product in 2 years so I highly doubt that. He's not gonna turn around and deliver some magic after being mediocre for 2 years.

>> No.13059909

He cornered the TEE smart contract market by acquiring TownCrier, and basically dominates the entire crypto oracle space with all the partners and users lined up, including what was once the biggest name in oracles: oraclize.

Get your head out your ass.

>> No.13059923

>dominates the entire crypto oracle space
with 0 adoption or product they dominate nothing... expect maybe some PR scam sites.

>> No.13059932

you need to understand that these partnerships will never amount to anything. It's just marketing scam. Remember when Chainlink paid to have cointelegraph and friends to publish articles mentioning them and swift? What has that amounted to? Nothing. It was a scam.

>> No.13059937

funny i thought they dont market

>> No.13059944

Town crier is a university project, any other team develop their own TEE

>> No.13059953

brainlets think they dont market, but PR and partnerships is pure paid marketing and scam, which is what Chainlink is and always been all about.

>> No.13059972

>there's no adoption
>there are partnerships

Please select one.

>> No.13059974
File: 3.57 MB, 3994x2244, 9356DBE3-FCFE-46C4-AED1-A7C4976F1BC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this actual FUD? Mainnet is launching soon and a never-before-seen technology is about to hit a market with billion dollar partners lined up to use it, who’s token price is directly related to network usage.

Seems like a good bet.

>> No.13059986

adoption is real people using it
partnerships are a medium article and press release name dropping for marketing and then doing nothing
kys brainlet

>> No.13059987

t. someone who doesn't know what Town Crier is, or who Ari Jels or Fan Zhang are.

>> No.13059992

>adoption is real people using it
And even when mainnet isn't even out yet, there's a list of big and small names already lined up to use Chainlink.

You're just digging that hole deeper and deeper.

>> No.13059993

>Mainnet is launching soon
kek no it's not, they don't even know how to make decentralized oracles. If they launch mainnet now it's just gonna be another useless coin that does nothing that instantly dumps 99%. I suggest you kys now or you're in for some harsh dose of reality.

>> No.13059998

>there's a list of big and small names already lined up to use Chainlink.
incorrect, there's a bunch of people chainlink paid to create PR for marketing and that have 0 intention of ever using chainlink.

>> No.13060014

ZeppelinOS, ClinTex, Accord Project, OpenLaw, Market Protocol, GameDex, Brave New Coin, Web3 Foundation (Polkadot), Morpheus Network, bZx, Kaleido, Hydrogen, Wanchain, Kaiko, Rtrade, Olympus Labs, Katalassos, NakaChain + Bodhi, Celer, Set Protocol, Synthetix, IC3, Origami, Factom, Oraclize, …

Just off the top of my head.

>> No.13060021

Because they have to use chainlink to actually be decentralised. See: provable.

>> No.13060022


>> No.13060030

>if they launch mainnet now
>will immediately dump
You should realize chainlink is about to automate things never before automated. You’re either trolling to keep the price down, or not very intelligent.

>> No.13060034

Imagine not knowing Accord, OpenLaw, IC3, BNC, Web3, Oraclize, etc.

>> No.13060036

yep, all these companies "partnered" with chainlink only for PR. They gain exposure from the news and have 0 intention of ever using chainlink. I work in the industry, that's literally all they do. Companies get paid to "partner" or just do it for the cross promotion. It literally means nothing. You're getting scammed now just like you got scammed when you read those paid articles on shill sites mentioning swift and link. You think it's not "marketing" but that's just cause you're low IQ and you're about to get scammed and dumped on.

>> No.13060038

Yeah competitors will just build a network of thousands of node operators over night

>> No.13060042

you should realize that they are nowhere near to have any meaningful technology, and most likely never will. It's all marketing.

>> No.13060047

>all these companies "partnered" with chainlink only for PR

>> No.13060048

they dont have thousands of nodes and most likely never will. You're literally acting like chainlink already has a product and already has adoption when in fact it has neither. Your IQ is literally sub 80.

>> No.13060057

>10 posts by this ID
Why are you wasting your time like this, talking about something you think is shit?
How empty and meaningless is your life right now?

>> No.13060066

kek there's no source retard, it's just what every crypto company does. I'm sure this happens in other industries as well but I've worked for an ICO agency and literally all they did all day was fabricate these "partnerships" for cross promotion and social proof. Chainlink is just another one of them. You can get pretty much anything publish on cointelegraph or any other source for 5k, which is what Link did to raise 32mil with their fraudulent mention of swift.

>> No.13060070

>Why are you wasting your time like this
I enjoy BTFO brainlets with bad arguments. I destroy them, then they change topics like you just did. kys.

>> No.13060074

can't believe oraclize got cucked
>muh distributed

>> No.13060075

>there's no source
So this is just you trying to convince us?
Why are you spending so much effort trying to convince us?

And by "BTFO" you mean spew bs with zero source?

>> No.13060080

kek your "sources" are literally paid shills trying to scam you. Enjoy trusting them and getting rekt when LINK delivers nothing and slowly exit scams

>> No.13060084

>are literally paid shills trying to scam you
As opposed to you who deeply care about me?

>> No.13060094

I've made it clear I enjoy BTFO brainlets like yourself but you're obviously too dumb to understand things only stated a single time. Maybe I should publish a medium article and "partner" with literally who so that you can believe it kek.

>> No.13060101

By BTFO you mean "look out for our wellbeing by warning us about a scam"?

>> No.13060112

The list

>> No.13060115

Imagine not knowing Accord, OpenLaw, IC3, BNC, Web3, Oraclize, etc.

>> No.13060202

Idiot Alert

>> No.13060242

Cope: The post

>> No.13060277

>wants to invest in oracle solutions
>buys chainlink at bloated meme price instead of Verity at the ground level
>VTY beats link to the punch and goes 100x
>buys into Verity

It's the biz way.

>> No.13060457

Not an oracle you dip. It's a voting platform, it doesn't actually connect to anything.

>> No.13060559
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Mfw I have to pay Craig royalties simply for respiring.

>> No.13060584

First decentralized oracles would have to exist. They don't. It's an API aggregation service that "averages" the API responses. Also known as - something other services have already been doing for a long time. Link is the biggest joke ever and those of you who still don't understand how stupid it is, will get rekt.

>> No.13060625
File: 2.19 MB, 3024x4032, 1550509240833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck how could I have not realised this... Just sold.

>> No.13060631

>oracles are an API aggregation system
Lol, but no.

>> No.13060691


>> No.13060808

>How empty and meaningless is your life right now?
>16 posts by this ID
late. adopter. cringe.

>> No.13060859

>all of these oracle middlemen are going to be pulling data form the exact same apis and services
You mean like how bitcoin miners confirm the same transactions?

>talking about something you believe in is cringe

>> No.13061692

is the 2nd pivotaltracker for the UI already news?

>> No.13061790

Priced in

>> No.13061993

First mover is likely to have the biggest and the most reliable network of nodes. That's why LTC is shit compared to BTC despite being way faster than the latter

>> No.13062004


>> No.13062094
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>> No.13062152


Psssssssssst it’s an unsolvable problem

>> No.13062330

Well, he is pretty close to the action.
.. Get it? Close to the action

>> No.13062527
File: 251 KB, 600x800, 1530496842869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better version
we dont like memes that portray sergey in a negative light

>> No.13063009

Been about a year and 6 months ico was sep. 2017. In 6 more months is a long time also you can use chainlink today on production the oracle just won’t be completely decentralized.

>> No.13063152


Don't forget about: [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], and [redacted].

>Literally hundreds of partnerships

>> No.13063224
File: 207 KB, 1280x1020, 1280px-Eugène_Delacroix_-_Lycurgus_Consulting_the_Pythia_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink just sounds silly. I googled it and all that comes back are images of fences. How the fuck is that have something to do with computers. And oracles? Please what is it 8th century BC and were gonna go ask Pythia whats the weather like in Ohio. Come on guys. Lets all go sacrifice a few virgins so that we can get some magical big mac eating rolypoly to tell us the spot price of silver. DELUSIONAL