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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13058620 No.13058620 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me at work, December 2017
>Check blockfolio
>Fuck I'm the fucking shit, this shit will never fucking stop
>Normie incarnate walks into my office
>"Hey anon, what a jump from Littlecoin, I'm sorry, Litecoin today huh?

>> No.13058769

>your boss knows about cryptocurrency

>> No.13058782



Every single day I regret not investing in bitcoin when it first launched because I was so young and my dad wouldn't let me put any money into it because he thought it was a scam.


>> No.13058817

That drunken guy posting on the ADA Reddit about how he got rich overnight and told everyone at the bar and then puked but it was ok because the next day he got richer.

>> No.13059186
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Same story bro , it´s only when we realize that boomers did not knew shit that we started to raise.

We will have our momentum in 2020.

>> No.13059259

I looked at my $370k folio and I looked at the btc chart that was going vertical and I thought "this is crazy, this has to correct" then I decided that I really liked my holdings of ICX and fucking XRB and that I couldn't be bothered moving any of my LINK off my ledger, so I just sat it out, and here I am at $50k.

>> No.13059266
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>> No.13059275

My mother asked me to invest for her in Dec 2017. I doubled her money and she asked me to take out half in Jan 2018, about 2 days before the market started bear

I didn't pull out any of my own funds

Feel like kms every single day

>> No.13059292

2017 bull run wasnt even that great, it was basically like the bear market but interspersed with 1-2 week long growth events that then held after they passed.

>> No.13059305

>2 normies in a queue
>so how much btc do you own

>> No.13059308

>Everything goes 10,000%
>Not that great

>> No.13059312

2018 bear market wasnt even that bad, it was basically like the bull market but interspersed with 1-2 week long dump events that then held after they passed.

>> No.13059313

this is the dumbest post i've read all day, congrats

>> No.13059316
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The futures hype was my target to trade my BTC for ETH and then I sold when CNBC became a 24hr crypto channel.

>> No.13059320

>winter 2014 talking with friends during smoke break
>"shit you can get 1k for bitcoin now"
>"yea a friend of mine still has lots of bitcoin left from his drug purchases on silk road...hes a lucky bastard"
>"yea, 1k is just absurd, what has this world turned into?"

>> No.13059321

When the janitor at my work gave me 200 bucks to buy him some "bitcoins"

I also got almost everyone in the office into Devery ICO then dumped on them kek, nobody knows tho

>> No.13059328

if anything actually went 10000% it was for like a week, then it retraced to 5000% for a month, then 2000% for another month, then 500% for another month, and that’s if you got in at the absolute bottom, most gains were like 3000% max and they lasted for less than a month.

>> No.13059350

just to add to my point.
How could you not dump on this kind of faggotry?

>> No.13059357
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uhm, no
Here's what would have actually happened:
>lost keys
>invested in shitcoins that exit scammed
>selling to early
>getting scalped and eventually shaken out by the whales
There's a reason why crypto has been discussed on 4chan since the early days and yet the % of millionaires this site produced is way under 1%. If making it was easy as buying crypto early, 50% of the 2011 /g/ users should have been millionaires today. They are not and you wouldn't have been either, especially since you were just a dumb kid filled with emotions. You can masturbate in hindsight and believe you would have been a millionaire, but the truth is your dad would have been proven right.

>> No.13059364

based anon remembers how it was without rose tinted glasses.

>> No.13059397
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>tfw knew it was the top but the only reputable way to cash out in my country was fucking quadrigacx, their entire subreddit was filled with people saying they had been waiting months for deposits, Kraken were a mess and had no bank to perform transactions without attempting to route it through a bunch of other countries and the only stable coin was fucking tether which everyone was convinced was going to blow everything up

cant be helped, at least now I have the infamous distinction of losing a shit ton of internet dollarydoos.

>> No.13059401

/g/ bitter luddites hated Bitcoin so much, moot literally made another board for Bitcoin discussion. They've always had this weird unwarranted hatred for it, now even more so. It's my native board and they're usually dumb as always.

>> No.13059416

Heard about bitcoins when it was like 20 dollars a coin but was making min. wage at the time and couldn't make the leap. Once I got a real job and disposable income, completely forget about crypto until 2017 bullrush in fucking late October. Made a chunk of change but fuck me it feels like a once in a lifetime chance passed me because it fucking did. Wagecucking feels sooo fucking hollow after making literally thousands per day during last bullrush. Literally got a taste of being rich and that shit has absolutely fucking corrupted me.

>> No.13059436

bahaha you are so full of shit anon, why doesnt anyone remember the literal MONTHS of no action or slow bleed ? Before the run up in August, that lasted for like a week, we had been bleeding for almost 4 months, we had China fud, segwit fud, tether fud and even after the run up every single altcoin retraced to their previous median, bleeding lower throughout October and November.

>> No.13059475

You got nothing on me newfags.
>knew about bitcoin back in 2010
>made my research, understood how blockchain worked
still didn't invest
>2012, bought stuff from Silk Road when BTC was going for like 2 bucks
>2013, bought again, BTC costs 10 bucks now
still didn't invest
>2014, bought 100 bucks worth of BTC, 100 bucks worth of LTC cause lulz
>November 2016, BTC price doubled, threw in another 1000 bucks
>April 2017 got fudded by Bitfinexed, quit all positions

Welp, at least I'm not a Decemberbuyer.

We still have a chance to redeem ourselves in 2022. Just gotta buy in 11 months down the line.

>> No.13059481

i dont know about any of that. I just remember buying around 3k worth of bitcoin around September/October, selling it when it hit 10k and putting the profit in select shitcoins on binance with varying degrees of success. i remember one night a shitcoin i bought spiked 300% over night and I sold just before i left for work it was an insane time.

>> No.13059486
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>mfw try to tell my dad to by an antminer in 2012 for only 1000$
>he says no