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130577 No.130577 [Reply] [Original]

Earnest thoughts on Jordan Belfort, the Wolf of Wall Street?

>> No.130584


Fuck him for giving honest markets people a bad name.

>> No.130586

idiot scammer thats now completly broke

>> No.130602

pretty cool guy.scams people and doesn’t afraid of anything.

>> No.130631

> "In October 2013, federal prosecutors filed a complaint that Belfort, who had income of $1,767,203 from the publication of his two books and the sale of the movie rights, plus an additional $24,000 from motivational speaking since 2007, paid restitution of only $243,000 over the past four years. The government is currently not holding Belfort in default of his payments in order to keep negotiations open, but it is unclear when the full amount of the mandated restitution will be repaid."

top greed kek

>captcha: bloodthirsty nigger

>> No.130651

A scammer who had more than enough opportunity to get away with his financial crimes but was too greedy to get out when he had the chance. Stuck around, incriminated himself further and stayed on the FBI's radar, finally wised up and left but they got him eventually. Is now trying to make a comeback as a celebrity with a book and movie deal.

I don't hate the guy, but as criminals go he's an example of how top guys never get out when the gettings good.

>> No.130723

>24k in motivational speaking since 07

Is that all he made? I read some of his book. Totally an absolute bullshitter in some of his anawcdotes

>> No.130742

I watched some of his seminar stuff on youtube, and when he released it for free for a limited time.

He drags everything on for so long and throws in one decent comment every 5-10 minutes. I'm convinced he's just scamming people again.

>> No.132262

Haven't watched any of his videos, but what was particularly bad?

>> No.132286

watched tommy chong talk about being locked up with him. supposedly he was a shitty writer and tommy told him to exaggerate