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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13054294 No.13054294 [Reply] [Original]

Explain to me why any american that wasnt born into wealth shouldnt enlist. You get free job training. You get free education and an easy path to a degree. You get housed, fed and cared for. All your necessities are covered and you never have to worry about your next hot meal. People suck your dick for life, you get discounts on shit for life. The Thrift Savings Plan, Uncle Sam's version of a 401k, is the best retirement savings tool a young person can use.

What are the downsides?
>uncle sam owns your ass for 4 years
Yeah he does. But you now what, he also protected your weak, pathetic ass for 18 years. So giving him 4 years back isnt such a raw deal. Play buy his rules and you'll be set for life.
>ill have to go through boot camp and that's hard
Yeah it is hard and that's what makes it feel good when you make it through and get your beret or coin. The military knows how to build weak losers with no self esteem into proper men with confidence.

What am I missing here? Why arent all you 16 and 17 year olds on /k/ asking questions about jobs and bases?

>> No.13054311

Imagine the worst retards you had to interact with in high school. Now imagine four more years of that but instead of them being 20% of people around you, its now closer to 90%.

>> No.13054325

because i got into a top 10 school and don't need a commanding officer to tell me what to think.

>> No.13054353

And who's gonna pay for that "top 10" (it's probably not even top 50) school?

>> No.13054389

lmao military is a step above a stint in jail if you have any sense of personal autonomy. in certain situations it can make sense financially, but realistically if you weren't born into poverty why would you even consider giving up governance of your own body and for the most parts, your thoughts. cringe and bluepilled

>> No.13054401

i'm proud to be a black american

>> No.13054410
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Dying and going to hell for (((them))) just for a few shekels.

Be my guest OP

>> No.13054413
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>Get sent to conflict area for oil
>Get shot by random goat fucker

That seems like a pretty significant downside.

>> No.13054435

>but realistically if you weren't born into poverty why would you even consider giving up governance of your own body and for the most parts, your thoughts
I already explained why, brainlet.

>> No.13054439

Boot camp is literal torture if you're overweight like most Americans.

>> No.13054452

Easy with the supremacist speech. This is a board of peace.

>> No.13054459

German here.

Wouldnt chosing the Navy secure your life?

>> No.13054467

Thats why you plan ahead and get in shape ahead of time.

>> No.13054484

The people who join the military are just too retarded to make it on their own

>> No.13054500

30 yo euro boomer
retirement is after 25 years at 55 years of age
I would barely not qualify for sweet gibs and end up with 0 retirement
Otherwise I'd probably work for ZOG
Downside is also ban on any business activities for 25 years

>> No.13054511

not compelling at all unless you've coming from literal third world conditions as a child. if you have a heartbeat and can show up on time trades are a much more appealing proposition if university isn't a consideration. do the fuck what you want, make comfy income, oh, and statistically far less likely to wind up living under an overpass or offing yourself too. you sound like my highschool recruiter, fucking kek

>> No.13054532

lol spoken like someone that's never worked a day as a tradesman in his life. People on here here think you just magically become a plumber or electrician and the money just pours in.

>> No.13054553

t. loser that will never make it under any circumstances

>> No.13054557

i'm an electrician. i was literally making $25/hr as an apprentice living at home in my late teens. i almost signed my papers before my veteran father and grandfather put me in a corner and forced my underdeveloped brain the redpill. a decade later i have plenty of regrets but listening to the old man is not one of them lmao

>> No.13054566
File: 77 KB, 380x349, 1544830222047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my uncle did the army lived over in Germany for several years then came back stateside and retired out at like 45-50 years old then turned around and got hired back as a safety contractor. He's unironically based af

>> No.13054594

>i'm an electrician.
Got any proof or are you larping? What union and local?

>> No.13054607

>if you have a heartbeat and can show up on time trades are a much more appealing proposition if university isn't a consideration

There is still not so much to make in trades, desu.
Take being a welder, as it is thrown around here again and again - it is a hard job which needs a bit more than showing up and being alive. Still, the median income of a welder is less than $40k in the US, so a guy doing welding for 20 years is likely to make less than a fresh undergrad of finance right after university. After a couple of years, the undergrad likely went +20% (at least), while the welder might have +10%, if he got lucky.

>> No.13054630

To be frank, if someone has the discipline to go from being obese to meeting even the army fitness standard, they also have the discipline to go to school for something more lucrative. If your only motivation for enlisting is the money, there are better ways to use your time.

>> No.13054635

Your uncle is smart cause overseas he's allowed to earn like $90k before having to pay uncle sam anything. I probably would have ended up as a civilian contractor overseas in a place like Qatar if I didnt end up with a good career option domestically.
Now how come you're not following in his footsteps?

>> No.13054680

>hey also have the discipline to go to school for something more lucrative.
Like what? And who is gonna pay for it? Try to use your brain before you reply.

>> No.13054683

yea joined during peace time my ass would have been balls deep in afganistan

>> No.13054686

The top universitas in America are very well known for being free if you come from a normal family and if you don't who gives a fuck

>> No.13054703

IBEW local DEEZNUTZ. did i pass your test? please validate me on this anonymous shrimp farming image board senpai. look i don't want to invalidate anyone who is interested in enlisting. but you asked for reasons why anyone not born into wealth shouldn't and the answers are obvious and plentiful, as evidenced by the military continually failing to meet recruitment expectations.

>> No.13054736

I thought IEDs are what fucks up most soldiers in the middle east. Based guerrilla tactics taking down subhuman imperialfags.

>> No.13054743

I knew it. Larp bitch.
See kids, he didnt enlist so now he has to play make-believe on the 4channel all day lmao what a fucking loser.

>> No.13054780

Literally anything that pays more than an E-3 makes.
Career opportunities and scholarships abound. Most communities have options for 18 year-olds. If they don't, then sure, the military might be your best bet. That's just not the case for most.

>> No.13054800

You are missing the part where competition is fierce for desirable career fields that translate into civilian sector jobs. You are also missing the part where your barracks gets VBIED'd at 2am and 6 of your friends die screaming in collapsed rubble, because the U.S. government thinks Ugandan security contractors are adequate protection for housing of active duty us military overseas.

It is one of the easiest paths to a security clearance, however. That opens a lot of doors. Especially for a "minority" since its a lifelong free pass to a big paycheck since you can't ever be fired once you are diversity hired.

>> No.13054841

>Jambo intensifies

>> No.13054860 [DELETED] 

lol I told you to use your brain and you still couldnt come up with one thing. Pathetic. You're never gonna have success in life.

>> No.13054871

I told you to use your brain and you still couldnt come up with one thing. Pathetic. You're never gonna have success in life.

>> No.13054882

>The military knows how to build weak losers with no self esteem into proper men with confidence

Lol, it builds brainless machines ready to die for (((them)))

>> No.13054892

I'm personally not interested in going to war and risking getting blown up or shot, but I have nothing against people who are.

>> No.13054913

>You are missing the part where competition is fierce for desirable career fields that translate into civilian sector jobs.
Is it though? What I've read and heard is that the military is hurting for bodies across the board. To hard to find kids to enlist that arent fat and can pass a drug test.

>You are also missing the part where your barracks gets VBIED'd at 2am and 6 of your friends die screaming in collapsed rubble
Ok well guess what, people die in vehicle collisions, people get shot going to concerts. Life is gonna have bad moments and you're gonna lose friends no matter what.

>> No.13055042

They train you to DO AS YOURE TOLD. They break you down and build you back up for that reason, nothing else. Textbook mercenaries. I’m sorry, but get redpilled

>> No.13055116

>bluepilled the post.
Usually I see the die for oil, etc. But this is next level retarded.

>> No.13055170

I was curious and looked up military culture a few weeks ago. Military seems like it's the LAST thing you should ever pursue if you have brain cells. I'm so glad I had the discipline to complete school and get a great career on my own.


>> No.13055185

Buddy did this. He joined the air force. Training was shorter than other services (then; he joined in 2003). Landed a gig working on big cargo planes fuel systems in S.C once his training was over with. He liked it cause he was good at that kinda stuff anyway. Way he told it working on one was easy shit, long as you could read and follow the maintenance guide book that is. He's still in, in texas now as an instructor. Just 4 more years and he'll have 20 yrs in. Full retirement if he wants it. He went in at 19. He'll come out at 39 fully retired. Meanwhile how old do you gotta work in the private sector again, 65 I think it is?

>> No.13055196

Hon. discharged from the Army in 2002, I definitely made out well. Most do not however.


Quite true.

>> No.13055203

What's the latest you can join because if I get stuck at this call center for another year I'll do it.

>> No.13055250
File: 207 KB, 460x640, 17401a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Explain to me why any american that wasnt born into wealth shouldnt enlist.

Because you're getting paid minimum wage to secure the national interests of Israel?

>> No.13055260

Fucking kek. What are you even talking about faggot?

>> No.13055325

If you had fuck all going for your life then military will be one of the best options. Yea it's for Israel, but you'll get your life on track. Just keep in mind it's for jews.

>> No.13055368

and also they control what you wear, cook your food, schedule your day, and they out rank you. the majority of my time in was playing fuck fuck games with retards. that last 10%, although rare, are probably some of the finest people I've ever met in my life.

>> No.13055384

I'm thinking about the military. Also to all the niggers complaining about getting shot, the war is pretty much over. Regular army/marine/air force rarely deploy to zones. If you go navy though, you might be deploying to those areas more often, but you're on a ship. Other than that, only special operations are the ones constantly deploying.
Air force is the most like a 9-5 job. Do well on the ASVAB and try for a decent job, or pick one if you go army. Something like 17C, at most you'll find arrogant people because they think they're smarter than everyone.

>> No.13055529

Deep down you regret joining so you’re rationalizing

>> No.13055540


To stay civil

>> No.13055557

I got chaptered out of the army for OCD I didn't know I had and the main thing they told us to be concerned about was a bunch of terrorists showing up on a hill with LMGs and RPGs.

>> No.13055563

>Dying for Israel is based and redpilled

>> No.13055573

>Regular army/marine/air force rarely deploy to zones
This simply isn't true. National Guard and reserves did so many tours over the last 15 years they were basically active duty.

IMO the coast guard is the most patrician branch.

>> No.13055674

Spot on

>> No.13055696

How physically strenuos is it? Can a skelly do it?

>> No.13055760

Because I don’t wan’t to be/die for the ZOG

>> No.13056157
File: 78 KB, 441x604, 1552861088311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive got a 130 IQ tested in public school but I'm 5'7. Which branch would be best? I'm sure I could score high on their tests so perhaps the coast guard? I've already got a great life, I more or less want to just go through basic training and attain a rank. Spending 6 years engaged doesnt sound appealing

>> No.13057021
File: 51 KB, 515x376, 20070725-4_wg8o0655-515h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is not uncle Sam you retarded kid. It is Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan, Schiff, Warburg. The Fed Shareholders.

>> No.13057051
File: 7 KB, 224x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dying for Israel

>> No.13057070

This sound too stupid to be true. I wonder if it isn't disguised recruitment advertisement.

They know 4chan attract a lot of lost young boys.

>> No.13057148

yeah mate your fine i was skin and bones and started off doing site labor you get stronger and smarter on the job. you'll have to work in some uncomfortable positions, move heavy shit around and pulling can be a bitch but it's not as strenuous as most other construction trades

>> No.13057301

Because the military is filled with brainlets who thought the same thing you did only to realize GI Bill is a joke, the pay is slightly above poverty, and if you get disabled then you're basically homeless because hero worship is words only

>> No.13057322

I finished 3 degrees with my GI Bill, a nice 100k bill that I dont have to foot for the rest of my adult life.
The Air Force was amazing. It was a good quality of life. I lived in Japan in my early 20's. Got to date some amazing Japanese girls and came home with a pocket full of cash. 10/10 would do it again.

>> No.13057340

The GI Bill doesn't pay 100k towards degrees, you fucking LARPer

>> No.13057344


>> No.13057386

Yes it does. Yellow ribbon program my dude. I went to a private college, got my xray degree and my health sciences degree(in case I want to become a PA.) I finished my A.A at a community college. I got my CCAF a two year degree while I was in. The GI bill goes for 4 years. They will always let you finish your degree if you're close.
I took a small amount of loans out to cover the gaps in between semesters.
The cool thing is I worked per diem for xray as I finished my last year of college. Paid my Bill's with that and the stipend.
Used the Pell grant to pay back the loans. Truly based college life
I make 80k now debt free.

>> No.13057436

>the odds of you or your peers dying does not increase as a combatant in a combat zone.

This is the IQ of /biz/

>> No.13057460

You're on a business board, you should understand better than anything, that you were wrong as soon as you used the word "free." Nothing's free. Especially when the next war for Israel could start aaaaany day.

>> No.13057481

I can't stand being yelled at. It pisses me off. That's why I won't join

>> No.13057488

its the ultimate admission of beta.

>> No.13057547
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