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File: 3 KB, 271x186, Ethereum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13047452 No.13047452 [Reply] [Original]

Ethereum will start the next bullrun and will be the protocol of the future. POS going to mainnet will definitely be a bullrun. That is one.Then the next run is when scalability is solved. This will be the mega bullrun of all for ETH.

And what you will see is an entire network of sidechains that connect to the mainchain. This is the internet 3.0, and will be analogous to the early days, where large companies had websites. But in this case, large companies will build their own L2 on top of Ethereum, where they will be able to handle tens of thousands of TX, that can move onchain and off chain. Then you will truly have a network that is decentralized and transparent, where information, including money, can move across the world.

Bitcoin may solve this sooner with LN, and may be a competitor. But, you cannot deny the developer community that Ethereum has.

Most of you FUD ethereum because it's a mess, Vitalik is a pedo, etc. But if you look at Coinmarketcap, we all know deep down it has the best chance of being the protocol of the future. Not your stupid shitcoin.

POS + Scalability will be out in the next 1-2 years. This is an important time to be able to accumulate before it explodes.

>> No.13047467

I'm am DCAing 50/50 into btc and eth with every paycheck, will I make it.

>> No.13047468

Nope it won't sorry.

>> No.13047470

Meanwhile BTC maximalists wonder why Samsung only included an Ethereum hardware wallet in the release of their new 10S smartphone.

>> No.13047481

Looks like one of you idiots made your homework.

>> No.13047500

Thats what Ive been doing. I see my crypto wallet as a savings account.

>> No.13047504

you'll 50% make it, I'll let you figure out which half that will be

>> No.13047511


>will make it

>> No.13047519

>made your homework

>> No.13047520

ETH will be $10-$40 in coming years because of moonboys who cannot even respect king

>> No.13047540

just how much more adoption are we going to get with POS
also when is this

>> No.13047551

Priced in.

>> No.13047552

ETH is a fucking centralized shitcoin mess
Holy kek people still buy this?

>> No.13047563

Look into it that, app isn't even on the phone you have to download it faggot

>> No.13047591
File: 92 KB, 586x586, D8353C8B-91BC-458D-8BC9-8EA4A55620C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>app isn’t on the phone...faggot
The phone has a built in hardware wallet that doesn’t support your precious buttcon, you BTC bag hodling cunt hair for a spine.

you should like, uh, “look into it”, stick bundle.

>> No.13047595

This. The only thing that has me on the fence rn is the recent photos of moneyskelly. He is looking way more chad than before like he is lifting or maybe has a gf.

>> No.13047606

Duh, but let the idiots keep fudding it because of "muh icos"

>> No.13047607

The success of the Etheruem network is not the same as the success of the ether token.
Smart contracts will accept a stable coin on the Ethereum network instead of ether. There is nothing about the Ethereum network to prevent this.
Ether prices will be entirely dependent on gas fees, which are paid to miners who sell immediately.

If you are looking to invest, buy tokens that are used to store wealth (BTC, XMR) not tokens that have a function.

>> No.13047623

Wise words. But don't come here to cry after you missed your gains.

>> No.13047631

I went all in on XMR at $40, no crying here...

>> No.13047645

Good stuff. Was at ethCC the other week. There’s big things happening within, most people are oblivious to it.

>> No.13047660

Eth 60%, XMR 20% and other shitcoins.

>> No.13047687

Fucking this

>> No.13047689

> miners can process txns for things besides eth
then why aren't they?

>> No.13047699

Cardano will have viable proof of stake with Shelley long before ethereum initiates the hardfork.

Ethereum=adding a new wing to s plywood mansion

Cardano=Starting a new mansion with steel beams and weatherproof siding.

>> No.13047703


>> No.13047706

You're wrong. You need to download a random ETH wallet from some app store big deal
They're only advertising their secure chip

>> No.13047730

>will have
Get back to us when it works, kiddo.

>> No.13047743

If you want to sling mud, constiniple was supposed to be in 2018.

All good things to those who wait, fren.

>> No.13047750
File: 34 KB, 1001x681, ethereum cant scale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bloated mess

>> No.13047779

>muh archive node
brainlet alert

>> No.13047842

Ethereum will never scale itself
2nd layer solutions will be so good by eoy 2019 that attempts to mess with the underlying chain will be viewed as foolish

>> No.13047856

Same with EOS; another layer built on top of shit is still shit.

>> No.13047859

This is why ChainLink is the token to buy.

>> No.13047871

>They're only advertising their secure chip
Yep. They’re advertising that the chip won’t be interfacing with the BTC blockchain.

>> No.13047886

Was wondering about this. Are you certain?

>> No.13047960

How could I be certain, desu? I’m simply not afraid to wonder why it is that Samsung never explicitly stated BTC would be integrated later on when the question was asked. Of all the articles I pulled up on the subject Samsung has only stated that they may make the S10 chip compatible with other blockchains down the road. Never stating which one(s).

>> No.13047978

Heard cardano was in the conversation for adoption but nothing concrete from what I’ve read thus far.

>> No.13048026

PoS is already doing 120k tx per second on the test net. Buttcorn only does 50k in an entire day. stay poor faggot.

>> No.13048038

Ethereum is dead, BNB took all it's use case away

>> No.13048044

>POS going to mainnet
this is a joke right? ETH codebase is such a fucking mess and early design decisions were so unfortunate that the hope of getting POS on ETH in 2019 is ZERO. 2020 - ZERO. 2021 - maybe. 2022 - maybe.
>too little - waaaaaayyyyy too late

>> No.13048061

Were people actually saying it would come in 2019? I heard 2020 at the earliest.

>> No.13048080

>eth is a mess
>eth is a mess
>eth is a mess
>eth is a mess
im starting to see more and more of the blockstream NPCs now days.

>> No.13048101

>criticism of my bags is blockstream lmao, you desperate faggots are borrowing from the bcash playbook now. this is truly pathetic anon. jesus

>> No.13048118


Anything else can be done with token-less smart contracts.

>> No.13048123

this is at least the second thread like this today. last one was claiming 2019. lots of ETH heads proclaiming 2019 as the date.

>> No.13048147

Roadmaps are still more consistent Than all the insiders here.

>> No.13048151

meanwhile LN is 3 years old and still doesn't work... PoS hasn't even been deployed yet and you shills are running around saying PoS doesn't scale Sharding doesn't work etc etc. How can it work when it hasn't even been deployed yet?

You guys are too obvious.

>> No.13048183

who gives a fuck about bitcoin and their shitty lightening? why does the shit ETH codebase make you think about the shitty lightening on an obselete blockchain useful only as digital gold? your paranoia is pure faggotry. are you an ex-cashie or something?

>> No.13048187

Just rooted in frustratration, fren. Nobody wants to think they’ve invested poorly or are being left behind.

>> No.13048228

eth seems to work pretty well and it's being developed by some pretty smart people. what token are you shilling again?

>> No.13048248


>> No.13048261
File: 18 KB, 250x250, 0xbitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he doesn't know

>> No.13048283

PoS is outdated tech faggot it's inherently centralized and will fail
that's why bitcoin is revolutionary with PoW

>> No.13048286

You realise that Ethereum 2.0 is pretty much a fresh release of the total system right? The current Ethereum chain may stay as a single shard in the network just in case people have locked their funds for like 20 years but mostly all the bloat that has been is going to be removed and things cleaned up. This is going to be a windows 7 not a vista.

>> No.13048295

LN turned 1 year old yesterday

>> No.13048310

also LN wasn't an official release some heads took the code base and made it live without permission of the LN development teams so it would be less than a year old if it went through proper release channels

>> No.13048323

No, I didn’t know all that.

Cheers to whomever achieves this first. I think ouroburos genesis has ethereum’s number on PoS though and in a faster timeline.

>> No.13048343

yes that last minor upgrade almost fucked shit up and was only barely caught last-minute because those very smart devs don't have a handle on the codebase because said codebase is a clusterfuck. meanwhile ETH does not and will not scale because of intentional design decisions that made sense at the time but in retrospect were unfortunate and currently cripple the entire network. This will not change until POS is implemented on ETH -- which is yearS out because the codebase is a clusterfuck and the devs do not have a handle on it (as evidenced by the nearly botched last Minor update). Sharding could improve things for ETH but that is even farther out into the future 3-5 years. Meanwhile we are supposed to believe that the next bull run is going to wait for this hot mess to implement POS - this is peak bagholder reality disconnect in action.

>> No.13048391

A rare, decently articulated post, fren.

A lot of folks aren't going to like reading that.

>> No.13048413

Eth is a much bigger project than buttcorn. So the code isn't going to be super small and easy to navigate. The bug was caught by the community wich shows even more smart people are out there and care about it.

>This will not change until POS is implemented on ETH
at least you finally admit that POS is going to fix a alot of stuff.

>> No.13048429

shhh let them stay poor.

>> No.13048469

I hope all of us make it.

>> No.13048471

Lmao I was wondering who the bigger fool was who bought those bags

>> No.13048502

Decent points. This distributed open source development must be a fucking nightmare
Especially if you are talented and have good ideas but are held back by a bunch of collectivist numbskulls who are camping on the hierarchy of decision making.

>> No.13048708

So is the 33 ETH meme enough to make me a millionaire?

>> No.13048880

Ethereum is just a tiny subset of another blockchain, won't tell you which
hint: it's our universe retards

>> No.13049160

No. Maybe 100 ETH if it ever goes to $10k, when BTC is $100k+

>> No.13049172
File: 29 KB, 129x175, Wilson_punched.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when btc is 100k

>> No.13049328

If BTC never goes to 100k, ETH never hits 10k