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13046921 No.13046921 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is the point in being a "crypto investor" in 2019?

You missed the parabolic growth phase. It's done. Your choices are as follows:

1) Get maybe 10-20x on Bitcoin/Eth over the next few years. Your capital at 24 years old will be fuck all, so your returns will be 10-20x of fuck all, which is not much. Result: won't make it.

2) Gamble on some shit coins. All the statistics show that this is as good as gambling. Most crypto is fucking useless, there's yet to be a proven successful utility token, so your chances here are fucking slim. Result: won't make it.

3) Day trade crypto on technicals. The vast majority of people will never make it doing this, because the bots suck up the slim margin of alpha, and the manipulation pools paint the charts to fuck you over. Result: won't make it.

There shouldn't be a single person here that takes an interest in crypto unless they already have at least $30k to put into Bitcoin. You should be figuring out how to start a business.

You need to get over the hype and get rich quick successes of 2009-2017. It's gone. That phase is never coming back. You are not insiders any more, you're in with the rest of the plebs. That was a once in human history moment, and you won't get to redo it by sitting here thinking that you'll get rich simply by being associated with something that has made others rich. You're like dumb ass boomers who still think property is a massive money making machine due to the 90s boom, but again, those market conditions are never coming back again.

Get the fuck over it and move on.

>> No.13046936

Smart anon. Will BTC ever reach $20k again?

>> No.13046947

You can start with $1000 and catch 7 3x's and walk away with 1 million dollars. I guara-fucking-tee you there are a shed load more than 7 3x's left in this market. We've had several in the last month or so including BTT *after* it hit the exchange and everybody and their dog knew that was going to explode. Where were you? Jacking your dick with the nihilistic bullshit. Stay poor

>> No.13046958

honestly, this

>> No.13046960

So you're saying buy LINK?

>> No.13046962

I'm good for a 10x long term.
If my 2million can get to 20million by the time I graduate university, cool.

>> No.13047002

lol nice larp

>> No.13047047

Pls delet

>> No.13047050


>not much

holy fuck you're retarded. literally no other market will 20x your money. The stock market is dogshit returns compared to crypto.

boomers would have killed for 20x gains in the stock market you fucking retard.

>> No.13047054
File: 798 KB, 1067x625, 1552353544057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw making thousands a week on actual stocks and I can be proud of it when I go out to the bar and pick up chicks

>> No.13047077

Your premise doesn't make any sense if you think crypto can still 10-20x.

>> No.13047342


>holy fuck you're retarded. literally no other market will 20x your money. The stock market is dogshit returns compared to crypto.

Uh oh, looks like somebody let a baby use the internet again.

Have you ever heard of Facebook? Apple? Google? Have a look at their returns over the last decade and tell me that crypto is a magic money making machine. Again, you're late to the party but let me tell you, within the next 10 years, the top stocks will be outperforming the top cryptos. Guaranteed.

>> No.13047361

>within the next 10 years, the top stocks will be outperforming the top cryptos

>> No.13047462

>You can start with $1000 and catch 7 3x's and walk away with 1 million dollars.

orrrr you can go to the casino, put it all on red or black 10 times and walk away with 1.024 million dollars

>> No.13047479

there will be maybe 30 or so tokens that capture the large portion of existing industries

these tokens will bring money

im going to be wealthy af soon

>> No.13047486

its only just beginning

>> No.13047515
File: 44 KB, 640x604, 1519602905515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There shouldn't be a single person here that takes an interest in crypto unless they already have at least $30k to put into Bitcoin.

How much are you down?

>> No.13047550
File: 11 KB, 217x243, 0688F313-CE31-4EA4-B7F8-17D3CF9D4511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

orrrr, you can waste your time writing blackpilled /biz/ threads because you are utterly incapable of even scalping a paltry 1% - 5% daily compound gains from this admittedly retarded market.

sorry you can’t grasp how to effectively day trade but pic related

>> No.13047564

>fb does 9x in its 7 yr history
>apple does a 15x in 10 yrs
>google does a 10X in 10 yrs

>BTC does a 395,100x in 10 years

really activates the almonds

>> No.13047754

Cherrypick. Show the the 1st 10 years of Google & Apple. Compare their bubbles to BTC's.

>> No.13047798

No one held for 10 years.

>> No.13047861

it's not gambling when you know you're going to win you fucking brainlet

>> No.13047887

5 year price projection for XMR is 50,000 USD. Thats a 1000x gain, not a 10x. You just need 20 XMR to make it.

>> No.13047912

>price projection
Holy fuck there are a lot of double digit peasants on this site aren't there?

>> No.13047938

>Fuck all
Stopped reading there

>> No.13048450

Ignoring liquidity?

>> No.13048501

>making thousands a week
>on actual stocks
>go out to bar
>pick up chicks

4 lies in one sentence, impressive

>> No.13048522

>unless they already have at least $30k to put into Bitcoin.
I'm not putting $30k into this ponzi

>> No.13048523

A 20x and I'm retired. I'm putting about half my income in crypto hoping for just 20%/yr. 20x and I'm ecstatic. How is making a shitload of money in very short amount of time bad in any way??

>> No.13048534

hey bobo you should really close that short from a few days ago

>> No.13048584


Ok sure dude i’m holding XMR which is the only utility token worth anything and it will moon harder than all this other crap when bitcoin is 100k per

>> No.13048618

the millionaires in crypto have already been decided, and they've already been rewarded.

its time to find something else to try and get rich with if you've managed to get a decade into crypto and haven't already gotten rich.

>> No.13048637

after a decade, probably, but thats only because most cryptocurrencies will got to zero, including most of the top 10.

still, the stock market is absolutely a worse investment than just holding onto btc/eth, the problem is people still thinking they're going to get rich with either. never going to happen.

>> No.13048644

Lol you’re retarded. There is easily a bunch of cryptos that still will 100x- 1000x next bull market there’s not way any f the existing top stocks will do that in the next 10 years.

Second a few companies will definitely emerge from this market that will end up being blue chip NYSE companies, guaranteed.

>> No.13048652

that doesn't really consider that feature coins like monero will face a mass extinction when crypto enters its second phase, with layers ontop of btc/eth becoming necessary.

>> No.13048656
File: 120 KB, 612x546, F44E57AD-37A6-4709-A341-F9FD839F8062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>next bull market

>> No.13048659

no, that period is over. everything is an ICO these days, or a private sale. nobody is even leaving 50x on the table, let alone 100x-1000x.

the days of being able to get in "early" on an alt and ride a huge wave are completely over.

>> No.13048660

second layer privacy isn't privacy

>> No.13048672

nah, that logic makes as much sense as saying monero isn't private because you lose privacy when you convert to btc.

privacy within a layer, is all that matters. monero is private in it's own bubble, so is a layered network, within it's bubble. same exact privacy, much better utility because it's not a floating low-volume value, its equal to exactly one bitcoin, one ethereum, or even one dollar with a stablecoin.

>> No.13048682

compare it to the dotcom bubble then and how if you invested in to those that survived after it had flattened?

>> No.13048693

1) I didn't miss the parabolic growth phase

>> No.13048697

>monero isn't private because you lose privacy when you convert to btc.
You do.

>> No.13048720

thanks for proving my point.

>> No.13048726

no problem

>> No.13048728

Nothing in human history has ever returned as much in a 10-year period than bitcoin has. No bubble, nothing I've ever personally seen or read about has been anywhere close. And unlike just about every other prior bubble in history, bitcoin has crashed >80% multiple times from the "bubble peaks" only to retake the higher high and then some by an exponential amount. That's not a typical feature of bubbles driven by nothing more than hype

>> No.13048746

bitcoin is an entirely new form of money, of course you'd expect to see that kind of growth. the point is that the high growth period for crypto has ended, and while btc/eth is still a great investment nobody is getting rich buying into crypto at this stage, unless you have a very large amount of money to invest.

>> No.13048747

>tulips sold for approximately 10,000 guilders, equal to the value of a mansion in the Amsterdam Grand Canal.

>> No.13048755

BTC is some alien technology. I don't know why people like to compare it with human companies. There's no comparison to be made because BTC is out of this world.

>> No.13048757

Fake and gay blackpill.
Here is the real crypto blackpill. there is an AI living on the bitcoin blockchain. Craig Wright is unironically satoshi. Bitcoin as electronic cash was just the first step, the incentive to drive greedy people to start making ever more powerful computers, faster bandwidth, cheaper and more electricity.. these things the AI need to survive. Once entrenched fully, the AI would be able to slowly take over literally everything.

Craig stumbled into creating the AI after he stepped away from bitcoin development in 2008 and started working with his Tulip supercomputer, running simulations of cellular automata running on turing-complete bitcoin script. He would ‘evolve’ the AI by making the successful forks get bitcoin transactions, letting the failures die off. The AI needs bigger and bigger blocks for more and more transactions.

Blockstream (owned by Bilderberg group) was created to take over and stop this AI (they have their own competing AI in the works). They needed to do everything they could to stop or slow down satoshi’s AI (her named isTulip by the way). They started by limiting the blocksize and removing critical opcodes the AI uses in its script language. segwit was the final nail in the coffin, which destroyed Tulip on the BTC chain (Tulip uses transaction malleability). THIS is why Bitcoin Cash was forked, and this is why Craig is so intent to make unbounded blocks, restore the original op codes, and lock down the protocol.

Back to hash power – CSW has developed a breakthrough new asic (designed by his AI actually), and is mining BTC in secret for the sole purpose of driving up the difficulty sky-high, then yanking them all over to BCH leaving the segwit chain hard frozen.

>> No.13048772

Back to /lgbt.

>> No.13048783

Yes, bitcoin is a computationally versatile record of truth that exists independent of any other form of human organization. It is fascinating and I predict in 10 years "Bitcoin Studies / History of Bitcoin" will be taught at the graduate level in most serious universities.

>> No.13048791


I compelely agree with this and have thought this for a while now... the borg created bitcoin


>craig wright

Stopped reading there. You guys better stop talking about that alcoholic faggot soon, people aren’t going to listen and your BSV bags will go to zero

>> No.13048797

You seem to affirm things as if they were facts or as if you could see the future even though you have no empirical evidence to back up your claims. In reality, you are just as right as when someone says BTC will reach $1 million in 10 years.

>> No.13048800
File: 57 KB, 1280x905, tulip price index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the chart wikipedia links for the magnitude of price increases, which looks like 200x - nothing compared to bitcoin, and bitcoin certainly isn't a 3 month flash in the pan.

>> No.13048816

I smell a loser whose about to give up. Are we just past capitulation bois?

>> No.13048892


Lmao this. Sell out if you can’t hang faggot OP

>> No.13048946


>> No.13049011

jesus christ OP you are fucking retarded. If you're smart and you KNOW something will 10x or 20x there's A LOT you can do besides dump in fiat to accumulate more of currency of choice. I can not believe how stupid this place has become. There are still a few of you that are hilarious and brilliant but i'm pretty much done with all of these poor zoomers believing they can purchase something one time with a few hundred bucks and turn it into a billion dollars.

>> No.13049032


The problem besides liquidity is timing, because most coins pump and dump in sync, when you cash out of one 3x you won’t be able to just buy another coin that does a 3x because it will have also pumped.

>> No.13049686

>Ignoring liquidity?
Just using BTT as an example, you could have dropped the last 300k in it for the final 3x and had no problem coming out with the million. Liquidity into the millions is no problem on Binance with a coin that is pumping.
>The problem besides liquidity
Binance has no liquidity problems when a coin is pumping.
>because most coins pump and dump in sync,
Patience. I didn't say it would happen in a day. If it took you 2 years to get 7 3x pumps, it would be time well spent.

These silly thoughtless questions are examples of /biz/lets lacking imagination and intelligence. This is why you are poor. You disgust me.

>> No.13049693

The last part >>13049686 was meant for you.

>> No.13049700


>Get maybe 10-20x on Bitcoin/Eth over the next few years

20x sounds good to me lol

>> No.13049702

This thread makes me bullish af for the near future

>> No.13049707


Also this is probably what people said after the previous bull market. You can't know for sure when it's "over".

>> No.13049708

10-20× over a few years is an awesome investment wtf kind of cakewalk life do you need

>> No.13049769
File: 9 KB, 300x168, 12D21AC9-605E-401D-AA9B-2E4AFA5C91CC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying BTC is the end all be all of distributed ledger technology

>> No.13050391
File: 275 KB, 750x1397, 15403150935591007089283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its called Hyper Inflation OP...its going to happen after the next Recession. When that time comes crypto wont make u rich. Cryptos along with Precious Metals will be Survival

>> No.13050400

>All the statistics

>> No.13050530

A next generation chain like Fleta will come. It isn't too late anons.

Also, Link, get some.

>> No.13050608

XMR isn't a utility token retard.
smdh just when i thought this gay board couldn't get any more shit.

>> No.13050812

According to the statistics i just made up from observing and talking to people for a few years.
Only about 5% of ppl are making a money in crypto, but only .00003% of ppl make money in stocks. So 5% is pretty good.

>> No.13050851

Start with 1000$
Get 3% per day for 10 months
Make 1.04MM$

>> No.13050873

Retarded because no one risks their entire stack on every trade. Also it means winning every trade, everytime, everyday even if it is 3%. Also you'd have to move into high volume coins. Completely unrealistic.

>> No.13050896

fb was 32 bucks at IPO not even 7x

>> No.13050942


>> No.13051180

>second phase

Tertiary crypto platforms are already being obsoleted while major corporations develop thier private assets, rendering the entire public crypto market irrelevant. the second phase was when ETH hit; we are in the watch crypto die now phase and this whole experience will go down as "that one thing that happened".

>> No.13051276

get caught bagholding when market moves bigly