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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13041228 No.13041228 [Reply] [Original]

Get in here losers we're discussing our wageslavery

>What do you do
>How much do you make
>Do you like it
>What do you want to be doing in the future

>> No.13041245


>Clinical Lab Technologist
>NEET in a secluded cabin up north

>> No.13041246

>DevOps scripter
>Upper IT management (VP level)

I really want to work internationally, preferably in Singapore, Zurich, Tokyo, Vienna or Hong Kong. What large companies have the most international opportunities for IT? I know big 4 and banking are probably at the top of the list

>> No.13041255

Engineering Supervisor
130 k
Enjoy my job and plan to continue working even if’s Link stack makes me rich

>> No.13041277

>Full stack developer
>140k CAD
>Same thing

>> No.13041285

>Software sales
>85k-100k based on commission
>The job itself is repetitive but I really enjoy the culture of the startup im at. Show up to work in board shorts and flip flops every day
>Plan on going to PA school eventually

>> No.13041300
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>Enjoy my job and plan to continue working even if’s Link stack makes me rich
>Link stack makes me rich
Is anyone ever sincere on this board?

>> No.13041334

>First lieutenant shitposter
>Major general shitposter

>> No.13041368

>Consulting Forester
>Director of a Parks and Rec department

>> No.13041434

What do you all think of software development as a field in the future?
I am a final year CS student.

My biggest concerns in the software development field is:

- No barriers to entry. Computer """""science""""" grads can pretend it's difficult, but anyone with a STEM degree or just anyone with above average intelligence can learn to code. You have lawyers, engineers and even arts graduates becoming developers, but you don't see CS grads working as electrical/mechanical engineers or lawyers. There are no unions.

- Outsourcing. This isn't a surprise. But big companies like Microsoft, HP and Dell have offices in India and now even in the Phillipines. Software development requires you have a mediocre PC and that's all.

- Can't accumulate knowledge capital. It's common to hear stories of 40 to 50 year old devs who are fired and can't find work so they're driving buses. This is because programming is very dynamic and constantly changing. And most of the change is for the worst. Look at the web and notice how websites are fucking bloated and slow, and load 30mbs of javascript. Also although languages like java and c# are almost identical (microsoft made c# as an alternative to java made by sun) your experience in java will not be recognized. Employers are adamant you have exactly 5 years experience in C#, even if you are an experienced software developer with years of experience in C++.

- Immigration. This relates to the previous point. Employers go to the government and complain that they cant find the exact person with exactly 5 years of C# knowledge or knowledge in the latest web technology and so they import people on h1b visas. Even though its relatively easy to learn another language and for a seasoned developer it takes less than a month to really learn most of the intricacies of that language.

I am thinking about studying engineering or accounting, but accounting will be automated within a decade or two. what are you are all thoughts?

>> No.13041451

As a CS grad, your concerns are pretty much spot on. It's actually pretty tough to find a job. Businesses are clueless when it comes to hiring - a developer who has been coding for a few years can easily pick up a new language and start running with it, but it doesn't matter.
I'm learning creative skills on the side to make sure I don't get fucked when AI comes.

>> No.13041473

Are you American?
Look for jobs with military contracting companies. We have bases in Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Korea, Japan, Italy, Spain, Greece, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, UK, Greenland, all over the middle east obviously, and on a bunch of remote but interesting islands.

>> No.13041475

Here is the thing. Developers won't necessarily be in trouble when AI rolls out. But where ever AI has been rolled out jobs in that field have shrunk considerably. Decades from now if America or whatever country embraces an AI economy. There will be work for electrical engineer and programmers. But there will be a lot less jobs in those fields, and I imagine they will only be open to those with PhDs from prestigious schools. But that's not my concern. My concern is now, and the immediate future.

>> No.13041521

Same question as >>13041473
And if you are, you can head for a career with the Department of Defense, NSA, NGA, DISA, etc. They all have US citizenship requirements.

>> No.13041608

>air traffic control
>fucking 18 year old asian girls

>> No.13042159

> but accounting will be automated within a decade or two

what are you on about? Accounting will get automated when lawyers and software engineers get automated

>> No.13042169

Also they won't get replaced in 20 years. The only jobs that are actually in danger due to automation are truck drivers

>> No.13042183

> Translate financial papers for major corp
> 70k
> Too easy
> Whatever I want since I got into the Resistance presale

>> No.13042209

>NGO IT Manager
>No, but tons of variety and flexibility, so fuck it
>CTO? Ligaf. Perhaps become FI/RE and/or NEET

>> No.13042252

> physical therapist
> 30 k euro
> love my job, insurance are ruining it tho.
>Either this but part-time or maybe some form of health/life coaching

>> No.13042317

Yes it will. White collar work is ripe for automation. You are taking information and make decision based on that. So easy to automate.

>> No.13042321

Hahahaha It's much more easier to automate accounting than it is truck driving. You have no clue what goes behind automating truck driving.

>> No.13042338

There will always be a human element. And I do agree - functions like payroll, which is already outsourced to india, will become automated. However, CPAs will always deal with PEOPLE. Whether it is intra-generational wealth transfer, or auditing financial statements to reduce the cost of capital, high level accounting will not fade out to robots within the next several decades.

>> No.13042340

> backend dev
> 30k euro
> no
> most office jobs are a meme desu and I fucking hate wagecucking for a boss. Wish I went for a degree as a physiotherapist or maybe even a tradie job so I can work on my own. But I’m already 26 so going back to school would be financial suicide. My best hope is making it with crypto (looking good rn) and starting a biz.

>> No.13042344

24 y.o., $54K USD, Big 4 Auditor. My life is busy but I'm so adderall'd out that I excel in my career

>> No.13042358

Bro if your job can be broken down a series of conditional statement (if x is true, or while x is true) then it can be automated.

> auditing financial statements to reduce the cost of capital,
In fact, tasks that involve judgements and decision making are the best for automation because a computer can process a lot more information than a human.

>> No.13042371

Look I like accounting too. I would like to be one. But most of you accountants know jack shit about computers and computing. KPMG is working on automating accounting work. So....

>> No.13042376

>Software Engineer
>No, only work to survive.
>Male pornstar, or earn enough to live a weeb life in Japan and fuck Japanese girls everyday.

>> No.13042378

what country/city?
what degree and what language do you work with?

>> No.13042381

>Active Duty Military
>CFO of a startup that goes public

>> No.13042390

Every single big 4 is working on automation and data analytics. Who do you think is going to automate low-level accounting?? ACCOUNTANTS. fk'in retard

>> No.13042392

> 19
> dropped out of school 3 years ago
> learned front-end programming by myself
> now programmer
> 2.3k € per month
> ez money without any graduation or certifications

y'all should learn programming, 10 years from now it won't be THAT easy anymore to get a job in this field

>> No.13042401

What the fuck are you saying dickhead. Of course accountants will aid in the PROCESS of automating you boomer fucktard. But the implementation will be done by software engineers. Once the process is automated, the work will be carried out by COMPUTERS. Dumb, boomer fuck.

>> No.13042403

What country? The reason you have it easy is because there is a lot of demand where you live, and supply is relatively low. If supply were to increase than employers could demand you have a degree just because they can.

>> No.13042430

germany and austria

but normiefags (especially in rural regions) don't realize you fuckin HAVE TO educate yourself at least a little bit in IT today, otherwise you will get rekt in 20 years

>> No.13042438

it's just pathetic how few schools here are actually offering software engineering education...

>> No.13042443

My name is Sneed, (formerly Chuck), and I sell feed and seed
290k per year

>> No.13042479

>Middle management
>Higher management
>Will you like this?

But I'm going to be miserable in any case, so I'd rather be rich and miserable than poor and miserable.

>> No.13042484

>What do you do
Hotel receptionist / administration, I book the reservations, check people in and out. Take care of their special needs. Give them info. Some accounting and staff management.
>How much do you make
about 11 € / hour
>Do you like it
There are lot of things happening, sometimes crazy things from guests or employees. Mostly its just boring for me. Talking to normies all day long is the biggest insult. My boss doesnt give 0 fucks for anything as long as money is coming in and we dont have a lawsuit on our ass. I could be stealing inventory / money, nobody would care.
>What do you want to be doing in the future
Sadly I dont know. I have friends with real occupations and they suffer from either drug abuse or depression. I try to stay healthy as much as possible. Almost every day I am angry. I could snap at any moment.

>> No.13042485

No, you fucking retard. Implementation will be carried by data-savvy accountants, such as myself. I am IN the industry. Kys

>> No.13042488

>What do you do
>How much do you make
$160k but fucked by tax
>Do you like it
It's ok
>What do you want to be doing in the future
Continue as a doctor with financial freedom to not chase the money but go into areas I truly enjoy, only working properly 3 days a week

Come on LINK you piece of shit, give me my freedom.

>> No.13042492

how are you going to be able to the code the software? dumb business grad, and even upon doing that you are proving my point that jobs will disappear from the accounting field, and the progression towards more automation will take place

>> No.13042495

Anybody can code you dumbfuck

>> No.13042503

> wolfgang
> 53
> lives in 2k people viillage
> farmer
> can code according to this anon

>> No.13042505

I should have clarified. There will be a lot of machine learning and AI involved. Which will require specialist knowledge in that area. At most the fucktard could help in consulting with the machine learning/AI specialist.

And yes coding is straightforward but if it is software that is going to be used for millions of dollars worth of work then it will be handled by expert software engineer since these companies can afford to throw that money around.

>> No.13042515

>I run a mobile app company
>$340k /year
>Fuck yeah
>Travel more, outsource more

>> No.13042518

>What do you do
I manage an Amazon Fulfillment Center. Upper management.
>How much do you make
$115k + stock options before tax.
>Do you like it
It's alright. Fucking tiring mentally.
>What do you want to be doing in the future
I always dreamed of becoming a shemale escort but in reality I'm just a 20 something that's going on 30 and I'm too pussy to actually do things like work out to get the body I want or taking hormones.
Sometimes I wish I was never introduced to fetishes or porn so I wouldn't be sad about the technology to become an actual good looking shemale with a fat dick not existing.
Now I'm just ranting.

>> No.13042526

Stop being salty you dropout. In a couple of months that farmer can be a pajeet tier codemonkey.
True, but accounting won’t be automated. Bookkeeping will, and even that will take some time to completely disappear.

>> No.13042535

Because I write in R code for big data projects and Python for automation projects

You are outside of the field and fucking clueless. Even the modern CPA exam requires knowledge on programming. Fucking retard

>> No.13042540

Wishful thinking. You haven't addressed why it can't be automated. And look it won't be that just accounting will be automated but a whole host of field in medicine, finance, IT and elsewhere.

>> No.13042542

He probably doesn't even know what R is, give him a break.

>> No.13042544

third world shithole, software engineer I know java/spring, react, docker+kubernetes, I know how to deploy to aws and gc, I'm not bad when it comes to linux, script in bash and python, yet i make 12K$ a year working on a shitty education ERP in a uni, I do it because small uni town and lots of pussy here.

>> No.13042546

R is not a language you write full-fledged software packages in. Python is terrible again for full-fledged software. Very slow and bloated. Only good for scripts, small programs and prototyping.

You say it won't be automated. Again, I am looking to move into accounting. Please explain why computers can't do the work of accountants? And if you say human interaction from what I understand this involves speaking and discussing the project/deal whatever with the client. Sure, this won't be automated. But it will greatly reduce the number of people needed to do the accounting of a mid-sized firm.

>> No.13042554

Shut the fuck you tranny freak. Look it's awesome that you are impressed by vlookup in excel but your jobs are going to get the axe. come to terms with it.

If I was so wrong you guys could outline why a computer/AI couldn't do the job of an accountant

>> No.13042580

I don't get why a computer/AI couldn't do the job of any CS related job honestly. Why even study computer science, am I right!

>> No.13042620

You won’t even need accounting when blockchain has become mainstream.

>> No.13042641

I'm currently working with KPMG on the automation of Finance teams. You'll still need some human intervention but much less. The spreadsheet monkey element of accounting won't be needed soon.

>> No.13042694

R is a language I can take hundreds of thousands of observations and visualize. That is what it is good for - data analytics.

If you want to move into accounting, then go public. Things like transaction structuring will never be automated. BOOKEEPERS will be automated, yes. This has been coming for quite some time. However, CPAs will never be automated.

Accounting is dynamic. Every year there is new tax legislation, new accounting standards, different market conditions. Accountants are able to adapt and react and program the future.

fk'in retards

>> No.13042736

I'm got a chemical engineer who took a job as a data analyst because job search is rough and oNE of my first tasks was unironically to learn to code in DAX and automate the function of one of the boomer accountants who was retiring so they wouldn't need to be replaced...

I've only been here a year and ive automated the aggregate contribution margin calcs for all our product lines, yoy sales, sale weight by region, operating vs capital expenditures.... desu I'm probably going to end up coding myself out of a job by the end of it...

>> No.13042760

But a lot of these things you mention will be automated, they'll require changes re. new legislation but that'll be done by techies, not accountants. Lots of regulatory pieces are now focusing on api /direct linkages into data sources.

>> No.13042776

low iq tranny post. go back to discord.

you just proved to all the cs chads in this thread that all you accountants have is wishful thinking when it comes to ai

Ok well then clarify. How much trained accountants do you need know for whatever task, and how many will you need after you automate the process.

Exactly. With the legislation this will involve changing the value of a few variables, and maybe the logic of a few statement. All in all, it won't require the complete overhaul of the system, just minor modification.

>> No.13042777


Part of this legislation is to eliminate human touchpoints...ie Accountants and spreadsheets. It'll still need some intervention but WAY less.

>> No.13042780

you are using vague boomer salesman language like dynamic.

what tasks do you do in accounting that couldnt be handled by a software.

All I am saying is that I see overall demand for accountants dropping radically. I've looked at the syllabus for a lot of accounting degrees and there is so many free electives and a handful of core accounting subjects (like 4 or 5).

>> No.13042785

I'd say we're looking at ten becomes one.

No, your last statement. We'd do a complete system overhaul initially, then it'd require parameter changes by a tech...or it'd be done at the regulator end via direct links.

>> No.13042792

That's what it will come down to for all book keeping in the end.

The main function of accountants in a very short order of time will be mindlessly checking the [ ] AUDITED BY HUMAN box at the bottom of a stack of auto-generated reports.

>> No.13042800

The current system of accounting will be overhauled, yes. But when I said system I am referring to the automation system that will be put in place to replace it. That won't require a total overhaul each time new legislation is in place. In fact I imagine the implementation will factor this in.

Anyways, would you say going into accounting is a bad idea? How fucked is finance?

>> No.13042802

>daytrader since I graduated high school
>nothing in fiat, I live on goverment assistance
>move to germany so I can get the juicy 0% tax on bitcoin, retire and live on dividends

>> No.13042808

No it won't, we have robots to that :-/

>> No.13042817

Yes, that's right just new tables, rates, fields etc.

I'd say it's fucked unless you're a specialist in something. Your bog standard management accountants are pretty screwed. That's because a lot of "accountants" aren't really that, they just piss about transforming data in Excel that relates to Finance.

>> No.13042822

Holy fuck. I must be the biggest loser on this board.
Hydraulic Equipment Sales and Service.
I don’t like it but it pays the bills
I really just want to be a retail investor. It’s the only thing in life I enjoy.

>> No.13042827

What is your background? Also what if you were to get a CPA or something. I am not to clear what the CPA exactly entails.

>> No.13042829

>light mortar man
>5.10€ a day
>yeah, it's good shit
>mechanical engineer stuff

>> No.13042849

Do you find a lot of accountants and finance people you meet are like the accounts ITT? That is in complete denial or can't wrap their head around how AI could possible do something like accounting?

>> No.13042853

I'm project / process improvement /strategy, not a Finance background, just work within the industry. I deliver change...and automation and technology is our main focus. I'd just focus on something you enjoy. We're moving towards the gig economy. Days of working somewhere for years are over.

>> No.13042864

Cory let me fish plz

>> No.13042865

Absolutely, they are the specialists, nobody else could possibly automate it, needs the human touch. Don't get me wrong, if you're a specialist then there's a place but if you're a standard off the shelf accountant, the clock is ticking.

>> No.13042886

Thx fren, please consider my application

>> No.13042919

Thx ferns I’m anticipating your positive response

>> No.13042924

Can you use PowerPoint and nod your head fren?

>> No.13042928

>Forest guard, 15k€ as a civil servant

>> No.13042931

-Sales (inbound)
-70kish. depending commission (50k base)
-Not sure yet, only just started (3weeks but doing well)
-Im waiting for a scam opp. in 5 years ill either be rich or in jail

>> No.13042932

>assistant electrical dept. manager at home improvement store
>25K last year
>Yes but the pay makes me wanna kms
>rich neet

>> No.13042934
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Forgot picture.
Also why are american salaries so high.

>> No.13042946

I was on a Gartner webinar the other day, quote was "in 2030, 80% of the roles people will carry out don't even exist today". I'd say just do something you enjoy, fuck chasing the money, it doesn't make you happy and swim with the tide, see where it takes you. I'm an older fuck though but it genuinely is true.

>> No.13042952

Because they work loads of hours and don't get any holidays.

>> No.13042954

I can 100% in reading which is nice

>> No.13042958

Real human wagies, the americans.
You can live here with 10k euros a year.

>> No.13042977
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£16k a year before tax

>> No.13042985

I generally avoid US employers. Unless it's silicon valley, they tend to be total cunts with horrible cultures.

>> No.13042992

>be american
>get paid in bullets

>> No.13043061

around 65+ a year with my side hustles
Love my profession - dislike my current workplace
Thinking about staying a season in Antarctica, that way I can pay off my mortgage when I get home in late 2020.

>> No.13043077

This is a big question, so would you say finish my CS degree or change to accounting (and go down the specialist path (although I imagine there will be more than enough specialists in the coming decades)) or electrical/mechnical engineering (BSc --> MSc), or say something more general like math?

>> No.13043107

$24k after taxes (Russia)
Haven't decided yet, either drugs or crypto

>> No.13043131

I don't know, just do what you'll enjoy most, chase enjoyment, you need to be mentally rewarded, not just financially. Like I said, we don't know the roles of the future but data / data science / AI will be a big part of it. Just keep automation in mind when choosing. GL fren.

>> No.13043503

>software dev
>no, used to like writing software but actually working in the field sucked the joy out of it
>either fulltime trading or as secondary option remote dev jobs to have the freedom to travel

I know that Im underpaid but my job is basically stressfree since it's in a corporate boomer normie environment and I only work 2-3 hours while the rest im just dicking around maybe learning languages or other stuff.

>> No.13043748

>30k basic + roughly 20k commision
>Yes, better than the manual labour I did first 5 years after highschool (although it paid more I hated it)
>not living paycheck to paycheck

>> No.13043803
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>Warehouse slave
>11 an hour USD
>go to law school

>> No.13043949
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>career postal clerk at united states postal service
>55k before taxes base salary spread across 40 hour weeks in biweekly paychecks, every health insurance option under the sun, i get 25% off my phone bill and multiple other benefits. I even found out verizon employees only get a 10% discount while I get a 25% there. also get thrift savings plan that matches up to 5%.
>Do you like it
kill me pete is my first thought, my second is how incredibly poor management is here. I reached the maximum capacity I can get in my craft, got one of the best possible positions at my level and it's on day shift. the next 2 people ahead of me in seniority have 25 and 30 years, and iirc we're well over 68% of our entire managerial labor pool being at retirement age. I wasn't really born into this shit, which is weird because almost everyone else there already is, I just worked hard and feel like I could be doing more with way less. Also concerned with incoming massive restructuring of the whole facility. Also the other day someone tried to mail sulfuric acid and it spilt everywhere, so there's shit I have to deal with like that. or 3rd worlders sending boxes with fish in them. or people who mail fucking kitchen knives in empty boxes. nothing else just a fucking BOX full of KNIVES. totally won't shoot out of the fucking thing once the package comes down the 18 foot pachinko machine slide we use to sort this shit. fuck everything and STOP MAILING FUCKING KNIVES AND ACID GOD WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU RETARDS
>What do you want to be doing in the future
if not that, i'm gonna buy a food truck and apply all those years of culinary schooling and training to good use. probly do biscuits n' gravy as my specialty.

>> No.13043973

Business Analyst
Retired due to chainlink in 3 years or if not that, being a BA. in blockchain and doubling my salary in the same period.

>> No.13044030

30k a year. i am just a slave for a large coorporate hotel chain. :(

>> No.13044187

>HVAC Engineer
>Not really. In every way that a job is "good" or "bad" it's good, but sitting in a cubicle drawing ducts all day is pretty dull.
>Currently doing FIRE in secret. I'm expecting to retire in 7 years, at age 35. I consider going to a cubicle and sitting every day until I'm 60 to be a fate worse than death.

>> No.13044287

Clean pools
$20 ph
No, too much physical labour
Once I learn how to fix / replace the equipment & plumb everything in I will start my own business in the field.

>> No.13045166

>What do you do
enterprise software """engineer"""
>How much do you make
$60,000 / year
>Do you like it
fuck no
>What do you want to be doing in the future
I don't even know. Software engineering was taught to me almost as a form of art when I was in college, but out in the real world frameworks already do everything for you and your job is to just maintain them. I'm wanting to jump back into gamedev as a hobby, but with me trying to be /fit/ this year and the amount of busywork I have to take care of, the amount of free time I have is limited. Hopefully I'll be able to make it during the next buttcoin bull run so that I can retire early and work on vidya; I've been saving most of my spare income because I don't really know what to do with it, which means I have a lot more money to spend on crypto this time around than last time (though I made a sizable amount during the last bull run too)

>> No.13045482
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>hock trees for parks department
>13.50 lol
>pretty great except for poverty wage, waste taxpayer money with other marxists
>get one of the salaried gigs in the department, accumulate benefits

>> No.13045518

>$70-85K depending on how hard I feel like working
>love it
>legal nurse consultant

>> No.13045558

systems developer (AWS slave)
made 77k including bonuses in first year
it would be a great job for a blue pilled wagie, personally I wont be happy working any job for anyone unless I could spend over 70% of the time coding my get rich schemes
I will be joining an accelerator for my tech company this year, never going back to a windowless slave cage again

>> No.13045595

> Attorney (family law kek)
> $55k + 25% of billables and a yearly raise structure
> Yes
> NEET status, but if not then probably still what i'm doing now

>> No.13045633

Elite job in military
Probably about 70gs after bonuses/insurance bennies, etc
I used to like it now I’m just tired and want to become basically a hippie stoner
I just want to find an easy job where I don’t have to take shit from anyone, making like 20 bucks an hour. Fucking fedex driver or whatever as long as I can smoke weed to ward off the constant dread

>> No.13045645

>field service technician
>30K €
>Getting tired of it
>No idea

I get to have a company car/ android of my choosing I can use privately. (No need to pay for gas or etc. either)
Also loads of free time since if no shit comes up I don't need to show up either.

But other than that I really need to think about what to do next with my life.

>> No.13045662

Too much drone bombing?

>> No.13045684

Meant 36K, not that thats much better.

>> No.13045685

I have so many interests but I don't want to be locked down in something, what do I do?

>> No.13045734

Well sometimes you reach a point where your priorities and interests shift. I don’t really want to go to shithole countries anymore.

>> No.13045787

You're so dumb! FUCK. Accountants ARE the techies! I AM the programmer!

>> No.13045825

>QC in metal fab
>sucks balls but pays the bills
>shitposting here with my frens all day

>> No.13045872

Nurse - management
~100k aud
Satisfaction: 6/10
Want to have the financial freedom to do what I really want: just bodybuilding/travelling/partying and fucking

>> No.13045906

Choose something that changes a lot, with no space for routine?

>> No.13045963

>Editor of Novels and Graphic Novels
>It's very fulfilling and I get to make my own hours. Pretty automation/AI-proof too.
>I want to be a novelist or Hollywood development executive. Have ten short stories professionally published already but full books are much, much more money.

>> No.13046266

Automotive Purchasing
Haven't figured out the future yet

>> No.13046513

>mil fag
>28k /year
>cop who works fuck loads of overtime

>> No.13046558
File: 544 KB, 1536x2048, vscodl_5c7c2bde7852205c1d838ced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you do
CS student
>How much do you make
MAYBE 2.5k monthly doing basic dev jobs on upwork
>Do you like it
It's temporary, but my life is amazing for the stage I'm in. I live with my fraternity so my rent is absurdly low, my school is covered in scholarships, I am completely self sufficient, and I have an unlimited supply of freshman pussy and pic related. Crushing nattys and drinking skol/stars and stripes isn't a long-term plan but it works for now. I fucking love it.
>What do you want to be doing in the future
Independent SaaS owner. I want to be self sufficient and have a 10k MRR before I graduate, so I never have to work for a FAANG.

>> No.13046957


you sound like u work in big4 ;;D

>> No.13046995

You're conflating bookkeepers and accountants. Accountants are better to think of as more like tax/money lawyers.

>> No.13047142

lmao my guy right here

>> No.13047383
File: 460 KB, 1152x787, clergy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there any job that is exciting, interesting and gets to make meaningful contributions to life. i am so bored all the time and don't really care about money. any advise welcome. i am thinking about the priesthood or become a doctor for doctors without borders, just anything that isn't a fucking boring meaningless grind.

>> No.13047390

28.5 per hour w/ all living expenses paid for, but zero benefits
It's not bad
I'd like to own my own small consulting firm, or my own cartographic operation

>> No.13047444

It's ok.
I don't want to wagecuck for the rest of my life. Mainnet needs to hurry the hell up.

>> No.13047546

please respond i don't want to live the rest of my life in silent desperation.

>> No.13047685

>Creating data mining threads on /biz/ for a 3 letter agency
> Not sure

>> No.13047698

Oh no someone will know that my anonymous VPN ip is associated with a vague salary range

>> No.13047701

>more nothing
i thank crypto every day

>> No.13047725

Bro this is cringe!

>> No.13047984

independant consultant

>> No.13048030

>Data analyst
>It's not too bad and work from home often
>I should become an independent consultant this year and 2x or 3x my income

>> No.13048103

>Student and Army National Guardsmen
>Literally about $4k on just military pay
>Yeah it can be fun
>Find an actual part time job while in college, get commissioned as a butterbar so I can make an actual salary on top of my civilian job

>> No.13048107
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>Fuck your momma
>Whatever I steal from you
>Your tight ass

>> No.13048231

>$160 a day from job
>$300 a day from passive dApp income

>> No.13048251

Its actually possible to be a creative Engineer, you will be one step ahead of the AI. You can't teach a robot to imagine a entirely new thing.

They'll probably come up with a new degree field like Archigineering architect+engineering.

Its that bad in the US too, you should get a PT business asap to make money.

Sales is literally the most in demand thing in the USA don't beat yourself up, you can use that resume to get an amazing job, just remember Silicon Valley would be shit without sales.

Seems legit, thats not on a T15 degree right?

>> No.13048309

Wants to become a doctor
Wants to become an unpaid doctor for niggers
If not trolling then kys seriously

>> No.13048311


Anon, you're living the dream. You could make a saas while getting paid to do it.

>> No.13048364

When you go to Antarctica say hi to the ayylmaos for me

>> No.13048380

Hi Tyrone

>> No.13048606

Student/ reservist in my country (not USA)
I made like 10,000 last year maybe
I hate school, military can be fun and annoying
Day trader currently trying to learn more it might just bomb for me though seems like nobody else here except a couple dudes have done it really currently drunk and thinking about the possibility of eternal financial doom

>> No.13048694
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Accountants are only gonna be replaced when you code monkey fucks are replaced. Also all codeshitters are little basedboys that are insufferable to work with. Btw just go to law school after you get your CPA and becomea tax attorney. Much better than a a literal plumber but for computers LOL

>DUDE I just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like I’m in one of my favorite TV SHOWS. You should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy IPA or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on Adult Swim! And dude, dude, DUDE, we GOTTA go down to the barcade, listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!! It’s also an arcade like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. Speaking of which, Megan and I have finally decided to tie the knot, literally, we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save more money to spend on ourselves and our FURBABIES. I’m fuckin’ JACKED man, I’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!


>> No.13048751

>UPS and Dorman Products
>50,000$/yearly combined
>not really but the pay is good since im 19
>growing marijuana and have a marijuana business

>> No.13048777

I unironically smear literal human feces onto plates for 30k a year

Someone kill me

>> No.13048801
File: 273 KB, 700x1258, 13554849886-png__700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Construction laborer
>trading stocks and options

>> No.13048851

>Wendy's grill cook
>minimum wage (~$14cdn per hour)
>No way
>No fucking clue (I'm 20 not in school)

>> No.13048861

Start sucking dick for money ez

>> No.13048889

>pizza man 80 hours a week
>36k (basically a minimum salary w/ no time and a half for overtime)
>it has its perks but it's mostly shit and I really fucked up in life to get here so I'm trying to turn myself around. but making pizzas is fun, and I'm always learning more about cooking and growing in other ways too. So I like it, but I really miss having free time and I feel humiliated pretty often at work, often under a major work load while some others are just standing around

I want to run a business and take massive pride in what I do, whatever it may be. I want to build something really awesome that everyone can appreciate. Or at least be a part of something really big, I dunno how else to explain it

>> No.13048982

>C#/.NET and JS full stack dev
>it's bretty good
>this and/or vidya developer

>> No.13049100

Lmao at all these AI posts. AI is an overhyped meme. All the recent advancements are just improvements in existing weak AI technology (aka fake intelligence). AI is a huge fucking bubble and is fundamentally limited in the types of problems it can solve, and the fact that every problem solvable by AI requires massive amounts of data and custom tailoring to work well.

Any job that requires high order thinking and creativity won’t be automated until we get strong AI which is probably 50 years away, minimum.

Now we might find convenient ways of automating software development of very common pieces of software, say crud apps. But what people ignore is that software development has ALWAYS been getting increasingly automated. Compilers, automatic garbage collection, IDE’s with advanced code completion, scaffolding tools to generate boilerplate code, those are all forms of automation. SWE is orders of magnitude more automated than it was a few decades ago yet there are more jobs than ever with high as fuck pay. All automation does for us as developers is increase the capability and relevance of our work.

>> No.13049101

> -$40,000 / year
>be alone in north minnesota

>> No.13049105

>HVAC engineer
>$85k+ after OT (2 yr experience)
>Yes, work is creative and challenging enough to stay interesting and my company doesn't cuck me
>Telecommuting 95% and living innawoods

>> No.13049176

Different id. But again another accountant fails to engage with my points. I would like to be an accountant but I am not optimistic about the job prospects. Also I am far from being a bugman. In fact one reason I want to get away from software development is to get away from these bug people and baseddevs. At least accounting/finance has more normal people.

>> No.13049189

Look up Google deepmind you coping faggot.

>> No.13049208

This is wrong on so many levels, first off good lawyers are probably the last to get automated. Programming reasoning and morals is very fucking hard and is one of the current roadblocks to ai development. Something as logical as an accountant can be replaced much more easily

>> No.13049219

hvac mechanic
killing myself at 40 years old unless i have 4 mil in assets

>> No.13049233

>Google deepmind
Lol the guy you responded to is more right

"They're throwing a billion dollars at a problem that means progress is being made"

>> No.13049234

>be you
>net worth only 3 million
Ah man what a shitty life, gonna kill myself.

>> No.13049259

Why are you here...

>> No.13049272
File: 62 KB, 396x691, 1552802072262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a fucking cook in the National Guard, got back from AIT last November. work at a restaurant as well
>$12000 last year
>it's okay, but I don't want to do that shit the rest of my life
>a comfy computer related job since I'm going to college for that

>> No.13049279

>can’t complain

>> No.13049325

How much creativity is there law and accounting? You have to pretty much do things by the book.

Also you guys don't understand. This won't mean there will not be any accountants or lawyers for that matter. Rather there will be a massively reduced demand for those professions. Unless you're an absolute expert/specialist.

Also the AI learns and adaps to its environment and can devise new ways that are successful. As evidenced by its ability to beat world class players.

Its also clear how emotional you're getting by changing topic to me.

>> No.13049361

Tbh the only reason I posted that is because I'm coping. I hate the kind of people that are attracted to getting a CS degree and software engineering. Basically exactly how you put it-bug people. I'm honestly not really sure what to now now because according to this:
accountants are fucked. Maybe it's possible to do accounting for undergrad, get your CPA and then go into law school and become a tax attorney. That seems pretty safe I guess. And I feel like in 10 years a lot of boomer lawyers will die out

>> No.13049370

enjoy getting replaced, nerd. You're fucked like an account LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO STUPID FUCK

>> No.13049382

But thats 6 years of schooling. Might as well go into engineering. Idk I'd probably say sit tight and make your money in software. Bug people make good employees.

>> No.13049404


>depends on OT I pick up; I usually like to keep my paychecks around 168hrs which =~ 68k/year
>love it
>probably PA

>> No.13049422

>Chef at Wendy's

>> No.13049423


>> No.13049424

>rail conductor
>i love it
>hopefully an engineer or rtc

Cant complain, get to ride and drive trains all day

>> No.13049439

Nice dude, used to be a PLC and industrial electrician. fun as hell.

>> No.13049440
File: 78 KB, 640x1136, 1551159594268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 years isn't alot in the grand scheme of things though. Also I would probably kill myself if I had to work with bug people for years. I fucking volunteered at one of these companies (yeah I'm retarded for volunteering but muh work experience and passion. Plus money doesn't matter xdddd) and I couldn't stand it after 1 month. Holy fuck everyone laughing at some shit computer joke and talking about league of legends and sipping on some baseboy almond milk latte. FUCK I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK MOMMY PLEASE

>> No.13049445

>Account manager for chinese factory
>30k not counting commissions
>LTL operations manager in arizona so I can fuck off in the desert on my days off

>> No.13049459

The worst is when they parrot buzzfeed talking points and go off on politics. At least you have realized working for free is dumb.

>> No.13049460

too add to this for those curious
>do you like it?
Yes, little to no supervison, hour long paid lunches, and I can show up to work dressed however I want

Since the company is also based in china I don't pay any taxes (In minecraft)

>> No.13049475

no t15 degree for family law. Work in an average size town (not huge but one of the bigger cities in state). Pretty fun desu, lots of scrappy/petty fighting so there's a lot of room for creativity with your arguments. Feels good knowing my job will be safe from automation

>> No.13049500

>they parrot buzzfeed
I was really surprised by that too. Managers would go on semi rants about how "colour is good and beautiful" and that we "shouldn't adhere to racists". I honestly thought before this that it was just over exaggeration by /pol/ but these things exist. Fucking hell.

>> No.13049518
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sounds comfy desu. I want something like this. Btw how old are you and what did you study in undergrad before law school? I would appreciate if you answered

>> No.13049577

btw what state homie

>> No.13049590

>truck loder
>if no one says over 4 words to me the entire day yes
>vagabond (with house and boat in AK) interviewing entities

>> No.13049629

dream job desu
want to work for a fire department

>> No.13049751

27, sociology. You can really do any major in undergrad and be fine. Although, engineering or science degrees give you more options since you can do patent and specialty law

>> No.13049815
File: 49 KB, 190x200, 7AA66CD9-2791-458F-A42B-0728C4642076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are you are all thoughts?

>> No.13049854
File: 89 KB, 232x200, Woody laughing while engulfed in flames.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all thoughts are rapeable legally

>> No.13049864

>Data Analyst
>Yeah, its fine
>Move into management or move into a public policy oriented job

Also the Accounting/Finance automation posts in this topic are retarded. Technology will fundamentally change the nature of the work that Accountants do, but its unlikely to eliminate the job or necessarily even decrease demand. Case in point: corporate operations research & future forecasting/budgeting existed before the creation of spreadsheet software, but the creation of spreadsheet software increased the demand for the FP&A side of Corporate Finance groups because it was suddenly possible to model a massive number of theoretical financial scenarios at the line item level.

>> No.13049903

I'm thinking of becoming an Electrician, just not too sure about it. Is it worth it as a career choice?

>> No.13050194

>subscribing to pewdiepie if you know what i mean

>> No.13050276

I was here when I was poor and doing online transcription work. I come back sometimes to see how the place has changed. A few years ago there was less cryptoshit

>> No.13050284

Mow lawns

>> No.13050661

what does that mean?

>> No.13050900
File: 60 KB, 500x374, 1494711047941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redpill me on prolonged aderaaal usage, I drop it oce in a while to study and I really like it but I'm graduatign now and need a way to cope with starting work. Is aderaal the way to go?

>> No.13050935

How did you find a job, frontend fag here

>> No.13051045

Male pornstar in europe
3k€ for a movie last year i did around 20 shoots
I like it started to be a lot cooler since i got more experienced and are getting into better movies and Such.
Would like to move to USA because IV heard top start can be earning UP to 10k per video

>> No.13051056

You just get to fuck Hot chicks and beside attending to gym and caring about your skin etc u work for like 2/3 days per month

>> No.13051104

This. Listen to this anon. Build qualitative skills.

>> No.13051151

>big 4
What a sorry state.
I couldn't work that hard for so little money at that age.

>> No.13051152

>bein wage slave

>> No.13051161

Commercial lawyer.
6 figures
Yep. Amazing job with high profile clients.
Retire on my shitcoins and meditate.

>> No.13051203

>Bro if your job can be broken down a series of conditional statement (if x is true, or while x is true) then it can be automated.
And since AlphaStar we know they are even comparable to humans in situations with imperfect information.

>> No.13051373


fuck thats pathetic. we pay our 20 year old interns that much

>> No.13051394

i’m 24 and work as an accounts manager making $50k/year

what can i do to unjust myself and find a better job?

>> No.13051528

>Graduate Mechanical Engineer
>$66000 AUD gross
>start my own business, have passive income>expenses

>> No.13051618

>Lose shitty retail job
>Unemployed for 2 months now
I'm going fucking insane, I can't find shit, even retail either ignores or rejects me, this feels so hopeless I can almost cry.

>> No.13051741

holy shit i thought i was a brainlet

>> No.13051791
File: 11 KB, 242x209, 25678245672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> $705 p/2w
> Love it
> More NEET

I live a comfortable life in the countryside in my own house, faking job searching and claiming disability support.
Doesn't conflict me as much as it would for the wagecucks but personally civilisation and all the nobodies I couldn't care about doesn't concern me.

Enjoy the wage cucking losers.

>> No.13051797

>Full stack dev
>170k USD
>run my own company

>> No.13052782

what did u study in undergrad

>> No.13052887
File: 211 KB, 590x523, 1549263988908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7.50 an hour
>Digging ditches under a Texas sun
>Love my job because I autistically attached myself to my co-workers out of lonliness

>> No.13052898

you're just a nigger lmao all this "neet" cope

>> No.13052920

Imagine being proud of being a poorfag

>> No.13052928

>entry-level E-Commerce Process Manager
>like the people but pay could be much better
>same thing but more money

>> No.13052951

>Tech recruiter
>50k + commision (10-20k)
>yeah it's pretty chill, easy as fuck
>retired by late 30s, content to do this until then

>> No.13053185

I will be you. very soon. god willing

>> No.13053293

>Control Panel Operator (engineer @ desalination plant)
>Manageable: 12 hour shifts 4 days per week
>Low-stress job except during process shut-down and start-up for maintenance.
>I like it.

>> No.13053356
File: 43 KB, 687x974, 26874272437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Proud of being a poorfag
I live a fulfilling and simplistic lifestyle and need little to no materialism to live my happily.

Unlike the wage fags I have all the time in the world to do what-ever I reasonably desired within my own interests without having to own up to some authority figure.

To think anon, too bad you chose not to live the NEET life.

>> No.13053395

>CFO of medium sized insurance company
>19 million a year before taxes
>500,000 in student loan debt that is 1 year old
>24 years old

Don't ever be afraid of school loan debts fellow anons so long as you know that you'll actually finish and the degree you're majoring in will make you real money.

>> No.13053459

Did you think of this yourself to cope for being a poorfag or did you fall for the enlightened welfare neet meme?

>> No.13053590

> Cope for being "poorfag"
Kek, I'm rich in my life because my life is fulfilling.

I have no wish to slave my time to some corporate boss in some lame job, if I ever wanted to pursue such materialistic wishes I'd be doing what you're doing.

Keep kissing big bosses ass anon, I'll raise a glass to your conventional thirst for useless material things.

>> No.13053614

If you're a wageslave you're a poorfag anyway

>> No.13053638

But there will be way less of you require = lower salaries...dumb fuck.

>> No.13053959

Can you prove you’re not larping? I’m interested in hearing how you got there if it’s real

>> No.13053959,1 [INTERNAL] 

in fact you may become a hvac engineer and earn a lot of money

>> No.13053959,3 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, we are slaves, but getting money