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13041210 No.13041210 [Reply] [Original]

is this satoshi nakamoto?

>> No.13041214
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>> No.13041489

it is ur lost dad

>> No.13041541

This guy has made it harder for arguments about wanting to maintain European heritage, concerns over immigration, and objective differences between cultures. These are things which need to be discussed, but now it'll just be mired in white supremacy and political correctness.

>> No.13041745

A shameful but hearty kek was had

>> No.13041810

who cares, you're not debating with real people anyways
it's all brainwashed media and jewish professor talking points you're up against
not anyone in an actual community with solid ground to debate you on

it's all going to burn in under 20 years this guy just accelerated it

>> No.13042921

Something tells me a lot of you guys are just nihilistic and fantasize over some great "reset" happening, like a race war or nuclear war. None of those things would be like what you imagine.

Nothing (except the censorship of ideas) will come of what this guy did. Muslims can keep killing/raping as many Kafirs as they like, and the media won't give a shit, because it doesn't fit the narrative of the extremist white boi, who spends all his time on 4chan.

>> No.13042926


>> No.13042933

Dudes arms are no longer than a foot

>> No.13042936

So, you're saying the media is the main enemy?
And focus on them?

>> No.13042941

This. They never intended to debate with you. They were always going to let the right win a few arguments while still slowly implementing their own plans. At least now they know the right has teeth.

>> No.13042967

I don't who the "enemy" is. That's a complicated question. Take Muslims as an example. Are all of them extremist? No. Are all immigrants bad? No. Does the media sometimes have an agenda/bias? Not always. But the media shapes how we perceive events, to an extent.

>> No.13043054

There was never any argument, all of the thesis was always censored and you would be called the devil for wanting to just speak about it. Look at the demonization of Trump who has been erected as the devil of our times for just wanting to end ILLEGAL immigration.
Public discourse is dead, big medias and censorship killed it.

What this psycho just did is pouring gasoline on the multicultural fire hoping it would explode but the reality is that only a severe economic downturn would really trigger a mass conflict at this point, as long as everyone is comfortable nothing will happen.

>> No.13043201

>This guy has made it harder for arguments about wanting to maintain European heritage

That's the point

>> No.13043209

I agree that this wouldn't be enough to start anything. Throughout history, groups/nations, who already had built up tensions, essentially looked for excuses to go to war with each other. In hindsight, we confuse those as the "reasons" that started off the conflict. And often there are some economic or resource concerns, in the backdrop.

The "sides" in this "conflict" are not well defined, or publicly visible. What are people meant to rally around? Not all Europeans give a fuck about their heritage, or care about apparent "dangers" of being displaced in their countries by foreigners.

All of this is so poorly thought out. It's fucking stupid, and will likely achieve nothing for forwarding points of discussion I mentioned before.

The only thing I've noticed is that there, unfortunately, does seem to be a growing number of dissatisfied young men in the West. That's not a healthy thing to let grow, as they might start looking for a Cause to die for. But I doubt it's a massive/unfixable issue.

>> No.13043331
File: 136 KB, 500x376, pikeww3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they might start looking for a Cause to die for. But I doubt it's a massive/unfixable issue.

>> No.13043338
File: 27 KB, 616x616, 08316B7E-0C27-437C-94D3-04745DDEFFDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that you Solaire? Praise the Sun