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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13038906 No.13038906 [Reply] [Original]

Ignore the shilling a go straight to ForkDelta, take .25 ETH and buy some 0xBTC. Put it in your folio and forget about it.

>> No.13038924
File: 34 KB, 1000x1000, 0xb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good advice, maybe the best outside of "buy BTC," but no one will listen. Until the next bull starts. Then they'll FOMO into it and every other token.

>> No.13038932

you cant fool me pedos. I'm on to your tricks

>> No.13038955

been away from /biz/ for a while, what is this new pedo meme

>> No.13038973

Dunno wtf pedo crap hes talking about, but 0xbtc is pretty much bitcoin on the ethereum chain and can be upgraded/modified endlessly. Same cap as bitcoin, currently 4 million of them circulating. If you hold more than 5k youll be set in 2022

>> No.13038976


not a meme, just one guy spamming 0xBTC because he doesn't understand it.

>> No.13038982

I'm not filling your sell order Ranjeet.

>> No.13039002

I already own some 0xBTC, but the pedo thing is new. It's weird because even on /biz/ fudders usually try to be at least slightly subtle about it

>> No.13039019

yea... rightt

>> No.13039027


Most of biz aren’t technical, they only buy tokens/coin on large exchanges. They fail to realize that to maximize your gains exponentially is to get in early, this doesn’t mean by buying early... You have to start mining things like 0xBTC. It’s so cheap, sure you can buy it now but it will still be expensive if you really want to make it. The same investment into mining this right now would give you 10 fold what you would only purchase. I’ve been mining since before you could even sell on an exchange. I’ve have a top 100 wallet. I won’t sell until $5

>> No.13039035


>Selling at $5

Well ok

>> No.13039036


homeboy is just a little boy "errmgod PEDO PEDO COIN LMFAO teehee"

>> No.13039045

Nice to meet you, I am around #50-60 right now. Its so exciting to be early for this, all the people unironically fudding it are going to FOMO in at $1-5 and get dumped on and complain its a scam again.

>> No.13039088

lava token contract is complete, get in now anon or be sorry later

>> No.13039118
File: 194 KB, 904x1280, photo_2019-03-17_07-45-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here comes the boiiii

>> No.13039145
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>> No.13039199
File: 227 KB, 1252x828, Screen Shot 2019-03-16 at 3.52.21 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fair distribution

pic related