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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13036304 No.13036304 [Reply] [Original]

>Back in 2012 bitcoin was an IQ test that most people failed
>Now, the Age of Forks is another IQ test and most of this board is failing miserably
>04% of this board have it at the right end, and are busy accumulating BSV

Do with this info what you want.



>> No.13036359

Nothing new, just slower and more centralised than other projects. Fuck off.

>> No.13036388

Bagholder's cope

>> No.13036424
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Must be monotonous having it at the wrong end continuously

>> No.13036447

Based and stiffpilled

I've been swing trading sv like a mofo the past week

>> No.13036460

Must be difficult when you get lucky once and it gives you a god complex

>> No.13036491
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Amidst building a knowledge trading/broker platform as we speak, don't dispise me for daring to think like a visionary and indulging myself in topics that matter/a future could be build upon.

I cut myself loose from the vicious self fulfilling victim mindstate most of /biz/ clinches to, a long time ago

>> No.13036502
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>sanjays vishnu

>> No.13036518

Shit man, if you truly think SV is the true bitcoin, we're not the ones who have failed the IQ test

>> No.13036529

I support scam forks because they clean out early adopter brainlets who got lucky

>> No.13036590
File: 387 KB, 1600x1200, bitcoin mycellium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Proving OP's point
It's pretty funny seeing the exact same pattern play out with BSV: every thread is 10% player characters and 90% zero-argument NPCs.
If things play out like they did in 2012/2013, the NPCs will disappear into the woodwork as soon as they are proven for the fools they are. There will be no autistic screeching, just a whole bunch of mediocre untermenchen sitting quietly in their corner, wondering WTF happened to them.

>> No.13036772
File: 203 KB, 960x542, NPCexorcism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NPCs as far as the eye can see

>> No.13036781

Planaria is just an inferior form of smart contracts. Why don't you actually respond to the tech critique instead of just pretending that you're sooo smart?

>> No.13037014
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>mfw NPCs think they're "in on it" by accumulating BSV
>mfw BCH has the smallest percentage of people hyping and supporting it, meaning that's what the true player characters are accumulating

>> No.13037032
File: 5 KB, 280x400, D9D27D7C-E7EF-4AF4-B669-AA28FE559DB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Things most people weren’t aware of measure their iq

>> No.13037052

Incredible stuff, just bought another 20k LINK because I'm so excited. Once the Planaria Systems Programming Interface links with the J.SON Parser hyperLINK framework we're in business. Definitely the biggest bull sign I've seen in a while.

>> No.13037085

>I shall now make an unsupported assertion and if you don't respond, you must be wrong
That's not how this works, brainlet. Explain why smart contracts via a truly programmable PoW blockchain are inferior to whatever garbage you got roped into buying. Go ahead, I'll be here for a while.

>> No.13037094

Most people who were aware of bitcoin rejected it in 2012, you dumbfuck.

>> No.13037116

BSV claims to be infinitely scalable, but it's only scalable as nodes allow it to be. It claims to obsolete the centralized cloud systems, yet the data on the blockchain will overwhelm the total amount of physical system. It is a centralizing shitcoin that only benefits the select few who can afford to create systems to host nodes until they can't.

>> No.13037133

Based. And the only thing different this time, there will be no shitcoins to spectulate on.

>> No.13037145

>all this fork bullshit when you can sit comfy in next industrial revolution holding eth
laughing at you monkeys

>> No.13037191
File: 38 KB, 425x283, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BSV claims to be infinitely scalable
>It claims to obsolete the centralized cloud systems
Also wrong
>host nodes until they can't
Even more wrong
0/10, strawman harder next time you retard
>Completely failing to understand what you are trash-talking
Classic NPC behavior
>MFW retard-anon doesn't understand that frequent forking of a ledger is a sign of robustness and the desirability/entrenchment of the ledger, rather than weakness.
If you weren't such a brainlet you would be ashamed, not proud, of the fact that ETH has only forked once.
And I say this as someone who holds a massive suicide insurance policy in ETH/ETC left over from 2015.

>> No.13037254


Maybe you can make that argument today but even in 2019 most people have only heard the name and know literally nothing about how it works lol. That's how most my friends are. My boomer grandparents probably still haven't even heard about it desu. So yeah just because you were lucky enough to hear about it in 2012 doesn't mean everyone else was lol.

>> No.13037281

From Planaria docs:
scalability claim
>Minimalism: Bitcoin's minimal UTXO data structure makes it THE MOST scalable technology ever.
Obsoletes centralized cloud systems claim
>All other approaches of trying to store more redundant data will cost more than Bitcoin therefore inferior. And the economies of scale will make sure that one superior open technology will win in the long term.
Can you explain me if blockchain have 10000 tb or whatever, how can you host it until you have 10000 tb of hardware to host it? Look, I'm open minded, and I would like to hear a genuine explanation rather than some mexican laughing meme and WRONG XDDD.

>> No.13037288

CAN YOU PAID SHILLS STOP PUSHING BS FUCKING V IN EVERY FUCKING THREAD. This shit is getting out of hand. Link 2.0. You're not going to be able to pump your bags.