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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13030194 No.13030194 [Reply] [Original]

I can't take the wait anymore it's killing me fuck stealth I'm gonna Astroturf hundreds of fake accounts and pay upwork pajeets to start shilling on reddit and normie places with all the breadcrumbs and screencap talking points and implications and memes
The normies will know all about ic3 and swift and accord and web3 and docusign and tamperproof entreprise oracles, I will keep reminding them how much the derivatives market is worth, I'll remind them Gavin invented solidity I'll remind them ari conceived proof of work I'll remind them nick invented bitgold they'll know Tom's digital signature idea is worth billions they'll know all about Intel sgx town crier and zeppelin and why they're so much bigger than imaginable they'll be fed all the info about how lucrative the tokenomics really shall be I promise you I will redpill every single fucking normie about jp Morgan and Fidelity being part of ic3 and how data is the new oil and smart contracts are useless without fiat relays Psd2 APIs and iot and how oracles will kick-start a new ICO boom and how all competitors including legacy enterprises will have to follow or die I'll make Twitter niggers post memes about blythe feet I'll make boomers fomo when they realize nasdaq uses bnc which uses link and I'll remind them how the now link reliant legal contract is the basis of all business transaction impacting every single fucking industry insurance construction real estate copyrights I'll tell them about fucking vinay Gupta in Dubai and who the WEF Davos globalists really are I'll tell the world about the date of the smartcontract domain name I don't give a shit anymore I can't take waking up every day to no news and no movement I can't take refreshing this board and block folio all day long like I'm bill Murray in groundhog day I legit am going insane
For every piece of fud any one of you fucks reply with to normie I'll reply with golden insight and truth bombs from hundreds of different accounts
Shilling starts now

>> No.13030209

I didn't even mention 1% of what I know you fuckers!!!! Fucking Evan Chang!!! Stop me if you can bye

>> No.13030211

>wearing pants

>> No.13030221

You've had enough time!!!!!!!!

>> No.13030223

Honestly feel sorry for link holders

This shit will never be worth anything, real companies will make better solutions charged in fiat without the need for some shitty token. Sad

>> No.13030237

Go outside and walk around the block. Do some push-ups Write a letter to your 1st grade English teacher. Learn a new language.

There’s more to life than lurking /biz/ all day just to give advice to random anons, anon.


>> No.13030247
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im 50% link, make me go all in.

>> No.13030269

>at this point only 50%
Never gonna make it.

>> No.13030277
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>wearing pants

>> No.13030278
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You are doing nothing by doing this. Chainlink will never take off until big companies adopt the network. The next bubble will be from the start of industrial adoption. The coins the take off will be from industrial adoption not from normie investors. You shilling or fudding chainlink will do nothing until there is evidence companies are using chainlink. Sergey understands this which is why he is marketing to institutions. Its why a third of the tokens are reserved for businesses. Sergey reserved 350m tokens as incentives to use chainlink. Basically he gives them freebies, they use tokens to establish oracle nodes and popularize the network. Basically hes doing what intel did to amd. What we do has zero affect on anything. You might as well shut up and accululate while you can because nothing really matters until industry comes rolling through.

>> No.13030284

Fucking do it. It's time they know

>> No.13030291

OP, will you redpill them on how Google will no longer have a monoply over the curation of information once people make apps with customizable search criteria that stream Oracle data directly to their phones without having to go through an intermediary third party?

I hope you add that point to your list.

>> No.13030443

I want 125k, can't we get another 0.2/usd dip before me take off? Almost halfway there by DCAing, with a small stack of fiat on standby in case of any big dips.

>> No.13030461

Didnt you get the memo? Stealth mode unless it's fud.

>> No.13030473

>nick invented bitgold
what has that to do with chainlink whatsoever? i fear you should research some of your shilling points, seems to me there got a lot of misinformation caught in it.

>> No.13030490
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stinky linkies "stealth" campaign lasted all of 5 days. back to the discord drawing board

>> No.13030571

t. nopants

>> No.13030597

If you genuinely hold link, please tell me in your own words what the team has accomplished these past two years, and what you honestly expect them to accomplish over the next year.

>> No.13030607
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you know what would really help the network, if, you made a smart contract that uses chainlink for a massive industry that gets real world adoption.

shilling to pajeets like a 9 year old girl is not going to do anything. normies were to retarded to comprehend bitcoin until it was way to late. Only actual adoption of the network can fuel natural growth, no need to shill this to anyone, if they truly wished to get rich they wouldve found it already

>> No.13030621

The smoke coming from the project in the form of powerful people endorsing it and the history of competence coming off of it speaks for itself.

>> No.13030628

Anyone remember that guy who was going to go all out shilling LINK and had connectionsin the TV industry and stuff? It was last August I believe. Nothing ever came of it.

If you do this OP, LINK will dump. It's written.

>> No.13030631

>shilling starts now
what do you think you late adopters have been doing for the past YEAR AND A HALF?

nobody has shown any interest into buying this funding token at all despite the most spam biz has ever seen (with the exception of bcash, which surprise surprise is also not taken seriously) and mountains of "partnerships" and "breadcrumbs" you guys delude yourselves over.

if any of what you talked about was true, then there has to be something you guys are missing that's rotten at the core of chainlink, to have made all of these investors decide long ago than it's not worth investing in. because coins with 1/10th of the hype and "partners" you talk about have already mooned, while link has done absolutely nothing with one of the lowest volumes in non-scamcoin crypto.

>> No.13030636

This can be said about literally everything. At least 50% of the price is based on random logos on the website and people thinking that every article that mentions a contract or API has to do with chainlink.

>> No.13030642

>I can't take the wait anymore
>I'm gonna Astroturf hundreds of fake accounts and pay upwork pajeets to start shilling on reddit and normie places with all the breadcrumbs and screencap talking points and implications and memes

And guess what, even if you do all that you'll still have to wati.

>> No.13030648

hahahah holy shit, did you type this right out of your head?

>> No.13030653

More for my bags

>> No.13030659 [DELETED] 

Chainlink doesn't need much, just mainnet, docusign, derivatives and it will surpass anything in crypto even bitcoin itself

>> No.13030665

Absolutely based

>> No.13030700

Nigger pot pie and I don't care.

>> No.13030725

>until big companies adopt the network.
kek he thinks big companies care about meme coins created out of thin air that are most likely considered securities.

>> No.13030750

yeah, its like they don't even understand how the world works. these large companies couldn't even legally use any data from chainlink unless it was from trusted whitelisted nodes only, which obviously wouldn't have anything to do with the link token.

>> No.13030922

I literally explsined why fudding or shilling link doesn't matter. Link holders proceed to reply to my post fudding link. Why even try? Why even waste your time?

>> No.13030935

I can totally chip in with info and real $ for this. We don't have flags, so we might aswell use pajeets/venezuela to pump this for around 1000$ to reach 99% of the crypto twitter/reddit/etc.

>> No.13030947


>> No.13030948

Someone actually attempted this in the past, by making a chainlink instagram and buying 500 followers.

nothing came of it

>> No.13030981
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I can't believe I put in money to watch some fat russian scammer eat big Macs and built alarm clocks and thermostats. Now they're building a website like it's the 1990s and it seems to be taking a lot longer than normal.

>> No.13031018

>implying skirt is no pants

>> No.13031097

gain height

>> No.13031175

Not sure what you’re going for here.

>> No.13031337

Helping OP shill. What do you mean

>> No.13031438

>being this redpilled on LINK
>losing patience and disengaging stealth/disinformation mode before 1 SEP
not gonna make it