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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 19 KB, 480x360, vidt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13029542 No.13029542 [Reply] [Original]

listen you fucks
it's not on CMC
it's only on idex since this week
it has an operational platform on preventing document fraud
it has airbus space and defence as a client
it doesnt have pajeets in the team

if u fucking fags do not invest in VIDT now u will forever regret it.

>> No.13029583

Looks promising, throwing a few gwei in it.

>> No.13030203

The fuck is this

>> No.13030458

This is the new LTO and CHX. Hooooly fuck lets start the shitshow

>> No.13030478

It’s a fucking gem. Volume is up! Something is cooking. I’m going in.

>> No.13030573

has it done an ico?

>> No.13030627



Team and MVP is solid. 100x here we go.

>> No.13030722

And met their roadmap deadlines

Binance listing to happen in Q2

>> No.13030889

Yes I can confirm the binance entry!

>> No.13031245

Delete this! Do you know what you have done?

>> No.13031268


>> No.13031436

Organizations are assigned a wallet and must purchase bundles of VIDT to pay for all verifications on the network. The purchase of the tokens is handled by the team.

>> No.13031489

Team taking away the hurdle for organizations to get tokens sounds as a decent solution for adoption

>> No.13031509

This shit is flying so low.under the radar right now.


Finally feel like I got into my first Sub 1M gem. Thanks anons

>> No.13031529

Nice. Current market cap?

>> No.13031533

Can’t wait to get rekd

>> No.13031543

Roughly 740k?

>> No.13031559

haha the one on idex isnt the actual right token you are retarded if you buy

>> No.13031570


>> No.13031603

It is the right one it says on their website

>> No.13031636


>> No.13031706


Is this a joke? This thing hasn't been updated in 7 months, 8 fucking commits, are we really investing in hackaton projects now?

>> No.13031718

This is the only contributor

People can call LTO a scam all they want, they at least have a team with a strong github. This is so bad I can't believe people would put money into it. This is crypto though, I guess I shouldn't even be surprised if it ends up pumping

>> No.13031724

This is just the sourcecode of the token itself. You can’t update that, it lives in the blockchain now

>> No.13031726 [DELETED] 

implying banks and govs arent working on their own enterprise solutions, digital ids, etc. pathetic vaporware

>> No.13031733

I'm fine with that, but this repo is the only repo they have, there is no sign of life besides it

>> No.13031740

Many projects going private repo now. Their solution uses other public and private blockchains to index information.

>> No.13031815

Kek, same. But first I got a short waiting for liquidation. Gotta pay (((their))) shekels

>> No.13031835

Did not expect this to take off so quick but you were right. It gets near chx now

>> No.13031860

its up 50% already, not gonna invest in a pumped token

>> No.13031913

Thats what I said when LTO went from 780K marketcap to 1.2 Mill. Then it fucking 7xed from there. You're new,

>> No.13031933

From the absolute bottom. That's nothing.

>> No.13032002

I fucking missed LTO when it was at 800-900k marketcap and watched it moon all the way to 5-6 mill marketcap. Is this going to Pull and LTO??
If so
How much to make it?

>> No.13032138

up 70% ho ho ho... no, just no

>> No.13032165

I'm in. This looks really good..

>> No.13032205 [DELETED] 


join our discord today, if you want to discuss trading opportunities and hidden gems / pumps on tradeogre. over 20 anons are on our team already don't miss out.

discord : dPEvmKc

>> No.13032577

I asked Blockfolio admin in tg and we are now on block

>> No.13032758

So..... Docusign on blockchain? Why does it need to be on blockchain?

Why does it need a token?

>> No.13033000

Is there a telegram for this coin? Haven't found one on their website.

>> No.13033014


>> No.13033147

see? I bought the absolute top and it now retraces. fuck this shit

>> No.13033515

Are you new? This is the first of the shilling AND the market cap is like 900k with a working product and partnerships. Look at LTO and how it went from 700k mcap to 7mill cap.

>> No.13033994

No pajeets in this project, just jooz?

>> No.13034011

Why no fud in here

>> No.13034026
File: 54 KB, 704x594, yeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still no confirmed new exchange
this will just be a new pump and dump token on idex for a while

>> No.13034119

With serious volume on idex, its far easier to get listed on decent exchanges.

This form of attention is what most other tokens will never reach. Expect more threads in the coming days until it hits LTO levels

>> No.13034147
File: 16 KB, 399x400, sweatypepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm unironically getting ORI/LTO vibes.

>> No.13034188

Look at the orderbook. Hardly anyone is selling at these prices anon

>> No.13034226

That's why I'm getting the vibes man, also based 88 dubs.

>> No.13034271

Market cap is even lower than we think too. The founders supply is locked up for 5 years with only 20% released per year. Also the tokens will get locked up by actual enterprises using VITD. This is like LTO but better because the supply cant be fudded.

>> No.13034299

no smelly pajeets, nor russian scammers

>> No.13034325

haha look! another discord p&d. fuck off pajeets

>> No.13034394

cappin this for when this 10xs.

>> No.13034444

so, whats the actual market cap?

>> No.13034495

Put some eth around 9000 and u will be fine, weak hands are selling for just 2x

>> No.13034562

There is a newschannel.
See t.me/vidtoken

>> No.13034879

Looks promising.

>> No.13034923

What's the market cap?

>> No.13034964

Growth is there. Hardly any selling. Very promising this! Looks like this is only the beginning of a steep rise up.

>> No.13034983

This is the new Factom but even better and more partners (clients) early on


>> No.13035494

MC Still under 1 million kek. This should be at least 7-10 million with an already working product and partnerships. Not even on CMC yet and only 1 exchange.

>> No.13035602


>> No.13035673

This is a legitimately interestig project.
Seems like it is owned by Wididi BV in the Netherlands. Wididi appears to be active since 2008 in Secure Information Management with an additional office in the UK.


Here you would be able to get a PDF balance sheet by year if someone wants to look into their financials. (it costs 3 euro and I'm a cheap bastard, fuck you).

>> No.13035691

Actual use case.

>> No.13036323

Is this the new shill coin?

>> No.13036327

yes, the new p&d. DON'T GET IN

>> No.13036402

It's gonna retrace back down to 8k, would just let it dump.

>> No.13036413

They were caught for embezzlement LOL. In fucking Iran! You guys get scammed so fucking easy

>> No.13036419


>> No.13036446

You might be kept waiting a long time. Anon wants cheap bags.

>> No.13036466

This is an established company that has been doing information management for over 10 years.

V-iD is their new product based on blockchain tech. This is easily a Factom tier coin at the very least.

>> No.13036471

The fucking market cap is also almost 12m look up the embezzlement shit faggot

>> No.13036496

Can't find anything about that... Do you have a link?

>> No.13036527

whats the circulating supply on this thing

>> No.13036603

Circulating supply is about 74M

>> No.13036620

Lmao what a terrible shill thread

>> No.13036628

Just got it confirmed:

Total Supply:
64,301,527 VIDT

4,403 addresses


So it is in fact sub 1m mcap.

>> No.13036634


The market cap is nowhere near 12M retard. Closer to 1M. And there's no Iran embezzlement BS. Fuck you discord fuders are annoying

>> No.13036774

Obviously the next lto / qnt but "they" (discord faggots) gonna fud it loud

>> No.13036789

Unfortunately they're going to fud any decent new project. Just ignore them this speaks for itself imo

>> No.13036888

These faggots are massively buying at ath right now, it gonna do a x2 before it dumps a bit

>> No.13036996

threw 2eth into this for fun

thanks for the heads-up

>> No.13037282
File: 26 KB, 713x611, 1549807015658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got a little stack lets see where this is heading

>> No.13037306
File: 8 KB, 632x141, comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling comfy as fucky

>> No.13037345

Yeahthis is one of those that you just buy up because it’s a 1m market cap and should be 10m already

>> No.13037350

Dipped a toe in the water yesterday, should have done a lot more, it's doubled. Now the only catch is knowing when to get out...

>> No.13037391

im considering maybe just go all in for the lulz
what should i do

>> No.13037410
File: 34 KB, 626x717, 1552681370559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not even on coingecko..

>> No.13037412

You're not alone.
We're never going to make it out of wagecucking with the top 50 coins...

>> No.13037416

Just do it faggot. Your 100$ is peanut

>> No.13037427

not even plural, just one fuckin peanut wow

>> No.13037449

Reeks of TWU

>> No.13037455

yeah youre right m8

>> No.13037575

but its just gambling now

>> No.13037620

Well their parent company (https://www.wididi.com/)) is legit though... 5-10 million euro yearly revenue, office in UK and NL, 10+ years old, real patnerships with big names.

Asked a question to the guy in their Telegram earlier and he replied within a minute and very extensively.

They seem to be dedicated to make their blockchain platform work so I'm inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.13037672

You can literally see they are unloading bags on biz idiots. wtf

>> No.13037703
File: 96 KB, 577x434, 3453456546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's crashing AHHHHHH biz told me this was the next LTO AHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.13037749

where the fuck is the team? can't find anything on the site or linkedin

>> No.13037755

Just trade the waves, biztard

>> No.13037756
File: 32 KB, 750x165, AEE778CF-29DC-485E-B858-B6D4F5A13FDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1/10th the ICO price. Holy fook!

>> No.13037784



>> No.13037835

this is such a scam its not even funny lmao congratz on convincing retards to buy your bags

>> No.13037843
File: 480 KB, 3632x3300, 1529787731043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant believe i fomo'd again in a complete shitcoin
this is it, when this crashes i'll be completely whipped out
what have you done to me /biz/

>> No.13037854
File: 18 KB, 180x200, fonejacker_isp_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone fall for this in 2019?

>> No.13037892
File: 5 KB, 211x239, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks. there's also more details on them in the whitepaper if anyone's interested.
see pic

>> No.13037904

sure buddy, enjoy getting rekt

>> No.13037978

The only thing funny is that your punk ass will be left behind and you will fomo in at 15x

>> No.13038024

no i won't rangeesh but nice try

>> No.13038155

The team is on their white paper


They just added the former fucking CTO of American Express


>> No.13038182

Where can I buy this?

>> No.13038198

its on idex

>> No.13038431

> They just added the former fucking CTO of American Express

Holy fuck, did not know this.
Fucking wish the spread on idex was tighter.

>> No.13038820

already missed out on this gem FUCK

>> No.13038885

why does it keep pumping AAARGH

>> No.13038936
File: 14 KB, 282x179, brainlets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks it's too late

>> No.13038938

fuck me of this turns out to be lto

>> No.13038953


It is, I'm dumping my presale. Thanks for buying my bags

>> No.13038971

The cope is real

>> No.13038983


Keep your eyes peeled.

Or don't, I don't really care either way, I got my profits and still getting more

>> No.13039053

Dump all the entirety of your 100$ coins, fren. You won't make it and that's okay.

>> No.13039054

Just bought 1 ETH worth for giggles

>> No.13039121
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1540168839503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you niggers stop scaring the sellers? don't market buy just put a buy order JEEEEZZZ

>> No.13039132



>> No.13039158


You failed to understand why the token is needed... it's not, at all.

It's only used as an abstraction over a standard monthly fee from any company e.g. company purchase 100 VIDT, use 100 VIDT for validations, 100 VIDT goes back to V-ID, company uses fiat to buy VIDT right back off private company (not open market) and it repeats in a cycle only ever earning V-ID fiat as a private company and no way for the price of the token to increase, there is no tokenomics other than a monthly fee abstraction.

I knew this when buying into the pre-sale, but we're also starting a new bull season and know the brainlets are back to buy bags of worthless crap.

Enjoy them

>> No.13039171

yo, any of you with huge bag, please dump to my buy order at 13k range please

>> No.13039179

Already 2.5M in marketcap after pumping 8x in the past days.

"V-ID tokens will serve as a native payment system for validation and the sale event allows you to buy V-ID tokens with significant bonuses. "

Utility garbage shitcoin. But what's funnier is that it's nothing but a notarizer. You can find the same type of app on the $FLO blockchain


And it didn't require an ICO and a 50% allocation of tokens to the team. Fuck off with this shitcoin

>> No.13039184

I don't care if it's useless token or scam or whatever, just let me in AAAARGH

>> No.13039204

Huge buy signals here guys.

>> No.13039214


>> No.13039218

They're never going to do that.

>> No.13039221
File: 3 KB, 125x124, megakek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a SCAM!

>> No.13039232


>> No.13039239

It's what the plan says. Who are you to say they won't do it?

>> No.13039248

He’s just trying to fill his bags

>> No.13039259
File: 297 KB, 1206x1106, Screen Shot 2019-03-16 at 6.07.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CMO of Digibyte is shilling VIDT. NO VIDTERS GET REKT

>> No.13039267
File: 169 KB, 646x700, 1518107464416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13039269


OP hero.

Thanks for the 400%

>> No.13039270


>> No.13039286

I see that the crypto markets is still full of retards.

That idiot bought 100eth of utility shitcoin and insta pumped it to 10M in marketcap (4x instantly)

True fucking idiots in this space. Also, the CMO of Digibyte, LMFAO, since Digibyte is another useless shitcoin

>> No.13039288
File: 11 KB, 480x360, 1539552693106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah praise OP

>> No.13039291

Lol who just got memed on. I bet they were from here.

>> No.13039297


>> No.13039308
File: 150 KB, 550x550, 1i7v3B7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A slight pull back...profit taking

>> No.13039312

I think you are the retarded one. All of us are in on VIDT making gains while you watch from the sidelines. ALSO- market cap isnt 10 million. IF you did an ounce of research you would know that a SHITLOAD of tokens were burned that didnt sell in the ICO. Total supply isnt 64million and even part of that is locked up by founders for next 5 years. HAHHA are at like 2 mill cap and will be at 10 mill in few days.

>> No.13039317
File: 4 KB, 199x96, idumpedonyoubiz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least I doubled my money kek. thanks biz.
now back to usual grind. It may be pump moar, but I'm not gonna risk it anymore.

>> No.13039330

Doesnt count as a dump if the ones you are "dumping" on are going to make more money than you lmao. I know the next exchange this is getting listed on. Remember LTO? I think ill be quiet now.

>> No.13039348

Yeah, Bitmax likes to list SCAMS like this

>> No.13039355
File: 69 KB, 306x331, 1472854604506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13039356

guys should i put in 800 dollars now? I got burned a lil bit with this gamble money last time, do yous think it'll pump more or will i wait for dip

>> No.13039377

maybe retrace a little bit but the signals show a moon mission

>> No.13039378

there will be no further dip, quick maket buy my sell order at 40k

>> No.13039384


What gains are you making, retard ? With 100eth you can drop the price by 80 percent lol

You aren't making shit, and that guy who bought like a true fucking 4chan idiot at the top (10M marketcap after he pumped by 4x) will have to sell all his coins at a loss in a few minutes/hours

What a herd of fucking imbeciles. I bet that you didn't even calculate the supply/marketcap before you bought because it wasn't on CMC

>> No.13039404

that was a fairly large dip...........

>> No.13039406

It's over. Good work today guys. Rajneesh are you still coming over for falooda later?

>> No.13039426
File: 150 KB, 807x760, honkhonk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the 2x, just sold, I only hope it pulls back and I can get in again.

>> No.13039451

Go to etherscan and search "VIDT"
Total supply X current price = market cap

64,301,527.25 VIDT X .035 = 2.25 mill cap

Its actually lower than this though because the founders tokens are locked up for 5 years.

How does it feel to miss out? I mean you still have time before we pull another 5x .Up to you bud.

>> No.13039457

gonna be a lot of people caught on the wrong side of this one

>> No.13039458

I think I'll hold some until it gets off Idex. I don't think it'll Ucash but it should be good

>> No.13039472

who's actually pushing this? literally 0 mentions of this piece of shite besides pajeets on twitter

>> No.13039506

its damping lol

>> No.13039720

Damping? This shit is only just getting starting...

>> No.13039722

learn how to write ganjeesh

>> No.13039822

late to get in?

>> No.13039831
File: 602 KB, 1437x1063, 1549149164050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its now going for round 2
get in now or never

>> No.13039836

idk is 2.2 mill cap too late to get in on a project with a working product, actual partnerships, not even on CMC yet, and only on one exchange?

>> No.13039854

Not sure how smart it is to buy +250% token

>> No.13039870

the people who are shilling this are probably creating these fake buy walls and will pull the rug when they feel like it, this shitcoin is literally unknown to everyone, even if it pumps 1000% i wouldnt touch it, be smart

>> No.13039872

thats fair but this is low cap. Low caps can be different. I bought lto on a 150%gain then it went up 500%. Do what you want. Ill hold for a bit longer.

>> No.13039895

lto had major shills even before it started to pump after the dump, this on the other hand is literally unknown, if you treat this a gamble i guess its fine

>> No.13039916

anywhere else to view the chart that isn't fucking idex

>> No.13039941

i dont think so

>> No.13039973

what is INNBCL and why is it also going parabolic

>> No.13039976
File: 35 KB, 711x633, 1540663305295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the price dafuq

>> No.13039987

Should be a trading view one available soon ;)

>> No.13039990

>he didn't buy Imbecile

>> No.13040000
File: 63 KB, 1783x700, innbcl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a literal AIDS coin.......no joke check out the website

>> No.13040006
File: 75 KB, 1305x607, aidscoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they say they have a binance application LMAO

>> No.13040020

It's about to retest the 24 hour high now.

I'm sure it'll drop a little bit once that hits, but it's still catching on in the community (couple of twitter mentions etc) so I feel like people will still try and jump in on the next low and explore new highs in the next day or two before settling.

I got out earlier today when it seemed to waiver and regretted it, but came back in and still got a healthy improvement...

>> No.13040029
File: 169 KB, 459x475, 1541448968097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13040034

i need to go to bed soon but i dont want to miss smth...

>> No.13040046

It's smart if the market cap is still small like it is now. Realistically this is going between 5-10m.

>> No.13040072

How does it feel to be exposed, biz?

>> No.13040078
File: 651 KB, 958x512, 1438272640411.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously how much would these be worth at 10m

>> No.13040095

If you look at the bids and asks, you can see if it reaches slightly over 0.0005 there's a hefty sell order of something like 48 eth ~$7,000, and there are some decent buys on the bids if it drops back down to 0.0002 or so, so if those stand I think it can explore in the 0.0004 range, almost 0.0005 before the first big drop. Of course nothing stopping someone from doing some market orders in there at any time.

A couple of news posts on twitter mention a 15% drop yesterday and a 56% jump today.... so they haven't caught wind of the big gains, so tomorrow these same places will probably be talking about it regarding hundreds of % jump, and then you get FOMO people trying to jump in at that point.

Who knows though, it's speculation...

>> No.13040123

around 20 cents, currently around the 5 cent mark

>> No.13040124

Then you get blockchain brad shills and other youtubers making videos on this for their sheep following who buy what ever they “review”. Smart money knows this and is waiting for maximum gains.

>> No.13040138

so you just hold until the next days are over?

>> No.13040154


tfw I bought at .00012 but only put in 1.5 eth

I always go safe when shit moons and when I go all in it does nothing

>> No.13040158

I will be comfy holding the next few days and allow for natural developments to unfold.. more announcements, cmc listings, parternships, new exchanges. I did my dyor, you dyor and decide for yourself.

>> No.13040162


Indeed. We know it's going to dump and settle eventually but it may still just be getting started since it hasn't caught on yet by youtubers and such with larger followings... so what seems high now might be just fine as a jump in point considering it hasn't even gone viral yet.

Even after a possible auto sell drop, if it happens early enough there should be plenty of times to find new highs before it finally drops and settles.

>> No.13040166

literally 6 hours after Suppoman uploads a video on this in the next few days, sell

>> No.13040182

Thanks Op, I’m in since 0,00007 last evening Thanks to you.

>> No.13040203
File: 22 KB, 320x240, 1539553892358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright i will hold a smaller stack and be safe with my gains
going to bed now thanks for the ride

>> No.13040298

Someone is confident.... there's a sell order of 426 eth (~$60,000) if it eventually reaches 0.009999

I wonder if that's the owners XD

>> No.13040372

wave 2 boys

>> No.13040395

I'm mad as fuck. Tried buying this bullshit at +100%. Now it's over +400% and I have a buy order at what looks like support.

missed this shit by fucking 10 minutes and I refuse to buy the top of a 6x pump.

>> No.13040453

New 24hr high 0.0004302

Between 0.00048 and 0.00050 there are a few "big" asks (20, 29, 48 Eth) which will probably end up with the first big dip unless they cancel... then it's a matter of if people panic and sell, or just wait, since there's still that social media viral pump likely coming.

A lot of people only use Coinbase or maybe Binance, so once they learn of IDEX by their youtube mentors it may spike again after.

>> No.13041064

thank you sir very good sir

>> No.13041076
File: 193 KB, 1125x817, 1552776909419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you faggots are penny pinching this coin right now.

>> No.13041084

For those waiting for the first big dip, here it is. Now we wait and see if people jump in and it pumps, or get the hell out and it dies

>> No.13041281

whoaaaa goys someone is buying the dip! JK guys it was just me

>> No.13041297


>> No.13041440

Where can you even buy this fucking coin

>> No.13041442

God bless you anon IDEX

>> No.13041464

I’m going all in on this. 700,000 shekels

>> No.13041479

No coincidence that I also just purchased 700,000 shekels worth just moments ago

>> No.13041484


>> No.13041505


>> No.13041514

you pajeets disgust me

>> No.13041522
File: 71 KB, 800x748, 1531775889288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its gonna go sideways for another couple hours then pump again isnt it

>> No.13041536
File: 34 KB, 680x649, boomer dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you bet

>> No.13041550

>ICO 15 SEP 2018 - 14 OCT 2018 (0.15 USD = 1.0 VIDT)

we can literately 3X from here and still be below ICO price. Get in now to be super comfy when this takes off further.

>> No.13041559

That feeling when it's so low marketcap that plus or minus 10 Eth makes waves

>> No.13041571 [DELETED] 

6m marketcap

>> No.13041587


>> No.13041856
File: 20 KB, 697x228, Screenshot_43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who else /comfy/?

>> No.13041864

Oh I was comfy level 10
But then I found out V-ID is working with IBM and now Im comfy level 1000

>> No.13041870

me and every other anti-brainlet who bought this holy coin for obvious reasons...i'll go in with another 1ETH rn

>> No.13042138

So just woke up and seeing its about to break out again. What a beautiful coin.

Should we get a subtle marketing campaign going on plebbit, Twitter, YouTube etc. soon?

What do you think anons? I want this to atleast x10 in a week from now on.

>> No.13042146

such a shill fest. gtfo our board

>> No.13042164

Its a discord p&d. Dont buy this scam

>> No.13042170


>> No.13042187

Flo is just a simple pump and dump by the developers.

I want to warn you guys about the Flo project. I think the developers have been coordinating a large pump & dump. Development has stalled, all deadlines are being missed. There are no actual production ready apps on their blockchain despite the constant misinformation that tZero/Medici are using Flo. It's been proven that Flo is only being used to test, meanwhile they plan to use Rvn. Disclosure by OSTK of ownership in RVN has been given. No disclosure of any holdings of Flo. Beware. All talk of positive price in their telegram is acceptable, any talk of price that isn't moonboy results in user ban.

Don't be fooled. Twu and his crew are just trying to dump their bags on you.

Listen for yourself! Rvn protocol will be adding all of the same features that Flo has by the end of Q1 2019.


>> No.13042461

Prove it fucker

>> No.13042469

Sure. this token deserves much more love.
Let the world know!

>> No.13042481


And this is just the beginning my friend

>> No.13042653
File: 60 KB, 699x485, 1546981972315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im back again, should i go all in again?
or wait it out a bit

>> No.13042721

Agree that this is just the beginning. Comparing this with other recent jumps this can go easily another 3 tot 5X. I'll be bagging more.

>> No.13043058

would be nice

>> No.13043079

its now the top volume on idex frens

>> No.13043150

thats because all last night, while you faggots were low energy and sleeping, I was maximizing my bags and preparing myself for the moon mission that we will have in the next coming days

>> No.13043213

I'm ready to dump 50-100 ETH. Get your shit

>> No.13043215

i stayed up late and didnt sleep very long fren because i dont want to miss smth

>> No.13043225

dump 100 eth to buy? wait a sec fren

>> No.13043255

okay all good thanks

>> No.13043262

We are waiting for you faggot

>> No.13043431

I was worried this was a PnD then I saw IBM and was shook

>> No.13043444

Token buy back and token burn program. Airbus defence and space. Baanvelgen.

Very transparant token supply and team lock up policy (5years)

>> No.13043463
File: 125 KB, 1180x853, 86nCEiux0R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13043529

Top 25 VI-D address slut here...Who else feeling cozy

>> No.13043575

Is this the end of the first wave? May cool off for a couple of days here. Maybe not...

>> No.13043609

daamp eet
sold my stack for now
maybe buy back in later

>> No.13043611

top 15 faggit, allined yesterday (except dor 10k link for the memes)

>> No.13043688

Beautiful sir just beautiful