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13028121 No.13028121 [Reply] [Original]

Shill me your favorite Gen 4 shitcoin

>> No.13028204

Urbit. Technically been in development since 2002 and ownable since 2013 but it just became tradable 2 months ago.

>> No.13028224

if something actually generated prime numbers it would be an actual use case, since it's currently impoosible to do so. that's why most encryption algorithms rely on it.

>> No.13028243

2 mlns here lol

>> No.13028283

I hope it becomes fuckable soon

>> No.13028290

Primecoin is a pretty damn good coin. So is namecoin but it's quickly becoming irrelevant.

>> No.13028415

Blockmesh : Blockchain solving real needs for real problems. Adoption happening, will be the most adopted coin on the entire Continent of Africa (1.2 billion ppl) after they integrate with partner . And about a $400k market cap. Easy, quick 10x if any of the rumors are true.

>> No.13028689

NKN without question should be your biggest bag.
Second would be Fantom. Dyor

>> No.13028735
File: 130 KB, 749x1200, DyZC6wzWsAIGmDS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

65536 stars currently selling for 32eth each.
With each star you get 65,536 planets(identities)
4 billion planets in total, one for each humans. (No niggers allowed)
This is going to be a slow burner but a top 10 mktcap coin easy.

>> No.13028758
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FLETA easily. This generation's small cap andromeda mission.

>> No.13028794
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>> No.13029027

It's more like 1 planet per nuclear family. Third world villages will probably share a planet. Planets will probably not be a scarce resource in our lifetime even if Urbit blows up.

That said, this is unironically what you want to buy if you missed the Bitcoin and Ethereum runs. I bought 3 for 25 ETH though. I got extrenely lucky and found an OTC deal between Azimuth launch and OpenSea listing.

>> No.13029031

/g/ has been shitting on Urbit, so I'll stay away.

>> No.13029074

I saw that thread. There are some very valid criticisms of Urbit. Make your own opinion about it though, don't listen to autistic NEETs on a racist anime forum. I researched it daily for about 7 months before I bought my stars.

>> No.13029128

Admittedly, it's a project that I'm interested in, but it's so obscure and has been for so long that I have no idea if it's a legitimate project. That's mostly what scares me away

>> No.13029310

You have plenty of time to make up your mind. Some Anons have predicted that star prices will go down in the mid-term as more people get their assets on OpenSea. I'm biased because I have a friend who literally chills with the Tlon team and has attested to their strong dev skills. I would absolutely not recommend market buying a star at these prices to someone who's on the fence about it.

>> No.13029330

holo the new kind of feet coin
dremo muh blockdag coin
muh gandelf magick network new kind of neet coin
the non-existent fantom network coin
the iotex pajeet shill coin
cova the new coval coin

>> No.13029343

Thanks anon, I'm definitely going to keep my eye on it. If prices go down, I'll definitely pick up a star. It seems really akin to Bitcoin in many ways like being obscure and hobbyist