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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13024438 No.13024438[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]



>> No.13024444


>> No.13024451


>> No.13024455

go back to youre containment board. this is a place for business and finance u insufferable faggot

>> No.13024460 [DELETED] 

we are cumming in waves

>> No.13024461

Hes a live and currently removing Kabobs without being arrested?

>> No.13024466
File: 14 KB, 300x300, carlos_yelling_bitconnect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13024471


Why the fuck are you laughing? Because he made more money than you?

>> No.13024478

seething rajeet

>> No.13024490

While watching the video i knew for a fact this was the cause of crypto crashing

>> No.13024493

Link to pol thread?

>> No.13024498

>I did not attend university because I had no great interest in anything they offered to study
>I had little interest in education
Low IQ cope

>> No.13024501
File: 620 KB, 1212x1362, OH ALLAH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about no, Amir?

>> No.13024529

this is like half of /pol/ atm, livestream was fucking insane

>> No.13024542
File: 2.51 MB, 360x360, 1549243996405.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13024574

video of the culling as well

>> No.13024585
File: 189 KB, 255x255, 1238457348.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Aren't you guys trying to put an Asian dude in the white house or something right now? Go fucking do your little one thousand dollar memes and get us biz chads a true shot at a collapsing economy due to a fucking UBI.

Then you can make fun of crypto holders while everything falls apart and the USD goes into hype inflation. You will be laughing so fucking hard too.

>> No.13024587

>kebab removalist

/pol/ basically guilty of murder

>> No.13024600

/pol/ is a board of peace

>> No.13024634

Hold on, is it the New Zealand mosque shooting? It's in the same city as Cryptopia HQ, what a coincidence....

>> No.13024735

>you guys
you mean the same groups that have spent the last 3 years shilling/astroturfing /pol/? No, /pol/ is not trying to put LE FREE MONEY MAN in office.

>> No.13024741

we really need to encourage more heros to fight the shitskin problem

>> No.13024756

even better. a few good men can really make a difference in a small country like that

>> No.13024877

Footage was so fucked. The random pewdiepie shoutout threw me off guard for a second though.

>> No.13024900

> No, /pol/ is not trying to put LE FREE MONEY MAN in office.

sure about that?
You have two options right now.
> Trump
> Accelerationism

One is guaranteed to get results. When crypto bottoms out everyone will be a shill for the guaranteed results. Now get to fucking work dumbasses

>> No.13024916

Okay, this is epic

>> No.13024943

Kys faggot

>> No.13024963
File: 15 KB, 306x337, remover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You and your family are not safe if you have invaded a white european nation, Muzzie.

>> No.13024967

>invests in BITCONNECT
>one of the few that made money
Still went insane, what a fucked up world

>> No.13024976

sorry, im white so that wouldn't be going in the right direction.

>> No.13024978

/pol/ack better not get this mongolian basket weaving forum taken down. This place is essential to effective shitcoin harvesting.

>> No.13024982

He saw more clearly than anybody else, and took action to defend his homeland. He was not insane. He acted with purpose, knowing his life was forfeit.

>> No.13024989

seriously, it's a sacrifice i'm not willing to make right now, but those who do act need to be commended.

>> No.13025014

If they do it just gives some neckbeards the excuse to decentralize 4chan. Then we can be free of centralized censorship as well.

>> No.13025038

smol world

>> No.13025042

>If they do it just gives some neckbeards the excuse to decentralize 4chan. Then we can be free of centralized censorship as well.

It already exists

>> No.13025051

But did you subscribe?

>> No.13025054

>took action to defend his homeland
if anything he just made it 100x worse for every white man with something they care for. He doesn't seem like an idiot so he should've known this.

Anti-white propaganda will be much heavier after this and it'll be his doing. There's no way he wasn't assisted by (()), it's going so well in their favor rn

>> No.13025059

Also the shooter was obviously joking. He also said Candace Owens radicalized him (but was "too radical, even for me").

>> No.13025085

you can't propagandize the majority of a country, especially somewhere like NZ. deep down everybody understands what needs to be done, they just all differ in opinions in how to get there.

>> No.13025087

Been here since 2007 on and off. Nothing would make me happier than seeing this place get shut down.

>> No.13025096

Stop same fagging you moron. Also this shit is kind of obviously a false flag if he fucking made a Pewdiepie joke while shooting people. That's a little too on the nose.

>> No.13025148


>> No.13025151

>Stop same fagging you moron. Also this shit is kind of obviously a false flag if he fucking made a Pewdiepie joke while shooting people. That's a little too on the nose.
The shooters were so deep down in nihilism they neither cared for the lives they're taking nor their own, so they were completely indifferent to their actions while joking around. We now hit the point where ironic mass murders are a thing, and clown world is barely talking off. Meme mass suicides are probably the next step.

>> No.13025155

Look ma, we got a loonie toons conspiracy theorist here.

>> No.13025186

And perpetuate the stereotype that all White men are vile, racist gun-loving violent mass murderers? Uh-huh...right. Not all of us are like you, and this is just more fuel for the hard left. If you want change, engage in politics, you fucking moron.

>> No.13025199

>Look ma, we got a loonie toons conspiracy theorist here.

Hes basically a hit piece for Candace Owens and Piediepie. Gun is tricked out with a red dot scope and "customized" kinda like dem dere vidya and call of doooty. Camera angle is even reminiscent of a FPS. Its pretty fucking deliberate even if unintended to some extent he basically is the poster child of pol. And now I see fake people same fagging and saying completely bullshit things like "hes our hero" HAHAHA

ITS TOO OBVIOUS. I don't normally buy into the false flag shit but this is WAY to clear cut to not notice all the details. The fact alone that this thread has not be closed yet is an indication the Janny is either not aware of the thread or allowing it to fester.

When it is clearly breaking biz rules.

>Meme mass suicides are probably the next step.

When were those not memes/

>> No.13025209

Don't bother arguing with these fake mother fuckers. kek

>> No.13025216

>White guy shoots up a bunch of muslems
>biz: why did the muslems do this
The absolute fucking state of the schizo scum in this utter shithole.

>> No.13025217

>g-g-guys? can we please have a vote on a-a-a-a little bit less i-i-immigration?
shut up retarded boomer. this was not a flase flag.

>> No.13025229

>shut up retarded boomer. this was not a flase flag.

I said it looks like one. And if you disagree your an idiot. Also most of the posts in this thread are too similar and they look fake as fuck. This stinks.

Go back to pol

>> No.13025232

>manifesto saturated with memes
>shooter references pewdiepie (who joked about bitconnect)
Nothing but brainlets on this board.

>> No.13025240

>same fagging
nice try, shitskin

>> No.13025248

why does that matter once we've rid these countries of pests? action is taken in politics, trump, brexit, we can already see a nice amount of progress in the right direction, but there are always people for whom that isn't fast enough.

>> No.13025249

I just want muslims to stay in their shithole countries, or at the very least for us to stop handing them welfare benefits and citizenship like it is nothing

>> No.13025252

you're part of the problem, nbody needs useful idiots

>> No.13025280

It's physically impossible to get rid of an entire race of people, but doubly so in countries that allow their citizens to bear arms.

>> No.13025281

you an idiot, he shot 30 people

>> No.13025287

Ok so basically

> We really need to prevent people like Piediepie and Candace Owens from radicalizing 4chan.
> Cryptocurrency can be used to buy guns!!
> Vidya germs gave him the idea to shoot people.
> He was a member of hacker terrorist group anonymous.
> OMG he watched Styx Hexen Hammer666 and Sargon Of Akkad! They radicalized him too!!
> OMG Look at all these poltards saying he is "Our guy"
> This is obviously all Donald Trumps doing!

Pol tier thread on biz not even talking about money not getting shut down.
Its like I can see into the future.

>> No.13025288

I'm starting to care less and less about the world man. I just wanna get rich with my shitcoins and hole up somewhere where I can enjoy life and fish every weekend.

>> No.13025293

>you an idiot, he shot 30 people

While wearing a 4chan T shirt and matching socks.

>> No.13025299

He went up to all the corpses and shot them in the head twice including people on the sidewalk. Im surprised he didn't start with the woman on the sidewalk when he first walked in.

>> No.13025308

Word has it the shooter is Richard Spencer's father's, cousin's, sister's, nephew's former roommate.

>> No.13025313

This guy is obviously low iq who got lucky in the ponzi scheme that was bitconnect. Kebab removal specialist? Wtf. He said he always got low grades in school and didn't make the cut for college.

>> No.13025322

Oh the shooter DEFINITELY used Gab and Dissenter btw. ALMOST EXCLUSIVELY. That's how he got his Bitconnect of course. He was a member of the BLACK MARKET after all.

>> No.13025330

well burger are right, people should have the rights to bear arm

>> No.13025345

Statistics still say that less people die when guns are highly regulated/restricted. The shooter had 9? Confirmed kills so far. I thought i saw more. The people who sold him the guns need to be shut down.

>> No.13025349
File: 7 KB, 360x202, rstomper1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi I'm here to "remove kebabs"

>> No.13025358

>The people who sold him the guns need to be shut down.

He used evil Bitconnect coins which cant be traced!!! We have to ban Bitcoin because it can be used to buy guns! We need to restrict free speech as well, and that means Dissenter and 4chan have to be banned!


>> No.13025373

It’s fucking sarcasm, retards.

When asked for what games he played he answered that spyro the dragon taught him nationalism.

>> No.13025377



>> No.13025380

>Statistics still say that less people die when guns are highly regulated/restricted.

That's actually bullshit. It depends on the country, culture and geography. In many cases a lot of people had to be killed to get the guns in the first place. BY GUNS.

Also the fact this thread is still alive is bullshit. Lets start talking about Antifa or something then it gets closed right away.

>> No.13025394

You could easily kill 10+ people in a rented van, so removing guns won't have much of an impact on attacks like these

The easier, cheaper, faster and more common sense solution would be not to import millions of imcompatible migrants, whilst destroying every single moral foundation of society

>> No.13025415
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That's not true though

>> No.13025424
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>> No.13025431



>> No.13025435
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>> No.13025443
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>> No.13025456
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>> No.13025542

He didn't need to defend it, it's literally a stronghold for billionaires when the world goes to shit lmao
He would be fine. He literally jumped the gun on this one.

>> No.13025563

People who care for things are the worst, they'll defend the status quo no matter what because they think the alternative will ruin their livelihoods
If it wasn't for lazy sacks like that these problems would never have gotten so severe that people go on shooting sprees in the first place

>> No.13025580
File: 9 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the propaganda is just pissing off more white men to act like this
it's great

I want to thank bitconnect for making clown world a reality

>> No.13025595

Facebook live going down. Why does Facebook always have the exclusive,?

>> No.13025596
File: 562 KB, 809x446, Screenshot_7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After he killed the woman on the ground he DROVE over her body!!!

>> No.13025599

>Anti-white propaganda will be much heavier after this and it'll be his doing.

who cares at this point

>> No.13025604

look at all the weird shit he said
clearly he was doing some sick irl shitpost. the mention of bitconnect was just a nod to /biz/.

>> No.13025617

Shut up you narcissistic, whining resentful bitch. Nobody cares about your delusions of grandeur to, dur, protect against dur WhItE GeNoCiDe and ShAkIrA lAw

>> No.13025626

His manifesto was actually pretty good. It's logically sound at least.

>> No.13025634

He wasn't very logical at all, shot up randoms and some barely important sect of muslim mosque. Literally didn't accomplish anything but acceleration of propaganda against his own side.

>> No.13025650

worst is this going to fuel the other side, dont even feel safe after this. Why cant we just sit at home and look at the price chart?

>> No.13025651

I just visited pol and i literally wish every person on there would end it. The world would be a better place without people trying to incite a race war. One person posts a sad kiwi and gets attacked by 9 other pisters. They are all literal nazis. Nazis are not welcome on this board or on 4chan or in this world. Just end it.

>> No.13025670

he literally expalins everything in the manifesto that you're too much of an add riddled faggot to even read

>> No.13025671

If you read his manifesto you would know that was the point of the shooting.

>> No.13025676


>> No.13025677

Link it so i can vomit blood and shit and tears

>> No.13025680

It really wasn’t. It seemed so artificial and fake,

>> No.13025684

White guy here Bait yourself into a cannon blast

>> No.13025686

feel free to point out any holes in his logic

>> No.13025687

I've seen a bit of it, but accelerationism is just way to chaotic of a plan to have for a shooting. It can easily backfire and cause everything to be worse.
I guess the real question is, is slow decay of society where you still have a chance to fix things peacefully worth it over hard accelerationism, where you don't know if your actions will doom everyone else?

>> No.13025691

Well he literally shot up people in peaceful prayer. Literally saved zero white lives

>> No.13025712

Shooter was an "accelerationist". He wants to rapidly push for gun laws to change so gun owners will push back and start shooting.

It's far from logical. Riddled with errors mixed with lucid thoughts. Extremists from any groups make me angry. All they are doing is making it worse for everybody else.

Only went to /pol/ a handful of times. Good for breaking news stories, but that's about it.

Afraid that when I mention "I like driving to Eurobeat", I'll be accused to being some super racist thanks to dick with a gun.

Still, makes it all the sadder that people get killed all around the world from air strikes to drone strikes to mass executions by the "good guys" and "bad guys", and barely anyone blinks.

>> No.13025718

He now can list having experience in kebab removal on his resume.

>> No.13025741
File: 83 KB, 789x520, suicides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I had little interest in education during my schooling, barely achieving a
passing grade."

"I do not just expected to be released, but I also expect an eventual Nobel
Peace prize.As was awarded to the Terrorist Nelson Mandela once his
own people achieved victory and took power. I expect to be freed in 27 years from my incarceration, the same number
of years as Mandela, for the same crime."

Yeah, one guy walks around going "I want equality" and the other guy shoots up a bunch of people praying.

".Suicide rates climbing year by year, not just for adults, by
even teens and children as well and the only time people seem to even
notice is when one of their own idols commits the act(singers, sports stars, actors)."

Not true (pic related).

>> No.13025759

Question of our age, things seem pretty hopeless so I get why so many push for accerationism. Personally I don't think it'll matter the west is doomed either way in my opinion.
Its true for the US my dude, opioids starting kicking in post 2015 to make white life expectancy rates drop. Also its rather arbitrary to have non western european in the mix since it weakens your point.

>> No.13025761

This guy is the ultimate brainlet. If you can’t see that then you’re an even bigger dumbfuck and you should honestly consider killing yourself.

>> No.13025768

Faggot incels Kek the cope

>> No.13025778

None of those are holes in his logic. The first one is just a cheap insult. The second is factually true, Mandela was also a terrorist. The third is arguable.

Sad effort, really.

>> No.13025788

Ahmad Al-Mahmoud, 37, described the shooter as white-skinned, blond, quite short and wearing a helmet and a bulletproof vest.
lol fucking manlets

>> No.13025801

Hey yo man.

Opiate use has caused increased deaths among all races, white folk in particular. Just to "kill off the whites" doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

There's a huge heroin problem where I live in Illinois and a lot of black people are dying from ODing.

Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure this is a result of unintended consequences of pushing pain pills by big pharma (sold as non-addictive) and people who are unable to have pills then turn to street opiates, predominately heroin.

Two major causes of heroin overdose are:
-Those who relapse after a long period of abstaining and use their previous tolerated dose that their body cannot handle.

-Those who take heroin cut with other drugs to increase potency and end up dying as dealers and others down the supply chain generally don't have the equipment nor know how to properly mix drugs.

For those that stick to synthetic opiates, just one too many lands them in the ground.

I agree that opiate overdosing is a problem. A huge problem and there is a bit of a want to numb the pain. I've heard so many people say "I wish I never used heroin/oxys/fentanyl, etc".

Docs gotta be careful about prescribing. Sibling of mine had teeth surgery and was given 20 hydrocodone. No need for that many.

As far as the data, it was mixed in due to the site I used. Shows US, UK and Sweden. Generally, suicide rates are even or down since the 1950s.

>> No.13025808
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>> No.13025852

This, pretty bizarre that /biz/ of all places would let this meme fly over their heads.

He was memeing about bitconnect because he was a pathetic loser. He probably made money off of BTC or something, but the bitconnect thing is clearly a meme just like 99% of his “”””manifesto””””””

It’s so pathetic that there are subhuman scum on this website defending this sort of thing. Honestly Gook Moot needs to just shut this site down at this point, it’s full of actual autistic virgins who are going batshit insane over internet memes

>> No.13025866

god /pol/ should be taken down its full of assholes. Real people died ffs

>> No.13025873

Damn. There were 8 gun homicides in NZ in 2018. This guy did 40 killz in one day. White people are crazy. Imagine 1 white person being responsible for basically 99 percent of homicides. White people must be stopped

>> No.13025875

No I get that its something across races I'm just saying I think he's pointing out a increase in this hopeless-esc mentality in the west. I think he's wrong to attribute it to only whites in the west since I think its pervasive across all groups but especially those culturally western. Still I agree that big farma is a reason why its hitting hard but I think it has to do more with hopelessness in our culture which I think is more what he means. That all said and done I do remember hearing about how our suicide rate is increasing in the US but won't strongly defend it, just pointing out that a 15 year old graph and one that includes so many non-western states is not a great argument.

Also please don't space your posts like that its sorta attention grabby which is antithetical to this site.

>> No.13025887

>Muslim Turks

>> No.13025892
File: 1.43 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-03-12-00-47-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another day.... another false flag

>> No.13025939

No turks died though retard

>> No.13025947


So let them ramp up the pressure, it's not like they were ever going to stop until all whites are slaves or dead

>> No.13025952


>voting against hordes of retards who want free shit

Read the bell curve and realize democracy is organized robbery already

>> No.13025958


Yeah millions of underage girls getting raped as per instructions in the qu'ran isn't something to get mad over, right?

>> No.13025963


>> No.13025966

>mfw pol actually have their own jihadis now
How the fuck is horseshoe theory wrong in any way

>> No.13025974

the shitskin problem is the problem, not wanting to solve it.

in a place like nz? not really. there are few and you can bet any violence in the opposite direction is only going to fuel even more of these cullings. the only way to stop violence like this is to get to the root of the problem, shitskins in non-shitskin countries.

and acts like this only make nz a more lucrative location, ironically. nobody wants to be living on an island in the middle of nowhere at the end of the world and forced to share it with subhuman-tier cultures.

and that propaganda will do what, exactly? the media is already completely compromised on issues like this, because they would all rather take the cheaper labor than preserve the first world. why care what they have to say anymore at this point?

>> No.13025985

what am i coping with, exactly? nothing wrong with a bit of pest removal when your own government doesn't seem interested.

>> No.13025989

clown meme is starting to make sense now. We now live in clown world where people take jokes and memes seriously in their lives and kill people over it.
Explain to me the logic of billionaires wanting to live in a place full of unhinged people wanting a race war. It's merely good for resources and they can fix any issues by hiring people to do it for them.

>> No.13025997

Yeah the people that subscribe to extremist beliefs are just genuinely fucking dumb people, as in low IQ types. They are easily manipulated, baited and controlled — even by websites as goofy as 4chan. It’s mind boggling.

>> No.13026000

because the faster shitskins get expelled from island nations the better. we're a long way off from any kind of scenario that's going to cause the billionaires to flee there anyway, might as well get on with it now.

>> No.13026010

A brainlet like you would never be able to understand.

>> No.13026025

You can expel people peacefully by putting better leaders in place and having a culture which repels outsiders. Becoming an educator and teaching kids about these things would be way more effective than killing innocent people.

>> No.13026028

Kys faggot incel. We know you wanna. do it already you fucking pussy LMFAO

>> No.13026034

Kys. How does muslim dick taste like?

>> No.13026057

You realize these attacks literally just increase compassion for and solidarity with the victim group, right?

>> No.13026073

you can, but do you think that's going to happen? even japan is failing to keep its borders tight in the face of lowering population. the economics are all set up for more and more people, until that changes, governments won't.

do what? im not going to get my hands dirty if that's what you think, like i said, thats for the people that get tricked into joining the army.

just like it increased the compassion and solidarity for all the white people killed by shitskins blowing themselves up? everybody is tired of that narrative already. most people will feel bad until they hear yet another story about shitskin violence.

>> No.13026080

Who gives a shit? Turk, Paki, Arab, who gives a fuck? It's all the same inbred shit

>> No.13026097

Fighting the invaders yourselves instead of your own government is the problem. Killing innocents to accelerate the state of things and hoping people continue what you've done isn't that effective if most people don't see the way you do. I can tell you now that /pol/'s ideology is really fringe, most whites do not care for a race war. Nor has the thought crossed most of their minds, especially for those younger than the boomer generation. Most whites have never lived next to immigrant families, they self segregate and ignore the issue. At worst they will grumble about it when they see them around and that's it. The problem hasn't become bad enough for this strategy to work.

>> No.13026107

>Muslim Shitskin invader

>> No.13026114

If they literally followed law and came in legally, they are innocent. If you follow the law and move to let's say, Japan to teach English or something, are you saying you're an invader and should be killed? I don't think so. Granted maybe some extremist Japanese would be okay with killing you.

>> No.13026153

However I will say I am not pro immigration at all, but I am a lawfag. I think immigrating is a privilege and those who break the promise to behave in their new residence should face way harsher penalties and be kicked out immediately if they don't follow the law. I also don't believe in granting citizenship to outsiders, only permanent residence. But I never understood the idea of being capitalist yet wanting to "repel invaders" if said invaders are law abiding and doing work for you. The only argument I see is culture displacement, but that is solved by having stricter immigration and rules for it.

>> No.13026415

>Japan to teach English or something, are you saying you're an invader and should be killed?

If you plan on staying, yes

>> No.13026581
File: 72 KB, 226x263, 1409519354086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YOU caused this, /biz/.

>> No.13026589
File: 119 KB, 613x530, bigboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All those who lost money in bitconnect financed terrorism !
Y'all about to get vanned.

>> No.13026597
File: 34 KB, 619x453, 1536383824405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, this is the end of 4chan. It's the final nail in the coffin. It's been an honor shitposting with you frens.

>> No.13026601

Look at this cuck faggot, I've been on /biz/ since it was created

>> No.13026605

>true chads
>post anime

>> No.13026622

Anyone post the vid yet?


>> No.13026623

Not all /pol/acks!