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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 834 KB, 3000x2000, warren-buffet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1301925 No.1301925 [Reply] [Original]

Is he full of shit?

>> No.1301952

He talks a good populist game.
But I think Hilary still gets the Dem nomination.

>> No.1301969

What about his investment philosophy?

>> No.1301973

what about it?

>> No.1301979

Well the value investing thing.
I don't think he's buying trump coin maybe we should tell him about it

>> No.1301981

>his investment philosophy
Well, some people here claim he founded Robin Hood.
But I've also heard that it was the Jews.

>> No.1301985

he's literally embarrassed to be rich. don't follow anything he does

>> No.1302047

??? Explain?

>> No.1302051


this, he is a fucking cuck
any book or manifesto he writes will get you nowhere

>> No.1302063
File: 31 KB, 720x368, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Click here
No he's not you two are just a pair of pussies. He was a raider in the 70's. He would take no hostages.

He isn't embarressed about being rich he just isn't like >>1302051 you who would go out and buy rims and all that gay shit he would sooner have the freedom

Although his method of acquiring wealth would be hard to replicate he is one of the best of our times

>> No.1302068

But does he know about Trump coin?

>> No.1302069

No what is it...

>> No.1302071

>that image
>your response
he lives in fucking North Dakota, doing absolutely nothing

he is a cuck

>> No.1302074

He lives in Omaha you fucking idiot you don't know anything

>> No.1302078

same shit, middle of fucking nowhere

my point stands,

steven cohen and soros would literally destroy this faggot

>> No.1302081

>steven cohen
obviously, their net worths say otherwise

What do you trade by the way?

>> No.1302085

>What do you trade by the way?
How much of warren buffet's dick do you suck everyday kid?

>> No.1302094

He's not full if shit, times are completely different now and his philosophy is almost obsolete except for some basic underlying principles, but nothing practical or applicable

>> No.1302099

I'll leave you and the other children to the Trumpcoin and Bitcoin :)

>> No.1302109

thanks m8

>> No.1302111

What is obsolete about it? Buy great companies at great prices. BTW he made most of his money with his cigar but strategy in the 50's when he was a true value investor. But has the NAV of his fund grew he couldn't employ the same techniques so he recruited Charlie number. If you're still operating on a small fund under 100 mill his cigarbut strategy offers incredible rates of return.

I was really just trolling /biz/ hates anyone that isn't a complete asshole in the media. And they are completely retarded (meme stocks and cryto's).

>> No.1302181

Cigar butt only works if you're liquidating. For small investors buying shares in a company with shit PE ratio and no obvious growth potencial is just bad investing.

If you think the company is cheap/under valued and does have good growth potencial then by all means invest, but that hardly counts as cigar butt investing.

>> No.1303045

Obviously he's full of shit. I mean, look at all the shilling he does on youtube for his supposed "investment opportunities"!....

Oh wait...

>> No.1303454

Go back to your cave Folehogt, nobody asked for your opinion.

>> No.1303518

What if he shits on TrumCoin though? It's pretty much over then, and TrumpCoin still has a lot to prove

>> No.1304189

I buy shit below liquation value all the time. Just wait 2 years for it to turn around. If you buy a stock below liquation value one of three things happen. Company get acquired, company solves there own issues, or the liquidate. All of which you make money on. Backtested this strategy makes around 16% CAGR with slippage and trading expensives factored in. The academics think it makes between 20-30% though.

>> No.1304196

>Not realizing I was trolling
>Not realizing just how shit Trump coin is shit.

There is no fucking way any intuitional investors would touch this toxic shit

>> No.1305396

>In 1961, Buffett revealed that Sanborn Map Company accounted for 35% of the partnership's assets. He explained that in 1958 Sanborn stock sold at only $45 per share when the value of the Sanborn investment portfolio was $65 per share. This meant that buyers valued Sanborn stock at "minus $20" per share and were unwilling to pay more than 70 cents on the dollar for an investment portfolio with a map business thrown in for nothing which earned him a spot on Sanborn's board.
He was a product of his time. Information is too plentiful nowadays to make money like he did. Back in the 50s he would pore through newspaper archives and head in person to Moody's or the SEC and request documents stretching back decades that no other investors ever bothered with. His strategy is basically reading anything he can get his hands on for 16 hours a day, absorbing information and getting a good sense on whether a company is undervalued based on everything he knows about the industry.

>> No.1305523


He knows he has to pretend to feel bad about being rich and pretend to hate capitalism or the lib tard media will go after him. So he just plays like he's a cheerful grandpa that just stumbles into shit.

>> No.1305566
File: 261 KB, 2000x1500, 2000px-Maslow's_Hierarchy_of_Needs.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't say his strategy is not applicable today. Just you need to find info that no one else has. Which is pretty damn easy when noone can be asked to do it b/c they've got so much easy info available. The exchange rate for drinks, drugs, women etc... for information is pretty good if you're not an aspy.
Go on Retreats, Firewalks and whatever else these people who are all looking to get an edge are doing and you'll get some decent inside scoop if you're good enough at asking the right questions to get an echoed feeling for their sentiment.
Empathy and compassion go a long way. There is always some piece of life's puzzle that you've got that someone else is missing.

>> No.1305730

>in the 50's when he was a true corporate raider

>> No.1306124

>Information is too plentiful nowadays

There is basically no analyst coverage of non-US small caps, and few information surrounding them.

>> No.1306996

.....well said but the other thing about him is his great knowledge of risk and probability.

It is said that if he is really interested in what you have to say, business wise, he will ask you, "How much would you charge to insure the Olympics from a terrorist attack?"

That's why he loves Ajit Jain so much on the Berkshite team. Ajit knows that stuff and earns huge money for Berkshire.

>> No.1307158

If information is to plentiful nowadays and thus no abnormal profit can be made then your saying emh hold true.

>> No.1307183

Too oversensitive to paradigm shifts. If you're going to invest, you just have to follow shifts on at least a basic level.

>> No.1307255

What do you mean by paradigm shifts.

>> No.1307295

He bought lots of apple! I mean he doesn't seem to follow his own principles anymore...

Time has passed over him and he is not in touch of present day. Electric cars have been taking huge leaps -> if he would have bought tesla motors or big energy companies(not oil but eletricity producers), or damn even some cannabis company.

>> No.1307323

He doesn't buy a lot of tech overall because he doesn't understand it well. So he does follow his principles to a degree. Also you can't just hop onto everything in hopes of it landing on the money. Rockets do blow up and thats not his game.

He's too old to understand that shit.

He doesn't like commodities or any business that has to do with them. Although he's jumped on board recently to oil equities as it's obvious to everyone that they are undervalued.

>> No.1308047

A 101 on gathering information today? Want to begin trading/investing. What are sike good sites to subscribe to?