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File: 781 KB, 2459x1809, BEEREXIT_lil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13016417 No.13016417 [Reply] [Original]

I can't believe no one here is talking about this. How do I short the UK? How do I bet on a no deal? How do I short the pound?

>> No.13016423

>how do I short the pound
This shit is simple you dumb fuck.

Anyway, brexit will get extended into new year and then there will another referendum or a general election, and it ultimately won’t happen now.

>> No.13016433

>no deal
>short £
There will be an extension
The pound will rally after the EU elections in May
The UK will have a change of prime minister
A soft brexit will be had

>> No.13016457

>There will be an extension
>A soft brexit will be had
How do you know? By my take on things a no deal is the most likely outocme. Everyone is saying that. The Betfair odds are like 7:1 tho.

>> No.13016498

>everyone is saying that
Theres your answer. Do you think MP's have any agenda other than to remain in power?

>> No.13016530

Well it's mostly the European side thinking there will be a no deal, while Brits tend to think the EU will bend over backwards for whatever gets through their Parliament

>> No.13016613

no deal is bullish for £.
look at the charts, every recent vote thats gotten them closer to no deal has seen a rise.
EUR in trouble soon.

>> No.13016740

looks like just the first of many to leave in the coming decade. shame the uk couldn't remain a nice white society for their exit, maybe we'll see some cleaning up sooner or later since that'll be their main advantage as the shitskin problem continues to escalate.

>> No.13016853

Dumb fucks ITT:

The market already knows about Theresa's incompetence and has factored it in to the prices. You have no extra knowledge.

>> No.13017409
File: 18 KB, 220x303, 220px-Pedro_Sánchez_in_2018d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks your extension
>demands gibraltar
hand it over bongs

>> No.13017416

be me.. 270 iq... instantly know brexit will never happen after vote to leave europe results in brexit.. even when ppl say stasying in is no longer poissbile.. be me and bet my money on no brexit... kys for being the only smart person in the world and feel lonely

>> No.13017424

proof faggot or worst flex in world

>> No.13017432

>trying to trade assets that are priced off of macro economic shit
trading the general the crypto system is already hard asf and there are only like 30 coins that even matter. How in the fuck do retail macro traders make profit. There are thousands of variables in brexit alone, and that doesn't consider all the other shit you have to take into account as well.

Seems more luck dumb luck desu

>> No.13017553

ave a punt, aye


>> No.13017586
File: 98 KB, 640x420, united states dollar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The US has published its objectives for a proposed trade agreement with the UK – and its thinking highlights just how weak Britain’s bargaining position will be in the post-Brexit global economy.

>The emphasis is very much on the UK aligning itself with US standards. This will have major implications. It will move the UK away from the EU standards it currently has.

>The US is taking a tough line from the outset on a number of issues. With US agricultural imports would also come US agricultural and sanitary and phytosanitary standards, which are in place to protect against diseases. For British farmers, the wholesale removal of trade barriers with the US may also come at a time when the industry is particularly vulnerable. Following Brexit, British agriculture will lose access to the EU subsidies it receives through the Common Agricultural Policy.

>When it comes to services, US demands are much more dramatic. Central to US plans will be to privatise and deregulate British services, such as healthcare provision or utilities and infrastructure, to enable easy market access for internationally-engaged American enterprises. These same corporations are actively engaged in the trade agreement process on the US side.

>American ambitions for bringing UK regulations in line with its own also extends to trade of digital goods and services, potentially causing a tremendous shift away from EU regulations, which concern everything from intellectual property rights to data protection and digital privacy.


>> No.13017799

The best thing about Brexit is that the Brits are finally learning their place in the modern world. The EU can survive without the UK, but the Brits just figured they were too important and the EU would do anything to keep them.

>> No.13017853
File: 116 KB, 808x481, empiretrade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the funniest thing about bongs. They accidentally half the world because they - by sheer chance - inhabited a highly strategic geopolitical position just when people learned to make ocean-crossing ships.

They look fondly at this past as though it were the product of bong excellence and not just sheer blind luck.

They don't even seem realize the world isn't composed of european nation-states surrounded by pre-industrial shitholes anymore.

They can't seem to grasp that they live in an era of superpowers, nations almost as large as entire continents filled with several times the population of britain, all speaking a common language and engaging in the most free market system in human history, are a thing, and that britain, as some largely irrelevant island has no hope in hell of having a fraction as much influence.

>> No.13018059
File: 113 KB, 1051x801, British-GDP-Growth-since-1949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry fritz but the EU is heading into the toilet, the euro is fucked due to draghi. Euro skeptic parties are still rising and the may election will fill the euro parliament with even more anti-eu meps.
Also the entire euro zone economy growth is stagnant for years now. France is a mess and germany the biggest eu contributor is entering recession. Trust in the ruling (((elite))) is in free fall and the future is not looking good for the EU globalist project.
Total delusion, we're the 5th largest economy, London only recently slipped into second place of the worlds biggest financial centres, majority of gold is traded there and is a leader in development and regulation of financial markets.
London is also pretty big in world on developing AI and blockchain. More than any other EU country.
Read this, includes a subtle BSV shill, nchain patents are flying in.
If we don't leave the EU, we'll just keep getting held back. pic related, our gdp growth rate since joining the EU in 73. We tied ourselves to a bunch of mongoloid nations. We have to leave.

>> No.13018112

He, looks like there's one that hasn't learnt yet. Oh well, he'll learn soon.

>> No.13018114

Brexit is just a showcase for the rest of the EU and the world, what hasstle you have to go through to leave it. Don't ever think about it because (((they))) want the one world government.

>> No.13018124

>a subtle BSV shill
oh, I'm sorry, I missed that, I understand now

>> No.13018956

in what reality spain can force anything? they have problems holding catalonia, getting overrun by africans and get governed by traitors. how should they claim land? its just a meme to get some votes by old delusional people

>> No.13019001

bro, britain is known to be governed by (((them))). britain lost ww2 as much as germany did. bongs pretend to be still a super power and everyone is speaking english to speak with them. while they get colonized by their former colonies. they lose scotland (soon not even an island anymore) and they dont realise that people speak in fact american. delusional.

>> No.13019003

Uk will vote again for remain but from then on they will be forced to be a normal member, not as a US carrier with extra benefits.

ECB should just market short the pound an put them out of this misery.

>> No.13019614

That poster didn't talking about claiming land or using force. They talked about blocking agreements, deadline extensions, etc. And Spain absolutely can, even for corrupt reasons like blackmailing the UK to hand over Gibraltar. Any single country can, as all of these Brexit-related resolutions need to be passed unanimously in Council of the European Union, where every member country gets a vote.

>> No.13019758
File: 97 KB, 480x640, 1550509071189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SEETHING JOHNNY FOREIGNER, the world literally revolves around us