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File: 494 KB, 4232x3174, donald-trump-has-surged-to-the-top-of-2-new-2016-polls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1301506 No.1301506 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1301514

People are dumping in response to bitcoin's pump, so now is the best time to buy actually.

>> No.1301529

Your good all the way until November anon.

>> No.1301630

>People are dumping in response to bitcoin's pump
Whats funny is if they just held, TRUMP would continue to rise, and at same time the value of each Sitoshi would be rising. That's profiting on two coins while holding one.

>> No.1301716

At this point it's probably better to invest money in mining bitcoin at genesis mining, then putting 50% of your profits into trump and the other 50% keeping in BTC to see what happens to value after halving.

uOVJfv - promo code for Genesis that gives an extra 3% hash power of ordered amount.

>> No.1301783

Totally not scam.

>> No.1301788

Too late, no.

Worth it? Fuck no.

>> No.1301846

now is a good time to invest in Trump Coins to be honest. It has just reached a 10 day low after a high week last week after the launch of the first video.

this is just the first of the rises in the price of trump. there are 5 months until the election, there will be many more rises as time goes on. it is natural that the price will rise, then fall a little. you can look at any stock to see this happen a million times.

i get daily profit from mining btc, each day i buy trumps with it. yesterday i got 250 trumps, today i have just bought 350 trumps with the same deposit amount.

if you are looking for a short term profit, buying under 6000 is a good price, you'll make double in 4 weeks. if you are going to hold it for several months, any price is good in the near future. you'll make 10x, 20x even by the election.

>> No.1302191

It seems to be down a bit because of this BTC rise, now would seem like a good time to buy while people are selling their trumps.

Trumps have until November to make yuge gains anyhow.

>> No.1302203

Trumpcoin is shit. Trumpcoiners are shit.

Just thought I'd express that. Carry on.

>> No.1302210



>> No.1302620

I wanna jump on this ship, any rich fags willing to send a small amount


>> No.1302817

Sent 10 to get you started.

>> No.1303122



>> No.1303130


>> No.1303200


>> No.1303216

any btc I receive will go to the Trump Campaign

>> No.1303247

>not reputable

>> No.1303249
File: 76 KB, 639x799, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy ethereum its actually rising faster than btc and trump right now

>> No.1304018

Trumpcoin will be worth between 1-14$ by Dec 1.

I'm buying another 300 bucks worth when I get off work. hope I'm able to get around 10k, I know I'll dollar cost average the price up as I buy, but maybe I'll get lucky.
That'll put me at 60k trumps.

>> No.1304109


>Not posting Trumpcoin addresses

>> No.1304134

Currently has over 50,000 of these coins, if it reaches a dollar i will buy you all some chicken tendies.

>> No.1304138

Since they could post their trump address i will


If anyone has any to spare for a poorfag I would love to get more TRUMP

>> No.1304268

What wallet do you have?
You using yobit?

>> No.1304470
File: 32 KB, 512x512, GZJFhvIh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought as many my poor ass could afford. If anyone is feeling generous..


Sending emails to a bunch of different conservative news outlets.

>> No.1304482
File: 237 KB, 514x845, makecyrptogreatagain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. You faggots want this work? Start shilling. Libertarian, trump, republican, alt-right websites. facebook, twitter....get on it

>> No.1304490

Where did you buy from?

>> No.1304505
File: 5 KB, 225x225, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did anyone ever contact Milo Yiannopoulos? I remember reading someone said they were going to. I guess I'll contact him again regardless.

>> No.1304511
File: 563 KB, 895x680, interviewtrumpcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1304530

Guys how do i buy trumpcoins? Im a noob at this online currency stuff

>> No.1304575
File: 5 KB, 204x129, 156273552736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to yobit.net and setup an account
>Go to coinbase.com set up an account
>Buy Bitcoin through coinbase
>Transfer coinbase bitcoin to YoBit.net
>Buy trumpcoin with bitcoin on YoBit.net
> Donate me some trumpcoin for being helpful ;)


>> No.1304580

Ok guys I have approx 1500 coins in my Trumcoin wallet on my PC. All synced and opened for hours. Shouldn't it be "mining"? I mean shouldnt it be increased as many here said?

>> No.1304595

Bro, the number of coins doesn't increase.... The value of each coin increases.

Toss me some for the help ;)


>> No.1304632
File: 21 KB, 703x568, delay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yah man, it takes a while to get started. Sometimes you go hours without a drop, other times is 3 in 5 minutes. It's really not a lot. Just keep your wallet unlocked and wait.

>> No.1304746

Did you make sure to encrypt/create a password and then unlock your wallet?

>> No.1304830


Will send you when I get home.

Yeah thats probably it, will do. Thanks

>> No.1304847

Accepting TrumpCoin donations now -


thank you, and MAGA!

>> No.1304949

that isn't true. you get more trump coins if you leave your wallet open and unencrypted.

>> No.1305036

Did you, they haven't came through. But thanks if you did try :^)

>> No.1305083


Oh yeah, you need to post a Trumpcoin address not a BTC address. All Trump addresses start with T.

>> No.1305249

>GXY is literally being shilled on Australian national news right now
>Chumps still buying memecoins.

>> No.1305264

Gxy was pumped months ago. You're still shilling that shit?

>> No.1305303

Of course. GXY is lithium. A real tangible product that there is growing demand for.

What can you do with Trump coins again? Oh thats right, nothing.

>> No.1305360

>What can you do with Trump coins again? Oh thats right, nothing.
You mean, making money, making America Great Again, donating and pushing the donation rate higher for President Trump is nothing?

>> No.1305377

So their value is going to fucking tank the moment the donation is made? Wow. Great pyramid scheme. Everyone loses!

>> No.1305522

Value will drop by 3% when the donation is made, since they are 3% of all the Trumpcoin in existence.

Meanwhile GXY bagholders will be calling suicide hotline after some dude at Macquarie shorted their meme stock back down to its actual value below 10c.

>> No.1308055

But the donation is the only purpose for their existence. Once that donation is made all Trump coins are essentially worthless. People were only buying them to increase the value of the donation.
No online merchant accepts trump coins, you can't use trumpcoins to do computering like Ether. It's a joke.

>> No.1308222

From all the shilling going on, I say this is the best time to jump into the train.
>bought into btc when it was $5.0
>bought into eth when it was $0.3

>> No.1308236
File: 15 KB, 859x295, 8646546846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know about TETH
>He thinks the coin needs the donation to have value (when it didn't before)
>He is about to miss the Trump Train and soon to need round the clock suicide watch teams

>> No.1308241
File: 71 KB, 960x639, bashful Nixon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hate to be a beggar, but I just got this and have no idea how to buy some

>> No.1308249
File: 17 KB, 315x313, Nixon Yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to the generous anon


>> No.1308265

Don't fall for cloud mining ponzi schemes folks. Those 50% returns per week just aint gonna happen. It sounds too good to be true because it is.

>> No.1308286

No worries Nixonbro.

>> No.1308306

>No online merchant accepts trump coins, you can't use trumpcoins to do computering like Ether. It's a joke.
At the moment you can't. Some things are in the works that will appear after the Convention, timed to coincide with the beginning of the campaign proper.
>Pay with Trump Coin

>> No.1308404

I believe that trumpcoin can make us rich but i'm new to cryptocurriences and i don't know if i did everything properly. Can i get somethin like 1 trumpcoin to see if it works ? TTt4SB4sHS5VcEGAhN82VBLBrD1Lrg2Bcf

>> No.1308431

there you go.

>> No.1308654

Just picked up $1000 of Trumpcoin.

>> No.1308682


>> No.1309014

This guy will be on suicide watch soon lel

>> No.1309022

If Ron Paul coin could make it past $10 with less world wide notoriety than Donald Trump in 2012.... TRUMP coin will far surpass $10... probably will hit 15 or 20 if we're lucky enough. If Donald becomes pres? then we're head past 20 to da moooooooon

>> No.1309168

it works mate. it's cool if you want to ask for free coins, plenty of people have done it & do it. be honest though and just say you're begging. pretending that you're new when you have figured out how to get a wallet is weak game, Mr IP Reset. Buy $5 of btc and by trump. Make Donald proud.

>> No.1310118

New to this as well. If anyone could spare some trump coins and donate I would forever thank you.


>> No.1310151


>> No.1310159

How? All I'm asking for is a small donation. Just so I can learn this.

>> No.1310196




>> No.1310720

TFW waiting on my check so I can crypto out. Won't be here until Friday. Everything is going to the Moon and my investment grows weaker and weaker.

>> No.1310999

Sent a couple so you can test wallet. No more donations from me after these ones unless you at least post some Ivanka.

>> No.1311045

Proud owner of 2104 TRUMP.

When do you guys think this is going to go up? Obviously by the convention.

>> No.1311061

i own some and i see that is pumping very slow ....

>> No.1311124

It will blow up by November bro. just hold on to them and get ready!

>> No.1311156
File: 332 KB, 324x618, madman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

18 y/o idiot that knows nothing about anything here, can someone donate me some Trumpcoin to let me see how this works? I am very new to this. Can be a minuscule amount, I just want to make sure I have this working.


Thank you anons

>> No.1311214

it works. quit being a faggot and learn about it

>> No.1311219
File: 733 KB, 1440x2164, GodEmperor'sDaughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1310999 (checked)
>post some Ivanka
Different anon, would this be alright??

>> No.1311222 [DELETED] 


Apparently it has to sync or something, don't send any donations yet I guess.

I'm on a cryptocurrency exchange right now and I see you can't purchase them for USD, instead you have to buy bitcoin, then trade the bitcoin for TRUMP.

New to all of this, learning slowly

>> No.1311227

there is literally a website that tells you what to do and how to do it

>> No.1311235
File: 221 KB, 1600x1200, im still alive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't donate. It has to finish some sort of sync first, I cannot receive until then.

Will dump 50 USD tomorrow morning, C-CEX is a bit too complicated for now.

Good night, MAGA

>> No.1311267

You're syncing with the blocks. You'll need a couple hours for it to sync everything, after that it should work fine.

Anything sent to you will make it eventually after the sync.

>> No.1311332


whats the website called?

>> No.1311336



>> No.1311338


cheers man

>> No.1311340

>10k Trump Coin sell order @ 3600 right now

someone bottled it and decided that it was a good idea to take a small profit or a loss than hold on to Trump and wait for the real rise to start in a few weeks. Meanwhile i picked up another 400 trump for pennies. For $10 i won't ever miss, i'll get back a few hundred $$$ when the leaves start to change.

>> No.1311341
File: 20 KB, 249x249, 1456901491349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw been looking at that same order for the last 10 minutes but still waiting for funds to transfer

>> No.1311350

It always looks like the guy behind trump is shaving his head.

>> No.1311441
File: 119 KB, 683x1024, 1456902491349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting a favourite Ivanka

and if anyone is feeling really generous ty

>> No.1311448

No Ivanka, no Trumps.


I'm feeling mighty generous at the moment, if anyone is looking for more Trumps post some more Ivanka.

>> No.1311455
File: 70 KB, 620x933, 1422080983754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same dude but willing to share some rare Ivankas with Trump himself

>> No.1311459
File: 480 KB, 960x1553, 1411030887359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have any tips other than shilling on twitter and facebook to keep the Trump train chugging?

>> No.1311461

Shilling on Reddit, keeping the /biz/ and btctalk threads bumped, /pol/, omegle even. There are plenty of places. I've been behind this coin a while, shilled it all over the place.

>> No.1311463

no OP, it's never too late to lose all your money

>> No.1311846

Buy the dip or call it quits goys?

>> No.1311861

Trumpcoin is a fucking joke. You think the memes surrounding a doomed political candidate is going to increase demand?

Trump supporters can't figure out how to buy crypto, fagboys- pandering to them was a lost cause

>> No.1311893


Come on, he's more than likely going to win.

>> No.1312128
File: 73 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good guy TeumpCoin Dev....FUDS his own thread to let everyone get in cheap one last time

>> No.1312179

Ive never seen a DEV give a 2 week notice before.

>> No.1312191

>70% disapproval rating

>> No.1312420

testament to a solid coin
mate the last crop of polls have been massively skewed

>> No.1312446 [DELETED] 


watch this video you can earn some good dough part-time not legal though but doesnt seem risky at all if you do it quitely without telling anyyone
