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File: 32 KB, 862x546, skycoin-862x546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13009747 No.13009747 [Reply] [Original]

Would you have bought it? People don't realise how absurdly cheap this shit is, it's fucking $1 HOLY SHIT. Stack up on as much as you can and hold on to it for another 2-4 months for an easy 10x, then thank me later.

People don't realise how much of a bargain something is before it shoots up in price, then they'll parrot the same normie shit like "I would take out a loan if it dropped to $1" LMAO. Stay poor.

>> No.13009776

I’ll buy when the market cap dips below $1mil

>> No.13009806

U think your shitcoin is cheap now. Just wait till btc dips to 2k and its less than 50 cents.

>> No.13009848

Keep dreaming. BTC is going sideways then moon over the next 3-6 months. If it wanted to dump to 2k it would have done so already. Sellers are clearly exhausted and the market is waiting for monumental news to make big moves.

>> No.13010133

The thing that sky bag holders refuse to acknowledge is that the official explanation for the Synth kidnapping makes Skycoin look even worse than if it were a fake kidnapping. At least if it were fake it would show a certain level of devious intelligence in manipulating a bunch of bagholders into being dumped on. Instead the idea that Synth managed to get himself kidnapped by his own marketing team displays a truly shocking level of incompetence on his part.

Why would anyone in their right mind invest in a man who is so bad at reading people and evaluating risk that he accidentally hires literal gangsters as his marketers? This isn’t just a case of a company getting scammed this is a man who is unable to discern whether the people he has put his trust into will break into his house and rob him or not. It’s like the retarded kid at school who doesn’t realise that the people he thinks are his ‘friends’ are really just taking advantage of him. It’s truly sad if you think about it. Never invest in anyone who is so incompetent that they can’t even get basic hiring decisions right.

>> No.13010220

Mistakes happen bud. Project is still going strong and looking bright.

>> No.13010235


Actually addressing this tired copy pasta fud.

Maybe you are a retard.

>> No.13010271

The saddest part about Skycoin is that it’s not even a very successful scam. Its price is in the gutter and will stay there until going even lower. Meanwhile utility tokens and coins like /name omitted/, BNB, HOT, and XLM have steadily gained in value and climbed the cmc charts for the last 6 months. If only you’d listened. Instead you bought bags of pure shit that are now worth a fraction of what they once were and the only thing keeping you going is the delusional rantings of Steve and synth with literally no confirmation from the outside world that they’re right. Steve literally claims that oracles don’t exist. He’s the only one in the blockchain space that claims this.

Meanwhile /name omitted/ accumulates customer after customer (swift, Corda), endless partnerships, acquisition after acquisition (oraclize, town crier) and growing media recognition from legitimate publications (Tech review, WSJ). What does Skycoin have? A tattoo on the back of an old junkie. lol.

>> No.13010297

Absolutely delusional. ‘Mistakes happen’. Only a complete idiot would manage to get himself kidnapped by his own marketing team. The project is not looking bright. It has shit volume, long term price decline no media attention to speak of and only rises and falls with btt price movements along with the rest of shitcoins with no inherent value

>> No.13010389

>Synth should be able to read minds
Lol, did you even read what you're pasting?

>> No.13010398

Nobody cares about Hydro, anon.

>> No.13010435

>people you know
>come to your house
>let them in because you know them

Oh man, yeah, what was he thinking letting people he knows and works with in to his home.

>> No.13010521

Synth said that once sky dips under 5$, he had a bunch of billionaire investors guaranteed to start buying.

>> No.13010541
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>> No.13010607

>Wew I'm so glad I bought pets.com stocks they are huuuuuuuge! ow fuck they crashed and went bankrupt
>Wew I'm so glad I bought amazon stocks, they have great tech and a vision for the future, it doesn't matter if the stock isnt in the billions with the other dot coms right now, they at least know what they are doing


>> No.13010628

Seems high risk to me. 5% of my portfolio.

>> No.13010656

This is how coins and stocks work. Do you understand valuation? Or do you think PoW/PoS schemes are magic like that, lol.

>> No.13010687

skycoin isnt pos or pow retard

>> No.13010798

I wasn't talking about Skycoin. I was talking about other coins and how their distributions work.

>> No.13010814

cool we are talking about skycoin here

>> No.13010821

That's true, and we're comparing it to other coins and how doing OTC things is pretty normal.

>> No.13010832

it isnt unless its a scam ICO. please leave newfag

>> No.13010865

sykycam is still operating? lmao
this will follow XBY footsteps.

>> No.13010868

lol k

>> No.13010887

So Ethereum was a scam by your definition?
BNB too? What about Stellar, IOTA, NEO?
Everything except for PoW which is a horrible consensus model must be a scam according to you

Also Sky barely had an ICO compared to other projects

>> No.13010901

This honestly. How could they have known beforehand that they were dealing with crazy people? Yo my knowledge, they had no prior arrests or citations or anything.

>> No.13010905

Of course it's still operating. It's strong enough to withstand the bullshit it was subjected to.

>> No.13010926

YES I am part of the ass ticklers faggots fanclub, and I hold SKY

>> No.13010984

you can mine ethereum for a block reward, not skycoin. ethereums ico was a stupid idea, and really only existed to make founding members rich (notice how a majority of "cofounders" arent there anymore)

BNB purely exists only to make binance money, stellar is an airdrop shitcoin, IOTA is absolutely a trash scam, and NEO is the original chinese hustle

>> No.13011043


>> No.13011065

Legit scam

>> No.13011091

Therin lies the non-scam nature of Skycoin not trying to stack ICO sales up in one initial selloff.

>> No.13011102


The best coin can't be a scam coin. And you can only pick one.

>> No.13011143

So Sky which barely had an ICO then should not be considered a scam then? Right?

>> No.13011372

youre getting too hung up on the word "ICO". its not about when they sold its about what theyre selling.

point is, skycoin has been offering coins for sale for almost 5 years now, and the supply STILL has to double before synth runs out of coins to add to the supply and sell to whales.

being able to add coins to the circulating supply whenever you want, essential turning air into money, is not a property of a decentralized system. neither is hard forking the network to freeze peoples funds like they did after the "kidnapping" as well.

>> No.13011388

This. Do not listen to this cult to try and convince you that this is not otherwise a scam.

>> No.13011458

Nah, there's a distribution plan in place. Coins are timelocked. It's pretty simple yet effective. Why wouldn't you want the project to have fiscal security via those willing to invest? Like getting mad at Apple for selling stock to people.

They can't add whatever they want, whenever they want, there's a distribution plan. https://christianott.co/skycoin_distribution_en/

While Obelisk is unreleased, freezing stolen assets on employee wallets is indeed possible. That scenario won't be possible when decentralized.

Submit, heathen.

>> No.13011480

>implying I would buy a promise of decentralization

>> No.13011511

I wouldn't either. That's why you wait for Obelisk to be implemented and verify that it works.

>> No.13011559

Their first ICO was when bitcoin was worth $100...they have been fine with finances, and have stated this on multiple occasions. Lets not forget the skyminers they sold for $15000 as well.

that source you linked is not official either and is littered with assumptions and "i dont know"s.

there is currently no plan for coins 14m-25m other than making as much money as possible between now and then. synth has repeatedly stated that he wants to increase mining rewards, yet they have only ever gone down.

>> No.13011618

The source I cited is blessed by the developers. It's an accurate portrayal of the distribution scheme as its outlined in the whitepaper.

>> No.13011630

lol great, so the devs dont even know whats going on

>> No.13011635
File: 67 KB, 794x729, return_to_normal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when synth said he would let it dump "all the way to $5" and instruct the investors to put "the floor" at $5? Remember that?
How's that floor holding up?

>> No.13011675

I just said it's in the whitepaper.

>> No.13011746

im talking about coins 14m-25m. there is no plan or transparency in the distribution of these coins.

id like to see the contract that supposedly time locks these coins as well, but i know it doesnt exist.

>> No.13011824

Oh, of course not. But it's easy to look at the way they've been used up until now.

Development bounties, community competitions, testnet rewards.

>> No.13011850

so bingo games and otc sales

>> No.13011944
File: 2.28 MB, 4032x3024, 13460839-6A43-44BC-9F01-73CFA7D6B7EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just went all-in with over 10 thousand dollars, if btc doesn’t mega dump I predict we’ll get at least 30% based on the juicy chart

>> No.13012029


>> No.13012055

Kek, stay poor

>> No.13012073

I would have to first "become" poor in order to "stay" poor. But yeah buying skycoin would be a good way to achieve that.

>> No.13012125





I mean, you should DYOR as always instead of coming here and sperging out, but here you have the links, or do I need to read it for you as well?

>> No.13012135


>> No.13012172

I just look at charts my dood, and Skycoins is ready to pop

>> No.13012210

"Remember when X said Y and it was wrong LOL, good times"

Remember when biz and reddit said sky is a scam and would exitscam in a year? Yeah didn't happen.

Remember when biz and reddit said Synth would never deliver anything?
Yeah they did.

Remember when biz and reddit said Sky was a scam because it claimed a binance partnership?
Well yeah it was later confirmed and Sky is now a "gold label" on binance. Funny huh?

>> No.13012254

we have already talked about all of this retard, read the thread.

>> No.13012281

The saddest part about Skycoin is that it’s not even a very successful scam. Its price is in the gutter and will stay there until going even lower. Meanwhile utility tokens and coins like /name omitted/, BNB, HOT, and XLM have steadily gained in value and climbed the cmc charts for the last 6 months. If only you’d listened. Instead you bought bags of pure shit that are now worth a fraction of what they once were and the only thing keeping you going is the delusional rantings of Steve and synth with literally no confirmation from the outside world that they’re right. Steve literally claims that oracles don’t exist. He’s the only one in the blockchain space that claims this.

Meanwhile /name omitted/ accumulates customer after customer (swift, Corda), endless partnerships, acquisition after acquisition (oraclize, town crier) and growing media recognition from legitimate publications (Tech review, WSJ). What does Skycoin have? A tattoo on the back of an old junkie. lol.

>> No.13012302

Remember when the head of the project said he was "putting a price floor" at $5 and now it's $1? Good times.

>> No.13012310


>> No.13012350

Nexus is better

>> No.13012381

You retard, you literally said

>im talking about coins 14m-25m. there is no plan or transparency in the distribution of these coins.

>id like to see the contract that supposedly time locks these coins as well, but i know it doesnt exist.

If you would have done as I said you would have seen "75 million coins (75%) are timelocked (hardcoded in skycoin.go scroll down to bottom) and 25 million coins are currently unlocked."

https://github.com/skycoin/skycoin/blob/develop/cmd/skycoin/skycoin.go - This is the one linked in the statement but its quite old now.

https://github.com/skycoin/skycoin/blob/develop/src/skycoin/parameters.go here is current one

And also
"The Skycoin distribution plan consists of a 30% initial distribution, followed by an ongoing maximum distribution of 5% of the coins per year, spread out over at least 14 years. The distribution from 10% to 30% will be through node incentives, and will take at least five years based upon user base growth and the building of a physical network. Distribution beyond the initial 30% will be hard-coded into protocol and time-locked so that coin distribution stays below the 5% maximum. By creating a hard-coded, time-locked distribution policy, we’re ensuring that the distribution stays fair and doesn’t deviate from our original intent." FYI, the 30% in this older statement was changed to 25% which you can see if you read the newer statements

Since Skycoins total supply is 100 mil this means that 30% = 30 mil which answers your question regarding the 14m-25m. As I said in my eariler post

>I mean, you should DYOR as always instead of coming here and sperging out, but here you have the links, or do I need to read it for you as well?

>> No.13012396

Remember when Lighting network was gonna be ready in what 4 months?
Remember when Ethereum sharding was gonna be ready?
Remember when Litecoin was Bitcoins silver?
You cant be right all the time, and it doesnt even matter. What matters is the progress of the project, not the current price.

>> No.13012435

I thought he wanted the price to go back to 1cent?

>> No.13012461

nobody is talking about the 75 mill coins that are locked, and it has already been established that coins 14m-25m are going to be used to line synths pockets. why are you posting? clearly, ive done my research, otherwise i would be as naive as you.

>> No.13012487

I guess by "price floor at $5" he meant "bottomless pit going to $1 and eventually zero". What's amazing is that despite losing 90% in the last year, it could easily lose ANOTHER 90%, because sky has the weakest faggiest whales in crypto.

>> No.13012502


>id like to see the contract that supposedly time locks these coins as well, but i know it doesnt exist.
>the contract that supposedly time locks these coins as well, but i know it doesnt exist.
>contract that supposedly time locks these coins as well, but i know it doesnt exist.
>time locks these coins as well, but i know it doesnt exist.
Your post not mine, I sent you the github you retard, quit sperging and read instead.

>im talking about coins 14m-25m. there is no plan or transparency in the distribution of these coins.

And here I answered with
"The distribution from 10% to 30% will be through node incentives, and will take at least five years based upon user base growth and the building of a physical network."

So I literally only answered the questions you asked but I cant help you read or understand the text over the internet. I'm sorry that your brain is incapable of reading a few sentences.

>> No.13012531

Whats amazing is that a lot of projects run out of funding after the 90% "crash", meanwhile sky keeps rolling as it always have done. Not caring about price because it has never cared about price.

>> No.13012561

The saddest part about Skycoin is that it’s not even a very successful scam. Its price is in the gutter and will stay there until going even lower. Meanwhile utility tokens and coins like /name omitted/, BNB, HOT, and XLM have steadily gained in value and climbed the cmc charts for the last 6 months. If only you’d listened. Instead you bought bags of pure shit that are now worth a fraction of what they once were and the only thing keeping you going is the delusional rantings of Steve and synth with literally no confirmation from the outside world that they’re right. Steve literally claims that oracles don’t exist. He’s the only one in the blockchain space that claims this.

Meanwhile /name omitted/ accumulates customer after customer (swift, Corda), endless partnerships, acquisition after acquisition (oraclize, town crier) and growing media recognition from legitimate publications (Tech review, WSJ). What does Skycoin have? A tattoo on the back of an old junkie. lol.

>> No.13012606

Lol, all these mad Hydro bois.

>> No.13012813

>quit sperging
quit projecting
jesus christ you sound like sudo with this level of aspergers

20m skycoin going to node incentives is clearly a lie

>> No.13013104

Cool where is the distribution plan? It's not in any of the documentation. Where can I audit the code on the release of the tokens?

>> No.13013238

It doesn't care about funding because it has nothing to fund. The off the shelf hardware scams fund themselves. They save money on development by just not doing any, and instead pretending that open source shit pageeted together into folders is "development" lmao

>> No.13013355

The thing that sky bag holders refuse to acknowledge is that the official explanation for the Synth kidnapping makes Skycoin look even worse than if it were a fake kidnapping. At least if it were fake it would show a certain level of devious intelligence in manipulating a bunch of bagholders into being dumped on. Instead the idea that Synth managed to get himself kidnapped by his own marketing team displays a truly shocking level of incompetence on his part.

Why would anyone in their right mind invest in a man who is so bad at reading people and evaluating risk that he accidentally hires literal gangsters as his marketers? This isn’t just a case of a company getting scammed this is a man who is unable to discern whether the people he has put his trust into will break into his house and rob him or not. It’s like the retarded kid at school who doesn’t realise that the people he thinks are his ‘friends’ are really just taking advantage of him. It’s truly sad if you think about it. Never invest in anyone who is so incompetent that they can’t even get basic hiring decisions right.

>> No.13013533

Name 5 good coins that are set to moon if you think sky is shit

>> No.13014082

>two chins
>not even 40 by the look of him

JUSTed by life.

>> No.13014151

It's in the github and in the whitepaper. You haven't even tried https://github.com/skycoin/skycoin/search?q=distribution&unscoped_q=distribution

>> No.13014164

You're not happy with any answer are you? Besides it's otc + node incentives + development rewards, the point isn't to just give everything away it's about growing the network


Nothing to fund lol, created a hardware wallet, software wallet, antenna, a non-forked blockchain, a programming language etc etc. But it's nothing? Solar bankers, MDL etc they are also just for fun? Stefan Brunnhuber is just mentioning obelisk/skyledger it for fun for the UN to risk his position as a reputable person in UN and Club of Rome?

Meanwhile your favorite project has done what? A whitepaper talking about what they are GOING TO DO SOOOOOON?

>> No.13014255

>created a hardware wallet
You would have to be brain damaged to buy a hardware wallet from someone who doesn't even have the opsec awareness to stop his own marketing team robbing him.
>software wallet
Literally thousands of these exist. A child of average intelligence could make one.
>a non-forked blockchain
It doesn't have consensus it's not even a real crypto
>a programming language
Why would ANYONE use a language written by some literally who fiverr Ranjeet who has ZERO credentials?
>Solar bankers, MDL etc they are also just for fun?
Scams. Obvious scams. Even the skyjeets dont buy them.

>> No.13014359

Sure it's a real crypto, it has consensus. Consensus just involves a group of masternodes until decentralized consensus via Obelisk is released.

The higher ups are all of Western blood or Northeast Asian.

MDL seems decent. Solar Bankers is meh in my opinion.

>> No.13014372

Yeah because people with malicious intent usually show it, god-damn all police forces sucks because they can't find all the criminals by looking at them in the face hurr Durr

Nice, that's why it took IOTA more than a year for their Trinity wallet right? That's why the original ethereum wallet sucks donkey dick, right?

It has consensus, uses a masternode system currently which a lot of other projects do. the more you sperg the more you show that you don't have any knowledge.

Why would anyone use a language which is made especially for blockchain applications (not dapps, real programs), geez I wonder who? Maybe companies that wants to utilize blockchains? Maybe they don't want each I/O in a application to cost you money like they do in ethereum or every other "smartmeme gambling" platform?

Of course they are all scams, of course, tell me about a legit project then?

>> No.13014405

>a group of masternodes
There's only one "masternode". The "consensus" is a spreadsheet on synth's laptop holding all the account balances.
>Why would anyone use a language which is blah blah blah?
No anon, the question is why in the world would anyone use a brand new language written by some random fuckface junior dev with no credentials? Do you know how hard it is to develop a robust language? How many thousands of manhours it takes?

>> No.13014507

Sigh, yes it's a masternode consensus until obelisk mainnet is launched. A lot of other projects use the masternode consensus mechanism. This is not a problem. They have released/launched everything they have talked about so why would they not release obelisk when it's ready?

It's not a brand new language, it's a modification of golang fit for blockchain applications and you are just retarded. It doesn't have to take thousands of man hours to write a programming language. Why do you even think so?

>> No.13014548

>This is not a problem
It's a huge problem you fucking brainlet distributed consensus is the whole point of crypto.
>It's not a brand new language, it's a modification of golang
Wow sounds IMPRESSIVE lmao

>> No.13014572

There is no distributed consensus in any crypto currently you dumbfuck, as I said, the more you sperg the more you show your lack of knowledge.

Why would it have to be impressive? It has to be useful, not impressive. But I mean, imo genetic programming is impressive although it's not new.

>> No.13014584

>There is no distributed consensus in any crypto currently you dumbfuck
Wew. Enjoy your database. Hope synth doesn't get put in a headlock by his webdevs and forced to dilute the supply again.

>> No.13014592


Tell me which one is then? What's your favorite project?

>> No.13014670

>literally unironically 1 node

>> No.13014699

Which isn't unusual as you can see.
Are you going to answer what your favorite project is now?

>> No.13014936


>> No.13015103

>please let me slide this thread and take cheap shots at a different project because I have no fucking way of defending my own piece of shit
That's a nah from me f a m lol

>> No.13016077

Tell me if Synth can’t stop his own marketing team kidnapping him what makes you so confident he can’t stop criminals gaining access to the masternode?

>> No.13016133

This UN meme has got to stop. The problem with you shills bringing it up is that people like me then actually google this guy and the talk and realise he’s a non technical expert who in passing mentioned obelisk once to a small room at a minor UN event. The guys like a minor social science academic at a literally who tier university. The fact that he mentioned something called obelisk which he has zero technical understanding of means absolutely nothing. The fact that you paid shills keep bringing it up is a major red flag as if there even needed to be more red flags.

We argue with you for the benefit of the lurkers to stop them wasting their money on Sky.

>> No.13016643

Not a crypto

Funny because I have defended sky while you keep sperging about things you have no idea how it works. Literally "everything is soooo decentralized except for skycoin" when nothing is even close to being decentralized, but you didn't know that

You mean like the DAO hack? It can just be forked if something happened. No other coin is decentralized either as of yet so I don't understand your problem. At least sky is working on a decentralized consensus mechanism compared to all the PoW/PoS projects

Yeah sorry, someone with extensive knowledge of economics and other stuff obviously isn't a vital part in integrating a blockchain into a society. Stefan knows how obelisk and skyledger works which you would know if you watched the video as he talks about and compares Skycoins
double currency system to that of the Swiss double currency system.
And it's not a "minor event" it's a legit discussion about how to improve financing and economics for the future

>> No.13016722

Wen skycoin airgrabs and contests being paid sir pls sirs my familia

>> No.13016935

>neither is hard forking the network to freeze peoples funds like they did after the "kidnapping" as well.

>> No.13016949

OTC wallets are usually time locked, and stolen funds were frozen on Binance side, but fudders skip the facts and interpret it all as "frozen peoples funds" for their own interest.
My guess is that NKN fudders are taking the place of SUB ones in this new cycle.

>> No.13017124


>> No.13017444

Bruh, you deserve a medal for dealing with these silly faggots the way you have. Very honorable.

>> No.13018048
File: 27 KB, 235x372, 8b7f89ef848f35dd315511bfde6df0ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is skycoin a good deal now?
What's the expected price of it, what is realistic ?

>> No.13018271

yes sky has always been a great deal, wouldnt bitcoin at $1 or $20 be good? so is sky