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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13006229 No.13006229 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you started dealing drugs yet, /biz/?

>insane margins (if you do it right)
>no government regulations
>don't have to tax your income
>career prospects if you play your cards right

Pesky moralfags need not apply. What drugs should I buy, /biz/?

>> No.13006243
File: 182 KB, 599x593, 1550744452769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed, why didn't I? Oh, yeah, because it's a market of gigantic fucking risks, utterly cornered by feds and businessmen. If you think dealing drugs is a viable job in 2019, you're in for a rude awakening, probably with a machete in your back or a couple of bullets in your skull.

>> No.13006267

>it's a market of gigantic fucking risks
And gigantic fucking rewards. If you find a good wholesale dealer of for example LSD, you can either reduce risks involved by hiring middle-men, or maximize your profits by working on the customer service end of things. The risks involved depend which sector of the market you enter, and what customer base you establish.
>utterly cornered by feds and businessmen.
What are you, retarded? Just practice proper OPSEC you imbecile.

>> No.13006281
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K. Write us from prison, you home-grown Tony Montana. Hope your ass survives at least a couple of years so we can all laugh at you.

>> No.13006300

succesful dark net vendor

>> No.13006309

Explain how you do everything. Step by step. Don't go into detail but give us the jiss

>> No.13006320

don't give him shit

>> No.13006322

> Peddler of larps
I'll take 1

>> No.13006324

How much for your finest bag of crack, my good man?

>> No.13006338

Intreated to know some ideas if not larp.

Have seriously consider this for a while, just need to figure out best method of getting the drugs at a wholesale price into AUS safely (shipping container most likely) but without huge capital to start

Or maybe trying to drop ship from other vendors?

>> No.13007277

How do you avoid heat?

As I have never bought drugs I literally have no idea how it works. Have bought steroids though and it's handy. There's forums etc where suppliers are discussed. Not on the dark net.

>> No.13007284

You do understand that 4chan is already compromised a decade ago right?

>> No.13007302

I think it depends on where you live. Where I live its kinda easy to get some extra money providing party people with dope (espicially abroaders who come to party here, you can charge them an easy 2 times the price)

>> No.13007333
File: 24 KB, 430x342, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 post by this id
Pic related

>> No.13007369

Believe it or not but being a successful criminal requires social skills, something 90% of this board doesn't have.